A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 406 Iron Armor Curse and Dung Bomb

Fudge looked at the quarreling crowd with a smile and reassured the dissatisfied guests: "Okay, everyone. Now that the matter has come to this, we can only hold the competition according to the existing contestants."

He turned around, his eyes fell on Harry, he put his arm around his shoulders affectionately, and said earnestly: "Now, it is time to provide some necessary guidance to our warriors."

Fudge continued: "The first project is to test your courage, so we are not going to tell you what the test is. Remember, as a wizard, it is crucial to dare to face the unknown."

Harry Potter looked up and saw Fudge excitedly talking about various precautions, his eyes flashing with abnormal heat. Dumbledore on the side, although he maintained his usual calm appearance, Harry seemed to catch an imperceptible chill in his peripheral vision.

This confused Harry, because in his memory, the headmaster always treated people gently and never caused harm to anyone. He suspected that he had seen it wrong, and quickly looked again, but the chill disappeared without a trace.

"The first project will be conducted under the witness of classmates and referees." Fudge continued, "During the competition, the warriors are not allowed to seek or accept assistance from any professors. When facing the first round challenge, your only weapon is your own Magic wand.”

His voice paused, and his eyes glanced at the other three warriors before slowly continuing: "Only when the first event is over, you will know the content of the second event. Due to the extremely high requirements of the competition, The duration will also be quite long, so…”

He deliberately prolonged his voice, looked at Harry for a moment, and announced in a lighthearted tone: "The warriors will be exempted from taking the school year exams!"

Fudge turned to look at Dumbledore, and that was all he had to say. The principal looked at him with concern and asked gently: "Are you going back to the ministry tonight?"

"No." Fudge shook his head slightly and answered simply and firmly: "I want to accompany Celestina."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing an almost imperceptible evil smile, but it passed so quickly that it made people doubt whether it really happened.

"That famous singer?" Karkaroff said with a bit of envy in his eyes, "It seems that Mr. Fudge will have a romantic night."

"Ahem..." Professor McGonagall interrupted the conversation between the two at the right time and reminded them with stern eyes that the students were still listening.

Maxim left the room with Fleur, and the two chatted in French. Karkaroff greeted Krum and turned to leave silently.

Since there is no way to oppose the fact that the two contestants of Hogwarts are the only ones to win, they can only strive for victory from other aspects.

"Cedric, Harry." Dumbledore looked at them with a smile, "I believe that Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students are waiting to celebrate with you. They finally have a chance to misbehave. , don’t miss it.”

The two looked at each other and then walked out of the room side by side. The candles in the auditorium were still burning quietly, but there was no one there. In the flickering candlelight, their shadows danced on the wall.

Harry and Cedric stood face to face, staring intently at each other.

In the past, they were just rivals in Quidditch, competing for the position of seeker on the school team. Cedric had led the team to victory, but in the end, it was Harry Potter who single-handedly brought the school the glory of the league trophy.

After the World Cup, Cedric's position in the school team became very awkward. As captain, he was demoted to the bench. He has thought more than once whether the current situation would be very different if he had insisted on not ending the game.

"It seems that we are going to be rivals again." Cedric stretched out his hand with a forced smile on his face.

Harry was stunned for a moment, then took Cedric's hand. "I think so," he whispered.

At this moment, he had Cold Krum in his head. This absent-minded attitude was quickly caught by the sensitive Cedric.

Cedric's face darkened slightly, he had no idea that Harry would despise him so much. Then I thought about it, I was just a substitute player, how could I compare to Mr. Savior? Perhaps, he just wanted to compete with Durmstrang's warriors.

He snorted coldly, turned around and left decisively, his heart filled with unhappiness and resentment. Harry looked at his back, confused, wondering why the other person suddenly became so cold.

"I didn't do anything wrong." He muttered dissatisfiedly, "I didn't vote for the name!"

Harry walked briskly, thinking about what his Gryffindor classmates would think of him. Everyone will definitely think that they have cheated the age limit and signed up for the Triwizard Tournament. They should cheer themselves on because this is a rule-breaking move and a feat of being a warrior!

While the entire school was busy discussing the Triwizard Tournament, Rogge looked at Hogwarts feeling a little bored. Uncle Buck secretly sent a letter that he had taken control of the Dursleys according to Voldemort's orders. He did not use magic or death threats to kidnap those three humble Muggles. Instead, they used a small vacation voucher to trick them into going to a village in the south.

The machinery of Voldemort's resurrection was running at full speed, while Dumbledore was busy wondering why the Goblet of Fire spit out Harry Potter's name. Doesn't he know the current situation?

In the past, Rogge thought it was possible. However, in the face of the Little Hangleton tragedy and Bella's arrest, this reason seemed too pale.

"What on earth is the principal doing?" Rogge looked at the principal's office at the highest point of the castle and secretly guessed: "At this time, he must be using the pensieve to check past memories."

The letter in his hand slowly burned into ashes, and in the distant Forbidden Forest, flocks of birds started to frighten and flew into the sky.

He returned to his desk and began to write letters to some people. Since Dumbledore is waiting for Voldemort's return, why not add fire in other directions. Rather than letting the purebloods suffer in the war, it would be better to drag the Muggles into this chaos.

American wizard Professor Baldwin has recently been researching darker and more dangerous potions, exploring how to transform Muggles into other creatures on a large scale. He doesn't mind sharing some creative ideas, such as virus modification, gain parasitism, mental pollution...

"Professor Baldwin is responsible for releasing floods, and I am responsible for selling boat tickets." Rogge said secretly.

Over the Scottish Highlands, there were dark clouds and heavy rain.

Professor Lupine's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is still progressing steadily. Without the interference of curses and werewolves, he can develop systematic learning plans for students.

From first grade to seventh grade, under his guidance, students have steadily improved in strength each school year. His goal was for wizards to be eligible for Auror primaries upon graduation.

However, the atmosphere in today's classroom was obviously a bit strange. Students in each year wore badges with bright red letters gleaming on them: "Support Cedric Diggory, the true champion of Hogwarts."

"Really?" Lupine sighed slightly in his heart. These badges were obviously aimed at Harry. Despite Harry's repeated statements that he never voted his name in, many in the school still believed he cheated.

"Do you like it, Potter?" Malfoy took advantage of the professor not paying attention and deliberately showed the badge to Harry, "Don't worry, there are new tricks. Look!"

He said and pressed the badge hard. The words on it disappeared, and then a line of green light appeared: Potter stinks.

The students around him laughed in a weird way, and they also clicked their badges to mock Harry Potter for cheating with a flashing green excrement pattern.

"Draco!" Lupine shouted suddenly, his tone was quite serious.

The students reacted immediately and quickly adjusted the display of their badges in an attempt to hide their prank.

However, their little moves had long been seen by Lupine. Standing on the podium, what can't you see? The little trick on the badge is even more clear.

"Professor." Draco stood up slightly embarrassed.

He was very aware of the close relationship between Lupine and Harry, and because of this, he felt a morbid thrill in challenging the professor's authority.

Lupine did not immediately punish Draco for his behavior, but asked calmly: "So, please explain to everyone the origin of the troll."

"Trolls originally came from Scandinavia..." Draco started to answer, but soon got stuck, standing there awkwardly with his head down.

"Five points from Slytherin." Lupine said without mercy, "Hermione, you tell me."

Hermione stood up excitedly and narrated confidently: "Trolls come from Norway and are called residents of the hills. There are three types of them, mountain monsters, forest monsters and water monsters."

"Each type of troll reflects different ecological environments and physical characteristics. They are usually very tall, reaching tens to hundreds of feet. They have terrifying muscles and strength, and can cause huge damage with stones or wooden sticks." She At this point, I can't help but feel a little scared. Of all the dark creatures she had learned, only the stupid but powerful trolls frightened Hermione.

"Very good." Lu Ping nodded with satisfaction, and the students' attention had returned from the prank to the classroom study.

He then asked the next question: "If you encounter a troll, how to deal with it."

"Transfiguration!" Hermione said immediately, and other students nodded in agreement with her answer.

Lu Ping showed a puzzled expression on his face and asked curiously: "Why is it a transformation technique? You must know that the troll's skin has a strong anti-demon effect. In the past two years, an anti-demon skin has been popular in Knockturn Alley Armor is made of troll skin."

"If your transformation technique is used on a giant monster, not only will it not have any effect, but it may irritate it." He continued, with a slightly heavier tone: "That big guy looks heavy when it moves, but its speed is definitely not fast. Slow down. Using transformation to deal with him is likely to have only one result, and that is death."

"But Professor..." Hermione retorted unconvinced, "Transfiguration is not used to deal with trolls directly, but to change the environment around it."

She continued to explain her strategy: "The troll is very heavy and has a very stupid brain. As long as the ground under the troll's feet turns into a swamp, it will sink in and be unable to move. Then, we can..." Hermione said on her side As she spoke, she made a slashing motion. Apparently she still remembered Rogge's method of dealing with the troll.

Lupine patiently listened to Hermione's explanation and didn't know how to refute it for a while. Although this method is very unusual, it is quite feasible in practice.

He nodded dully and admitted: "Gryffindor will get ten points for the unique idea. In addition, Hermione will get five extra points for answering the question correctly."

"Professor, this is what Roger told us." Hermione quickly added. Lupine smiled and nodded, motioning for her to sit down.

Malfoy kicked the table leg irritably and whispered, "On purpose."

Lupine ignored his complaints. He knew in his heart that the points Slytherin lost in Defense Against the Dark Arts would be gained back by Snape in Potions the next day.

The silent competition between the two forced Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick to give extra points to the students of their own colleges. Otherwise, their college points will fall far behind.

He knocked on the table and asked everyone to look over: "I don't deny that this method has certain rationality. But what if the troll throws the weapon in his hand."

"Dodge with a sliding shovel!" someone said immediately.

"Can you do that?" Lupine glared at him and criticized harshly: "Give up this unrealistic idea. You have no idea about the power of trolls."

"When facing the troll, the first thing you have to do is to use the Iron Armor Spell." He waved his wand and shouted: "Armor Protection."

An invisible barrier appeared between Lupine and the students. He continued: "This spell is generally colorless unless it is strengthened to an extremely high state. You need to master this magic shield and turn it into a kind of instinct.

In any fight, the first instinct is to protect yourself. Only the surviving wizards can win. "

Lupine's tone was very serious, and this was a profound lesson he had gained with blood and tears. He hopes students can learn from his experience and protect themselves not only during exams, but also after graduation.

"Now, you can throw things at me." He changed the topic and his tone became slightly playful, signaling to the students to be brave.

Throwing something at the professor? It sounds exciting!

No one thought that they would have the opportunity to "attack" the professor in class. This anti-traditional teaching method immediately aroused everyone's interest.

"Professor, you won't deduct points from us, right?" a student asked curiously.

"Don't worry, absolutely not!" Lu Ping smiled and encouraged everyone with expectant eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, a pencil flew towards Lupine with a scream that ripped through the air. Everyone held their breath and looked at Rogge in shock. Are you trying to murder the professor with so much force?

The pencil hit the invisible magic shield and instantly broke into pieces of different sizes. Lu Ping's expression remained normal, but his finger bones were slightly white from the grip.

"It's too scary!" He shouted in his heart, "A sudden attack is too unethical. The key is that I didn't see the thing flying over at all."

Although he knew in his heart that with his magical ability, the Iron Armor Curse could resist all pure physical attacks. Let alone a pencil, even if it is shot directly by a Muggle's 155mm cannon, the magic shield cannot be broken.

But, as any physics teacher knows, a pendulum ball released from the tip of your nose won't hit your head. But when faced with the iron ball that gets bigger and bigger, he will subconsciously avoid it.

Lupine was a little worried, afraid that Rogge would throw something more dangerous later. But the words have been spoken, how can a professor escape?

"Hurry up, this is one of the few opportunities you have." He urged, pretending to be nonchalant.

"Professor, be careful!" Someone shouted, like a starting gun, and everyone in the classroom stood up. They took books, ink bottles, and even lifted chairs and threw them at them.

boom! boom! boom!

After a series of random attacks, Lu Ping was still standing on the podium, unscathed. He shook his head slightly and made a handsome pose, as if to say: "Come on, please increase your intensity."

"Look at my dung bomb!" someone shouted, and then a shiny ball hit the podium.

The noise in the classroom fell silent instantly, and everyone turned around without hesitation and ran frantically towards the door. If there was a ranking of pranks at Hogwarts, dung bombs would definitely be at the top. When they break, they release a disgusting cesspit smell.

Even if you can hold your breath, your hair, skin, and clothes will be contaminated. In the following days, your whole body will exude a unique "fragrance", and all the flies will dance around you.

Lupine never thought that anyone would dare to do this, and watched helplessly as the dung bomb burst in front of him.

Yes, the Iron Armor Curse can resist physical attacks, and ordinary magic spells can also block it. However, what we are facing now is not ordinary magic damage!

He grabbed his textbook and rushed out of the classroom. In an instant, the entire classroom was filled with shit-yellow mist. There was even disgusting gas coming out through the crack in the door. Lu Ping stood in the corridor with lingering fear, staring at the students.

He shouted angrily: "Each person should write a paper on the Iron Armor Curse, with a length of no less than 4 feet! I will contact Zuko's Joke Shop to make a batch of special dung bombs to test your learning progress of the Iron Armor Curse. Haha. Lee, come with me."

Harry was stunned for a moment, then followed Professor Lupin. He muttered under his breath: "I didn't drop a dung bomb."

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