"Rogg is still a little wizard, and it is inevitable to make some mistakes." Dumbledore smiled and opened Rogge's bag.

Dumbledore took out grenades one by one, and Snape's pale face quickly turned red, then black, purple... just like a dyeing workshop, extremely exciting.

"Travis!" Snape gritted his teeth and said his last name word by word. Roger, who had just escaped from the dungeon, felt a chill on his back and quickly quickened his pace.

"In dealing with Voldemort, it doesn't matter if there are some methods that are not in line with the honor of wizards." Dumbledore pulled the pin of a grenade, and the high-explosive grenade exploded in his hand.

However, the explosion became a slow motion, and all the energy and metal fragments were contained within the palm of your hand by numerous obstacles.

"Not bad power." Dumbledore nodded and rubbed his numb palms.

If unprepared, the wizard will die from its power. Fortunately, the plan was adjusted in time to allow Firenze to take action in advance, otherwise Quirrell would really have died there.

"Albus, this will lead to the loss of wizarding traditions! Even Voldemort has no intention of overthrowing our traditions!"

"Are you saying that your students are more terrifying than Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked calmly, but the question was extremely important.

"I don't know." Snape shook his head. "He is serious and extremely talented in the things that interest him. But he doesn't want to touch things that he is not interested in at all."

"Quidditch?" Dumbledore smiled, and Mrs. Hooch also complained to herself.

"We all know that he grew up in Azkaban. The way wizards ride brooms look similar to dementors in his eyes. His aversion to flying lessons is even innate." Snape said helplessly, Slytherin has yet to find a Seeker who can match Harry.

"So you gave him the Shadowless Blade." Dumbledore dug into his pocket and dropped the lemon candy into his mouth.

"It's better than him secretly going to the forbidden book area to find the magic spell."

Dumbledore nodded, staring at the unicorn's huge body. Rogge's talent for spells was higher than Snape's, and even a bit scary.

The first grader can create zero-degree frost as needed, and the God-calling Guardian already has a ready-made patron saint; not to mention Potions, Transfiguration and other subjects, there are few people in the history of Hogwarts who are as good as him.

Coupled with the news he heard from the fishman, Rogge inherited the talent of his father Theodore and could infinitely amplify the power of the spell.

Dumbledore was a little worried. Rogge was not like Tom, or Tom was far inferior to Rogge. He is more like his... friend from his youth, Gellert Grindelwald. But he is more reserved than Grindelwald, making him unpredictable. Dumbledore took a deep breath and looked out of the window into the distance.

"This kid always knows what he wants and what he doesn't want. His goals have always been clear."

"Albus, why don't you show Rogue the Mirror of Erised?"

"I have thought about it too, but our Mr. Rogge seems to have no desire to take risks. Common room, classroom, library and auditorium." Dumbledore shrugged and sighed: "You know, if you put the magic mirror in The Room of Requirement will probably be lost.”

"Perhaps the Marauder's Map should be given to him instead of falling into the hands of the Weasley brothers." Snape complained that the Marauder's Map was a complete waste in the hands of those two troublemakers.

"I will think about it. Oh, I thought of it." Dumbledore stroked his beard happily, "The Centaur helped Rogge solve a puzzle. Professor Aurora can help with the astronomy class on Wednesday night."

"Severus, I still need you to extract the unicorn's blood. I think Professor Quirrell will find a way to borrow some."

"I understand." Snape nodded in agreement. The unicorn's body made him a little distracted. Except for that man, no one in the wizarding world dares to be cursed.

"By the way, what will happen if Nagini drinks the blood of a unicorn?" Returning to the dormitory, Roger took Nagini out of the bag. It curled up and vomited a message, wanting to bite the little wizard in front of it to death.

"Don't look at me like that, you are a human being." Rogge signaled Nagini to obey, grabbed its seven inches and extracted 1 ml of blood for preservation.

"Wizard, like me." Roger put the test tube into the box, wrote a label and affixed it.

After Nagini was full, he voluntarily got back into the bag to rest. Under Rogge's training, Nagini had developed a basic conditioned reflex: draw 1 ml of blood every day, and then he would be full. If she resists, Rogge will give her a blow and knock her unconscious. I was starved for three days, but my blood was drawn every day.

After many trials, Nagini realized that she couldn't defeat Rogge, so she lived a life of eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating.

The research on the blood curse is currently at a deadlock, and I can only collect blood samples every day for future use.

"Hey, I can't communicate. I don't know Parseltongue." Roger thought about it, and among the wizards he knew, only Voldemort and Harry could speak Parseltongue.

Harry? Forget it, he won't help. And he couldn't explain why he knew he knew snake language.

Rogge dropped the unicorn blood collected from the ground into the test tube. The blood inside vibrated violently, and then became eerily silent.

Rogge quickly put on the single-chip magic mirror and observed the blood sample with a smear. All the cells in it were shattered.

"There is a response! But the current conditions cannot continue the research." Rogge sighed and wrote down the first experimental record.

There is very little research on the Blood Curse in the magical world, and not many wizards even know about it. The only certain information is that the blood curse is passed on to females but not to males. Based on Muggle knowledge, Rogge speculated that it was related to the double X chromosome.

But this is a magical world, and no one can conclude that the problem lies in the chromosomes. Maybe it's simply a curse, like the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"Curse?" Rogge circled the word heavily.

Perhaps we can use modern scientific research equipment to rule out speculation, and it would be best to find families with this genetic curse.

"Parseltongue..." Rogge thought for a while. The only material in his hand was Nagini, and the problem returned to communication.

If you can talk to her directly, the research on the blood curse will naturally go more smoothly. But the problem is that Parseltongue is something you are born with, and it has never been said that it can be learned and mastered.

"Maybe I should look away from the British Gaunt family. There may be wizards who know Parseltongue in Europe." Rogge flipped through the wizard pictures and took out a dark wizard: the despicable Herbo.

He was the first to breed a basilisk and the first to master Parseltongue. Moreover, he was the first guy to make a Horcrux.

"Maybe his Horcrux is still there, maybe there are still descendants of his family."

After the astronomy class, Aurora called him.

"Rogg, please wait a moment." Aurora came over with a smile, "I heard from the centaur that you have unlocked the secret of the star map?"

"Yes, Professor Aurora. Do you know them?" Rogge was a little surprised. He didn't expect Aurora to still have contact with the centaurs tribe.

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