A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 383 giegie, you hurt me (5K)

Chapter 383 giegie~You hurt me~ (5K)

"Why didn't you speak just now?" Rogge turned and stared at the rabbit. It huddled in the corner, shivering. Oak Castle has been acting strangely since entering it.

It shrank in the narrow gap between the cabinet and the wall, its voice trembling and weak, as if a gust of wind could blow it away: "I..." As soon as it said a word, it quickly shut up.

Seeing that it was unwilling to speak, Rogge pressed him and asked, "Do you know Kashchei? Or did you escape from here?"

The rabbit didn't understand how the little wizard guessed it, but as long as he didn't admit it, his guess was not true.

"Say!" Rogge's tone became more severe, "Otherwise, tonight's supper will be spicy rabbit heads."

"I don't know, I don't know anything." Rabbit screamed, squeezing his body deeper into the gap, not daring to raise his head to face the compelling gaze.

Seeing that it would kill it, Rogge sat back in his chair helplessly. His eyes fell through the window on the calm lake in the distance. The scenery of Oak Castle is peaceful and pleasant, making people calm down involuntarily.

"Phoenix, container, Maria..." These seemingly unrelated clues flashed through his mind.

Then he thought of Kashchei's mysterious daughters. Of course, what Rogge cannot forget the most is not their elegant figures and charming dancing, but their near-immortal lifespan.

Even wizards live much longer than Muggles, but they will eventually die due to physical aging. Although the Phoenix of Eastern Rome is in the hands of Kashchei, it may only make one person immortal.

The mist was like a veil, gently brushing against my face. It was as if the truth was hidden behind this layer of mist, just waiting for him to uncover it.

"He killed the Phoenix?" Rogge muttered in a low voice, but soon shook his head and said to himself: "The Phoenix cannot be killed. No, it can be killed, but only a little."

Assuming Fox was hit by Avada's Kedavra, he would also die. However, its death is only temporary, as it will be reborn from the ashes at the moment of death. If the Phoenix is ​​regarded as an unkillable demon, then wizards have only one way to deal with it - seal it!

Rogge suddenly jumped up. He remembered what Maria said when leaving. Now, the secret of Kashchei's immortality has been solved by him.

His eyes turned to the white fur exposed in the corner. The rabbit once escaped from the chicken leg house with the black cat and the gray bird. But in the forests of Baba Yaga, they are just temporarily escaped prisoners.

The gray bird is lucky, it is protected by the white witch. Rogge even began to wonder if the plan to go to Oak Castle was made by Rabbit. Unfortunately, it couldn't escape fast enough.

"Hey, the prey does not need to outperform the hunter, it only needs to outperform its companions." Rogge thought to himself.

The next thing becomes simple. Kashchei discovered the true identity of Gray Bird - the legendary phoenix, and gained the ability to live forever through some kind of magic. The Phoenix is ​​likely to be sealed in Maria's body.

"A phoenix can make two people immortal? Are the others ghosts?" Thinking of this, Rogge couldn't help but feel confused.

He had close contact with Helena in the palace. She was a physical creature, not an illusory existence like a ghost.

"Let's talk to Maria first." Roger tugged on the rabbit's tail and pulled it a full 5 centimeters before pulling it out of its hiding place.

"Are you familiar with the structure of the castle? Take me to Maria."

"Ah?" Rabbit's eyes widened and he looked at Rogge in confusion, "This is the castle of Kashchei. If you break in randomly, it will turn into a sculpture!"

"I am a guest!" Rogge repeated firmly, "Does visiting this magical castle count as intrusion?"

The rabbit still didn't want to step out of the door. He begged in a low voice: "Spare me, Ivan. I can give you the route."

"Is it reliable?" Rogge squatted down and stared at it: "What if you deliberately said the wrong way?"

"No, it won't!" Rabbit defended quickly, "Maria is the only kind person here. No one can help us get out except her."

"The Fox you mentioned has aroused the greed of the Lord...the owner of the castle. He will never let you go!" The rabbit did not dare to mention Kashchei's name because it was worried that the other party could sense it.

"What's the use of imprisoning me?" Rogge shook his head, looked around the room full of wood, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He glanced down at the sock again. It was Dumbledore's portkey. With it, you can go wherever you want. If Kashchei really turned against him, he could throw a lot of fire and then stomp away.

Rabbit couldn't defeat Roger, so he had to tell him the location of Maria's room, and warned that this was the location a long time ago and might be out of date.

However, most wizards are a very old-fashioned bunch. Without special circumstances, they rarely change their habits.

Roger walked along the oak corner to the end and saw a wreath of lilies hanging on the wooden door. As soon as he raised his hand to knock on the door, Maria's voice came from inside: "Please come in."

"How do you know I'm outside?" Rogge walked into the room, looked around, and asked curiously.

Her room is clean and tidy, with a small round mirror placed on the dressing table. Maria stood on the semi-circular balcony, looking at the scenery across the lake.

"The oak tree told me." Maria touched the tree trunk gently, and the leaves outside the balcony swayed, as if in response to her touch.

Rogge walked to the balcony naturally and stood beside her: "What are you looking at?" He looked at the sunset slowly setting in the west, and the lake surface was dyed into a red ribbon.

Maria's voice was faint, as if coming from afar: "Wallachia."

This is an unfamiliar place name. With Rogge's semi-introductory knowledge of European history, he doesn't know what kind of place Wallachia is.

But this did not prevent Rogge from continuing the conversation: "It must be a very beautiful place to make you miss it so much."

Maria glanced at Rogge, as if she were looking at a barren desert.

"You can see the blue Danube River there." Her voice was cold but soft, "There are also impalers on both sides of the road."

"The Impaler?"

"Sharpen the wood at one end and drive it into the prisoner's body. Finally, line them up on both sides of the road. Lay a carpet of death and blood to greet the Duke."

Maria's voice was cold and emotionless, like a ruthless broadcasting machine, telling ancient and cruel facts. In her description, Wallachia is clearly not a beautiful place.

Rogge felt like he had been chatting to death for the whole day and he didn't know how to continue.

"You should leave here immediately." Maria warned calmly, "Father will not let another phoenix go."

Rogge shook his head to express his refusal. He stared at Maria and asked, "Where is the phoenix of Baba Yaga?"


"I saw her just yesterday." Rogge pointed to the forest and continued: "Her house caught fire. Then, she was killed by herself."

Maria rarely had mood swings, and her voice became a little louder: "By yourself?"

She laughed because she couldn't believe that the old woman who laughed so loudly while riding the crucible that night was actually dead! Moreover, he ended his life by suicide.

"She didn't follow her own rules, so..." Rogge shrugged, with a trace of regret on his expression.

Maria turned around and stared at Rogge with blazing eyes: "My feeling is indeed right!"

"What does it feel like?" Rogge looked a little uncomfortable when she looked at him, as if he was under X-rays.

She continued: "The darkness in you."

She paused and said, "You killed Baba Yaga!"

As the sun sank below the horizon, the world fell into darkness. They looked at each other, and the atmosphere became tense.

"Are you so sure?"

"I trust my feelings."

Rogge was a little speechless and complained in his mind: "Feeling? Another wizard who relies on intuition like a fortune teller."

"She will come back." Maria walked back into the house, and a swarm of fireflies danced along with her arms, quickly dispelling the darkness.

Rogge looked at her figure and asked: "The phoenix is ​​sealed in you, right?"

"Mr. Ivan, you are very smart." Maria did not deny Rogge's speculation, "However, no one can solve it. It's time for you to go back and rest."

She obviously didn't want to continue this matter, so she turned the mirror to the other person: "Perhaps, my sister Helena is waiting for you in the room."

"Sister?" Rogge looked in the mirror. A sneaky figure appeared in his guest room. Judging from the height and body shape, it was Helena during the day.

"What does she want to do?" Rogge asked curiously.

"I don't know." Maria shook her head slightly, "But don't worry, my sisters are all banshees, they are not dangerous."

"Isn't the banshee dangerous?" Rogge subconsciously thought of the dark creatures recorded in the book, which were ugly and vicious.

"Well, it's okay. The sisters don't have immortal power and can only survive by relying on the oak tree. They are part of the oak tree and its children." Maria explained.

"A group of elves-like creatures?" Rogge looked at the mirror and shook his head helplessly: "Your family is really interesting. Your father is an immortal, and your twelve daughters are tree elves. Maria, what about you?"

"Me?" Maria hesitated for a moment. She never thought that someone would ask her who she was.

wizard? Humanity? ... Phrases passed through her mind one by one, and she fell into deep thinking.

Rogge picked up the makeup mirror and asked, "Can this mirror see every room in the castle?"

"That's right, all the rooms."

"Where's Kashchei?"

Maria flicked her hand, and the old wizard's room appeared in the mirror. There was a magic book floating beside him, a bottle of potion in his hand, and he was still mumbling something.

"Why is the rabbit there?" Roger saw Long Ears lying on the ground and confessed to Kashchei in fear.

"It itself is not trustworthy." Maria was not surprised by the rabbit's appearance.

Kashchei dropped the magic potion on the rabbit, and its white fur gradually turned black.

"It was my father's pet. I helped it escape back then, hoping..." Maria did not tell the complete reason. She opened the door and forcefully pushed Roger out of the room.

"Leave," she said.

The lilies on the wooden door grew rapidly, forming a wall of flowers that blocked Rogge from the outside. He looked at the darkness around the corner and felt an uneasy feeling in his heart.

"The rabbit is Kashchei's pet..." Rogge's expression became very solemn. The dead rabbit saw with his own eyes how Baba Yaga died, and he knew his disguise.

"Ivan, are you back?" Helena stood in front of the door and greeted with a hint of shyness in her voice.

However, her behavior of breaking into Roger's room alone was obviously not something a truly shy girl would do.

"Well." Rogge frowned and said absently, "Why are you here?"

"I...I was pushed here by my sisters." She whispered, glancing at Rogge secretly from time to time, observing his reaction, "They set up magic to prevent me from leaving the room."

Rogge didn't respond to her immediately. His mind was elsewhere, wondering whether he should leave. Or, how to break the seal.

"Where's your rabbit?" Helena asked curiously.

"It ran out and disappeared." Rogge replied casually.

Helena didn't understand why Ivan was so cold to her. She thought of her sisters' suggestions and secretly undid one button on her chest. This time, a pair of soft white steamed buns were exposed.

She moved cautiously, like a thief, for fear of being discovered by Roger. If he saw this scene, the shyness and innocence he tried so hard to pretend would be revealed to be all disguises.

"I may know where it is." Helena said in a light tone, her long eyelashes seemed to be an invitation to Roger: Come and ask me!

"You know?" Rogge turned to look at her, with a hint of joking in his tone: "Are you going to use any magic props?"

He thought of Maria's dressing mirror. Perhaps each of the sisters had one, allowing them to see every corner of the castle.

Helena shook her head slightly and said in an almost inaudible voice: "It is actually a black rabbit, and it is in father's room now."

There was a mysterious hint in her tone, as if she was revealing a deep secret.

"Huh?" Rogge stared at her with wide eyes, "How do you know? You were in my room just now!"

"I...I knew it." Helena lowered her head and clasped her fingers together nervously: "I also know that you went to find Maria just now?"

Rogge stared at the other party blankly, and in his mind ten thousand grass-mud horses were running through him: "Are all the daughters of Kashchei so magical?"

"The sisters smell different. Maria smells like lilies. I remember it very clearly." She saw Rogge's surprised look and was secretly proud of herself.

"The smell of your body can be changed."

"No, the taste of the soul is constant!" Helena raised her head and stared at Ivan with burning eyes.

"What do you want to do?" Rogge stared at her warily, "I'm afraid, cuteness is not your true face, right?"

"I..." Helena still maintained her weak look, and said a little coquettishly: "I just want to be close to my brother."

"If...if you let me take a bite, I can tell you how to cut open Maria's belly." She smiled sweetly and her voice was very cute. But in his warm breath, he uttered such terrifying words.

"There are no secrets in Oak Castle. The sisters know everything that happens here." Helena took the initiative and walked towards Rogge step by step. "When you look at me, we are also looking at you."

"Ivan, let me take a bite~" Helena licked the corner of her mouth, like a little Gothic princess, sniffing the air greedily.

"Aren't you afraid of Kashchei? I am his guest." Rogge secretly held the wand, ready to fight back at any time. He had not forgotten that Helena was a succubus.

"Father?" Helena shook her head, "He is teaching Maria that stinky sister! Who told her to let the black rabbit go?"

"It's the only key. If it falls into the wrong hands, my father will be in trouble." She said, pulling Roger's collar and asking him to look down at her.

"Key." Rogge thought secretly. It seemed that Helena and her sisters knew many secrets.

"Then what do you think..." Rogge smiled, suddenly got angry and pushed Helena to the floor, "Am I a bad person?"

Helena didn't expect that the opponent was so powerful. She tried to struggle and resist, but was pinned down by a hand.

"When did wizards become more barbaric than knights?" Helena cursed in her heart, but she cried out: "Brother Ivan, you are hurting me."

"Speak nicely." Rogge patted her forehead. He didn't want to have anything to do with the banshee.

In the wizarding community, some people have very abnormal orientations. Their social circle is not even humans, but giants, goblins, dragons and other various creatures.

"You!" Helena suddenly laughed nervously. She even stretched out her long tongue and gently licked the back of Rogge's hand.

"Brother Ivan, you are so good and bad, I like you so much!"

Rogge's other hand slowly clenched tightly, wanting to smash her forehead. However, at some point, poppies grew in every corner of the room.

"Head-soaking spell." He quickly cast a spell on himself to prevent him from inhaling the surrounding air.

"Aren't you afraid that I will burn this place down?"

Rogge's palm hugged her neck, and Helena liked this feeling of being close to suffocation.

She smiled and said: "What does it matter?"

"Father will not die, the oak tree will not die, and we will not die either. Brother Ivan, if you also become a tree demon, we can be together forever." Helena coughed a few times, and then said: "If you feel lonely, we can stay with you together."

"Witch, don't mess with my Taoist mind!"

"Tao Xin?" Helena shook her head, "What is that? She is just an innocent banshee."

"Brother Ivan, can you let me have a bite? Your soul is really good to suck..."

"Lock the tongue!" Rogge kicked Helena out of the window. Isn't there a decent person in this place?

"Hahaha..." A burst of pleasant laughter suddenly came from the surroundings, and her sisters laughed in their respective rooms.

"The rabbit is the key...if my father will not die, the oak tree will not die..." Roger suddenly felt that it was freezing around him.

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