A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 70 Sitting in rows and dividing the fruits

"Moscow's nuclear warheads are now used to protect the Kremlin." Rogge sneered.

"Oh? You mean casting a spell on Muggles? This is against the laws of the entire wizarding world." Peter lit up a cigar and puffed away in the messy hall.

"Law?" Rogge smiled and said contemptuously: "When the wizard was put on the autopsy table, no Ministry of Magic from any country came to help you seek justice."

"Before you completely separate from Muggles, there will always be some violations. Only the future minister can bear this responsibility."

"Of course!" Peter nodded and took over the responsibility without hesitation.

Faced with the Smaug brothers who captured the Minister of Magic, he has always lacked a reason for other wizards to elect him as Minister of Magic.

Now, Rogge gave him a reason that was upright and responsible.

"The Travis family business must be thriving, especially here."

"Oh, thank you Mr. Minister for your friendship. The Travis family will keep it in mind." Rogge flashed the family tail ring and held his big and small hands tightly together.

Moscow was in turmoil again for no reason. Muggles were unaware of it, but the Ministry of Magic around the world was shocked.

On the grounds that Ukachenco had betrayed the wizarding world and covered up Muggle anatomy experiments on wizards, Peter joined other officials of the Ministry of Magic to remove the imprisoned minister.

He led all the wizards in Moscow to seal the Kremlin, threw out boxes of evidence, and demanded an explanation from the Muggles. Principal Dumbledore had to come to Moscow during the Christmas holidays to ask Peter not to harm Muggles.

Under the pressure of Dumbledore, both parties agreed that the Muggle government would completely separate from the Slavic wizarding world and return all the property confiscated by noble wizards before 1920.

"The principal is actually here?" Rogge flipped through the book "Forbidden Split" in his hand and ate the big-headed doll chocolate.

This is a book about the dark secrets of making and using Horcruxes, which is very enlightening for him.

"Yes, Albus Dumbledore, the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world today." Semyon filled a glass of wine for himself, and he was obviously in a good mood.

"We asked for Yuri from the Ministry of Magic. Believe me, no one wants to know how we deal with Yuri." Semyon had a cruel smile on his face and took a sip of wine.

"Does Minister Peter have any plans?" Rogge asked.

"Peter? Sukabulet, that despicable villain!" Semyon cursed angrily, "Obviously it was our brother who defeated Ukachenko, why is it that all the credit is given to him in the newspaper?"

"Uncle Semyon, you don't think you can be a minister, do you?" Rogge smiled. Peter regarded the Smaug brothers as swords. It would be great if they could kill the minister, but if they couldn't, they would be thrown away.

If Alexander comes out to compete, it’s hard to say based on his status as the founder of Beloberg. Unfortunately, he had no interest in the Ministry of Magic at all. He received the title of Special Advisor and went to work as a construction worker, vowing to turn the Muggle sanatorium into a manor in his memory.

"Me?" Xie Miao opened his mouth. He admitted that he really had no one to support him, and not many people in the magic world knew him.

"That's it anyway, why not take a step back and ask Minister Peter for a position."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!" Xie Miao drank the wine in one gulp and rushed out quickly. Working in the International Trade Association makes less money, and he can travel everywhere at his own expense. He had always wanted to go there before he was expelled.

"It's time to go back!" Rogge stretched. Through these books, he learned more about Voldemort's Horcruxes.

Horcrux is undoubtedly a very powerful black magic weapon that can split and hide part of a person's soul.

When a wizard dies, his soul remains in the world and can therefore be resurrected. The more Horcruxes are produced, the greater the chance of resurrection, which is almost equivalent to immortality.

"Why is Tom so worried about death?" Roger bit his quill and wrote down his question in the notebook.

The cost of making a Horcrux is terrifying. It requires sacrificing a person's life to cut out his soul. After the soul is cut, the wizard's own emotions will also be affected, such as becoming extreme.

"The incompleteness of the soul will affect the appearance of the body. No wonder Voldemort has no nose." Rogge smiled and drew a horizontal line under this sentence to express the emphasis.

"Black magic and the soul are not opposites, but are closely related." In the last part of "The Division of the Forbidden", the author commented on the relationship between black magic and the soul.

The original intention of black magic has already explained its essence. It is a powerful and dangerous magic that has no deliberate good or evil in itself. Black magic is to the soul what a sharp sword is to a swordsman. The sword is inherently sinless, and good and evil are left to man.

The reason why it has become synonymous with evil over time is because of the ambition filled in the hearts of the wizards who use it. During the learning process, the wizard's soul will be constantly tested by black magic. The harder he studies with all his strength, the easier it is to fall into its sharp double edges.

If the soul cannot withstand the test, it will fall into the sea of ​​desire, leaving an indelible mark. On the contrary, those wizards who can restrain themselves and understand and apply black magic with a more rational perspective and method will have their souls become tougher and deeper.

In general, the relationship between black magic and the soul is a self-competition in the wizard's mind.

Rogge nodded. After all, black magic is an amplifier of desire. Some people can restrain themselves, while others become more and more indulgent.

The reason why there are so many dark wizards and Death Eaters in Slytherin House lies in their desire for power and power. It happened that at the last time point, Voldemort became their leader.

"Does that mean that the graduates of Hogwarts have not experienced the test of black magic in the past ten years?" Rogge's eyes lit up. According to his observation, the young wizards of Hogwarts are not very capable.

In other words, Dumbledore protected them very well. Except for the two exams stipulated by the Ministry of Magic, their studies were completely stress-free.

"Obviously he has the ability to make better study plans." Rogge thought about the various customized tests that Harry would receive in the future, and had to lament that his principal was a little too biased.

"Damn Paul, you only gave me the position of director of the Department of Transportation!" Semyon cursed, but it was obvious that he was still very happy.

"Congratulations." Rogge said with a smile and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet to congratulate him.

"Hehe, thank you for reminding me." He looked at the pub with disgust and finally left.

"Come on, let's drink today!" Xie Miao filled it for himself and saw Rogge shaking his head and drinking.

"Where's Uncle Alexander?" Rogge poured juice. Alcohol is not good for brain development at his age.

"My brother?" Xie Miao touched his bald head and said regretfully: "He just wants to rebuild Smaug Manor and has no interest in the position of the Ministry of Magic."

"Is there any problem?" Alexander came back from his travels and punched Semyon on the shoulder.

"Semyon, you know me. I didn't create Beloberg for official position or power." Alexander gave himself a drink and lay comfortably in the wooden chair.

"I know, I know!" Semyon nodded, "Alyosha, your ideal is to completely separate the Moscow Ministry of Magic from the Muggle community. But Alyosha, no country's magical community can be completely separated from the top government. "

"So what?" Of course Alexander knew, but this was different.

"The key lies in the initiative. Seventy years ago, the Ministry of Magic became the dogs of those Muggles! What about now?" Alexander stood up excitedly and shouted loudly: "The glory of noble wizards is recovering, and orchids are blooming. In Slavic lands.”

"I know you are not satisfied with Paul, yes, that villain in your mouth." Alexander looked at his brother and said helplessly: "But who else can we choose?"

"Xie Miao, you have to understand that we have already received what we deserve. Isn't the position of Director of the Transportation Department not enough?"

"Brother...you know..." Xie Miao hesitated.

"Hmph! Paul notified me as soon as you arrived at the Ministry of Magic. This son of a bitch has learned all the surveillance methods." Alexander cursed, wanting to pull Paul out and give him a beating.

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