A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 12: Do you believe me that this bow has two hundred pounds?

   "Little Bai, let's go."

   Xiaobai was swam over by Su Yu cleverly.

   Then, Su Yu filled a pot full of Reiki water in the well.

   hung the kettle around Xiao Bai's neck and tied a knot, Xiao Bai spit out Xinzi twice and rubbed Su Yu's shoulder twice.

   Su Yu smiled, and then he was about to go out.

   "Wait a minute! Will you bring a pot of water, the anchor? Don't you need to bring other things?"

   "In my impression, shouldn't you bring a lot of things into the mountain? For example, sleeping bag tent self-heating small hot pot instant noodles, flashlights or something."

   "I watched a live broadcast before, good fellow! But I was three hundred meters away from home, I wish I could carry the whole house on my back."

Su Yu: "In fact, it's just going to a mountain. I can go into the woods to pick fruits and mushrooms by myself at the age of twelve. At the age of fifteen, I followed my dad all over the mountain. The mountains have all kinds of resources. Hunters can live in the mountains and forests for more than a year without carrying anything around."

"What the anchor said is okay. There is an old hunter in my hometown. When I was young, he met a blind bear in the mountains. He was seriously injured and escaped by jumping into the river. Later, he lost his way in the mountains. Later, when the forest ranger discovered him, people lived in the mountains with a sense of taste. Three houses were built, and even the pottery and pottery were burned out. It is said that if the forest ranger did not find him, he would be ready to start practicing in the next step. Iron has entered the Iron Age."

   [Jiang Ling]: "Iron Age 6666! But the anchor should pay attention to safety issues. After all, there are still dangers in the mountains. If you encounter beasts or something, you will be in trouble."

   Su Yu: "If there is a safety issue, you can rest assured, I have brought some other equipment besides the water source."

   Su Yu said as he took out his fire hunting bow.

   "Recurve bow? Will the anchor still play this?"

   "Are you sure this thing is reliable? I usually can't shoot rabbits with this thing. It's no joke when I run into a beast."

   "Doesn't the anchor neighbor have a shotgun? Why don't you borrow a gun if you have one? Do you need a bow and arrow?"

   Su Yu: "In fact, sometimes bows and arrows are more reliable than guns, and I don't have a gun license. I have violated the law with a gun. For the sake of the safety of the live broadcast room, forget it."

   [Lord Mo laughs]: "I have been playing bows all these years. How many pounds is the anchor's recurve bow? Is it powerful enough?"

   Su Yu: "Is this the bow's pull? It's not that I don't want to say it, but I'm afraid you don't believe it."

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "What's unbelievable? Tell me?"

   "I said this bow has a pull of more than 200 pounds, do you believe it?"

   "200 pounds? Fuck! Really? Really? The anchor with such a big pull is sure to be able to draw a bow?"

   "Don't blow the anchor, 200 pounds, let alone you, whether Tyson can pull it away is a question."

   "If you don't understand, just ask, what does 200 pounds mean? Can you explain it to me?"

  【Jiangling】: "Same question, what is 200 pounds?"

[Lord laughs]: "In fact, it is just a form of tension. Generally speaking, ordinary people can draw a bow of about 40 pounds. In fact, you can simply test how many pounds you can draw. For example, if a fully-loaded gas tank can be lifted up by one hand, then at least a 55-pound bow can be opened. If it can be reached to the chest by one hand, it is conservatively estimated that 65 pounds will be fine, but a 200-pound bow will be fine. I haven't seen anyone pull it off. Generally, a 25-pound bow can cause fatal damage to humans. A 60-pound bow pierces a boar like playing. A 200-pound bow anchor is going to go to the tank?"

   "It turns out that this is the case. Mr. Jun is really a big man, and he knows everything."

   "But the anchor is really a 200-pound bow? Isn't it just a fancy that you can't pull it out? A bow that can't be pulled is useless!"

   "No, no one really believes the anchor, right? This is obviously nonsense! I guess the bow is 50 pounds at most."

   Seeing that these audiences didn't believe it, Su Yu didn't explain much.

Su Yu: "Okay, okay, guys, the question of how many pounds this bow is will not be discussed. It's too early, and I should set off too, but to be on the safe side, my bow is not enough, because this bow The pulling force is indeed a bit big, and I can't pull it a few times, so I have to borrow another bow."

   After Su Yu finished speaking, he took Xiaobai out of the house.

   Just when I left home, I just saw Uncle Zhang drying dried sweet potatoes outside.

   "Uncle Zhang, good noon!"

   Su Yu just walked over and said hello.

   Uncle Zhang looked back at Su Yu, and the next moment, Uncle Zhang's eyes widened.

   picked up a stick and shouted to Su Yu: "Xiaoyu, run! There is a big snake behind you! Let your Aunt Zhang take out my gun!"

   Uncle Zhang finished shouting, and he was about to fight with a stick.

   Su Yu took a look and quickly stopped Uncle Zhang.

   "Uncle Zhang, Uncle Zhang, misunderstanding, this is not a wild snake, it was raised by me. It is called Xiaobai, and it is a domestic snake."

   Su Yu stopped Uncle Zhang and introduced him to him. At this time, Aunt Zhang also ran out.

   Seeing such a big snake behind Su Yu, Aunt Zhang was also very frightened.

   "Xiao, Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you saying that this big snake is raised by you?"

   Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, this is how things are..."

   Then Su Yu told Uncle Zhang and the others about Xiaobai's matter and how it came about.

   Then Su Yu also asked Xiaobai to do some actions in front of them.

   "Little Bai, get down!"

   "Little Bai, stand up!"

   "Little Bai, touch your head!"

   Su Yu commanded Xiao Bai, who seemed to be able to understand people, and he acted very obediently.

   Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang looked at them, and they were immediately happy.

  Not to mention, this big white snake is really quite spiritual.

   can understand people!

   and pretty good.

   is smarter than a dog.

   Aunt Zhang liked it all, and went up to touch Xiao Bai's head.

Uncle Zhang: "Xiaoyu, you can be a pet! This should be years old and spiritual. If you don't raise it at the beginning, it's fine. Now that you raise it, you should raise it properly. UU Reading www.uukanshu .com don’t treat it badly, or you’ll be lucky."

   Su Yu: "Don't worry, Uncle Zhang, I know this."

Animals such as snakes, cats, weasels, and the like are the most spiritual.

   is easy to remember revenge, and has a strong vengeance. It doesn’t matter if you don’t provoke it. Once you raise it, you will be responsible. Otherwise, according to rural legends, the owner will indeed be unlucky.

   talked about Xiaobai with Uncle Zhang, and then Su Yu talked about going into the mountain.

   "What, are you going into the mountain? You want to borrow a bow?" Uncle Zhang was taken aback.

   "Xiaoyu, don't mess around, the mountains have not been peaceful in the past few years, and even your Uncle Zhang hasn't been in the mountains for a long time."

Su Yu: "Don't worry, Aunt Zhang, I just walked around the mountain to get some wild vegetables and some mushrooms. At most, I hit two rabbits. It won't be messy. Besides, you forgot. I went into the mountains with my dad when I was a teenager. How can I say that I am also an old hunter."

  Uncle Zhang nodded after listening to Su Yu's words.

   This kid Su Yu does have the qualifications to be a hunter.

   After all, this uncle grew up watching Su Yu when he was young.

   What skills and skills Su Yu has, Uncle Zhang and the others have all seen.

   Forget it!

  Go into the mountain as long as you don’t run around, there shouldn’t be a problem.

   Su Yu, the character of this kid, Uncle Zhang, he also knows, he is measured and will not do rash things.

   Thinking of this, Uncle Zhang walked back. After a while, Uncle Zhang took out a set of black bows and arrows and handed them to Su Yu.

   "Xiaoyu, be careful. This bow weighs more than 40 pounds. It's not so easy to open. If you run into something wrong after entering the mountain, just run away, don't go up." Uncle Zhang exhorted.

   Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, don't worry, I know."


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