A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 408 Rogge is held between the left and right

Rita's report soon set off a storm of youth and love in the corridors of Hogwarts. Every corner of the castle tells the story of two wizards and a witch.

The students whispered and pointed at Qiu Zhang. Many girls refused to admit that she was the Helen in the report. And Cedric, the wizard described as a tragic hero in the article, is in an inexplicable rage.

Harry was forced into a secluded corner by Cedric, who raised his fists as if he was ready to swing at him at any moment.

"Digory, this is all a misunderstanding! Rita is scribbling!" he defended, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Misunderstanding?" Cedric's voice was cold, and he did not trust Harry's explanation at all. He grabbed Harry's tie tightly, with a warning light in his eyes: "Stay away from Qiu Zhang, otherwise, I will break your legs." His tone was so firm that Harry had to nod in agreement.

At this moment, Roger chuckled under the oak tree. "Which leg?" he asked, a hint of amusement on his face.

"Left leg? No, right leg?" Cedric was stunned for a moment, his anger slightly interrupted by this sudden question. He turned to look at Rogge, with a hint of caution in his voice: "Travis, are you here to help Harry?"

"Not really." Rogge shook his head and took out a string of snake bone rosary beads from his pocket.

"As a Slytherin, I don't want Gryffindor to win the Triwizard Cup." He said, then threw the rosary to Cedric, "This is a magical item that can prevent danger. is you."

"Magic prop?" Cedric grabbed the bone chain and looked at Rogge with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "You helped me just to prevent Harry from winning the game?" There was a hint of disbelief in his voice.

They are all students of Hogwarts and should unite and work hard for the honor of the school. What Travis is doing is undoubtedly weakening the power of the collective.

"Isn't this reason enough?" Rogge's tone contained an unquestionable firmness.

"Enough!" Cedric nodded and put the bone chain into his pocket.

Rogge warned: "I suggest you wear it all the time. If you die accidentally, Qiu Zhang will have no boyfriend. Our Mr. Harry Potter may be particularly looking forward to this moment."

Harry stared at Rogge in the distance, with anger and confusion in his eyes, feeling that the other person was slandering his innocence.

"You mean, it's possible that Harry could kill me in the game?" Cedric was still a little doubtful, but still took out the rosary, obviously unsure whether to use it.

"Put it on your wrist, it won't let you down." Rogge smiled, that smile was like a devil tempting mortals. His voice was gentle, but with a strength that could not be refuted. "Be careful with your ship. Oh, and a little suggestion."

He looked at Harry, his cold eyes sending a chill down his spine. "If you want to break his leg, I suggest you choose the middle one."

"In the middle?" Cedric and Harry repeated in unison, and then suddenly, they seemed to realize something at the same time, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Harry clamped his legs tightly and immediately cursed: "Roger, are you too cruel? What does the matter between Cedric and me have to do with you?"

Roger did not look back, nor did he respond to Harry's accusations and curses. He was a kind man and asked Cedric to help test the defensive effect of the snake bone rosary. Anyway, in his eyes, Cedric is already dead, why not use this opportunity to make some contribution to the magical world?

If there was something wrong with the snake bone rosary, Cedric could die peacefully according to his fate. If the snake bone rosary is okay, oh, I’m afraid I’ll have to trouble Mr. Voldemort to recite Avada’s Big Melon one more time.

Cedric, unaware of Rogge's true intentions, expressed his gratitude for his help. He turned his head and locked eyes with Harry, an evil smile forming on his lips.

"Harry, remember today's warning. Otherwise, I will destroy your middle leg!" He said while punching Harry hard in the stomach.

Harry clutched his stomach in pain, curled up into a ball, and fell to the ground like a roasted prawn. He looked at Cedric's back with deep hatred in his eyes. He was filled with resentment toward many people, and the first to bear the brunt was the reporter, Rita Skeeter.

Since their interview was published in the newspaper, Qiu Zhang has completely avoided herself in school. This made Harry feel unprecedented frustration, and at the same time strengthened his determination to win the Contest trophy.

Rogge, who returned to the dormitory, naturally didn't know what happened between the two, and he didn't even know that the relationship between Harry and Cedric had deteriorated to such an extent. He carefully inspected the carvings on Nagini's scales and adjusted the direction of some lines.

"Master, is that female ghost gone?" Nagini stood up and looked around the room.

"Helena?" Rogge patted her tail, signaling her to stay still.

"Yes, it's that arrogant ugly ghost," she shouted. "We should just throw its crown down the toilet and flush it down the drain."

"She is resting. Well, maybe she doesn't want to pay attention to you." Rogge's words were a bit heartbreaking, and Nagini fell weakly on the carpet, letting her master do whatever she wanted.

Rogge picked up the potion on the table and applied it to each of Nagini's scales. The idea of ​​using the power of the full moon to control the blood curse proved to be effective. Compared with before, her slender and white neck has also recovered.

But this speed is still too slow. If the magic circle can be injected into every cell of Nagini, the blood curse can be completely subdued.

"Injection magic array?!" Rogge excitedly picked up the quill and began to deduce the feasibility of this idea.

At this moment, Nagini was no longer a beautiful and terrifying blood beast in his eyes, but a magical weapon waiting to be developed.

The magic circle is powerful, but it is easily affected by the external environment. If it is burned into the body of a living thing, the effect of the magic circle can be released at any time. The more he wrote, the more excited he became, and he even drew the basic magic circle pattern on the parchment: a circle representing the sun, and three arcs representing the wind.

Naturally, Rogge would not experiment with Nagini, but was going to send it to his wizard friends across the ocean in the name of Mr. He believed that with Professor Baldwin's wisdom and talent, he would successfully apply this technology to the Snake Man.

Oh, if problems such as body explosion are caused by the disorder of the magic circle, it can only be regarded as a reasonable loss during the experiment. After all, in Professor Baldwin's eyes, Muggles and snake-men are consumables for wizards' great achievements. They should feel honored and proud that they can contribute to the progress of the wizarding world.

Under the light of the full moon, the Forbidden Forest was not peaceful. The organizers of the event are working hard to control the dragon, while on the other side, Roger is working on the expansion of his cabin.

"Master, do I really want to live here?" Nagini looked at Rogge with tears in her eyes, her eyes full of longing to return to the castle.

Rogge shook his head and said in a firm tone: "There is nothing we can do about it."

Under the influence of the full moon's magic, the part above Nagini's chest began to return to her human form. Now, she looked more like a banshee than a viper.

Based on Rogge's experience and observations, Hogwarts Castle has the ability to monitor everyone within it. Dumbledore sat in the principal's office and had complete control over the entire school.

In the past, when Nagini was still a snake, Dumbledore didn't pay much attention to her and might only regard her as Roger's pet. But now, things are different. Nagini must move out of the castle to avoid the principal's sight.

"If you are worried about the environment here, I can send you back to the manor." Rogge proposed the option of removing the roof.

"No!" Nagini screamed, "Live here, live here. But, master, you have to come every full moon night!" She insisted stubbornly.

"No problem." Rogge agreed to her request with a smile and left the gold cup for her to use. The food stored inside is enough for her to live for more than ten years.

Bang bang bang!

There was a sudden violent crash in the Forbidden Forest, and the giant dragon in the cage struggled uneasily, as if some ferocious enemy was flying towards them.

The wizards quickly strengthened the cages and kept calming these powerful creatures. Suddenly, someone pointed at the darkness in the distance and shouted: "Is there a dragon there?"

"Dragon? There are only four dragons in the Scottish Highlands! You must be mistaken," another person responded.

He looked again and saw that the huge shadow in the darkness was just the outline of the mountain. The dragons gradually calmed down, and the wizards could finally go back to rest.

Rogge stood in the darkness and witnessed the dragon trainers using chains to control these giant beasts. Then they raised their wands and swooned the big guys to sleep. As for the black shadow just now, it was not an illusion, but the fifth dragon, a free dragon.

"It seems that the competition is more fun." His eyes searched in the darkness, but found no trace of the guy.

Not far away, Hagrid took Harry to visit these magical creatures, his eyes glowing with heat. Everyone at Hogwarts knew that he had always dreamed of raising a dragon of his own.

For his date, Hagrid not only brought the contestants, but also let Madame Maxime witness the dragon's grace. Cheating has been part of the Triwizard Tournament since the beginning, it's part of the tradition.

By now, most players know the first event: the dragon. Only the honest and peaceful Cedric was still busy arguing with his girlfriend about the content of the report.

There was a rift in their relationship because of those sharp words, and Cho Chang was even seen running out of Mrs. Puddifu's teahouse in tears.

"Oh, poor Cedric." Rogge looked at the warrior who was about to face the challenge and sighed softly: "Frustrated in love, lost on the battlefield. I hope Professor Green's snake bone rosary can bring you some good luck."

"The bet has been placed, come here and take a gamble!" In the audience, the two brothers George and Fred were as restless as ever. They carried boxes and shouted loudly to attract students to join the gambling game.

"Can I place a bet?" the first-grade snake asked curiously.

"We don't accept bets from Slytherin." George refused righteously, waving his fists and looking very angry.

"It seems you are scared." Malfoy stepped forward to stand up for his junior. With a sarcastic smile, he said: "Have you not paid off the debt you owed last time?"

"This... this is our business, you don't have to worry about it!" Fred defended nervously, with a rather uneasy voice: "We will pay back the money when we graduate."

"Repay?" Malfoy repeated in a joking tone, "Haven't you ever calculated how much you owe? That's right, Weasley's stupid head can't even calculate the simplest mathematics."

"You!" Fred rushed over to beat Malfoy, but George held him tightly. "Let's go!" he said.

"Oh, poor guy." Malfoy turned to his juniors proudly, with a proud smile on his face, "Remember, don't be soft when facing Gryffindor. Especially those red-haired Weasleys, They must be taught a lesson.”

In the tent prepared for the warriors, Fudge walked in holding a purple silk bag.

"Okay, everyone is here now." His voice echoed in the tent, "You need to take out the small models you each face from the bag. They have different types, and your first one The mission is to pick up the golden eggs.”

"Ladies first," the wizards said politely.

Fleur responded in French with some dissatisfaction: "How can this be considered a gentleman's behavior?"

She suppressed her fear and disgust and put her hand into the slender ribbon. Although I already knew that there was a magical model of a dragon inside, I was still worried about being bitten by the model.

Soon, her trembling hands took out a small and exquisite Welsh Green Dragon model from the bag, with a number plate hanging around its neck: No. 2.

Harry and Krum didn't show the slightest surprise on their faces, and even looked at each other, as if communicating with their eyes. Only Cedric stared at the bag in shock. He never thought that the first challenge would be so dangerous.

When Krum took out a bright red Chinese Fireball Dragon model from his bag, Cedric's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists. He nervously put his hand into the bag, his whole body shaking slightly.

"No. 1." Fudge smiled and patted Cedric on the shoulder, encouraging: "You are the first warrior to appear."

Cedric sat down, holding a silver-blue Swedish Brachysaurus model in his hand, his legs shaking uncontrollably. Suddenly, he remembered something and hurriedly took out a bone chain from his pocket and wrapped it tightly around his wrist, as if seeking courage and strength.

"Merlin bless you!" He murmured in a low voice, praying in his heart that the magic props sent by Rogge would really work.

Finally, Harry got the No. 4 Hungarian Tailedosaurus. Everyone has determined the order of appearance and the challenges they will face.

Principal Dumbledore said: "I wish you good luck, warriors. Mr. Diggory, once the cannon fires, you..."

Before he could finish his words, Filch had already lit the cannon. A deafening explosion echoed inside and outside the stadium, and everyone was startled by the sudden sound.

Dumbledore gave Digory a helpless look and signaled that he was ready to appear. Filch stood on the high shelf and continued to carve runes on the clay tablet. During this time, he found that his attention became more and more focused, as if there was a real power about to burst out from deep within his body.

"Rogg, look! The dragon is coming!" Daphne grabbed Rogg's arm excitedly and shouted excitedly toward the arena below. To his right, stood Hermione. The wizards were pushed aside by the other witches, sighing helplessly at how popular someone was with the girls.

Cedric took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. He swallowed and slowly walked out of the tent.

"Cedric! Cedric..." The students at Hogwarts shouted his name enthusiastically, their voices full of expectation and support, hoping that he could succeed in the challenge.

"It's such a beautiful big guy. The silver-blue light on its body is so adorable." Fudge explained. "The gloves and shields made of short-nosed dragon skin are very popular among wizards."

"Yes, I have a cloak made of short-nosed dragon skin." Daphne said, putting the silver-blue dragon skin cloak elegantly on her shoulders.

She turned to look at Rogge, her eyes full of sweetness. This was a Christmas gift she received last year, and Rogge also had a dragon skin robe of the same style. I heard that they are made from the same piece of dragon skin.

Hermione on the other side looked at Roger with suspicion. She clearly remembered that Daphne once showed off this matter when she wrote to her during the Christmas vacation. At that time, Roger's gift to her was a pen made of phoenix tail feathers.

Their eyes met in the air, and Hermione took Roger's other arm without giving up. She recalled something and a light blush appeared on her face. From this, he firmly believed that his relationship with Rogge became even closer.

Rogge, who was sandwiched between the two girls, sighed helplessly. He just wanted to watch the game quietly. Is this too much to ask? However, the looks from the people around them seemed to suggest that the relationship between them was more interesting than the Triwizard Tournament.

Rogge looked at the field below quietly, hoping that the game would start quickly to divert everyone's attention. Oh, by the way, where is that mysterious dragon? He looked up to the sky, expecting the big guy to rush down and do some mischief.

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