A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 430 The banquet is about to begin, sit at the witch’s table

Fleur was wearing a silver-grey satin robe. Her elegant gait and stunning appearance made her look particularly dazzling in the crowd.

As she turned towards Slytherin territory, every movement seemed like a silent waltz. Her smile was like an anemone under the moonlight, pure and alluring.

Everyone's eyes were focused on her, wondering who her dance partner was and which lucky guy was chosen by her.

"Sorry, Miss Greengrass," Fleur's voice was soft but firm. She extended her hand and invited: "I want to temporarily borrow your dance partner. Would you mind?"

Facing this unkind witch, Daphne responded with a gentle smile: "It's okay, a guest of Hogwarts."

The corners of her mouth bloomed, like the spring breeze blowing over the lake, warm and peaceful.

Daphne gently let go of Roger's arm, the movement was so natural and elegant: "Miss Delacour, please."

"Wow, Fleur actually succeeded!" The witches whispered. When they saw Rogge accepting her invitation, they all looked at the guest from outside the school with hostile eyes.

At this moment, Hermione, dressed in blue, came outside the hall. She witnessed Fleur abducting Roger with her own eyes, and she puffed her cheeks in anger. This expression makes her look cuter and more beautiful.

"Hermione, you are so beautiful tonight." Daphne admired sincerely, holding her hand and looking carefully: "You are completely different from usual."

"Yes, Vice President." Malfoy kept sighing, thinking secretly: "Roger has such a good eye that he can spot an ugly duckling."

He really never thought that Hermione Granger, who was usually unkempt and carried twenty books on the move, would become so beautiful after being carefully dressed. Her beauty is no less beautiful than that of Fleur, who is of Veela descent.

"Your front teeth...have gotten smaller?" someone asked curiously, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Huh?" Hermione's voice trembled slightly, and her cheeks were stained with a light blush, which made her look even more charming. She lowered her head and murmured shyly: "It shrunk a little with the magic spell."

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded at this time, and she directed the warriors and their dance partners to line up neatly. Rogge looked at Harry in front of him, with a playful smile on his face.

"Are you laughing?" Furong turned to look at him and asked quietly.

"Yeah." Rogge nodded slightly, pointed forward with his chin, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more obvious, "It's so interesting."

Rogge was filled with curiosity. He couldn't wait to know what kind of expression Dumbledore would have on his face when he saw the savior's dance partner.

The students filed in behind him and headed towards the big round table at the end of the auditorium. The principal and professors had been waiting there for a long time, and they welcomed everyone with warm applause.

Rogge's eyes swept through the crowd and noticed an unexpected guest: "Hey, Mr. Snape is here too?"

Snape always ran away from activities like this that were full of joy and happiness. But looking at his uncomfortable expression, Rogge guessed in his heart that he might be forced to open the business.

He looked to the right again and found that Professor Lupine was not there. I'm sorry, I'm drinking at Black's house at this time.

Fudge was chatting with Madame Maxime. The two seemed to be talking about magical creatures, with relaxed and happy smiles on their faces. His girlfriend, a singer, stood aside and seemed to be very interested in their conversation, and would laugh like a silver bell from time to time.

As the warriors and their dance partners approached, Dumbledore, Snape and Fudge's eyes invariably focused on Harry and Ron.

Although the school's notice does not clearly stipulate that dance partners must be of the opposite sex, there is no restriction on same-sex or Walmart shopping bags. But Harry's choice obviously exceeded their expectations.

Dumbledore frowned, he never encouraged this kind of thing at Hogwarts. And judging from his experience, Harry and Ron would not have a chemical reaction in any aspect.

Until Professor McGonagall secretly said something, a look of realization immediately appeared on his face.

Dumbledore turned his head and looked at Snape with a kind smile on his face: "Severus, it seems that your college has won again."

Snape looked at the Headmaster with confusion on his face, and Dumbledore motioned to him to carefully observe the teams of the two houses.

Soon, Snape noticed the large number of single wizards in the Gryffindor ranks, as well as the students in Slytherin House who had multiple dance partners.

"Professor McGonagall, it seems that Gryffindor boys need to take an etiquette course. At least let them learn how to enhance their charm through dressing up." Snape said in his usual sarcastic tone.

Professor McGonagall wanted to refute him: a greasy-faced and cold-faced professor was not qualified to say such things. Then she took a glance and was surprised to find that Snape had washed his hair for the first time today.

She looked up and down carefully like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law. Snape not only had new robes, but also new boots and socks.

"My Merlin." Professor McGonagall shouted in a very exaggerated tone. Her voice immediately attracted everyone's attention, "Severus, you actually washed your hair and changed your clothes. This is... You?"

Hagrid muttered in his powerful voice: "Could it be that Old Bat was kidnapped? Or was he transformed using Polyjuice Potion?"

"Hagrid, shut your mouth!" Snape turned his head and stared at him with sharp eyes. "Otherwise, I don't mind letting your beard turn into a ball of wool and leave it to Mrs. Norris to take care of."

Hagrid quickly covered his carefully groomed beard with his hands and muttered in response: "The mouth is still so vicious."

He thought his voice was quiet, but in fact everyone heard it. I don’t know if he deliberately wanted everyone to hear it, or if he accidentally let it slip.

At this time, the walls of the auditorium were covered with sparkling silver frost, and the ceiling turned into a brilliant starry sky. Hundreds of garlands of sprigs of mistletoe and ivy adorn every corner of the auditorium, adding a touch of nature.

The long tables of the four colleges were replaced by more than a hundred small tables with small glowing lanterns floating on them. Each table can accommodate a dozen people.

The entire auditorium is filled with a magical atmosphere and a warm feeling, as if it is an enchanted ocean of light.

The warriors brought their respective dance partners to the main table. Principal Dumbledore smiled happily, his eyes shining with joy behind his lenses.

However, Dean Karkaroff, who was sitting on the small table, still maintained a gloomy expression, as if the whole world owed him a Harry Potter.

Fleur took Rogge and brought him to sit down at Beauxbatons' table. She turned her head naturally and glanced at Daphne.

"That Veela is so annoying." Daphne grabbed the menu and crumpled it into a ball without realizing it.

Rogge seemed to feel something. As soon as he turned his head, he was greeted by Fleur's charming smile.

Her lips almost touched Rogge's ear and she asked softly: "Is that fat wizard's girlfriend Celina?"

Rogge felt itchy in his ear canal and followed Fleur's gaze. He found that the table was full of witches except himself and Fudge.

I never thought that one day I would be able to sit at the witch's table during a banquet.

Madame Maxime and her students looked at the famous singer and greeted him excitedly. The craziness and enthusiasm in their eyes is no less than that of fans who see the stars at the World Cup.

"I didn't expect you to actually come!" Maxim held his hands tightly and looked at Celestina with a happy face. "I thought Mr. Fudge was joking. You are a famous singer in the magic world. You can participate in the top three Sai’s Christmas ball must have promoted a lot of Christmas activities, right?”

Rogge listened to their conversation and admired Ms. Celina's behavior very much.

As a superstar in the music industry, Celestina is not only approachable, but also has no airs about big names. And, even if Fudge promised to appear, she would definitely show up. Never shirk it with excuses such as business performance or illness.

"He is the most important thing." Celestina held Fudge's hand tightly and smiled sweetly, "Besides, I am ready to seal the wheat."

"What!" Madame Maxime screamed in surprise. The giant's voice was so loud that everyone present was shocked. "Seldine, are you serious?"

"Yeah." Celestina rested her head on Fudge's shoulder and gently touched her belly.

"You..." Mrs. Maxim was keenly aware of this unusual behavior and asked in disbelief: "Are you going to be a mother?"

Celestina lowered her head and answered her question with silence. At this moment, almost everyone in the auditorium learned the news.

Rogge looked at Mrs. Maxim, and the corners of his mouth turned down unnaturally. He thought to himself that chatting with a giant in a public place was indeed the stupidest thing to do. Of course, he could not rule out the possibility that Celestina deliberately used the other party's mouth to tell the matter.

He looked at Fudge in the opposite corner, only to see that the other person seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he was stunned in his seat. The wine glass in his hand was shaking, and the flowing red wine was fixed in mid-air by magic, forming a strange picture.

Principal Dumbledore smiled gently, gently shook his wand, and reminded: "Cornelly, be careful of soiling your gown."

"Uh, thank you principal." Fudge replied subconsciously.

Suddenly, he realized that what he called Dumbledore was very inappropriate, and immediately said, "I'm so shocked."

"You're still shocked, but I'm shocked!" Rogge looked at the ripples in the wine glass and squinted at Fudge's slightly absent-minded eyes.

The Fudge in front of him is not the real Fudge, but Barty Crouch Jr. disguised with a transformation potion. In other words, he and Fudge are of the same mind, and it can even be said that he helps the Fudge family to some extent.

Fudge subconsciously put his arm around Celina's shoulders and held her hand tightly with his other hand. There was a trace of panic in his eyes, and he did not expect this situation at all: "I can't believe it, I... am so shocked."

"My dear, when did you know?" he asked with a slightly trembling voice, as if he was looking for the last chance.

"Last month." Celestina's cheeks turned crimson, "I was shocked when I found out I was pregnant."

Fudge looked up at the stars helplessly. He had replaced Connelly for half a year. Whenever he feels unhappy and angry, he will rudely use Fudge's girlfriend to help him relieve his stress.

But the more he does this, the more this seemingly glamorous woman seems to fall in love with him. He couldn't understand the other person's thoughts, and now he had to face this unexpected situation.

"Me too, I can't describe the feeling of hearing this news?" Fudge's voice was filled with panic, and he subconsciously peeked at Dumbledore's face.

"Shocked?" Rogge sent an adjective at the right time.

Dumbledore's eyes were fixed on Fudge, and his smile was full of kindness: "This child will definitely receive an admission letter to Hogwarts in ten years."

"Cornelly, what do you think?" Principal Dumbledore asked cordially, as if he was talking to an old friend.

Fudge's legs trembled involuntarily, and he felt like the skin he was wearing was being ripped off. He felt that he had not revealed any flaws, except that there was something wrong with the way he addressed Dumbledore when he was absent-minded.

However, he did not dare to answer Dumbledore's question. He could only take a few sips of wine, trying to hide his panic.

Maxim and the Beauxbatons girls surrounded Celestina, asking all kinds of questions. These strange questions completely treated Rogge like nothing. Now, he already regretted sitting at the same table with the witch.

"Principal, when will dinner be served?" Rogge touched his stomach, which had not eaten for a day, indicating that the plate in front of him was still empty.

Dumbledore held up the recipe and looked at it carefully. Then, clearly shouting at his plate: "Pork Chops!"

A delicious pork chop immediately appeared on the plate, and everyone suddenly understood and followed suit. The auditorium was suddenly filled with shouts of magical orders and the popping sounds of food appearing.

Rogge looked at the menu and sighed in his heart: "It seems that the law of saving face is the same all over the world."

However, it was the house elves in the kitchen who suffered the most. Even if they prepare food in advance according to the menu, when hundreds of people order at the same time, the workload will undoubtedly become huge.

When everyone else had almost ordered, Roger slowly shouted: "Pudding cake, lamb chops."

On the other side, Krum of Durmstrang did not chat with his dance partner, but instead introduced his college to Harry. During the Quidditch Minor League, Durmstrang specially opened a playing field outside the school in order to protect the school's secret location.

"We also have a big castle, but I don't think it's as big as yours, nor is it as comfortable as yours." Krum looked at Harry and complained in a low voice: "It's only four floors, and you can't even light a fire on weekdays."

Next to him, Karkaroff had a dark face and quietly listened to Krum slandering his school. He swore to Merlin in his heart that Durmstrang was definitely not as bad as Krum said, at least it was more spacious than Hogwarts.

If it had been anyone else, he would have scolded Krum to prevent him from revealing the secrets of his school. But the other person was Harry Potter, and he was already a dead person in his heart. Maybe he could also learn some Hogwarts secrets from Harry.

Karkaroff's mind was racing, his eyes moving back and forth between Harry and Krum, as if looking for every opportunity he could take advantage of.

Ron was left in the cold, his face bulged unconsciously, and there seemed to be more resentment in his mouth than food.

The complete piece of steak on his plate was left with countless wounds under the ruthless knife, as if it was carrying his inner dissatisfaction.

On the other side, Fudge has been crowded out by the enthusiastic witches. Fleur even moved closer to Celestina and asked if she could touch her belly.

Among the four warriors, only Cedric seemed normal. At least he and Qiu Zhang sat together, not talking or laughing, and quietly eating the food on the plate

Roger sat quietly at the corner of the table. He had been hungry all day and relied on dinner to save his life. One lamb chop after another, one fruity soda after another.

"This kid Theodore must be smiling today." Rogge burped to himself, rubbed his seven-percent-full belly, and felt a sense of satisfaction.

He looked up and found Fudge sitting opposite him at some point. There was obviously an empty seat next to Dumbledore, but Fudge refused to sit down.

"Rejecting the rostrum is not like Cornelius Fudge at all." Rogge sneered in his heart. This is the biggest flaw in Barty Jr., his thirst for power is not hot enough.

If the real Fudge was given a chance, he would not hesitate to push Dumbledore aside and sit on the main seat to make his presence known.

If Rogge hadn't caused trouble, the one-eyed Moody would indeed be more suitable for him. Because there is no need to use your brain, just pretend to be vicious.

"Mr. Fudge." Roger greeted with a smile, "Are there any activities on Christmas night?"

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