"Fuck! This punch is so fierce!"

"I felt fierce just looking at it! If the punch hit me just now, I would die within three seconds!"

"Master Su is awesome! He shot people away directly."

"66666! Go down with this punch and get an internal injury!"

"Isn't it? I hear the sound of cracking bones!"

In Uncle Zhang's live broadcast room, these viewers looked at the figure of Chen Tong flying upside down and couldn't help but talk.

On Su Yu's side, these casual cultivators watched as Chen Tong was blown away by someone else's punch.

These casual cultivators couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Especially the main pink butterfly fragrant of Phoenix Valley.

The small mouth of the cherry was originally opened.

Chen Tong fisted.

These nine groups of newly promoted members are strong enough!

Is it also a major in foreign skills?

These casual cultivators walked to Chen Tong, and someone tried to pull him from the ground.

Chen Tong's face flushed at this time: "Don't move! Broken! Broken arm!"

Seeing Chen Tong's face flushed.

Everyone was shocked again.

This is Chen Tong!

A master of external power.

With a punch, he directly broke his arm.

so horrible.

Lu Feng shook his head at this time.

Look, I said earlier that you won't be Mr. Su's opponent.

I told you not to fight.

Must fight.

If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer!

Lu Feng looked back at Sister Xue.

Sister Xue came over here helplessly.

Both hands grasped Chen Tong's broken arm.

"Don't move! I'll pick it up for you." Sister Xue is a well-known bone-setting expert in nine groups.

Pulling Chen Tong's arm is about to give him a bone.

But at this moment, Su Yu called to her: "Wait a minute!"

Hear the voice of Su Yu.

Both Xue Jie and Chen Tong looked over.

In addition to the two of them, there are other Sanxiu and Lu Feng and others.

"Mr. Su, what's the matter?"

Su Yu: "He is a master of external skills, and his bones and muscles have long since cultivated high-intensity external skills for many years. They are different from ordinary people and ordinary martial artists. Moreover, my punch just now uses internal energy, according to the way you are now. Manipulation, if you take his bones back in this way, his arms will really be useless."

Listening to Su Yu's words, Sister Xue and Chen Tong were shocked.

real or fake?

There is such a statement?

If this were for another person, Sister Xue would have slapped it early.

My mother was an accompanying medic in the army in her early years, and the patients receiving bones from Sister Xue ate more meals than ordinary people.

I have been bones for so many years, and I have never made any mistakes, but made mistakes this time?

But these words came from Su Yu's mouth.

Sister Xue has seen how amazing this Mr. Su Yu is.

There is a martial artist with great internal strength.

It is impossible to disdain and be a whisperer.

Therefore, Sister Xue was also taken aback at this time and put Chen Tong's arm down.

Su Yu walked over at this moment: "Let me come."

Seeing Su Yu walking by, Chen Tong subconsciously moved a little bit behind for some unknown reason.

He was beaten by Su Yu just now, and Chen Tong actually had an instinctive fear of him in his heart.

It's like a son sees his father.

Chen Tong: Don't come here!

Su Yu squatted down, pinching Chen Tong's broken arm with both hands.

As if feeling Chen Tong's tension, Su Yu patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, don't be nervous, I won't hit you again, soon."

Seeing Su Yu comforting him, Chen Tong couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed in his heart.

Oh shit!

What a shame!

If it weren't for someone here, Chen Tong would have to slap two slaps on his face now.

Watching Su Yu move Chen Tong's broken arm.

Lu Feng asked curiously, "Will Mr. Su still get bones?"

Su Yu smiled and said, "I can't count it, just know a little bit, nothing more."

Su Yu was actually humble.

After all, Su Yu is an azure bone sculptor who has learned the system.

How many doctors can study for a lifetime with just a book of azure bone sculptors in the system?

Then, Su Yu grabbed Chen Tong's hand, pressed **** on a bone of Chen Tong's shoulder blade, and then, his right hand quickly!

Pressing Chen Tong's arm upward at an incredible angle.

There was a "click" in the air.

The huge pain made Chen Tong's face distorted.

This pain is a huge sting.

He has practiced his internal strength for half a lifetime, and he has never felt as painful as this time.

Fortunately, Chen Tong's patience was good, but he still held it back.

After suffering a bit of pain, Chen Tong found that his arm seemed to be connected.

If I move it now, I don't have the kind of pain that I felt just now.

But even if the bones are connected, within a few months, he can't do anything with people anymore.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to break the bone.

Chen Tong can't help this.

Who made him have to compete with Su Yu?

Do it yourself.

Chen Tong got up from the ground: "Thank you!"

Originally, Chen Tong didn't like Su Yu.

Because he felt that Su Yu was too young to lead them.

But now, Chen Tong is convinced by Su Yu.

In the martial arts world, seniority is not considered based on age.

Whoever has the big fist is the boss.

The strength of Su Yu conquered Chen Tong, so Chen Tong convinced him.

Su Yu waved his hand.

"It's just a trivial matter. Just pay attention to rest during this period. You are a master martial artist outside the family, and your recovery ability is much better than the average person. This injury will not leave a sequelae, so don't worry."

In fact, Chen Tong was really worried about the sequelae of his arm.

But when Su Yu said this, he was relieved.

Not only Chen Tong, after just this battle.

These casual cultivators had obviously changed their attitude towards Su Yu.

It was still despised before, but now it has become respectful.

Because Chen Tong's personal combat power among them cannot be said to be the strongest, but it is definitely middle and upper.

Su Yu solved Chen Tong with one punch.

All the warriors present can see that this Su Yu is definitely not simple.

Even 80% may be an inner strength warrior!

Inner strength warrior!

There are rare existences in the martial arts world.

And still such a young inner strength warrior.

These casual cultivators were puzzled.

I have been cultivating for half a lifetime.

Now it's just like this at the pinnacle of Foreign Power.

Are young people so strong nowadays?

Already an inner strength warrior at a young age?

I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen them killed with my own eyes.

Even if you practice in the womb, it's not so fast!

However, no one dared to provoke an inner strength fighter.

If you can't afford it, then you can only listen.

Immediately, the arrogance of these casual repairs was reduced a lot.

In front of Su Yu, he also became well-behaved~www.readwn.com~Lu Feng was surprised at this moment.

This group of casual repairers seldom use them in the 9th group.

Because every time they are mobilized, nine groups of them will bleed heavily.

And every time they are asked to help, these guys are more arrogant, arrogant, and undisciplined.

This time it was so cute.

Sure enough, the inner strength warrior is so good!

When Lu Feng was laughing.

The Fendie Fragrant in the loose repair frowned, looking in one direction, it seemed that he had found something.

"Friends over there, if you have anything to do, just come out and say it honestly. After peeking for so long, it should be enough!"

As soon as Fen Die Xiang said this, everyone immediately looked in that direction.

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