A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 389 Jessica’s “Revenge”

Roger walked out of the fireplace of the Flash Golem house and found Sophie standing at the door, busy expelling a ragged wizard.

His clothes were shabby, stained with dirt and stains, and looked like they hadn't been washed in a long time. The edges of the robe were badly frayed, with holes and rips everywhere, exposing the frail body.

I picked up a wooden stick from somewhere and put it under my arm as a crutch. His face was covered with a layer of dust, and he looked at Sophie with a tired and helpless look, hoping that Sophie would let him take shelter under the eaves.

"Good-hearted witch, the rain is getting heavier and heavier. I will leave after hiding from the rain." He hunched over and begged like a beggar.

"Take shelter from the rain?" Sophie stood at the door, with a hint of sympathy and helplessness in her eyes.

However, this beggar wizard always used similar excuses to deal with himself. She is not unsympathetic, but unable to pity a scoundrel.

"Don't take our kindness for granted." She put her hands on her hips like a hot pepper and scolded: "My lady has already given you some galleons and food, so don't be greedy anymore."

"You are a wizard, not a Muggle beggar." There was a hint of anger and disappointment in her voice.

However, when her eyes fell on his twisted legs, Sophie couldn't help lowering her tone, "That money is enough for you to buy an old wand from Erwin's junk shop."

The other party nodded repeatedly with a humble smile on his face. The cumulus clouds in the sky became thicker and turned into heavy rain in an instant, drenching everything on the ground.

"This is the last time." Sophie looked at the down-and-out wizard who couldn't fight back or scolded him, and couldn't help but said to herself: "It's strange that the wizard turned into a beggar."

She turned around and walked into the house, quickly brought out a plate of snacks and placed them in front of the wandering wizard. Her brows were still furrowed and she cursed: "Leave here early after eating. Find your own way, don't always stay in the shadow under the eaves."

"Okay, okay!" The man nodded quickly, a trace of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

He sat cross-legged against the closet and carefully picked up a snack. He took a sip lightly and let out a few sighs, as if he was savoring a long-lost feast.

"Eh, Rogge?" Sophie's eyes turned to Rogge who had just walked out from behind, with a hint of surprise in her voice, "Jessica said, you went on an adventure."

"It ended early." Rogge responded with a smile, but his eyes always fell on the wandering wizard outside the store. "How is my mother's place? I heard that because of the Azkaban prison break, the Ministry of Magic sent many Auror."

"The situation is quite serious." Sophie took out a newspaper from the counter and handed it to Roger. The headline of the newspaper clearly read: "The authoritarian female minister: Amelia".

"The Minister laid off many employees in the Ministry of Magic. Even some Aurors were kicked out coldly because they failed the test."

"But, that old Arthur. It was the red-haired Weasley who seized our shop last time. He was also fired." A satisfied smile appeared on Sophie's lips, with a hint of revengeful pleasure about this matter.

Roger flipped through the recent newspapers, and Amelia was indeed tougher than Fudge. The prison break was accidental, but her desire for change was firm.

Sirius's escape last year severely damaged the prestige of the Ministry of Magic. This year's prison break is even more serious, putting the entire Ministry of Magic at the forefront.

However, this also gives Amelia the perfect opportunity to shake things up at the Ministry of Magic. Her harsh methods made many people feel pressured.

"It seems that many purebloods have been affected this time." Rogge said to himself, with an unexplainable meaning in his voice.

Just the wizard who publicly accused Amelia of being arbitrary in the newspaper involved almost half of the pure-blood family. The Ministry of Magic is also a world where you have to admit your mistakes and stand upright when you are beaten.

Those who were caught by Amelia could only complain and protest in the newspaper. He couldn't explain to everyone that he was a loser. As an Auror, he couldn't even use the Iron Armor Charm.

In fact, the lack of Auror strength is directly related to Hogwarts. The wizards provided by the school every year cannot be said to be good or bad, but only mediocre.

But except for the Daily Prophet, no one pointed the finger at Dumbledore. Even the resolute female minister, Amelia.

"Roger, can you please stop driving away the wandering wizard at the door?" Sophie stroked her hair with a hint of pleading in her voice, "He looks very pitiful. I heard that he has no relatives and was maimed by a wizard. ”

"I know." Rogge looked out the door. The man hiding from the rain had been watching him secretly. When Rogge's eyes turned around, he immediately lowered his head.

Rogge twirled the tail ring on his finger, smiled and said, "You go to the warehouse to sort out the goods first, and I'll go talk to him."

"Then..." Sophie hesitated, hoping that the rain outside would stop soon.

"Uncle Buck, have you been waiting for me?" Rogge held up a black umbrella for him and looked into those familiar eyes.

"There are Auror patrols around the villa where Jessica lives. I can only wait for you here." Buck grinned, showing his white teeth, and his smile looked particularly bright in the dark rain.

Rogge stared at him closely and asked, "Did my mother take part in your escape from prison?"

"No, and you don't have to worry about me going to find her." Buck took a bite of the crucible bread and replied with a relaxed expression: "She has eliminated the Death Eater mark, so I will naturally not involve you. The prison break, She knows nothing.”

"Then it seems that the dead rat in Azkaban is fake." Rogge nodded slightly, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. He didn't want to get involved with Voldemort and the Death Eaters at all.

In the final analysis, it is just a fight between pure bloods. No matter what the final result is, the pure bloods themselves will always be harmed. Those vacant positions had to be handed over to half-blood or even Muggle-born wizards.

"You are so smart. It was indeed Pettigrew who planned the escape." Buck nodded and continued, "Peter persuaded us. If Sirius can escape, he can also escape. And he helped us as promised. Prison break. Look, didn’t we come out?”

"The dementors are also involved?"

Roger's question silenced Buck. He looked at his nephew, wondering how he got so much inside information.

"It's hard to say." Buck shook his head, a complex emotion flashing in his eyes: "According to the original plan, Bella and her husband Rodolphus should have escaped from Azkaban."

"But the plan didn't change quickly. In the end, Rodolphus didn't come out, and I escaped from Azkaban instead." He said, showing his lame leg to Rogge.

"It's a small price to pay for freedom, no matter how you look at it, it's a good deal." There was a hint of self-deprecation in his tone, but it was more about the joy of freedom.

"So you don't know where Bella is going?" Rogge handed him the umbrella and motioned for him to go in and sit down.

"The crazy woman is mysterious and goes with Peter to find that person's soul." Buck shook his head and took out a gold key from the lining.

He pointed to Gringotts opposite and explained: "Roger, you shouldn't be short of money. However, I think the magic props in the family vault are still of some use, and they might be able to help you."

Buck picked up his cane and limped away. During this time, he kept recalling and thinking about the past, and slowly figured out a lot.

He realized that Voldemort, the Dark Lord who claimed to be the defender of pure blood, did not really care about the future of pure blood. He just wants to establish his own reign of terror, and the purebloods under his command are not important to him. He will even collude with other races, such as werewolves and giants, in an attempt to subvert the entire magical world.

After experiencing the "Dragon Field Enlightenment", Buck finally saw Voldemort's true face: using the excuse of protecting pure blood, he made himself a tyrant in the magical world.

Not all pureblood wizards crave chaos, or are willing to become executioners who take pleasure in slaughtering Muggles. Most pure-bloods follow Voldemort in the hope of creating a world with only pure-blood wizards. Some purebloods only pursue power and status.

Buck decided that it was enough for him alone in the family to follow Voldemort. As for Jessica and Rogge, it was best to side with Dumbledore.

No matter who wins in the end, the Travis family will never disappear in the long river of history. He looked in the direction of Hogwarts and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Dumbledore, you will die eventually."

"Roger, be careful. The darkness is coming back." A smile appeared on Buck's dirty face, "Say hello to Grandma Anne for me."

Then, he waved his cane, tapped the ground, and used Apparition to disappear into the rain.

Rogge held the key in his hand tightly, with complex emotions surging in his heart. He looked back at Sophie, who was eavesdropping. Her eyes were full of fear and uneasiness.

"Is he an escaped prisoner? Voldemort... is that person coming back?" Her voice trembled involuntarily, and she did not even dare to say the three words "Voldemort" in full.

The light of Easter's judgment did not dispel the shadow of fear left by Voldemort. Sophie hugged her arms tightly, a chill running down her spine and into the back of her head.

"Just pretend you have never seen him." Rogge shook his head and comforted: "If you are afraid, I can ask Jessica to arrange for you to go to the Flash Golem House in France."

"No!" Sophie grabbed the parrot on the perch and shouted emotionally: "This is my shop, and I am the Queen of Auto Chess here! If...if the Death Eaters really come, I and I will Linggua will fight with them!"

"Fight! Fight!" Linggua stretched her neck to cheer Sophie on.

"The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic will definitely defeat them." Rogge tried to reassure Sophie. Her confidence in the Ministry of Magic was obviously insufficient.

"Don't forget, we also have the greatest white wizard of this century: Dumbledore, and the savior of the wizarding world, the Boy Who Lived: Harry Potter!" Rogge raised his voice and spoke in an exaggerated tone. The name "Savior Two Heroes" is an attempt to inspire Sophie's confidence.

"Roger, you are so right!" Sophie hurriedly took out a large pile of pictures from her pocket and found Principal Dumbledore. "I want to hang it on my chest as an amulet."

"Dumbledore might not like being hung up on by a witch." Rogge teased.

"Hmph, how do you know!" Sophie continued to search, with a trace of confusion in her eyes, "Why are there no Harry Potter pictures?"

"He is the savior of the magic world. He personally defeated that mysterious man!"

"Why don't you write a letter to the manufacturer of Chocolate Frog and ask them to make a picture of Harry who looks like a baby?" Roger thought of Harry crawling all over the floor in the picture, and there was an uncontrollable smile on his lips, and his voice There was a hint of joking in it: "Harry is wearing diapers and lying on the floor looking for a bottle."

"I've thought about the skills for this picture. Baby Harry's skill name: Protection of Love. Effect: When attacked by the Unforgivable Curse, it will be 100% reflected back to the caster."

"Wow, Roger, you are such a genius!" Sophie jumped up with joy. She quickly found paper and pen, and wrote a letter to the manufacturer as Roger said.

"Jessica originally wanted to acquire the manufacturer of chocolate frogs, but the old stubborn in her family did not agree. She said it was a family business and would not sell it to death. However, we have a cooperative relationship." Sophie said as she wrote.

"We produce auto-chess boards, and they are responsible for adding magical effects to the pictures. I think that when school starts, you might be able to draw Harry Potter pictures on the train." Sophie was immersed in the joy of the new picture, and for the time being Forgot the terror brought about by Voldemort.

"Well, that must be interesting. If there is an auto-chess competition in the wizarding world, Harry's picture might be a must-have in the deck." Rogge said casually, but opened up a new world for Sophie.

"Auto Chess Contest!" She grabbed Linggua excitedly and shouted: "I announced that I will become the world champion of the Auto Chess Contest!"

"Champion! World Champion!"

Linggua sang along with her, completely forgetting that there is no such thing as an auto-chess competition.

Rogge bid farewell to Sophie, who was immersed in victory, hoping that she could find the organizer of the auto chess competition.

It was raining heavily and the banks of the Thames were covered in fog. Jessica looked at the eggs and acorns her son brought back, wondering if they could be made into dishes.

"Is this a phoenix egg? I think it's just a bigger egg." Jessica touched it and sighed: "Hey, it's quite hot, it won't be cooked."

"Mom, why don't you tell me about the Aurors patrolling outside?"

"What do they have to say? It's them who got wet in the rain, not me anyway." Jessica shook her head and lay on the sofa to watch TV comfortably.

"Amelia has already explained to me that the main target this time is the Malfoy family. If she offends me, the Chamber of Commerce will not provide money for the World Cup stadium.

However, this woman is not simple. Both of her brothers died tragically at the hands of Death Eaters. She never got married just to avenge Voldemort. "

"She did offend many pure-blood families during this round of layoffs at the Ministry of Magic. But she also gained the full support of Mrs. Longbottom. The current Ministry of Magic is simply the Avengers."

"Wizards like us who have a history of being Death Eaters can only stand aside even if they are not expelled."

"Roger, don't worry. A few escaped prisoners can't cause any trouble." Jessica clapped her hands and motioned for Youmi to jump to her side, "Even if one of them is Buck Travis, it won't matter. It’s none of our business.”

"I saw Buck today." Roger put the key on the table, and Jessica's expression immediately became serious.

"The escaped prisoner?" She raised her eyebrows contemptuously, weighing the vault key in her palm. Then, he snorted coldly: "Except for fluorescent flashes, your father cannot be said to know anything about other magic spells. He can only be said to be a complete mess."

There was a hint of subtle sadness in her words, but it was quickly replaced by indignation. "Back then, those old guys thought Buck had more promise and better vision than Theodore. What about now?" She smiled sarcastically, with a glimmer of pride in her eyes.

Jessica stood up straight, waved her wand and put on her coat, a very neat move.

"Mom, it's raining heavily and you still want to go out?" Rogge's voice was filled with surprise.

"Yes!" Jessica's voice was very firm and she said with determination: "I want to go back to the manor and let those old guys see what I have in my hands!"

"A group of portraits, why don't you compete with them..." Before Rogge could finish his words, he was abruptly interrupted by Jessica's stern eyes.

"As for it, and it's very important." She clapped her hands vigorously, with unquestionable determination in her voice, and then called Pao Buo to arrange the trip.

The reason why Jessica did not live in the manor was largely because of the old guys in the oil paintings hanging on the walls. Her marriage to Theodore didn't even have a decent wedding, which left a scar in her heart that was difficult to heal.

She looked at Rogge and asked, "Are you going?"

"Me?" Rogge deliberately pretended to be stupid. After all, they were the only two people in the room, "I have to study what to do with the phoenix egg and this strange acorn."

"What's so interesting about this? Crack the eggs and fry them, smash the acorns and eat them directly." Jessica replied disapprovingly, her mind already focused on the upcoming "revenge".

"Phoenix egg." Rogge reminded.

"A phoenix that can't fly is worse than a chicken." Jessica scolded her son and walked toward the door in a hurry, leaving Roger alone in the living room.

Rogge can understand his mother's mentality. He must take revenge for the injustice he suffered back then. On the one hand, it is for myself, and on the other hand, it is for Theodore.

He collapsed on the sofa and flipped through letters from friends. Hermione said in the letter that she had taught herself all the fourth grade courses and hoped to beat Roger in the new school year and become the first in her grade.

Draco was having Quidditch training with the others, complaining to him about the inhumanity of Madam Hooch's training program. Theodore obtained a Quidditch World Cup sales license and prepared to promote his multi-flavored soda there. Susan, Anthony...even Luna gave him a cork.

And Daphne, their family is traveling in the Far East and even saw a snowman in the Himalayas. Roger smiled and began to reply to his friends.

The phoenix eggs and acorns on the side shook slightly, and a few invisible lights looked at him curiously.

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