A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 424 Summer Invitation

Hermione flexed her toes and felt a strange force moving inside her. Now, with her limbs limp and weak, she was no match for Rogge.

Roger slowly inspected the territory. He is like a bully, extremely vicious and domineering. Facing such a powerful enemy, Hermione was like a doll being manipulated by him.

Strange shouts echoed in the bathroom, like trombones encouraging war. Rogge couldn't help but move faster.

Facing the "enemy army", Hermione trembled instinctively and even dragged Roger for help.

She subconsciously moved Rogge's warm palm to the top of the canyon. Immediately afterwards, the sealing palm was severely covered by her.

Myrtle came back at some point and remembered their every move.

At one point, she felt like she was boiling. It was as if a fire was lit from within, making her soar.

Rogge picked up the clothes next to him and drove her away rudely. But this shameless female ghost allowed it to pass through her body and stayed at the scene to study openly.

Myrtle's heart was filled with the desire for knowledge, and she thought to herself: "It's good to study, I want to study too." Her eyes were full of fantasies about the future.

Hermione felt the pressure drain away, and her whole body became soft, like a puddle of soft water, allowing itself to be squeezed by external forces.

Unknowingly, Rogge was close to her ear, secretly whispering other ways to subdue Bookmark. His voice was deep and charming, and Hermione couldn't help but obey.

"Ah, how do you know?" Hermione rolled her eyes at him, with a hint of mischief in her eyes: "My teeth won't hurt you, right?"

She has always felt inferior because her teeth are too big, especially because her mouth is too small, which makes her teeth look bigger.

"There is a shrinking spell." Rogge took out the wand from the pile of clothes and whispered the spell: "Slowly shrink."

His magic was accurate, effective, and most importantly long-lasting, which made Hermione very satisfied with the effect of the spell. But she still couldn't help complaining: "How can a magic spell be used like this?"

She moved down and communicated with the bookmark according to Rogge's method.

Hermione obviously has her own way of reading magic books. Her learning ability is fast and good, and she uses various methods to deal with stubborn bookmarks. Even, use the power of the hill to accelerate its surrender.

Finally, with her unremitting efforts, Bookmark fell on the charging road after a volcanic struggle.

Hermione finally won the victory with her wisdom and persistence and tamed the rebellious little guy.

"How bad you are!" Hermione pursed her lips and gently licked the corners of her mouth, exuding endless charm.

The eyes she looked at Roger were full of love. Then he came up close, one of his hands still holding Rogge's bookmark.

At this moment, she was curiously thinking: "What would it feel like if it interacted with me inside." Her fingers slid gently on the page, as if she was having a silent conversation with Rogge.

Myrtle's eyes widened in shock. She touched her mouth and looked at her flatbed. It seems that this kind of thing is impossible for the female ghost.

"How about actually giving it a try?" She blinked, thinking seriously about the possibilities.

Myrtle witnessed almost the whole process and thought she could stir up the wizard's emotions like Hermione.

"If only he could go to the prefects' bathroom," she said to herself, imagining a dreamy scene of herself and her savior rolling around in the bath.

"Bubbles, Harry..." Myrtle's whole body was red, and she got into the toilet with a swish. There was a squeaking sound among the splashing water, as if iron blocks from the furnace were thrown into the ice water.

"Do you want to go to my manor this summer?" Rogge invited her warmly, his eyes full of anticipation.

Hermione instantly understood what Roger meant, and understood that he wanted to spend quality time with her during the summer vacation, but also to do evil to herself.

She lowered her head and secretly said "hmm". The voice was soft but firm, and the whole heart was beating.

Rogge immediately became excited when he heard her answer. He would give Hermione an eternal memory. It would be an experience that would leave her forever immersed in emotions, and she would never be able to escape from herself.

"What time is it?" Hermione touched her flat belly, feeling a little hungry. There was a hint of coquettishness in her voice, as if she was reminding Rogge that it was time to leave.

Rogge reluctantly went to get his pocket watch and glanced at it casually: "It's only seven o'clock."

There was a trace of helplessness in his tone, and he obviously hoped to spend more time with Hermione.

"I want to go to dinner." She leaned in and gently drew circles on the magic book.

"Don't I taste good?" Roger asked teasingly.

"Bah, it's hard and tough, like dragon skin, it can't be bitten at all." Hermione spat at Roger, insisting that he turn around. There was a hint of mock disgust in her tone, but her eyes were full of smiles.

She waved her magic wand, and the stripped clothes returned to her body one by one: "At the dance, I will be your most beautiful partner!"

As she spoke, she bent down and kissed him very domineeringly. Roger reached out to catch him, but Hermione turned around nimbly and avoided giving him a chance to continue causing mischief.

"See you on Christmas." She didn't wait for Rogge to get up and ran away ruthlessly, leaving a faint scent behind.

Looking at Hermione's figure escaping from the bathroom, Roger could not help but smile. He opened his right hand and rotated his fingers back into his palm, as if he was holding Hermione tightly in his hand.

After a charming exchange, Rogge left quietly. Myrtle, who was still in the bathroom, was still immersed in endless imagination.

There was a pair of confused eyes on her head exposed from the toilet. As if she was imagining her encounter with the wizard, her heart was filled with longing for love.

Cedric walked out of the auditorium with a frown on his face and an obvious sullen look on his face. He had mixed feelings, because just now, Qiu Zhang told him that she rejected Harry's invitation to the ball.

This news both pleased and distressed Cedric. Happily, his rival Harry had no chance to dance with Cho Chang; distressedly, Harry tried to sabotage their relationship knowing that Cho Chang was his girlfriend.

Especially in the Great Hall, the long table of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor are right next to each other. As long as Cedric raises his head, he can see Harry Potter. The Ravenclaw where Cho Chang was located was on the other side of Gryffindor, which allowed Harry to look at Cho Chang without turning his head.

The special position of the dean's desk made him seem to be a third party. So he put down his plate and hurriedly left the auditorium.

Cedric was walking with his head down, thinking heavily, and suddenly bumped into Roger. He staggered, but continued walking regardless.

"Hey, are you worried?" Rogge asked with a smile, his voice full of concern, "Have you not solved the secret of the golden egg?"

"Rogge?" Cedric frowned, his eyes showing some confusion: "How do you know?"

"Would you like to try putting the golden eggs into the water?" He said, taking out the shell and opening it gently, and the melodious singing of the mermaid came from inside.

Cedric gradually became intoxicated. The nightingale in the song seemed to have Qiu Zhang's eyes and would leave him the next moment. Just when he was moved to tears, Roger suddenly closed the shell.

This sudden movement jolted Cedric out of his reverie, his eyes filled with surprise and a hint of disappointment. However, he realized that the shell in Roger's hand might be related to the golden egg.

"I got news from other warriors that the second challenge is to save the most important person to me." Rogge said softly, with a slightly mysterious voice: "Don't you want to know who Harry values ​​the most? person?"

Cedric's eyes seemed to be burning with fire. He stared at Rogge and asked, "What do you know?"

"Calm down, Mr. Warrior of Hogwarts." Rogge waved his hand to signal him not to get excited, "Don't forget, I also gave you a gift."

He raised his chin and pointed at the rosary wrapped around Cedric's wrist. That was Grindelwald's magical work, and although it might not be reliable, it was certainly better than nothing.

"I have a plan." There was a magic in his voice that made Cedric listen carefully.

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