Looks like this big brother is a bit familiar!

   Su Yu looked at the tiger.

   Isn’t this the South China tiger that I met in the mountains yesterday?

   After meeting with Su Yu on a narrow road yesterday, I wanted to fight the wild boar of Su Yu.

   As a result, Su Yu was beaten with ten magical charms.

   How did this guy get here?

   Is it to avenge yesterday's punch?

   Su Yu became vigilant.

   just ready to exchange supernatural power runes in the system store.

   But in the next second, the tiger did not move his hands, but moved its claws, reaching out in front of Su Yu.

   Su Yu saw at this moment that something was hooked on the tiger's paw.

   is a kettle.

   "Isn't this the kettle I brought up the mountain yesterday?"

   Su Yu remembered.

   The kettle was hung around Xiao Bai's neck by him yesterday.

   But after I came back, I couldn't find it.

   80% is lost on the mountain.

   But Su Yu didn't expect that this South China tiger was actually sent back today.

   Su Yu: "Um...that, thank you!"

  South China Tiger: "Roar!"

   The South China Tiger yelled at Su Yu twice, as if to say something.

   Su Yu has [Animal Language Master] added.

   He can understand what the animals say.

  South China Tiger: "Hello, human."

   Su Yu: "What's the matter? Are you here to fight?"

  South China Tiger: "Don't, don't get me wrong! This tiger is not here to look for trouble, I just came to return the kettle to you, but can you actually understand me?"

   Su Yu glanced at it, doubting: "Is it just as simple as returning the kettle?"

   looked at this guy with a look of innocence.

   Su Yu said why I don’t believe me so much?

At this time, the South China Tiger grinned and said, "Ahahahahaha! Roar! It was still seen through by you, human, I accidentally drank the water in your kettle yesterday. I would like to inquire about it by the way. , Where did the water in your kettle come from?"

   Su Yu: "You mean Reiki water?"

   South China Tiger: "Yes, yes, that's the thing, do you still have it here?"

   Su Yu: "There is or there is, but why should I give it to you?"

   Reiki water is not a good thing here in Su Yu, it can even be said that there are as many as you want.

   But why did Su Yu give this tiger?

   He still remembers that the tiger attacked himself yesterday.

   If it hadn't been for the system, I would have been eaten by this tiger yesterday, maybe it has been digested or even excreted now.

   How could it be possible to stand here and talk to this South China tiger?

   South China Tiger begged: "Humans, how about we make a deal? As long as you are willing to give me Reiki water, you will be the owner of this tiger in the future, and I will do what you ask this tiger to do!"

   Su Yu: "Really?"

   South China Tigers vowed: "A gentleman will never chase a horse!"

   Su Yu: "Well, Reiki water, I can give it to you, but you have to tell me first, what are you going to use for it?"

   The South China Tiger hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth without speaking.

   Su Yu looked at it at this time: "Just forget it if you don't say it."

   South China Tiger: "Roar, okay, it's actually like this."

   Then, the South China Tiger told Su Yu why he needed Reiki water.

   Part of the reason is my own old injuries.

   This South China tiger was originally not from the mountain behind Sendai Village, it was enough to migrate.

   Humans hunted and killed South China tigers aggressively in the early years, which led to the South China tiger becoming a first-class protected animal in China, and it still cherishes endangered animals.

   This South China tiger has also been hunted.

   suffered a serious injury.

   was lucky to escape the hunter's muzzle later.

   But it was also injured.

   After so many years, although the injury healed that year, there were still dark diseases.

   Whenever it rains, the wound will be painful.

   In addition, this South China tiger has two cubs.

   A few days ago, while the South China tiger was going hunting, he sneaked out of the tiger's den.

   later fell off the mountain accidentally.

   One minor injury and the other serious injury.

   Yesterday this South China tiger accidentally got Su Yu's aura water.

   After drinking a little, I discovered that this Reiki water actually has a healing effect.

   This South China tiger only drank a little, and it was obvious that some old injuries on his body showed signs of improvement.

   Although there is only a hint, this feeling is absolutely right.

   With an attitude of expectation, the South China Tiger poured Reiki water into his two little tiger cubs again.

   As expected, there are signs of improvement.

   So, the next day, this South China tiger came down the mountain with the smell of Su Yu.

   Later, the scene just now happened.

   This South China tiger is quite polite, knowing that he is here to beg for this trip.

   So I didn't even turn the yard, but knocked on the door cleverly.

   After listening to what Su Yu said, he also pondered it.

   looked at this mighty tiger.

   Anyway, Reiki water is not a valuable thing here.

   It’s as much as you want, and it’s cheaper than tap water.

   If you can trade a pet like a South China tiger with a little water, it is definitely a great value.

   At that time, there was such a big tiger watching the nursing home in his yard. What thief would dare to patronize?

   Su Yu nodded thinking of this.

   "Okay! I promised you! Bring your two little tigers here."

   South China Tiger: "Roar! Thank you very much!"

   South China Tiger turned his head and left after speaking.

   The audience in the live broadcast room saw Su Yu here and the South China Tiger roaring over.

   don't know what they are communicating.

   Then the tiger gave a kettle and left.

   "Su Ye, what does this tiger mean? Why didn't I understand it!"

   "I didn't understand the +1! How did I feel Su Ye was communicating with this tiger?"

   "I also feel like, Su Ye can really communicate with animals?"

   "The anchor is really not an ordinary person!"

  【Night Wings】Ten super rockets awarded!

   [Night Wings]: "Curious about what the anchor said to the tiger?"

   [Promise] Five super rockets awarded!

   [Promise]: "Same question!"

   Su Yu said at this time: "The tiger came to me just now. UU reading www.uukanshu.com said that I was impressed by my heroic posture yesterday. Now I will go back and pick up the tiger cubs. Do you believe it?"

   "Hahaha! I like to watch the anchor boasting cowhide, fresh and refined!"

   "Good guy! This is awesome! I like it!"

   "The South China Tiger is coming to you? Laugh at skr!"

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "Su Ye, even if you don't want to talk, you won't make up such nonsense to fool us."

   [Promise]: "Yes."

   Su Yu Tanshou: "Look, I'll say you don't believe it, but it's okay, it will be back in a while."

   Su Yu went back to the yard to eat pork chops.

   After a while, Su Yu's yard was struck again.

   Su Yu got up: "Are you back so soon?"

   After speaking, he walked over and opened the door.

   The door opened, and the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room were flashed blind.

   It really was the tiger just now.

   And this time there is not one of it, there are two small ones beside this South China tiger.

   Is it possible that what Su Yu said just now is true?

   The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

   Su Yu: "How is it? I didn't fool you, am I not convinced?"

   Live broadcast barrage: "Served!"

   "Take it!"

   "Take it, take it!"

   "I will convince you without the wall!"

   "Too fucking! This time the master is really convinced!"

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