"Magic?" Rogge looked at Snape's textbook and was not sure.

"Be steady and wait until Christmas to visit Moscow. Patience is a rare virtue!" Rogge remembered Professor McGonagall's teachings and stayed in the dungeon processing medicinal materials.

The night gradually deepened, and the moon climbed up the tower.

Rogge stretched and moved his body, which was sleepy after working for a long time, and couldn't help cursing: "Snape, you exploit child labor! You don't pay for it!"

The originally messy staghorn grass was cut into 1-inch sections, and they were neatly bundled, making them look pleasing to the eye when stacked together.

"You're not afraid of nightmares if you live here at night?" Rogge looked around the office. The biological specimens all over the wall made people feel scared.

There are large and small glass jars containing the limbs of beasts with foamed hair, the brains of unnamed creatures, and eyeballs that rotate around...

"Obviously there is a special office, but I have to live in the dungeon. I deal with these things all day long, no wonder I am called the old bat." Rogge shook his head, put the herbal book in his arms and left the classroom.

Due to the remote location of the dungeon, he had to make a long circuit to get back to the lounge. Rogge took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was already close to midnight: "Yes, we still have to guard against Filch and Mrs. Norris."

With an uneasy mood, Rogge walked into the castle cautiously. He looked around cautiously, but did not find Filch: "Hey, why did I lose my head and didn't learn the Disguise Charm on the first day of school."

Apparition and Apparition are prohibited at Hogwarts, but the Disguise Charm is allowed. After all, Filch is a squib, and it will definitely not be discovered once it is used.

Although Hogwarts is bustling during the day, the carnival in this ancient castle is at night. Musical instruments were floating and playing in the corridor, and the characters in the painting visited each other to chat, and from time to time they greeted Rogge, who violated the curfew.

The armors on both sides of the corridor jumped off the display stand. They often punched and kicked me during the day, and they became even more unscrupulous at night.

The player on the left is a German Gothic plate armor with a smooth and gorgeous surface, sharp edges and graceful curves. It picked up the two-handed cross sword with its iron gloves and slashed hard at the body next to it.

The player from England on the opposite side refused to give in. He raised his warhammer in his white plate armor to block the sword, and then struck back hard with his fist.

Although they lost their knights, the spirit of battle still burned in the steel armor. Under the witness of Rogge, the Goth player from Germany successfully dismantled the opponent into parts.

"Precise German craftsmanship, even in the wizarding world." Roger applauded the winner, and he bowed humbly to the little wizard to thank him.

However, parts of the armor hit the floor, and the loud noise echoed from the corridor to the hall. Rogge was startled and fled the scene.

"The little wizard doesn't sleep. He gets up in the middle of the night and wanders around. Peeves is going to complain!" Peeves came out of nowhere and floated around Rogge in the air, laughing.

"Peeves, get out of the way!"

"No! Unless you say please!" Peeves grimaced, and Filch's footsteps upstairs became louder and louder.

"Please!" Rogge wanted to tie up Peeves with a binding spell, and then throw him to Bloody Balor and give him a good beating.

"Why didn't you say 'please get out of the way'? How did you know the answer Peeves wanted?" Peeves curiously came down and stared into the little wizard's eyes.

"Can you step aside now?"

Peeves looked unhappy and made way for Rogge. As soon as he lifted his feet, Peeves shouted loudly: "Come on Filch, there is a little wizard here who walks at night."

"Damn Peeves, sooner or later I'll give you to Barrow to be eaten."

"Peeves, don't lie to me!" Filch and Mrs. Norris rushed over. Just now, Peeves was upstairs refusing to tell him where the little wizard had gone.

"You idiot Filch, you can't even solve Peeves' riddles. Even if I tell you there is a little wizard who violates school rules, you can't catch him!" Peeves laughed happily and disappeared into the wall. , only laughter echoed in the corridor.

Mrs. Norris discovered something and screamed sharply at the corner.

"Damn little wizard, look where you are running away!" Filch cursed and chased after him with a lantern.

The end of the corridor leads to the Slytherin lounge, and Filch probably knows which little wizard is wandering around outside.

"Purity and power." Rogge ran back to the door of the secret room and quickly recited the password, but the stone wall did not move at all.

"Oops, it's already Friday!" Rogge smiled bitterly. It was already past midnight. If he had known better, he wouldn't have judged the armor.

"Pure Blood Supreme...Heart of the Black Lake...Rights..." Rogge took out the previous password and kept reading it against the wall. I even coined new words myself, but to no avail.

"Let's escape first." Slytherin's secret entrance was a dead end, and Rogge didn't want to be blocked here.

"Meow!" Mrs. Norris ran over first. She yelled at Rogge, calling for Filch to come over.

"Let me see who violated the curfew!" Filch gasped, blocking Rogge.

"Hey, hey, hey, I knew it was you!" Filch smiled like a ferocious water ghost. No wonder the little wizards in the whole school were so afraid of him.

"Good evening, Administrator and Mrs. Norris." Rogge smiled at them and quickly explained: "I said it was because of Professor Snape that I came back late. Do you believe it?"

"Hmph!" Filch grabbed Rogge's shoulder and led him to his office: "Then you should explain it to Professor Snape!"

"I'm going to put you in solitary confinement!" Filch roared and pushed Roger into the office. He pointed excitedly at the chain hanging from the wall, which was so well maintained that it sparkled.

"The headmaster should allow me to restore medieval punishment." Filch took the whip and tugged hard.

He threatened: "All of you troublemakers who violate school rules should be hung upside down with chains, and then whipped hard with whips! Only in this way can you have a longer memory."

"Mr. Filch, I don't think so?" Rogge looked at Filch with a wry smile. The administrator hadn't caught the little wizard in an unknown amount of time, and he was jumping around like a rabbit in excitement.

"Stay here honestly, we have to catch the bad student who ran away just now!" Filch warned Rogge that he was not allowed to go out, leaving Mrs. Norris to watch him. He closed the door tightly and locked it after hearing the noise.

"Loris, look, there is something delicious." Rogge smelled the smell of fried fish in the air. No wonder Mrs. Loris was kept so thin by Filch. The advantage of raising an owl is once again shown. He can carry cat food with him.

Mrs. Norris jumped up on the table, blew up her hair and made a threatening hiss at Roger, warning the little wizard to take back her claws.

"You really don't want to try?" Rogge shrugged and spilled the cat food on the table.

Mrs. Norris jumped away suddenly and took a tentative sniff when she saw Rogge retreating. She was wary at first, but soon she couldn't resist the smell of cat food and tasted a little cautiously.

Then he pounced on him crazily and ate all the food on the table, not even letting go of the food that fell. Mrs. Norris raised her tail and rubbed Roger's leg to ask him for more.

"Hehe, as expected, there is no cat that cannot be conquered by cat food. If there is, give me another one." Rogge sat on the stool and motioned for Loris to jump up. He was petting the cat, enjoying himself and not looking like he was being caught.

Rogge looked at Filch's office. It was dark and dirty, with no windows. A lone oil lamp hung from the low ceiling, making the room even more depressing. Rogge frowned, the turbid air was as cold and damp as Azkaban.

"Clean up." He waved his wand and tried to open a window in the wall. However, the castle was protected by magic, and the spell was bounced off of it.

Roger held Loris and walked through rows of wooden cabinets marked with various confiscated prohibited items. One of the drawers said: High-risk items.

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