Su Yu helplessly: "So what, guys, I said this ginseng was really not what I put in, do you believe it?"

   "Hehehe, do you think we believe it?"

   "You were here just now. Could it be that the ghost was put in?"

   "Okay, the anchor, stop pretending, let's showdown, we know you are a billionaire."

   Su Yu immediately took the dog.

   So, where did this ginseng come from!

   Su Yu was wondering. When he looked back, he suddenly saw Xiao Bai lying on his stomach next to the stove.

   A bold idea appeared in his mind.

Could it be that…


   Su Yu looked at Xiao Bai.

   Xiaobai spit out two letters.

   Su Yu: "Xiao Bai, honestly explain, are you making these ginseng a ghost?"

   "66666! Just take the anchor to throw all the pots to Xiaobai!"

   "Xiao Bai said he was innocent, and by the way he despised the anchor."

   "Xiao Bai: I'm cracked! If I have this ability, I will still eat with you?"

   "The anchor, don't bully Xiao Bai and can't speak. How could Xiao Bai get the ginseng?"

   "That's right, isn't this nonsense?"

   The audience in the live broadcast room defended Xiaobai.

   However, they didn't expect at all that Xiaobai nodded after listening to Su Yu's words.

   Then, he walked around Su Yu and ran away in the blink of an eye.

   Su Yu: "What does this mean?"

   "The anchor is not righteous! Did Xiao Baiqi run away?"

   "Xiao Bai: I can't stand this grievance!"

   "Xiao Bai said that I didn't carry this pot and slipped away."

   However, after a while, Su Yu saw that Xiao Bai had come back.

   peeped his big head into the kitchen, and then threw a few things in.

   Su Yu took a look.


   Is this ginseng?

   Xiaobai threw the ginseng in?

   "Fuck, fuck! I'm not mistaken! Is this ginseng?"

   "Xiaobai sent the ginseng? It turned out that instead of running, I went home to get the ginseng!"

   "But where did this ginseng come from? Xiaobai dug it by himself, right?"

   "This is a serious wild ginseng! Real-name envious anchor, my own snake can actually bring wild ginseng back."

   "Raising this pet is not making blood? You don't need to pay for food, and you can subsidize your own household."

   "Xiao Bai can sell cute, cook porridge, and bring ginseng. It's omnipotent!"

   "Looking at the omnipotent Xiaobai of the anchor, and then at his own fat cat who can't even urinate his own poop, I just kicked him up!"

   "Ahhhhh! I'm so sour! Why can't I meet such a good pet."

   Su Yu: "Xiao Bai, where did you come from these ginseng?"

   Su Yu is a little worried, isn't this guy Xiaobai stole it from somewhere, right?

   Theft is not advocated!

   Xiaobai: "Hiss..."

   Su Yu nodded: "Did you pick it back yourself? Well, anyway, it's not stolen."

   Su Yu can understand Xiaobai's words.

   From Xiaobai's mouth, Su Yu knew that this wild ginseng was found in the mountains by Xiaobai himself.

   It just saw that there was nothing in Su Yu's porridge, and it was afraid that it would not be nutritious, so he added some ingredients to Su Yu.

   Regarding Xiao Bai's kind behavior, Su Yu could only shook his head.

   This is indeed too extravagant, and it is wasteful.

   Su Yu reminds Xiao Bai.

   Only this time, I can't do this next time.

  Should we turn around and sell these wild ginseng, do we need to eat vegetables and porridge?

   accepted the gift of wild ginseng from Xiaobai.

   Su Yu took a bowl and prepared for breakfast.

   There are two ginseng roots in a bowl of rice porridge.

  Hao is just one word, I only say it once.

   "The anchor's breakfast is too good, I can't even think about it!"

   "Such an anchor? Is ginseng porridge delicious?"

   "The anchor will talk about your feelings. After all, I am afraid that no one in this room has eaten ginseng porridge."

   "Don't just eat, anchor, talk about how it feels."

   Su Yu took a bite of ginseng: "In fact, it doesn't feel much, just like eating radish, it's crunchy and tasteless."

   "Anchor cow! Compare ginseng with radish! It looks like this is often eaten!"

   "Are the rural areas so domineering now? Ginseng is equal to carrots?"

   "Fuck! I can't stand it anymore, I don't want to stay in the city anymore, I want to go back to my hometown."

   "Watching the anchor eat wild ginseng, my heart is dripping blood!"

   "A few hundred gram of things sold in the market were bored by the anchor, and this random bite cost thousands of dollars!"

   "True-eat gold!"

   In fact, Su Yu is also quite painful.

   After all, he is not so rich, so selling so many wild ginseng is not a blood profit?

   Now I have to eat myself, who doesn’t hurt!

   With every bite, Su Yu felt that he was sinful.

   After breakfast, Su Yu washed the dishes.

   took a few ham sausages from my refrigerator.

   is going to feed Xiaobai some ham.

   But Xiaobai sniffed the ham for a long time, and finally turned his head away.

   doesn't seem to be very interested.

   "Xiao Bai doesn't seem to like to eat ham?"

   "Xiao Bai: I **** gave you tens of thousands of wild ginseng, so you just fooled me with this one-dollar thing?"

   "The anchor is too picky, I don't like this kind of starch sausage."

   "Does Xiaobai not eat chicken sausage? The anchor should change to a king of kings?"

   Su Yu: "I also have the king of kings."

   After speaking, Su Yu went back to the room and took it.

   After a while, Su Yu opened a packet of Wang Zhong Wang ham and walked out.

   shook it again in front of Xiao Bai.

   Xiaobai still don't overdo it, UU reading is not interested.

   "666! Xiao Bai really doesn't like ham sausage!"

   "I have a headache now, I don't know what Xiao Bai likes to eat."

   "I have a bold idea, you said, Xiao Bai would not like to eat ginseng!"

"It is possible that there is a kind of medicinal snake in Yunnan. I grew up eating medicinal slag. After I grew up, I specialized in eating all kinds of medicinal materials. I am not interested in anything except medicinal materials. This kind of snake is It can be used as medicine, and the medicinal snake is very expensive! Most people can't afford it at all, it is only for the rich to eat."

   Eat ginseng?

   Su Yu's eyes turned black upon hearing this.


   How much does it cost?

   Su Yu instantly felt that he couldn't afford Xiao Bai anymore.

   Fortunately, Xiao Bai didn't take the initiative to ask Su Yu to eat.

   But Su Yu still tried it.

   took out a few wild ginseng that Xiaobai had given him before and put it in front of it.

After    Xiaobai smelled it, she opened her mouth and put the ginseng in her mouth, then chewed it a few times and ate it all.

   After eating a piece of ginseng, Xiao Bai still vomited the letter.

   Su Yu: "You really eat ginseng!"

   "Fuck! I was really guessed right, now the anchor is about to cry, how much does it cost to eat ginseng every day?"

   "Tell a joke! We are not as good as a snake!"

   "Cry Liao, even snakes eat ginseng. I have never tasted ginseng in my life."

   "Too extravagant, a good wild ginseng! Just feed the snake like this?"

   Su Yu looked at Xiao Bai, this time not only tears came down.

   Even the eyeballs flow down.

  What is this special, too prodigal.

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