Su Yu just brought up the money that fans rewarded for the first live broadcast.

From Shiya's side, Uncle Zhang's contract was sent over.

S-level anchor contract.攫攝攫

The treatment is absolutely generous.

Su Yu transferred the contract from the phone and brought it to Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang looked at the things on the phone.

Uncle Zhang: "Xiaoyu, what is this?"

Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, this is the contract that Shiya wants to sign with you. You look at the conditions and then consider whether to sign it or not."

Uncle Zhang nodded, took the phone and looked at it.

About ten minutes later, Uncle Zhang returned the phone to Su Yu.

"Xiaoyu, I took a look at this thing, but I don't quite understand it. Would you like to tell me something?"

Although Uncle Zhang knows Chinese characters, the things in the contract are all twists and turns, and he speaks a lot of officialdom, and Uncle Zhang can't understand it at all.

Su Yu then explained it to Uncle Zhang.

"In fact, you don’t need to worry about the other things above, Uncle Zhang, you only need to look at these conditions in the contract. For example, the live broadcast time must not be less than 1,400 hours within a year! In other words, Uncle Zhang You have to make sure to broadcast live for almost 3 or 4 hours a day for a year."

Uncle Zhang was a little embarrassed: "Ah? So long! There are still two acres of land to plant in my field. How can I have time to broadcast this?"

Su Yu listened to Uncle Zhang's words, he didn't know what to say.

My mother!

My Uncle Zhang!

How much money can you make after planting the two mu of land a year and harvesting it?

If you do this live broadcast well, you can earn him a hundred or two hundred thousand a day.

Isn't this better than planting the land?

Su Yu's head is big.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry! Although his live broadcast time is a little harsh, Shiya is still very sincere and the rewards are high. For example, if you look at this one, if you sign a contract, In the future, the gifts received by the live broadcast will not be divided into five to five, but will be changed to two to eight!"

Su Yu: "It means, for example, in this live broadcast, didn't you make 670,000? If you are not a contract anchor, the 670,000 will be half of the platform, but if you sign, you will start the live broadcast later. Gifts, you only need to give a small amount of 670,000 to the platform. This is only the treatment of S-level anchors! Besides, the platform will give you a basic salary of 30 million every year! In other words , Almost a monthly salary of 2.5 million!"

Su Yu converted it to Uncle Zhang.

At this moment, Uncle Zhang listened to Su Yu's words, he could be regarded as stunned.

how much is it?

2.5... million?

Uncle Zhang was all at once on the spot.

2.5 million!

Don't say he has spent his entire life, he can't make so much money in farming or doing crafts in two lifetimes!

Uncle Zhang's current monthly salary is almost 4000 yuan!

Grab your fingers and count.


2.5 million words.

Almost 52 years without eating or drinking can earn it.

However, Uncle Zhang is now in his 50s.

Can he live another 52 years?

And it still keeps working.

That's impossible!

But now, as long as you sign this contract, start live broadcasts every day, chat with the audience in the live broadcast room, and interact with each other, you can earn 2.5 million a year.

Uncle Zhang himself didn't quite believe it.

The money comes too easily.

It's almost a house every year!

Uncle Zhang used to feel that the live broadcast was too exhausting, but now he is watching the benefits that the live broadcast can bring to him.

He didn't feel tired at the time.

This **** almost lay down to make money.

What are you tired of?

Uncle Zhang was immediately full of enthusiasm.

After all, who would have trouble with money?

Immediately, Uncle Zhang did not hesitate.

"Sign! I'll sign it!"

Actually, Uncle Zhang originally didn't want to sign a contract, but there was no way.

They gave too much!

The signing contracts of S-Class Lion Tooth are all signed online.

With the help of Su Yu, Uncle Zhang quickly fixed the contract issue.

Zhang Yin saw that his father was actually signed by Shiya Live.

She and her little friend were shocked all the way.

I feel that the three views have been refreshed.

In the past, they felt that such cases of getting rich overnight were very few or were simply blown out in the news.

But in the past few days, they have witnessed a vivid example, and they are right beside them.

Uncle Zhang is really rich overnight!

Especially Zhang Yin.

Zhang Yin still doesn't want to believe it.

Unconsciously, I am going to become the rich second generation?

The surprise came too suddenly, and Zhang Yin was confused now.

In this matter, Uncle Zhang and his family should all be grateful to Su Yu.

Therefore, Uncle Zhang immediately got up and decided after finishing the contract.

Su Yu must have a meal at noon today.

And I went directly to the county to eat!

Anyway, I made a fortune.

What money can you save?

Uncle Zhang now has hundreds of thousands in his bank card account.

Go buy a car after dinner.

Although Uncle Zhang doesn’t know how to drive yet, it’s always okay to buy a Mercedes and keep it at home!

Uncle Zhang is here to go to the county for dinner.

Su Yu also turned off today's live broadcast, went home to tidy up, and planned to follow Uncle Zhang to the county for dinner.

Su Yu is beaming with joy.

Within the county police station, Qian Hu's life was difficult.

First, he was scared by the tiger and became delirious, and now he was arrested by the police and asked a series of questions.

But Qian Hu is no ordinary person.

He was a foreign mercenary, and even if he was arrested, he would not tell who was behind the scenes.

But if Qian Hu didn't say anything, his gang of little brothers might not be the same.

Under Tan Yongxin's special interrogation methods.

After continuously attacking these people mentally, someone finally couldn't stand it and told Tang Bao who was behind them.

Hearing Tang Bao's name, the criminal police immediately called up Tang Bao's information.

He is actually the boss behind a group in the city.巘戅Fantasy Novel Network 戅

Worth a billion!

Unexpectedly it was him!

However, no matter how powerful Tang Leopard is, the police now have iron evidence in their hands.

You can directly arrest people.

After all, this time Tang Leopard's crime was not trivial.

Holding a gun illegally and assigning a killer to kill is a serious crime of instigation. 厺厽 奇幻小说网 厺厽

It's almost a catch.

And Tan Yongxin checked with the police station in the city.

Tang Leopard’s group was found to be unclean.

The city has been staring at him for several years.

Now that there is substantial evidence, it will be more convenient for the city to arrest people.

At noon that Tang Bao had lunch in a high-end restaurant.

A large group of armed police rushed directly in.

But this Tang Leopard is also lucky.

He happened to go to the toilet when the police came in to arrest someone.

The police only caught his assistant and little secret.

As for Tang Leopard, he had already heard the wind slip through the back door.

In anger, the police directly issued a wanted order. Tang Leopard was wanted throughout the city, and he was rewarded if he caught it!

Tang Bao turned into a street mouse overnight.

At the same time, he couldn't figure it out.

How could Qianhu, his most powerful subordinate, fail the mission!

This is just hell!

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