A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 385 The pain of happiness is very short-lived

Rogge stared at Helena and asked: "Then why do you have to stare at me?"

"I've already told you, brother Ivan." Helena smiled sweetly, reaching into the cage and trying to catch him.

"Your soul is extremely seductive, I can feel it. Just let them take a bite, and they will let you out, okay~" She deliberately lengthened her voice and acted coquettishly like a sheep.

"Although Kashchei can't kill with his own hands, he can starve you to death." Helena clapped her hands, and several squirrels came running from outside.

These big-tailed little guys scoop out a bunch of nuts from their bulging mouths.

She picked up an acorn, blinked her big eyes, and asked with concern: "Brother Ivan, you must be hungry."

"I'm hungry, but I have something to eat." Roger said, putting his hand into his sleeve and taking out a piece of strawberry cake.

He took a bite casually and complained dissatisfiedly: "It's too sweet."

Then, under the surprised eyes of Helena and Maria, he took out another plate of hot, well-cooked steak.

"Oh, I don't eat beef," he said, throwing away the steak and taking out a piece of cauldron cake.

Then there were foie gras, caviar, cookies...all kinds of food were taken out of his sleeves. Helena stared blankly at his bottomless cuffs, wondering if there was a kitchen hidden inside.

"Are they all fake?" She said as she picked up a fries and tasted it curiously.

"It's really food." Helena's eyes were shining like stars, and there was a hint of regret in her excited tone: "But I can't taste it."

Seeing that hunger could not scare Roger, Helena had to threaten in another way: "But you have no freedom!"

"Freedom?" Rogge turned to look at Maria, who quickly covered her body with her torn skirt.

The Phoenix was right in front of me, how could I give up so easily?

"I believe I will get out." He said as he took out Gryffindor's sword. Helena was startled by the sharp blade.

She stamped her feet unhappily, wondering why he wouldn't let her have a taste.

"Brother Ivan, just take one bite. It won't hurt, I promise!"

"Can you die if you don't eat?" Rogge rolled his eyes at her, raised his sword and slashed at the cage.

Several of the oak fences broke immediately, but new ones soon grew up to fill the gaps.

Helena clapped her hands in glee and said with a smile: "Unless you cut them all off at once..."

Before he finished speaking, Rogge began to feel a powerful aura. It felt like a sleeping deep ocean, gathering strength.

His expression turned serious and his eyes were fixed on the bars of the cage. His breathing gradually became deep and rhythmic. Every inhalation is like absorbing the energy in the surrounding air, and every exhalation is like internalizing this energy as a part of oneself.

The clothes began to tremble slightly, which was a sign of power surging within the body. The surrounding air seemed to become heavier due to Rogge's aura, and one could even feel an invisible pressure spreading from the cage.

Helena felt uneasy in her heart, and she quickly backed away from Rogge and hid aside. She had a hunch deep in her heart that Kashchei's wooden cage could not trap Ivan in front of her.

Rogge held the hilt of Gryffindor's sword tightly, slowly raised his arm, and raised the sword above his head.

The complex patterns carved on the sword seemed to be absorbing the surrounding light, shimmering, and the silver-white blade exuded a biting cold air. This cold air seemed to penetrate the limitations of space, sweeping away the darkness in the entire room, replacing it with a dazzling whiteness.


Suddenly, Rogge issued a low and powerful command. That voice was full of determination and strength, and it was resounding.

He swung his sword violently, as if a silvery-white lightning flashed before his eyes. The sword blade cut through the air, and with an irresistible momentum, it suddenly struck the oak cage.

The moment the sword blade made contact with the railing, time seemed to freeze, and all sounds were swallowed up by the edge of the sword. Silence, long silence. All sounds were cut away by this sword.

Helena involuntarily took a few steps back, almost tripping over Maria. The bars of the cage were like fragile dead branches under Rogge's sword, and they were all cut off easily. It turns out that sometimes physical ones work better than magical ones.

Rogge stepped out from between the broken railings, and the cage behind him realized it and began to repair itself. He swung his sword, and the tip of the sword stopped steadily in front of Helena's eyes. His voice was full of confidence: "The freedom you mentioned is right on the edge of my sword."

Helena was forced to press against the wall by the edge of the sword. She swallowed hard, with a trace of fear in her eyes, but more of joy.

At this moment, she realized that Rogge's freedom could not be taken away easily by anyone. At the same time, she saw hope of defeating Kashchei.

Roger's eyes turned to Maria. She held onto her skirt with one hand and put her other hand on the ground trying to stand up. However, the serious injury left her unable to do what she wanted. After struggling several times, she could only sit back weakly.

"Where's the rabbit?" Rogge looked directly at Helena with burning eyes, and his voice revealed a majesty that could not be ignored.

"He took him away." She replied timidly, and carefully stretched out her index finger to gently move the sword in front of her.

"If you leave, Kashchei will notice it immediately." She said while holding Mariala in front of her.

Helena had a firm hold on Maria, and she maliciously tore Maria's skirt wider. She slid her fingers across Maria's belly and whispered, "Brother Ivan, the Phoenix is ​​here."

"Do you want to thrust the sword in?" Her eyes hidden in the darkness flashed with sharp light, "The Phoenix will not die, but she will. Kill her, and the Phoenix will be yours."

Helena smiled crazily. She bit Maria's arm hard, and blood immediately gushed out from the deep tooth marks.

At the same time, the other daughters of Kashchei appeared silently in the room and formed a semicircle, trapping Rog in the middle.

"Kill her, and maybe we can all be freed." Helena's laughter revealed a hint of madness and freedom. Only if Maria dies will Kashchei die!

"Cut open Maria's belly and the phoenix will come out."

"Yes, do it quickly, Mr. Ivan!"

"What are you still hesitating about? Don't you dare?"

"Haha, maybe he is a coward."

Other women also echoed, using encouraging, instigating, provocative and other tones to try to challenge Rogge's will.

The voices of these banshees have the power to touch people's hearts. Rogge only felt that there were countless Tang Sanzang standing around, chanting and chanting sutras constantly... which made him feel dizzy and upset.

Except for Maria, everyone else's eyes shone with anticipation, as if the only hope rested on the tip of Rogge's sword.

Maria raised her chin slightly and looked at Rogge with clear eyes. There was a slight smile on her lips, as if she had accepted her upcoming fate. She believed that Rogge would kill her without hesitation for the sake of the Phoenix in her belly.

The darkness in her soul was unmistakable. When she saw Rogge raising his hand, she knew she had guessed it right.

"You don't need to tell me who I want to kill." Rogge snorted coldly and prepared to put away the Gryffindor sword.

"You!" Helena kicked her right leg violently, holding Maria hostage and hitting her.

The sharp sword pierced the soft skin, then penetrated Maria's body and stabbed Helena. Gryffindor's sword was like a bamboo skewer skewering candied haws on a stick, instantly piercing their bodies.

Rogge's expression became very serious. He looked at Maria who was vomiting blood at the corner of her mouth, with a trace of apology in his eyes.

"Hehehehe..." Helena smiled, she stroked Maria's pale face and asked: "Smelly sister, do you think we will die?"

"Ah... it hurts, it hurts so much!" Before she could finish her words, she suddenly screamed and lay on Maria's back with her body twitching.

Rogge sighed and looked at Maria, who was trembling all over and looking pale, and explained: "This sword is poisonous."

"That's not right. We are not even afraid of death, so why are we afraid of poison?" The other women asked with normal expressions, and they were even more curious.

"The poison from the Millennium Basilisk can kill the soul in the Horcrux."

When Helena heard how powerful the sword was, she suddenly wailed happily: "Oh, now we can really die."

"Brother Ivan, please plunge the sword deeper!" There was a kind of morbid joy in her voice, as if she was looking forward to death.

Rogge had a dark look on his face. Is death the happiest thing for them? Perhaps Helena is not seeking death, but revenge.

If Maria dies, everything here dies.

While he was thinking, a stream of fiery fire poured out of Maria's wound. It moves along the blade and towards the hilt little by little.

"Phoenix blood?" Rogge whispered in surprise.

The sword of Gryffindor has been enhanced again, and the letters on the sword are shining with bright red light.

Maria nodded slightly, grabbed the sword with both hands, and pushed it out of her body little by little. When the sword tip left the body, she and Helena lost their support and fell to the ground together.

Their blood blended together and smeared on the pillow. The snake venom bit into their souls, causing their bodies to twitch.

There was no fear in Maria's eyes, only relief and calm.

Helena clutched Maria's arm tightly. Her body was trembling, but her voice was filled with a strange joy: "Brother Ivan, my body hurts... but I am so happy."

"Smelly sister, we are finally going to die today." She said, hot tears flowing from the corners of her eyes.

They hit the floor and shattered into countless crystals. Rogge's heart swayed accordingly. Her eyes full of emotion were like the sun, burning his heart.

"The universe is boundless, and a meteor streaks across the sky. That is my soul, embarking on an eternal journey..."

Eleven other women sat on their knees in the room, singing songs to bid farewell to their souls and welcome death. The singing was calm and ethereal, as if they had finally waited for death.

Rogge stood among them, looking down at the sword in his hand, and was at a loss for a moment. He felt a strange sense of guilt that he had killed the poor sisters. Even other banshees will leave with Maria's death.

But the feeling of guilt was so false, his heart told himself that this was the eternal journey they prayed for. The nocturne sang in the room, creeping into the darkness with the wind.

Maria's face was stained with a layer of deathly gray, and her breathing became weaker and weaker. It seemed that the next moment, she would leave here and embark on the heavenly steps to the endless universe.

The song was sung to its highest point, and the sweet soprano sounded like a storm rising from the ground, rising higher and higher. Just when it was about to leave the shackles of the planet and enter the world of freedom, a powerful force locked it tightly.

Maria's skin gradually lost its lifeless paleness, replaced by a healthy flush. Her body is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye...or, it can be said, growing in reverse, as if going back in time.

"No!" Helena screamed in panic. She endured the severe pain in her soul and strangled Maria's throat tightly, trying to prevent this incredible reversal. "Why! Why can't we die!"

The wounds on her abdomen healed quickly, and her vitality was so strong that even the oak trees became greener with her vitality.

"You should have known this a long time ago." Maria said in a childish voice. She pushed Helena away and wrapped herself in the wide skirt.

"Nothing can remove the phoenix egg except a needle." She grew taller every time she said a word. In the blink of an eye, I went from being a toddler back to 16 years old.

Helena sat on the ground dumbfounded, watching Maria leave, her eyes full of despair. The other sisters also left silently, and death was still a distant thing for them.

"Why do you want to die so much?" Rogge sighed helplessly, sitting on the ground and looking at her, "Outside, there are many wizards who will do whatever it takes to live forever."

"Like you?" Helena endured the severe pain, but the damn snake venom still hadn't dissipated.

Rogge shook his head and said: "Much worse than me. That wizard often kills people and sometimes goes crazy, just like a psychopath. Do you want to die, or do you want revenge on Kashchei?"

A trace of complicated emotions flashed across Helena's eyes, her lips trembled slightly, and she replied in a painful voice: "This is one thing."

She explained: "Kill Maria and Kashchei will die. And of course we will die too."

She continued with her own logic: "So, as long as we die, Kashchei will die."

Rogge was noncommittal about her words and asked: "What if I use rabbit needles?"

"Needle? We checked the black rabbit and there was no needle in its body at all. Unless the needle is not in the body..."

The two looked at each other and instantly thought of a possibility. The needle is in Black Rabbit's soul, or it is the needle itself.

"Where is Kashchei now?" Rogge asked quickly.

"He went to inquire about Dumbledore." Helena touched the wound on her stomach, and the scar left by the sword was slowly disappearing.

"I guess he is rushing back. After all, we were really about to die just now. He must have had similar feelings."

"Brother Ivan, please take out the sword again." Helena took his hand and said coquettishly: "If I die, then Kashchei will die."

"Do you think so?" Rogge rolled his eyes at her, with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "If Kashchei is the oak tree, you are the acorns above."

He said, picking up the fruit brought by the squirrel and crushing it: "Just because the fruit dies, it doesn't mean the tree will die."

"But if the tree dies, the fruit will definitely die." Helena pouted a little dejectedly, and her reasoning was easily refuted by Rogge.

"Then does it matter whether you die or not? Or do you think that if I pick all the fruits from the oak tree, the oak tree will die?" Rogge asked.

"Oh, it seems like that." Helena admitted her mistake with some frustration.

She understood that there was an error in her reasoning, and mistakenly regarded the result as the initial condition and put it back into the death reasoning.

However, she was not wrong about one thing. If Maria died, Kashchei must die. She is the beginning and end of immortality.

Rogge looked at Helena, his eyes full of complex emotions. He understood that what they were pursuing was not the relief of death, but revenge with body spears.

"Is there a way to kill Kashchei and keep the Oak Banshee alive? However, it cannot affect my ability to obtain the Phoenix." He pondered in silence.

In the deep and dark forest, Kashchei hurried to the castle. Suddenly, he felt a familiar aura surrounding him.

"Is it an illusion? Or is Baba Yaga alive again?" He looked around doubtfully, but because he was eager to return, he did not stop to investigate carefully.

Bathsheda breathed a sigh of relief and gestured to Fox and Yuumi to keep quiet. She followed the snake-shaped mark on the tree all the way, and it took her a full day to find Rogge's location.

"He should be in the castle." Bathsheda looked at Fox and warned: "Fox, I know that the other phoenix is ​​in the castle. But I can't deal with that old wizard. If you keep screaming, we will all be killed. Take it away."

Fox scratched her shoulders with his claws uneasily and lowered his head reluctantly. It secretly looked at the Oak Castle in the middle of the lake, and the familiar feeling became stronger and stronger, as if a powerful magnetic field was silently calling it.

"Yumi, can you come over quietly?" Bathsheda asked the cat. When it nodded, she quickly handed it a letter: "Be careful, don't be discovered by the dark wizard."

Yumi raised her tail proudly, with a hint of disdain in her eyes, as if to say: "Huh, I'm very powerful."

Watching it disappear into the night, Bathsheda's heart couldn't help but hang up. She asked softly in her mind: "Roger, did you throw away the wool socks?"

Kashchei collected information about Dumbledore, and the imprisoned young wizard did not lie. He learned from other wizards that Dumbledore was very powerful, almost equivalent to Merlin in this era.

However, few remember his full name. This troubled Kashchei because he couldn't use curses to make the opponent die quickly.

"Are you going to visit him?" Kashchei shook his head quickly and decided to stay here for a few more decades. When Dumbledore dies of old age, that will be the best time for him to seize Fawkes.

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