A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 112: There are many benefits to join our 9 groups!

"People in the countryside are about to soar in the daytime ( to find the latest chapter!

Su Yu promised Zhang Yin and the others to enter the mountain tomorrow morning.

So after lunch today, Wu Xiuxiu and the others went back in advance to rest and make preparations.

In the afternoon, Su Yu was planning to take a rest.

But Su Yu hadn't warmed up his **** in the chair yet.

There was another knock on the door.

Su Yu's head is big.

Being a public figure is troublesome!

Why do so many people come to find themselves every day?

Su Yu ran to open the door.

As soon as the door opened.

Su Yu saw that there were three people standing outside.

Two men and one woman, and Su Yu didn't know these three people at all.

Are three strangers.

"Who are you again?" Su Yu asked.

The man who took the lead stretched out his hand: "Hello, we are the ninth group of the National Security Agency. My name is Lu Feng. I am glad to meet you!"

This man is the mysterious man who appeared in Professor Wang Lin's ward before.

The people in the nine groups have been paying attention to Su Yu.

This time was the first time to really contact Su Yu himself.

Look at Lu Feng's outstretched hand.

Su Yu was stunned for a moment.

National Security Agency?

The ninth group?

What organization?

Never heard of it before!

But he was just an ordinary person before, and it was normal if he didn't know.

But how did the people from the Security Bureau find themselves?

Is it true that my secret of cultivating immortals has really been exposed?

The country is coming?

Could it be that they want to bring themselves back to slice and study?

Su Yu was shocked.

But soon he calmed down.

What are you afraid of?

Su Yu is now a master of Jin Dan.

Even if the army is dispatched, Su Yu also has the power to fight.

Don't panic at all.

Su Yu shook hands with Lu Feng: "Hello, what's the matter?"

Lu Feng: "Uh, I want to talk to you about something, is it convenient to go in and talk about it?"

Now Lu Feng is blocked by Su Yu.

After all, this is top-secret information about the National Security Agency, and it is impossible for Lu Feng to talk to Su Yu here.

Su Yu reacted: "Sorry, please come in."

Then, Su Yu brought Lu Feng and the others into the yard.

After entering the yard, Lu Feng and the others saw these animals in Su Yu’s yard.

But he didn't show much surprise either.

Because the people in the nine groups had already watched Su Yu's live broadcast and knew something about him. After knowing the animals raised by Su Yu in advance, they didn't feel much surprised.

Su Yu poured them a cup of tea.

"Don't know what is wrong with you looking for me?"

Su Yu said that he was born innocent, his roots are true, and he has never committed anything since he was a child!

Lu Feng: "Mr. Su, don't get me wrong. First of all, you didn't commit anything. We came to see you this time. In fact, the country wanted to invite you to join our nine groups."

Su Yu: "Join you? What do you mean?"

At first, Su Yu thought that this group of people was here to catch himself and go back to slice and study, but he didn't expect it was not, but invited himself to join them.

Are they also immortal cultivators?

Su Yu was puzzled.

Su Yu was about to sigh when he finally found the immortal cultivation organization.

Lu Feng said at this time: "After our investigation, if we didn't guess, Mr. Su, you should be an ancient warrior too!"

Su Yu: "Ah? What... What kind of warrior? What is that?"

Su Yugang wanted to say that he was a cultivator.

Unexpectedly, Lu Feng would talk about ancient warriors in the next second.

Su Yu was disappointed.

It was not an organization of immortal cultivators!

But what this ancient warrior is, Su Yu really hasn't heard of it.

Is it a martial arts master league?

Listening to Su Yu's denial, Lu Feng immediately showed an expression that you don't pretend, I already know everything.

"Mr. Su really doesn't know what an ancient warrior is?"

Su Yu shook his head honestly.

"I really don't know. I just practiced martial arts with an old man for a few years since I was a kid, but I don't know anything."

Su Yu made up a teacher for himself casually.

Lu Feng nodded after listening. It should be that the old man who taught Su Yu Kungfu didn't tell him about the ancient martial arts world, so Su Yu didn't know it. This was normal!

Lu Feng had encountered many people who were already very good, but didn't know anything about the ancient martial arts world.

Some of these people are martial idiots, and many are deliberately concealed by the sect and do not want disciples in the sect to re-enter the ancient martial world.

Lu Feng: "It turns out that this is the case, so let me introduce it to you. The ancient martial artist is actually a group of people who have inherited the ancient kungfu inheritance. These people are basically selected through careful selection. , Learning ancient martial arts from an early age, only a small number of talents can stand out from ordinary people and become martial artists."

Lu Feng went on to say: "The ancient warriors are divided into three realms! Outer strength warriors, inner strength warriors and transformation realm warriors!"

"Among them, most people can only stop with the external power martial artist in their life! Only a small number of people can cultivate internal power, which is often said in TV dramas! Recently became internal power martial artist, as for the realm martial artist, it is also called martial arts. Grandmaster is basically no one in a million. Among 10,000 warriors at the peak of internal strength, it is difficult to have a transformation master. Once Wu enters transformation, it is said that he can carry shells in his body, and survive the gun rain without dying. Man is a whole armed army!"

Lu Feng said with great emotion when he talked about the Great Master of Transformation: "It's a pity~www.readwn.com~ The Great Master of Transformation, Shenlong, has not seen the head, and nowadays it is rare to see such characters!"

Lu Feng: "If our investigation is not wrong, Mr. Su, you should also be a martial artist, right?"

Su Yu touched his nose.

Unexpectedly, in a realm he didn't know, there was still an ancient martial arts world in the world.

This is unheard of.

When Lu Feng asked if he was an internal warrior.

Su Yu simply nodded.

"That's it."

Lu Feng immediately showed such an expression as expected.

"Then, Mr. Su, are you interested in joining our nine groups? After the inner strength martial artist joins our nine groups, there are a lot of benefits!"

Su Yu was taken aback: "Is there any benefits after joining you?"

Lu Feng: "Of course, every warrior is a very rare resource. If you are willing to join our nine groups, the benefits are definitely there, not to mention the internal strength and high-quality warrior resources like Mr. Su! As long as you are willing to join, not only everyone You can receive monthly wages, and you can get ten housing indicators at will. In addition, there are various welfare subsidies, endowment insurance, child education priority, etc. There are still many benefits!

Lu Feng threw out an olive branch.

Su Yu listened to the welfare of the nine groups.

He couldn't help but his heart moved.

This benefit is also great.

Not only pay monthly wages, but also ten housing indicators!

What does it mean?

This means that you can ask for ten properties in any corner of China, and the country will give it to you unconditionally.

In addition, there are five social insurances and one housing fund, pension subsidies, family pension subsidies, family high-quality jobs, and children's education priority!

It is simply the treatment of provincial cadres!

Su Yu said immediately: This is too fragrant!

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