A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 446 New tea from Pafudi Tea House

"Headmaster, we are not wrong!" Ron added impatiently, "Rogue actually used the Cruciatus Curse in the Three Broomsticks Tavern. In addition to us, Hermione, Neville and a Veela all witnessed it with their own eyes. That scene."

"If you still have doubts, you can check the traces in his wand. "He shouted excitedly, his voice full of urgency.

Dumbledore did not respond immediately. His eyes wandered between Ron and Harry, as if searching for the actual truth. He was well aware of the conflicts between the Weasley brothers and Travis, and he believed that Ron would not cause trouble or slander each other out of nothing.

However, he knew Rogge just as deeply. That child would never perform forbidden black magic for no reason. In fact, with Rogge's strength, there is no need to rely on such means.

Dumbledore's eyes gradually softened, and his signature kind smile bloomed on his face again: "I will investigate this matter."

He motioned to Harry and Ron to stay in the office temporarily to avoid a conflict between the two parties, causing the situation to escalate further. After all, judging from their reports, Rogge did not use the Cruciatus Curse on any wizard.

In addition to what Ron said, there were other people present. Dumbledore further believed that there must be a more secret reason.

In the tavern at this time, Neville slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were no longer innocent and dull as before, but instead shone with keen light.

"I remembered!" His voice was cold and serious, "I remembered it all! Those two Death Eaters tortured me and my parents by cutting out our bones!"

He clenched his fists silently, the anger in his heart was like a burning flame, eager to cut those two people into pieces and cut them into pieces.

Rogge handed the file to Neville and comforted softly: "Now is not the time for revenge. Your parents' illness still needs you to find a way to treat it."

Even in their madness, the Longbottoms did not welcome outsiders. Rogge's original plan was to let Neville treat them. After all, he was the one who had experienced the Cruciatus Curse and had more say than himself.

"Perhaps you should talk to Mrs. Longbottom sometime." He turned to Hermione, and the two of them exited the room in silent agreement, leaving Neville some private space.

The hustle and bustle in the tavern gradually subsided, and the students found excuses to leave. Because at the counter, the principal was talking to the landlady about something.

Dumbledore looked at Rogge with a smile, his eyes filled with scrutiny. Although he did not speak, Rogge had realized that the principal came specifically to see him.

"Harry and Ron are going to report on me?" Roger thought to himself, still maintaining a calm pace and walking straight towards the counter.

"Hello, principal." He greeted politely and took out a Galleon from his pocket. "Ms. Rosmerta, Neville may need to rest here for a while."

"Oh? With that Veela?" Ms. Rosmerta's eyes flashed with curiosity. She didn't care about Dumbledore's presence and directly joked, "Are you kids a little too precocious?"

"Madam, please don't talk nonsense." Rogge pretended to be panicked and hurriedly explained, "Neville has just recovered some memories. What he needs is quiet, rest and company."

Just then Delvina came down the stairs with a displeased look on her face. She originally hoped to reconnect with Neville, but at the moment, the other person just wanted to be quiet.

"I hate silence." She thought silently in her heart, and after walking down the stairs, a smile quickly appeared on her face, "Roger, Hermione, I plan to go back to the herbal shop."

Based on these clues alone, Dumbledore had roughly pieced together the truth of the incident. It is true that Roger broke the rules and used the Unforgivable Curse. But he risked being expelled to help his friends.

No matter the reason, Rogge's actions should not be punished in any way. Instead, he even considered giving Rogge some extra rewards.

Thinking of Harry and Ron waiting in the principal's office, Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh softly. He said secretly in his heart: "Sometimes, hatred will breed a dark abyss."

After the Veela left, Dumbledore asked gently: "Roger, someone reported that there were signs of dark magic here. Do you have any clues?"

"Black magic?" Rogge thought for a moment, and then answered frankly, "I don't know about other places, but in the tavern, I was the only one who used it."

"I just used the Cruciatus Curse on the Scarab to stimulate Neville to recover that forgotten memory in order to cure his amnesia." He looked at Dumbledore with a smile and continued: "Headmaster, you will not expel me for this. Bar?"

Dumbledore couldn't answer Rogge's question for a while. If school rules were strictly followed, Rogge would naturally be expelled from Hogwarts. However, school rules reflect the will of the principal.

If the school rules are inconsistent with the principal's ideas, it can only mean one problem - the school rules themselves are insufficient.

"No, you did a good thing." Dumbledore responded softly, "I think you must know the origin of Neville's amnesia. Since you can cure him, you must be well prepared. Mrs. Longbottom learned this The news will definitely make you very happy.”

"Rogge, there is no distinction between good and evil in essence, only in its application, it will appear dark or bright." He cast an expectant look and said earnestly: "No matter what the future holds, you must remember that only wizards can Determines the good and evil of magic.”

"Pay the bill, Rosmerta," he said with a smile.

Hermione watched the principal leave with lingering fear. She took a few deep breaths to calm down her nervous mood: "Roger, I was really scared to death just now. Principal...how did the principal know if you had used it..."

Rogge interrupted Hermione with a warning look, signaling her not to mention the Unforgivable Curse in public.

"Perhaps, someone happened to be watching. Then, he accidentally walked to the principal's office." He took a sip of butter beer and meant something.

In fact, Rogge's reaction to Dumbledore was somewhat surprising. He had expected to at least get a scolding from Dumbledore.

Hermione seemed to have thought of something and asked in a low voice: "You mean, there was someone else in the room just now?" She quickly thought of Harry's invisibility cloak and couldn't help but curse a few times in a low voice.

"Don't worry about them. If I get expelled in the worst case, I can still go to other magic schools." Rogge tried to comfort her.

"Don't even think about it!" Hermione immediately retorted, "If you are expelled, I will drop out of school too!"

"Hermione, thank you." Roger held her hand, and his gentle eyes made Hermione's heart flutter. "I will stay with you at Hogwarts..." His low voice made Hermione feel a little nervous. An inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Just when Rogge was about to continue to say some love words to enhance the relationship between the two. Ms. Rosmerta suddenly interrupted at an inappropriate time, interrupting the romantic atmosphere: "Don't easily believe the sweet words of wizards. They always use these words to make you girls happy, but in the end they abandon you ruthlessly."

"Madam, do you know why you are still single?" Rogge retorted dissatisfiedly, a little unhappy with her behavior.

"Hey, little boy, I'm curious too." She puffed out her chest deliberately, showing her tolerance, "You tell me and I'll listen. If the reasons you gave me can convince me, I might be able to I’ll give you some rewards.”

Rogge rolled his eyes at her and said in a cold tone: "Because you are as scary as a dementor."

While others still didn't understand what the boss lady and the dementors had in common, Rosmerta reacted instantly. This nasty little guy, implying that she was not satisfied with her desires, would suck the wizard dry like a dementor.

"If you don't try, how will you know that I'm as scary as a Dementor?" She said as she unbuttoned her clothes, revealing a piece of snow-white skin, looking both bold and uninhibited.

Rogge did not expect that instead of being angry, she would actually tease him in public. He sighed secretly: "Okay, I was rash." It was really difficult for him to resist such a woman.

"Shameless!" Hermione scolded immediately. She had never seen such a wanton witch.

Rosmerta was not angry, but held Hermione's hand and said with a hint of envy: "If I were as young as you, I would have dragged my beloved wizard upstairs. Such an outstanding and handsome wizard , but he is very attractive. Little witch, you must hold him firmly."

She stretched out her hands and grasped the air suddenly, and glanced at Rogge's waist. At this moment, he felt the cool breeze under his crotch and couldn't help but tighten his legs.

Hermione, who was still a novice, was no match for the experienced old woman. A few simple words made her blush with embarrassment and escape from the tavern in panic.

"Pay the bill, boss lady." Rogge said helplessly.

"There are only bosses here." Rosmerta's voice was full of hints. She took the Sicos handed by Rogge and stuffed them into the squeezed gaps in her collar one by one.

Looking at Rogge leaving in a hurry, she snorted: "Little boy, you still want to tease me? Give it a few more years!" Her words caused a burst of cheerful laughter from the guests in the tavern.

After leaving the Three Broomsticks Tavern, Roger couldn't find Hermione, so he wandered aimlessly in the village alone. The Hog's Head was dark and dirty and he didn't want to go in. The prank props from Zuko's Joke Shop don't appeal to him either.

Duke of Bees? He hesitated, but decided not to go. He thought it would be more pleasant to have afternoon tea in Mrs. Pafdie's teahouse.

He stopped on the high street and looked at the small pink teahouse located on the side road, feeling as sweet as a candy house.

"Just in time for a cup of afternoon tea." Roger thought to himself, no one stipulates that one person cannot enter the teahouse. As long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

He pushed open the wooden door, and the small bell hanging above made a crisp sound. The room was warm and cozy, and the steaming teapots danced happily between the round tables, as if in a silent dance.

Each round table was covered with lace tablecloths and placed with exquisite ceramic sugar bowls. Although the teahouse is not large, it is well laid out and provides each customer with a sense of privacy.

The teenage couple in love cuddled together, their bone china spoons gently turning on the bottom of the tea cups, making a rhythmic sound, adding a touch of romance.

Roger looked around quickly and found that only a few tables by the window were empty. He walked straight over and wiped off the water mist on the glass, letting in the light from outside. Somehow, he still likes a brighter space.

"Alone?" Mrs. Pafdi, wrapped in an apron and with a warm smile on her face, asked curiously, "I don't think I've seen you here before."

"I suddenly wanted to come in and have a cup of tea." Rogge looked around and asked softly: "It doesn't matter if I'm alone."

"Of course, sir." Mrs. Pafdi nodded in greeting. "All guests are welcome in the teahouse."

She handed Roger a menu, which was full of various tea drinks: Earl Gray tea, Darjeeling tea, Ceylon tea... Even Roger was surprised to find Longjing tea.

"Longjing?" he asked uncertainly, "If I remember correctly, it's not black tea."

Mrs. Pafdi explained with a smile: "A new tea that has become popular in recent years. Compared with Assam tea, its taste is fresher and more refreshing, and its aroma is also very rich. Do you want to try it?"

"Let's have a pot." Rogge nodded in agreement, then looked at the tea.

Tea refreshments are usually divided into three tiers, with sandwiches of various flavors placed on the first tier, scones on the second tier, and exquisite cakes and fruit tarts on the third tier.

But here the selection is relatively simple, just cookies, muffins (similar to cupcakes) and some fresh fruit.

Seemingly sensing Roger's hesitation, Mrs. Pafdi smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, the cookies and muffins in our store are very delicious."

She pulled out her wand, the handle of which was decorated with fan lace. Rogge was secretly stunned, guessing that she should live in a cabin made of pink lace.

Mrs. Pafdi shook her wand gently, and the teapots, plates, and cups behind the counter immediately became busy, automatically preparing afternoon tea for the guests.

The sky became dark, and then there was a flash of light. Along with the rumble of thunder, light rain fell on the roof and gravel road.

Roger looked out the window and saw the students still wandering in the village hurriedly looking for shelter from the rain. Several of them hurried into the teahouse, complaining about the sudden weather.

When he turned back, he found that afternoon tea had been magically placed on the table. He looked at the milky white, steaming Longjing tea in the cup, and for a moment he didn't know how to express his surprise.

"Madam, did you make the milk tea the same way?" Rogge asked curiously.

Mrs. Pafdie nodded, completely unaware of the strange look on her guest's face. She answered confidently and firmly: "That's right. First brew Longjing with boiling water, then add milk and sugar. You can open the sugar bowl and add sugar as needed."

"Uh..." Rogge nodded dully and said helplessly: "Thank you." He stared at the strange cup of Longjing tea in front of him and sat there blankly, unable to take a bite for a long time.

He can accept salty tofu curd or sweet tofu curd. But this kind of Longjing tea was really hard for him to accept.

"It's a bit strange, isn't it?" came a slightly hoarse voice, "Roger, can I sit here? The other places are really full." The other party asked awkwardly.

Rogge looked up, but he didn't expect that the person coming was Qiu Zhang. He nodded slightly, and then continued to stare at the tea leaves in the cup in a daze.

"This is not Longjing, this is milk tea! Yes, milk tea!" He secretly hypnotized himself in his heart, mustered up enough courage, and took a sip with his eyes closed, as if tasting Hedinghong.

The taste on his tongue reminded him of a certain tea drink in his previous life. Use crushed tea as a base, then add milk and a generous pinch of sugar. He drank it, but didn't catch a cold. He even felt a little dizzy because of the tea flavor in it.

"Miss Qiu Zhang, are you alone today?" Mrs. Pafdi asked curiously, "Is afternoon tea still the same as before?"

"Please change it to something else." Qiu Zhang forced a smile, with a subtle tremor in his voice, "I...I have broken up with him."

"Oh, don't be sad." Mrs. Pafdi comforted her gently, "First love is always bitter."

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