A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 410 Saving the Dragon Egg

"Chase, chase!" The dragon trainers eagerly jumped on their brooms, and the audience's cheers were like a scalding wave, cheering for the green dragon that escaped from prison.

Everyone was immersed in the funny and bizarre behavior of the green dragon. No one thought that there would be such a strange guy in the world.

Furong's heartbeat was beating like a drum, and she pressed her palms lightly on her chest, feeling frightened. She was glad that this green dragon had a weird and funny personality, and even knew how to ask for a sheep from her.

If a battle really broke out just now and the chain suddenly broke, she would probably be buried under the dragon's teeth. She watched Klum step into the arena, silently blessing her opponent and hoping he would have good luck as well.

Krum faced a Chinese fireball dragon, a giant beast covered in red scales known for its warlike nature. Unlike most fire dragons, it is tolerant of its own kind and is even willing to share its territory when necessary. However, once provoked, its desire to fight will become extremely strong, and the mushroom-shaped fireballs ejected from its nostrils are devastating.

As soon as Krum entered the arena, the Fireball Dragon locked its sharp gaze on him. It flapped its wings majestically and sprayed sparks from its nostrils from time to time, obviously getting ready for war.

In the audience, whispers arose one after another, and someone asked Fudge in a low and worried voice: "Is there going to be something wrong with its chain?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Fudge retorted loudly in a confident tone: "Two chains in a row have problems, which does not conform to statistical rules!"

In fact, he muttered in his mind: "I swear to Merlin, the Death Eaters did not break the dragon's chains. The question just now must be a coincidence!"

Krum took a deep breath, adjusted his breathing, and tried to calm his nerves. He knew that the fireball dragon in front of him was so powerful that he had to concentrate all his attention and skills to complete the challenge.

The fireball dragon's eyes were like burning coals, staring closely at Krum. Its huge body moved slowly in the arena, each step heavy and powerful, as if announcing its presence to its opponents. Its wings spread out like a magnificent picture woven by flames, emitting a suffocating heat wave.

Krum carefully observed every movement of the Fireball Dragon, looking for possible flaws. However, the Fireball Dragon seemed to have already understood his intention. It cleverly flapped its wings on the ground, stirring up squalls of wind to prevent Krum from approaching.

Suddenly, just when the Fireball Dragon was about to take the initiative, the chain around its neck suddenly broke. The original hustle and bustle on the field instantly solidified, replaced by the crisp sound of chains hitting the rock wall. The sound echoed in the silent arena, stimulating everyone's sensitive nerves.

Everyone in the arena understood that the fireball dragon Krum faced was not a lazy guy like the green dragon. Now without the constraints of chains, it can rush out and kill the wizard in front of it in an instant.

"Damn dragon trainers, what are you doing? Why did the chain break again!" Karkaroff jumped up suddenly, his voice full of anger and panic.

He cursed and ran towards the field desperately. His heart was filled with a mixture of fear and anger, and he could not accept that his student Krum faced a free dragon alone in such a dangerous situation.

Dumbledore immediately stretched out his hand to hold down Karkaroff. His voice was calm and firm: "Karkaroff, this is the Triwizard Tournament. Danger is everywhere. We must abide by the rules."

"Fuck the rules! That's my student!" Karkaroff yelled at Dumbledore, his eyes flashing fiercely: "Do you have to let the Fireball Dragon kill Krum? Don't you? Only in this way can Hogwarts be guaranteed to be the winner?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly shouted anxiously: "Director Fudge, the chain of the Hungarian Tailed Dragon is also broken!"

"What!" Director Fudge stood up in shock, his face turning pale.

"Who? Who is it!" Fudge couldn't help shouting.

His arms hidden in his sleeves trembled slightly, fear lingering in his heart: "If the Triwizard Tournament is suddenly suspended and Harry Potter is not brought back, master... master will not let me go."

Everyone stood up in surprise. If only one chain was broken, it could be explained as accidental. Two in a row may be said to be bad luck; but what about three in a row? Dumbledore looked at the roaring dragon below, his brows furrowed and his heart filled with doubts. Who is doing the damage? His eyes scanned the audience, trying to find a clue.

Krum felt unprecedented pressure on the field. His heartbeat accelerated and he clenched the wand in his hand. He knew that now he had to rely on his own strength and wisdom to deal with this unexpected situation. The fireball dragon's gaze became more fierce. It was free without any restraints.

The mood of the audience also fluctuated, and some people began to whisper nervously, speculating whether this was a premeditation. Others pursed their lips tightly and looked at the field nervously, sweating for Krum's safety.

The fireball dragon that had lost its chain completely unleashed its power at this moment, with its claws, fangs, wings and breath of dragon constantly attacking Krum. Krum fled in embarrassment in the arena, and with some luck and Karkaroff's timely assistance, he barely escaped the shadow of death.

When Dumbledore saw this, he immediately shouted loudly: "Professor McGonagall, organize the students to evacuate immediately!" His voice was full of urgency. As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out of the audience, waved his wand, and cast magic to restrain the two out-of-control dragons.

Harry Potter, who was waiting in the tent, heard the screams and chaos outside and immediately rushed out to find out what was going on. The Fireball Dragon had already flown high into the sky, constantly spraying flames, and the Hungarian Tailed Dragon also broke free from its restraints. Its tail full of spikes swept across the air, threatening everything around it.

It was not difficult for Dumbledore to subdue the dragon. However, he must prioritize the safety of his students. He and the professors needed to block the jetting flames and flying boulders one by one.

What's more, he can't now determine who is behind the chaos. He must remain vigilant and alert to prevent a sudden attack from the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Did Tom do it?" Dumbledore had secret doubts in his heart. His mind was quickly retracing the events of the Triwizard Tournament, trying to find possible clues.

Rogge held the wand tightly in one hand and quickly used magic to disperse the dragon's breath breathed by the fireball dragon; he waved Gryffindor's sword in the other hand and nimbly split the boulders flying in the air. His movements are firm and decisive, every swing of his sword is accompanied by an explosion of power, and every chant of a spell is full of confidence and calmness.

Snape was busy assisting the headmaster in subduing the out-of-control dragons, and was angry and anxious about their magic-resistant dragon skins. The tip of his wand flashed with green light, constantly releasing dark magic in an attempt to restrain the violent creatures.

Seeing this, Rogge quickly scanned the chaotic scene. He immediately put a loud voice on his throat, and then a thunderous voice resounded throughout the entire arena: "Slytherins, follow my command! Those in fifth grade and above should clear the passage. Your task is to maintain order and ensure that everyone retreats in an orderly manner. , don’t let panic spread!”

There was an unquestionable majesty in his words, and the senior Slytherin immediately responded with action. They moved aside to let the younger students go first. Many people even used fluorescent lights to guide the crowd and maintain order, becoming a breath of fresh air in this chaos.

"Sixth and seventh graders, assist the professors in dealing with dragon breath and flying rocks!" Rogge's voice sounded again, his eyes flashing with determination, "If you still don't know how to use the flying spell, then Just use the Levitation Charm, use the Transfiguration Charm, use every useful spell you've learned! Use your brains, don't just swarm them together!"

His words were full of authority and determination, and the Slytherin students pulled out their wands and cast various spells. The sixth- and seventh-grade wizards also helped the professors share the pressure, and the chaotic situation instantly became orderly.

In contrast, the students in other colleges seemed a bit chaotic without unified command. Despite the protection of the dean and professors, they were still panicked. If Rogge hadn't been able to spare some effort in the chaos to help dispel the dragon's breath, many students might have been injured.

"Gryffindors, do as Roger says." Hermione shouted urgently, but the lions ignored her at all.

Although Hermione is always smart, she is also the vice-president of the Jackdaw Magical Society. "But who is she? Can she control us?" More than one person in Gryffindor thought so and ran out minding his own business.

Dumbledore looked back at the arena. The students were retreating in a chaotic and orderly manner, and the dragon's breath was extinguished by streams of clear water. The pressure was relieved by more than half in an instant, and he raised his wand and prepared to knock down the two giant dragons in the sky.

However, several loud dragon roars came from high in the sky at this moment, shaking everyone's hearts like rolling thunder. Everyone couldn't help but look up and saw three huge dragon heads poking out from the thick clouds. They were breathing heavily, and their cold vertical eyes scanned the arena and the crowd below.

"My name is...Leh." The three giant mouths said in unison, and their sounds seemed to shake the sky. Immediately afterwards, black wings tore through the sky, and the three-headed dragon towered over the sky. Its appearance was like a dark omen, making people fearful.

The dragon head on the left is spitting out sparks, like a messenger from purgatory, the dragon head on the right is spitting poisonous smoke, as if it is the incarnation of death, and the dragon head in the middle is reaching down, sniffing the breath below. The arena fell into an eerie silence, as everyone stared at this unimaginable creature in shock.

"Hydragon?" Hermione opened her mouth wide and whispered, "I thought that was a story about a magic book that deceived children."

The appearance of Lech is like a monster from ancient legends coming into reality. Its three heads are independent, but they share a body harmoniously. The existence of this creature challenges everyone's cognition. Its wings spread out, blocking out the sky and the sun, and the shadows it cast made people feel extremely small.

The audience panicked, some screaming and looking for cover, while others were frozen in place with fear and unable to move. The dragon trainers also looked horrified. They had never faced such a powerful dragon. Even in the regulations of Longchang, there has never been such a thing.

Lech looked down haughtily at the little wizards below, with contempt and disdain in its eyes. Then, it raised its head and let out a roaring roar towards the other dragons. The Fireball Dragon and the Tailed Dragon immediately flew into the sky and followed Laihe cautiously, as if to express their submission to the overlord.

Dumbledore stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at Lech's huge figure, his brows furrowed, and a rare trace of worry flashed in his eyes. He quickly assessed the situation and knew he had to take action. He felt an unprecedented pressure because the multi-headed dragon in front of him was very powerful.

"What are you going to do?" Dumbledore stood on the top of the mountain, looking up at Lech's huge figure. Although the old body is thin, it looks particularly firm in the wind.

Lech's poisonous mist faucet stared at him coldly, his eyes full of hatred and determination: "Revenge, avenge my mother."

"Mother?" The people present couldn't help but look at each other. Who was so bold as to kill the three-headed dragon's mother?

"You are still pretending not to know now?" Leh shouted angrily when he saw the wizards' ignorant reactions, "I am Baba Yaga's son-in-law! Do you understand now?" Its voice echoed in the air like thunder. , full of anger and arrogance.

"Baba Yaga?" Except for Rogge and Dumbledore, everyone else was confused.

"Who is Baba Yaga? Is he also a dragon?" someone in the crowd asked, trying to understand the meaning of this strange name.

"It should be so, he said he is the other party's son-in-law." Someone speculated in a low voice, but the voice was full of uncertainty.

"Damn wizard!" Lech was extremely embarrassed when he heard the mocking questions of the insects. He raised the faucet heads on the left and right sides and sprayed out large jets of poisonous mist and flames. The poisonous mist filled the air and the flames were blazing, forming a deadly mixed attack that rushed towards the wizards below.

When Dumbledore saw this, he immediately chanted a spell and waved his wand. A fiery red beam spurted out from the tip of the Elder Wand, firmly resisting Lech's poisonous mist and flames. The beam of light was like a fire dragon, colliding with Laihe's attack and bursting out with dazzling light.

Laihe still had some energy left, and shouted at the other two dragons with his middle head: "You guys, kill all the bugs down there!" Its voice was full of command.

"Old guy, I smell that man is here! Hand him over and I'll leave, how about it?" Its cold voice sounded in the air, full of ridicule.

Dumbledore's sharp gaze passed through his long, disheveled hair. He remained silent and concentrated on increasing his magic power. Fiery flames and ferocious poisonous mist are raging in front of him, but he must firmly block the three-headed dragon's attack and buy time for the students to evacuate back to the castle.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, but his eyes remained firm and his grip on the wand in his hand became firmer.

Snape and Lupine were also busy on the battlefield, each dealing with the dragon that jumped down. The two never thought that one day they would have to fight side by side.

Snape waved his wand, used the scattered boulders to knock open the hornet dragon's tail, and cursed at Lupine: "You're a crappy evil, I really should beat you to death."

Lupine glanced at Snape with lingering fear, curled his lips, and did not refute. At the same time, there was a hint of gratitude to Snape in his eyes.

Rogge looked back at Hermione and Daphne, and whispered: "You can leave quickly while the principal is dragging it."

"Roger, what about you?" Hermione's hand holding his sleeve trembled slightly, and Daphne's eyes were also full of concern.

"Me?" Rogge's peripheral vision glanced at the dragon's nest below, where there were still dragon eggs. "Don't worry about me, I fly faster than the lizards in the sky." There was a hint of joking in his words, trying to use Humor is used to reduce the tension between the two women.

"Lizard?" They felt angry and amused when they heard Rogge's evaluation of the three-headed dragon. However, Rogge's words made them feel relaxed. At this tense moment, such laughter was like a ray of breeze, blowing away the fear in their hearts.

Professor McGonagall looked at the empty arena, her brows furrowed slightly, and she asked, "Are they all out?" She always felt that she had forgotten something, but she couldn't think about it anymore. She needed to immediately protect the students and return to the castle safely.

Rogge took advantage of everyone's attention to be on the dragon and sneaked out of the auditorium. He put on the phantom spell and walked slowly to the dragon's nest.

Then, he carefully put the dragon eggs into the package one by one, with skillful and quick movements. Dragon eggs are a valuable asset to the wizarding world, and their safety must be ensured.

"It's a pity that the green dragon ran away with the egg." He said with a slightly regretful tone, "That guy is actually quite smart."

He walked to the broken chain and squatted down to inspect it methodically. The broken end of the iron chain showed a rotten honeycomb shape. Reminiscent of Laihe's poisonous mist faucet, it was easy to guess that the iron chain was deliberately damaged by the other party.

"There are also eggs of Brachynosaurus and Tree Peak Dragon." He thought silently in his mind, and continued to hide his figure while quietly walking towards the camp.

The awakened Brachysaurus struggled wildly, and the chain around its neck had already broken. The dragon trainers desperately pulled on other chains, trying to control the giant beast in front of them. Nervousness and worry were written on their faces, and sweat and dust were mixed together, but they still persisted and refused to give up.

Everyone was busy with the crisis at hand and didn't notice at all that an egg thief walked into the tent with an open mind.

"16." Rogge carefully put the last dragon egg into the package, then stood up and prepared to leave.

"Forget it, let me help you." Rogge looked at the short-nosed dragon that was spitting fire randomly and raised his wand. A powerful ray of light pierced the Brachynosaurus's brain, and in an instant, it fell heavily.

The dragon trainers looked at the sleepy Brachynosaurus in surprise. They breathed a sigh of relief and looked doubtfully at the place where the curse came from. There was nothing there except the wind blowing gently.

Rogge smiled slightly, then brushed off his clothes and hid his merit and fame.

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