A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 432 Who is the hunter and who is the prey

The wizards in the auditorium were like ghosts under the night, quietly decreasing in number, slipping into the deep darkness outside the castle in twos and twos.

Except for Slytherin, the other three houses are dormitories. Therefore, the men and women who created the flames of passion on the dance floor had no choice but to release their passion into the jungle.

In the slightly urgent melody, the Ravenclaw witches danced excitedly with Roger.

Her fingers were very restless, gently wandering around Rogge's body, and her voice was even more tempting: "Do you want to go to the observatory with me to admire those bright stars?" Her eyes were full of expectation.

"Sorry, we already have an appointment." Rogge responded coldly, without any warmth in his tone.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "Are you going to watch the stars with me? You are greedy for my body!"

When the witch heard this answer, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes. But in the following melody, she did not give up, but tried to attract Rogge's attention with more enthusiastic movements.

After countless turbulent temptations and tests, Rogge finally sat on the soft sofa exhausted. Daphne and Hermione looked at him with a proud look and asked jokingly: "How is our arrangement? Does it feel like a king's enjoyment?"

"Haha." Rogge rolled his eyes at them and took a swig of iced drinks, trying to calm down. "Why is there only Mrs. Pingsi, where is the dean?" He motioned the two of them to look at the quiet corner.

"Professor Snape? Oh, he seems to have gone out. I didn't pay much attention." Hermione recalled, with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

A mischievous smile appeared on Daphne's lips, and she teased: "Maybe he is afraid of our ridicule, so he doesn't dare to stay."

"But why didn't Mrs. Pince leave with her?" Hermione asked her own question.

Rogge looked around and found that Durmstrang's Karkaroff was not there either. On the other side, Fudge was taking Celestina to say goodbye to the principal.

"Dear Mr. Rogge, your second half is about to begin!" Daphne smiled and pointed behind him, where a group of girls were walking towards him.

"You have an urgent need to urinate, take the first step." Roger left in a hurry, leaving Daphne and Hermione behind who laughed in unison.

Fleur, who was chatting, was always paying attention to Rogge's movements. When she saw him leaving alone, she carefully avoided everyone's eyes and quickly followed him.

On Christmas night, thousands of roses bloom in the garden, and they look particularly beautiful under the silvery moonlight. Rogge relied on his night vision to see many swaying bushes.

He couldn't help but sigh: "It's really brave to be a wild mandarin duck in the snow in winter, and you don't have to worry about freezing."

At this moment, Fleur quietly approached from behind him. Her hand gently held Rogge, and there were countless soul-catching hooks hidden in her eyes, sparkling with an irresistible magic.

"Roger, are you going back to the academy?" Her voice was soft and seductive, as if it had a kind of magic that made people unconsciously want to nod and agree to any of her proposals.

She further tempted: "Would you like to visit our school's carriage?" Her tone was full of expectation, as if there were endless secrets waiting to be explored in the carriage.

Rogge came to his senses instantly and gave her butt a gentle tap with his right hand. It's more of a tease than a warning.

Fleur couldn't help but squeal softly, her eyes frantically scanning the surroundings to make sure no one noticed their little movement.

"You, how could you hit me there..." There was no real blame in her tone, but instead revealed an indescribable excitement.

After dancing with those turbulent witches for a long time, Rogge's heart was already blocked by thick emotions. He came out to enjoy the cold air, originally just wanting to calm down and prepare to return to the dormitory to have a good rest.

However, Fleur's seductive voice was like a key, instantly opening the valve in his heart. The mystery of the night and the swaying of the bushes caused the hormones in his body to rise sharply.

"Carriage? I'm really curious and want to take a look." Rogge's words were full of hints. Fleur bit her lip and nodded slightly in agreement.

They walked to the carriage, where several Silver Winged Pegasus were resting. There was no response to their arrival.

The interior of the carriage was dark, and Fleur raised her wand. The tip of the wand flashed with soft fluorescence, illuminating the front: "It's a bit dark, so be careful when touching your head."

After entering the carriage, there are compartments on both sides of the aisle. Maxim lived in the outermost room, because the passages became narrower the further in.

"This carriage has not been used for many years." Fleur explained awkwardly, "We just repaired it briefly when we came here." She bent down and led Rogge inside as she spoke.

The weak fluorescence seemed more private in the darkness. Rogge's eyes followed her curved body closely, and his breathing became heavier involuntarily. Fleur seemed to sense the danger behind her, and her body couldn't help but tremble slightly, as if she was expecting something.

Suddenly, Rogge rushed forward. His movements were swift and decisive, like a cheetah catching its prey in the dark.

There was a glimmer of pride in Fleur's eyes. A real hunter always appears as a prey, luring the prey into the trap.

She struggled a few times symbolically, which only stimulated Rogge to become even more enthusiastic.

Fleur looked at his eyes that were slightly red due to passion, and said softly but firmly: "Love me."

After hearing Fleur's request, Rogge acted without hesitation. The Veela's body is extremely plump, and her skin is as white and smooth as milk.

Rogge rubbed the silk in his palm, and the warm and jade-like touch was intoxicating.

Fleur looked at him with a somewhat proud smile on her lips. Feeling the trick from her nerves, she gritted her teeth and turned her head.

At this moment, she secretly said in her heart: "Let's see how you win against me." The Veela blood was surging in her body at this moment, and she responded with careless touches and kisses.

Every movement made by his slender white legs made Rogge become more wild. In the blink of an eye, their luxurious dresses were turned into pieces under Rogge's strong hands.

Rogge climbed up and bit it gently with his teeth. At this moment, the fire burned from my heart to my chest.

"Can I enter your room now..." Rogge's question was more like a declaration.

Fleur nodded, "Come in?...Ah" before she finished speaking, the door to the room was violently pushed open by Roger.

"Your room is so beautiful." Rogge praised with a smile.

In just a few breaths, Beauxbatons' carriage began to shake violently.

The sleeping Pegasus were awakened by the sudden movement. They looked at the shaking carriage in confusion, not understanding what was happening.

However, the sound insulation of the carriage was very good, and no intense sound was revealed.

During his years at Hogwarts, Rogge consciously took potions to enhance his physical fitness, and his physical fitness has become comparable to that of a dragon.

Once in the bathroom, when facing the weak Hermione, he never dared to use force, for fear that his strength would hurt Hermione. But now, every moment between him and Fleur was filled with a collision of power and passion.

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