A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 29: Video of early humans taming wild freezers

   Su Yu came to the door of Uncle Zhang's house.

  Uncle Zhang will not be at home here, only Aunt Zhang is busy in the backyard.

   Aunt Zhang: "Huh, Xiaoyu, what's the matter?"

   Su Yu: "Aunt Zhang, I would like to go to the county town to buy something and borrow your three-bungee."

   Aunt Zhang: "Okay, just stop outside, you can drive by yourself."

  Su Yu nodded: "Thank you Aunt Zhang, by the way, isn't Uncle Zhang at home?"

   Aunt Zhang: "He went to the county hospital in the morning, and he hasn't come back yet. By the way, Xiaoyu, if you go to the county, I will call you Uncle Zhang by the way and see if he can be brought back by the way."

   "Oh, good, then I will call Uncle Zhang when I get to the county seat."

   Su Yu walked out after speaking.

   drove the three jumpers of Uncle Zhang’s and set off.

   Uncle Zhang’s Sanbangzi has been bought for many years, and when it is opened, it is a catapult start.

   Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a forward ejection, but a kind of up and down ejection.

   Although it's a little bit upside down, but at any rate it can also take the place.

   Su Yu drove three jumpers all the way to the county seat.

   After arriving in the county seat, Su Yu first called Uncle Zhang.

  Uncle Zhang will still be checked in the hospital.

   Su Yu went shopping first.

Electronic Mall.

   Su Yu chose for a long time and chose a freezer with a relatively large capacity, which cost more than 1,500 yuan.

  Electric City owner: "Brother, where do you live, leave me an address, and I will ask you to deliver it to your door later."

   Su Yu: "No, I need it urgently at my own home, so I can bring it back by myself. I came by car."

  Electric City owner: "Okay, let the staff help you get in the car?"

   Su Yu shook his head: "Don't be so troublesome, I can do it myself."

   Su Yu finished speaking, under the dumbfounded gaze of the owner of the Electric City.

   Two hands directly lifted the large freezer of more than 100 kilograms and left with them.

   The owner of the Electric City, including several employees, were stunned.

   "Fuck! Such a great effort! Is this a **** human?"

   Something over 100 catties is not too heavy.

   Anyone can pick it up for a while.

   But if you have to keep walking with such a heavy object, it is not something ordinary people can do.

   The problem is that Su Yu carrying a large freezer of more than 100 catties not only doesn't seem to be struggling, but it also seems very relaxed.

  As if this little weight is as simple as drinking water and eating here.

   I didn't know, but thought Su Yu was carrying a few apples instead of the freezer.

   Su Yu carried the freezer while walking in the Electric City, attracting many people's attention along the way.

   Take the elevator down from the third floor of the Electric City.

   Su Yu just got on the elevator here.

   The man in the elevator who was standing in front of Su Yu turned green in fright.

   good fellow!

   This is someone who can't be killed if he doesn't hold it firmly and smashes it down?

   Several people in front of Su Yu fled, but there were also courageous ones who followed Su Yu all the way to take a video and posted it on the Internet.

   "Shocked! Electric City is shocked by the devil muscles!"

   This video immediately caused a huge response as soon as it was posted on the Internet.

   "Fuck! What a lot of strength!"

   "This freezer looks heavy, I guess I can't lift it up, this guy is awesome!"

   "Which Shaolin Temple disciple went down the mountain?"

  "Brother: Seeing that you have never seen the world, I just took my freezer out and wandered around. Are you so surprised?"

   "Video of early humans taming the wild freezer!"

   "How do I think this person in the video is so familiar! It seems that I have seen him live on Shiya."

   "I'm grassy! Isn't this Su Ye? I watched his live broadcast in the morning. Su Ye said something was going on in the afternoon, but ended up walking around with the freezer?"

   "Hahahaha! I'm so ridiculous! Uncle Su who was walking around the electrical appliance city with the freezer in the afternoon!"

  "Seeking popular science, who is Su Ye?"

   "If you don't know, go to the next Shiya live broadcast, or go to the b station to watch the video. Su Ye is an outdoor anchor who has only recently emerged, and he flew past the South China Tiger with a punch!"

   "Punch Flying Tiger? Really? I'll go and see."

   At this moment, Su Yu didn't even know it, because he bought a freezer by himself, and he became a little hot on the Internet.

   Carrying the freezer all the way to the outside of the electrical appliance city, Su Yu put things on the three bungee.

   Then he went to buy some daily necessities.

   Originally, Su Yu wanted to buy some other things to take home.

   In the end, it was found that there was not enough space for the Sanbangzi.

   Su Yu pondered that he would live in this place in his hometown in the future.

   Is it time to consider buying a car?

   After all, Su Yu’s hometown is only a small county, and the transportation is definitely not as convenient as the first-tier cities of the Imperial Capital.

   Take a taxi on your mobile phone when you go out in Imperial Living, and the driver will pick you up in one minute.

   But in my hometown.

   It takes more than half an hour to wait for a bus.

   Sometimes when you are out of luck, you may not wait for an hour.

  In the countryside, waiting for the bus has always been a metaphysical problem.

   In the future, Su Yu will definitely go to the county seat often.

   can't always borrow three jumpers from Uncle Zhang.

   and the three jumpers are slow and the bumpy space is small.

   It looks like I really want to buy a car.

   Before, Su Yu didn't buy a car because he was really poor and had no money.

   But it's different now.

  Su Yu sold a few wild ginseng roots.

   There are more than two million on the account now.

   After the wild ginseng arrives, Su Yu still has more than 10 million in cash.

  Is there no pressure to buy a car at all?

   Set your mind.

   Su Yu was going to pick up Uncle Zhang and stop by the 4S shop.

   Lishui County Hospital. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Su Yu parked Sanbengzi at the entrance of the hospital.

   After waiting for about ten minutes, Uncle Zhang walked out of the hospital anxiously.

   After seeing Uncle Zhang, Su Yu waved to Uncle Zhang.

   Uncle Zhang saw Su Yu approaching.

   Su Yu also noticed something wrong with Uncle Zhang at this time.

   "What's wrong with Uncle Zhang? Why are you frowning? By the way, why did you come to the hospital all right? What's the matter? I'm not feeling well?" Su Yu asked.

  Uncle Zhang: "It's okay. I'm old and sick. When I was young, I fell from work. The doctor said it was a herniated lumbar disc compressing the nerve."

   Uncle Zhang handed the checklist to Su Yu.

   Su Yu took a look, and his face was a bit unsightly.

   Uncle Zhang said it lightly, but after reading the inspection report, Su Yu understood that it was not a trivial matter.

   As Uncle Zhang said, he always worked when he was young.

   I had back pain when I was young, and I didn’t pay much attention to it.

   Now so many years have passed, it has developed into a severe lumbar disc herniation.

   And according to the report of Uncle Zhang.

  Uncle Zhang’s herniated disc has begun to compress the nerves.

   Uncle Zhang himself can also feel something wrong with his body, with obvious pain and numbness in his lower limbs.

   If this kind of problem is serious, it may even cause paralysis of both lower limbs.

   The treatment method given by the doctor temporarily is bed rest, and it is absolute bed rest, including the one that needs to be settled in bed.

   Other than that is taking medicine.

   Some anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as Ankangxin, Le Song, Celebrex, and some drugs that promote blood circulation and improve circulation.

   It seems that Uncle Zhang's physical problem is not small.

   Su Yu held the report sheet in his hand, his face serious.

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