A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 86 Don’t want to look in the mirror

He remembered that Professor Aurora was sitting to the left of the principal when school started. Opposite her was Vice Principal McGonagall. Why is an unknown professor sitting there? Rogge looked at her curiously.

"Trelawney made the prophecy about Voldemort, did Aurora help unravel it?" He murmured in his heart.

"Horses are natural astrologers, and they have a lot to learn from wizards." Aurora sincerely praised her neighbors in the Forbidden Forest.

"Professor, can you also predict the future through the stars?" Rogge asked.

"Prophecy is Professor Trelawney's specialty. I can only occasionally see some clues from the stars." Aurora was very modest. "But if you are interested in divination, you can take it as an elective in the third grade."

"Professor, the centaur said Mars was very bright that night. Does it mean anything?"

"July prophecy?" Aurora was a little surprised and quickly shut up when she realized that the information was leaked.

"July?" Rogge frowned. After a year of study, he had become an introduction to astronomy.

The prophecy is that only one can survive between the Savior and Voldemort, but it is still confidential.

"Professor, July is the month of Mars, which corresponds to the Leo Palace in astrology. In Roman mythology, July belongs to Vulcanus, the god of fire, and Mars, the god of war. It symbolizes war, power and chaos."

"If it is a prophecy, it means that the magic world will usher in war." Rogge's eyes were bright, as bright as the North Star.

Aurora was stunned. The little wizard in front of her was too smart. So much can be inferred from just a little bit of information.

"Rogg, um..." Aurora hesitated for a moment and then tried: "If the person in the prophecy is born at the end of July, who do you think it will be?"

"Who is it?" Roger was lost in thought, Harry? Or Neville?

"It doesn't matter who it is, the key is to have a reasonable explanation." Rogge thought to himself.

He paced back and forth, pointed at Mars and said: "Professor, Ronan said that Mars was very bright that night, which may mean that the wheel of fate began to turn. There was a mysterious being in the Forbidden Forest that night, and there may be a prophecy among us. "

"A very bold analysis!" Professor Aurora nodded. If it were not after class, she would not hesitate to give Rogge extra points.

"Excluding the big guy Hagrid, there are only five of us. Malfoy and I are from Slytherin, which does not match the astrology of Mars. It is certain that the person in the prophecy is in Gryffindor."

"Mars represents men, and Hermione does not meet this requirement. The rest are Harry and Neville. If their birth dates could be known..."

"Unfortunately, they were all born on July 31st." Aurora helped to add information, hoping that the smart little wizard could continue to reason.

"Professor, how do you know?"

"I remember the birthday of every little wizard at Hogwarts. You were born on June 6, Gemini." Aurora smiled and stared at the stars side by side with him.

"But it's strange that only the dark stars shine in your chart."

"Um... maybe it's too dark in the North Sea and the aurora lasts too long..." Rogge quickly changed the topic, Gemini and Dark Star hinting at his identity.

It’s better to have less contact with Aurora in the future!

"Professor, is it possible that they are all prophecies? With prophecies, anyone can become a hero."

"Interesting answer!" Aurora did not object to Rogge's opinion. The two chatted about the stars, just like the Riddler was having a conversation.

"Trelawney and I have different opinions, but the prophecy has been partially verified. It seems that she is right." Aurora still believed that Neville was more likely, but Harry did defeat Voldemort.

"Maybe man can defeat God? Rather than leave your fate to the stars, it's better to leave it to yourself." Rogge shrugged, not caring who would kill Voldemort, Harry or Neville.

"Roger, your answers always surprise me." Aurora admired Rogge's attitude. Very few wizards would resist fate, even Dumbledore, who is known as the greatest wizard.

"Thank you for your compliment, Professor. I think..." Rogge stretched out his palm to hold the starlight into his fist, "If everyone's destiny moves along the predetermined trajectory, the night sky will be too boring."

"Yes, there are always stars struggling out in the universe. Some may break into meteors, or some may become the sun." Aurora nodded.

"Professor, do you think I can become an astrologer?" Rogge looked at Aurora.

"I'm sorry, Rogge. Before this exchange, I always thought you had a good talent. Now..." Aurora shook her head, "You can be the best student in the divination class, but you can't be the worst." Astrologer.”

"Please forgive me for saying this, this is not your fault." She quickly lowered her head to comfort, "Astrologers have to believe in the trajectory of fate, but you... you don't believe in fate."

"Okay. I hope I can pass the divination-related courses." Rogge sighed.

"Of course, exams are not real divination. Real divination can never be measured by exams." Aurora took "Star Trail" from the bookshelf, and the small book unfolded and became the size of a carpet.

"It can be used as a theoretical reference, but it cannot be used in practical applications. Rogge, if the star deviates by half a star position, the predicted results will be completely different." Aurora reminded again, lest the little wizard would just copy it after learning it.

"I understand, Professor!" Rogge agreed quickly and put the shrunken Star Trail into his pocket.

"It would be great if there was a dictionary for Parseltongues... No, the rhythm of the stairs is messed up. There are some unscrupulous people who want to harm me!" Rogge stopped and stood on the stairs, hesitating whether to continue walking.

"It's not Old Bee, is it? Besides him, who else can control the movable stairs? Start the simulation!"

【1】You turned around and changed direction, still lost in the tower;

【2】You found the secret room and saw the Mirror of Erised;

【3】You refused to face the magic mirror, and Dumbledore became more wary of you;

【4】You followed Harry to the room where the Philosopher's Stone was hidden, and were discovered by Professor Quirrell;

【5】Professor Quirrell retaliates against you and severely injures you;

【6】You were in a coma for a year and had to repeat the grade to become Harry's junior student;

(Simulation stopped.)

"...How cruel!" Rogge had no expression on his face, he braced himself and continued walking forward.

As expected, the hidden corridor was covered in dust and decaying cobwebs, with a mysterious wooden door at the end.

"Very good, it's not locked. The young monk can't bear the consequences of offending the abbot." Rogge secretly complained, eager to try the simulation again.

【1】You see your past life in the Mirror of Erised;

【2】Dumbledore is confused and doubts your true identity;

【3】You were killed by Professor Quirrell and became a ghost in Hogwarts;

"Where is this?" Rogge's tone was trembling, and his exaggerated expression made him feel ashamed.

He pushed open the heavy door, and there was a huge full-length mirror in the room. The standing mirror is wrapped in full-frame metal and supported by two golden winged beast claws.

He walked over slowly and took the time to simulate it again.

"One more time, I want to become stronger, stronger than Dumbledore..."

【1】You desire strength and power in your heart, and see yourself in the mirror as the leader of the dark wizard;

【2】Principal Dumbledore is more wary of you;

【3】Professor Quirrell comes to talk to you, and Voldemort casts the Imperius Curse on you;

"Stop!" Rogge yelled in his heart, but he had to pretend to be confused and curious on his face.

"Eris...magic mirror..." He stepped forward and stared at the words on the frame.

He didn't dare to look down at the mirror, for fear that the magic mirror would reflect his uncontrollable desires. He was 100% sure that Dumbledore was watching.

"It seems like a puzzle..." he muttered, spelling out the letters of the Mirror of Erised, transposing their order.

"I know, the correct spelling should be like this!" Rogge quickly squatted down and spelled it again on the ground.

"What I'm showing is not...your...face..." He muttered slowly in a low voice, buying himself time.

At this point, I can only make a desperate move: "This is the last chance, I will risk it all!"

This chapter was originally published as a public chapter in the morning, but I didn’t know what the blocking words were, so it was put in the review dark room. T.T

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