Text 151 Eight-winged flying worm (seeking subscription!)

I saw a strange wind blowing behind Su Yu at this moment.

A weird huge figure quickly rushed towards Su Yu.

At this moment, Lu Feng was on the other side of the rock wall where Su Yu was, and the flashlight was just sweeping to Su Yu's side.

Looking at the dark figure behind him, Lu Feng shouted: "Mr. Su! Be careful! Get out of the way!"

Lu Feng looked worriedly at the dark figure behind Su Yu.

I saw this creature, which resembled a centipede, had hundreds of feet, and had a red head.

But the strange thing is that this centipede has eight wings behind it.

These eight wings are similar to the wings of a bat, but the color is dark green.

This centipede is probably the size of a small dog.

It is hard to imagine how many years such a huge centipede has lived.

The centipede that was caught in the exhibition at the Huaxia Changle Museum was not so big!

This body type, if it was bitten, wouldn't it be a sudden death on the spot?

Lu Feng's eyes widened.

Su Yu is a member of nine groups.

And it is the group with nine groups of extremely high combat effectiveness.

Inner strength is a master.

Lu Feng didn't want Su Yu to die here.

But the speed of this centipede is too fast for ordinary people to avoid it.

Lu Feng's heart was hanging up.

Not only Lu Feng, but the more than 10 million viewers in Su Yu's live broadcast room were looking at Su Yu nervously at the moment.

Su Ye!

Don't die here!

Many people worry about Su Yu.

On the other hand, he looked like the emperor was not in a hurry and the **** was in a hurry. In fact, his spiritual consciousness had already sensed this centipede.

Watching the centipede bite towards his back at this moment, Su Yu was not nervous.

As soon as the movement of grasping the stone wall was loosened, the whole person directly fell into a free fall, and naturally escaped the attack of this centipede.

No matter how fast you hide, is there a free fall faster?

This centipede did not expect that this human being would avoid his own sneak attack in this way without playing cards according to the routine.

But can this centipede easily let go of the meat delivered to the door?

You can hide it once, and can you hide it a second and third time?

The eight wings of the centipede flapped wildly behind the back, creating a fishy wind.

Turned his head, and slew towards Su Yu again.

Lu Feng reminded Su Yu at this time: "Mr. Su, don't fight it hard. The full name of this poison is the eight-winged flying scorpion. It is an extremely rare crypt monster in this cave. From my point of view, this eight-winged flying The scorpion is at least three hundred years old! I am afraid that a hard shell has been raised to the point of invulnerability! And this thing is extremely flexible, full of poison, and if it touches it, it will immediately die!"

Lu Feng introduced to Su Yu.

The reason why Lu Feng knows the eight-winged flying worm is actually because a few years ago, when he was exploring another crypt, a teammate of the nine groups died in the hands of the eight-winged flying worm.

That player is still a warrior at the pinnacle of foreign power.

It's a pity that in front of the eight-winged flying scorpion, there is no chance to fight back at all.

So when Lu Feng saw the eight-winged flying worm, his hairs all stood up.

Lu Feng just reminded Su Yu here.

In the next second, Su Yu looked at the eight-winged centipede that had just failed to attack him again.

Su Yu was angry.

I didn't care about you just now.

Are you still here?

You really want to die, right?

Fulfill you.

Su Yu buckled Jackie Chan's claws with three fingers.

"Zhenwu Sixteen Forms-Third Form-Dragon Capture"

I saw Su Yu facing this eight-winged flying worm, his hand speed was like a polar shadow.

Aim at the middle section of the eight-winged flying worm, which is directly inserted with two fingers.

Lu Feng was frightened by seeing Su Yu's reckless actions.

This Su Yu is reckless!

The centipedes in this cave are actually hierarchical.

Based on the current nine groups of data.

The centipede in the cave is roughly divided into four levels.

The lowest level is a centipede that is less than fifty years old.

This is the most common crypt centipede, not much different from the ubiquitous ones on earth.

The biggest difference is that the crypt centipede is more toxic than ordinary centipedes on earth.

As for the second level, it is more than 50 years and less than 100 years.

This kind of crypt centipede has grown a pair of wings to become a double-winged centipede.

Not only is it fast, but it is also more toxic! Ordinary warriors are simply difficult to deal with, and you must be able to compete with them if you have to become a powerful warrior!

The third level is a centipede that is one hundred to two hundred years old.

Once the centipede age reaches more than one hundred years, it will automatically grow a pair of wings and become a four-winged centipede.

The level of horror is even higher, and the skin shell of the four-winged centipede can no longer be penetrated by ordinary bullets.

It can be said that the shell of the four-winged centipede is comparable to steel!

And it will evolve into an eight-winged flying flies in more than three hundred years.

How terrifying is the strength of the eight-winged flying scorpion, even the nine groups did not formulate a standard.

Anyway, as long as it is the person who is targeted by the eight-winged flying worm, except for a few inner strength warriors, none of them have survived.

Moreover, the shell of the eight-winged fly is more powerful than the four-winged centipede.

The bullets can't get in, and fight with the human body. Isn't that the old birthday star hangs himself and seeks death?

And the eight-winged flying worm is well-known as a poison king.

Even if the body is poisonous, ordinary people will be poisoned even if they touch it.

Su Yu dared to touch it directly with his hands, he was crazy!

So Lu Feng was anxious when he saw that Su Yu was going to be hard with this centipede.

But at this time it is too late to stop.

Moreover, Su Yu was so close to the eight-winged flying worm, and at such a close distance, Lu Feng did not dare to shoot.

Even shooting ~www.readwn.com~ bullets are useless for Octopus.

However, it was the next second before Lu Feng had time to sigh.

On Su Yu's side, Su Yu's **** had penetrated this eight-winged flying worm.

Two fingers pierced directly into the belly of this eight-winged flying worm.

Not only that, Su Yu also strikes while the iron is hot.

Take advantage of your illness! Kill you!

A finger pinched the belly of the eight-winged flying worm, and directly dragged out all the messy things in its body.

The eight-winged flying scorpion shell is full of defense points.

But Su Yu directly broke the defense and launched a devastating attack from within.

The eight-winged flying scorpion can't hold it no matter how hard it is!

After making a terrible cry, the eight-winged flying worm quickly disappeared.

Lu Feng and the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"Ah this???"


"Fuck! This is dead!"

"Too strong Su Ye! This is a mutant centipede! Kill with bare hands?"

"As expected to be the strongest man on the surface! Killing a century-old centipede with bare hands is awesome!"

"My professional mage Liu Haizhu would like to call you the strongest!"

Lu Feng stared blankly at the other end of the stone wall.

That's an eight-winged flying worm!

It's so dead!

And it was killed by Su Yu's two-finger break.

too strong!

Sure enough, is this a master?

Lu Feng was dumbfounded here, however, just when he was distracted.

On the stone wall less than one meter away from Lu Feng, a red snake head the size of a ping pong ball came out slowly.

The gray scales of the snake body sucked tightly on the wall, and quietly swam towards Lu Feng with a scalp-numbing motion.

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