The weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day, and there is not even a fan in the classroom. Roger took the exam-specific quill and began to answer the questions quickly. He heard from Daphne that this kind of pen has an anti-cheating spell on it to prevent students from using magic to cheat.

The questions on the test paper are very basic, covering basic magic knowledge. Roger finished it quickly, not feeling the need to cheat at all.

In Professor Flitwick's Charms exam, Rogge undoubtedly received the highest rating in the audience. His pineapple dances a rhythmic tap dance, and its cheerful sound makes people can't help but move along with it and step across the desk with it.

When everyone heard Professor McGonagall announcing the exam questions, everyone regretted it. There is a mouse in a cage on the podium, and all the students have to do is turn it into a snuff bottle.

"If you complete every homework carefully, then it won't be difficult." Strict Professor McGonagall's lenses flashed white, and most students lowered their heads guiltily.

No one expected that the exam questions for the school year would be assigned in the first class. They clearly remembered that this was just an extracurricular exercise left for Roger and Hermione.

"Roger, you must have practiced before, right? Please teach me the skills!" Daphne teased Rogge, not fully sure about the test questions.

"Daphne, you know me." Rogge shook his head, "Except for the clearly assigned homework, I won't do any extra exercises."

"Okay!" Daphne was a little disappointed and turned to look at Hermione who was first in line.

Roger was not a model student in the professor's eyes, that position belonged to Miss Granger. She is always so proactive in completing the questions and assignments assigned by her professors. The whole school recognized her as the most obedient, hard-working and serious little wizard.

But Hermione knew that although the professors liked her very much, the little wizards secretly said that she was a nerd, a complainer and a nuisance.

"Harry, are you sure?" Ron looked nervously at the mouse in the cage, always feeling that Scabbers was smarter than him.

"Humph, this is the consequence of not completing your homework properly." Hermione said and was the first to walk up.

She waved the wand smoothly and gracefully, and the spell was steady and fast. The mouse in the cage instantly turned into an exquisite snuff bottle, with no trace of the characteristics of the mouse.

"Perfect Transfiguration, Miss Granger." Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction and put a high mark behind her name.


"Yes...Professor..." A nervous Ron stood on top, pointing the broken wand in his hand at the cage, but he still did not chant the spell.

"Ron, come on! You can do it!" Harry encouraged him from the side.

"Yes, I can do it!" Ron took a deep breath and chanted a spell loudly. The mouse in the cage changed in response to the sound and turned into a strange and extremely strange snuff bottle.

"It's really worthless." Rogge glanced at it, but he didn't expect that Weasley still had some Cthulhu talent.

There is a long beard on the snuff bottle, and its four legs and slender tail are shaking randomly outside, which is weird and disgusting.

"Weasley, your snuff bottle doesn't squeak, does it?" Malfoy mocked mercilessly, and there was a burst of laughter around him.

"Next." Professor McGonagall raised her glasses and wrote P behind Ron's name.

"Not bad, Mr. Potter." Professor McGonagall nodded and gave it an E excellent rating.

Ron pouted below. He and Harry were obviously doing the same thing, but the gap between their transfiguration skills was so huge that he almost failed the exam.

With Ron at the bottom, the others were full of confidence and even performed exceptionally well in their transformation skills. Overall, the little lions did not disappoint their dean. Except for Ron's outstanding performance, everyone else can achieve a passing grade.

When Slytherin came on the stage, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but be a little stunned. Except for Goyle and Crabbe, who were passing, most of the others were E-good. Roger and Daphne undoubtedly got O excellent.

Slytherin's performance in Transfiguration class crushed Gryffindor in all aspects, and Professor McGonagall had mixed feelings in her heart.

On the one hand, as a professor of Transfiguration, she was pleased with Slytherin's good grades. But on the other hand, as the head of Gryffindor, is the gap between the little lions due to his negligence and failure to fully fulfill his responsibilities?

McGonagall rolled up the transcript with a complicated expression. She had already imagined Snape's pride after learning the results. Thinking of his unforgiving mouth, Mag knew that he would have to hide for a while again.

Her stern eyes roamed the little lions, something that had to change next school year, especially in Transfiguration class.

Everyone soon welcomed Snape. This is undoubtedly a hellish torture for Gryffindor.

"Your exam task is very simple. Make a potion of forgetfulness within the specified time." Snape said in his unique tone, "I hope you still remember how to make a potion of forgetfulness."

Rogge smiled. As expected of his teacher Snape, even the test questions were ridiculing.


"It's only been five minutes." The corners of Snape's mouth raised slightly, and when he heard Rogge's voice, his steps became a little brisker.

He walked past Harry and held up the oblivion potion made by Roger.

"Perfect appearance and quality." Snape praised his students unabashedly, and at the same time wrote a big "O" on the report card. If he could give points, he would definitely give Rogge more than full marks.

Then, he glanced around the classroom and sneered at the Gryffindors: "Did you drink the amnesia potion before the exam? Have you forgotten that time is running? Or do you think I will take pity on you and give you some time?"

There was silence in the classroom. Everyone quickly lowered their heads and continued refining, not daring to make a sound.

Snape stood silently behind Harry. Harry felt a gloomy old bat standing behind him, and his sharp, cold gaze made him freeze. However, Harry still tried his best to get rid of fear, stabilize his mind, carefully process the potion materials, and refine the forgetting potion.

Snape's pressure did not knock Harry down, but made Ron next to him at a loss and making frequent mistakes.

"Average." Snape took Harry's work away, glanced at it with disgust, and threw it back.

"Ron, don't worry, I saw that Snape gave you a P grade." Harry comforted the dejected Ron, which only made him even more depressed.

"We've obviously been studying together..." Ron was indignant and walked out of the classroom without looking back.

"What's wrong with him?" Hermione was confused. Based on her understanding of Ron, he was not someone who valued results.

"Imagine it." Rogge walked up to Hermione and analyzed, "Suppose you and your roommate are inseparable and want to be together even in the shower. But in the final exam, you can only pass, and your friend is good and excellent. What if How would you feel if it were you?"

Hermione suddenly understood after hearing this, and Rogge continued: "Unconvinced? Angry? Do you even think it's unfair?"

"Don't alienate Ron and I!" Harry glared at Roger angrily, turned around and chased him out.

"Hey, he's very good at wizard chess, but we won't test this." Hermione hesitated, unwilling to tell the cruel truth: Ron's talent was far inferior to Harry's.

"Hermione, it's not a good thing to deceive yourself. If a person is not talented enough, he must at least work hard enough. Do you think you really need to compete for talent in these exams?"

Rogge said calmly: "He needs to recognize himself and not follow Harry around all day long. That will only harm him."

When it was time to take the flying class exam, the little wizards finally became happy. Everyone is gearing up, because this is a subject that Roger and Hermione are not good at.

Mrs. Hooch glanced at the excited little faces, as well as the helpless expressions of Roger and Hermione, not knowing whether to be happy or worried.

"Okay students. The examination room is the Quidditch field, and I have arranged a total of 25 marking rings.

You need to ride your broom through them in order, and then fly back. The shorter the time, the better the result. have you understood? "

"I understand!" the little wizards said in unison, rushing forward to show their strength.

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