looked at these barrage in the live broadcast room.

   Su Yu knew who Lord Grim was.

   turned out to be the third largest local tyrant in the Shiya live broadcast list!

   I can't blame it for being so generous.

   did not wait for Su Yu to speak again.

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "By the way, the anchor, didn't you just say that you have some souvenirs? Can you give me some?"

   Su Yu remembered the souvenir he had just given to [Promise], but was turned down by [Promise].

   Unexpectedly, Lord Grim asked with a smile.

   Su Yu: "Are you souvenirs? Yes, you can give me the address, and I'll post it to you by the way."

   "Wow! Is the anchor brother so good? Does everyone have souvenirs?"

   "Think too much. If everyone has it, how much does it cost? It must be the gift-giving person!"

   "Okay! But the anchor brother, what are the souvenirs? Although we don't have one, we are also curious, can you show us?"

   Su Yu: "Actually, there is nothing special, just the well water here."

   "Well water? Really fake? Don't be kidding the anchor, what kind of specialty is well water?"

   "I'm so ridiculous. Well water can be used as a specialty. Is it possible that the well water on the anchor's side is sweeter?"

   "The same type of well water for the Big White Snake, you deserve it!"

   "23333! Mr. Jun is now estimated to be so angry that I bought you a few bottles of well water for a gift of 10,000 yuan?"

   "Tianxiu, a few bottles of water for 10,000 yuan, is this the **** expensive than the 1,500 yuan a bottle of Kobe mineral water in the island country?"

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "Ah, I thought it was the other sweet potatoes. It turned out to be well water haha."

   Su Yu: "Don't underestimate this well water, my well water is refreshing and refreshing. If you drink it for a long time, you can prolong your life!"

   "6666! The prolonged life is blown out, anchor cowhide!"

   "Drinking well water can prolong life? Why don't you just say that you can live forever?"

   "If a man wants a good kidney, he must drink Shenbao. After drinking it, he will be faster than Liu Xiang and taller than Yao Ming. One bottle is refreshing, two bottles are never fatigued, and three bottles are immortal!"

   Su Yu looked at these barrage.


   Forget it.

   It's normal for the audience not to believe it.

   There is no need to explain too much.

   Then Su Yu wanted to ask Lord Grim for an address.

   As a result, Lord Grim also declined.

   Well water, forget it.

   Jun Mo Xiao usually drinks Evian mineral water at home.

   Su Yu's well water was sent, but no one drank it.

   Seeing Lord Grim, I stopped laughing.

   Su Yu is not reluctant.

   Then he cleaned up, and then he was ready to return the farm tools.

   Uncle Zhang happened to be at home at this time.

   Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, I'm here to return your hoe. I used it directly when I saw no one in your house."

  Uncle Zhang was a little surprised to see Su Yu: "It's Xiaoyu, when did your kid come back? Don't tell me in advance, I will ask your aunt to cook some dishes for you, and I will eat here tonight!"

   Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, you are too polite, I'd better go back and eat."

   Su Yu is a little embarrassed.

   At this time, a middle-aged woman walked in from the backyard. This woman was Aunt Zhang.

   "Xiaoyu, look at you as a child. It's rare to come back. Isn't it the same to eat here? You didn't eat here when you were a kid?"

   Su Yu scratched his head: "This, okay!"

   What Aunt Zhang said is correct, Su Yu really liked to come to Uncle Zhang’s house to have a meal when he was all right.

   Mainly because there was a daughter in Uncle Zhang's family who was very good-looking, and Su Yu liked to play next to other girls when she was young.

   In addition, Su and Zhang's family are neighbors close to the door, which naturally caused Su Yu to come to eat dinner frequently.

   Under the warm invitation of Zhang Shu and Aunt Zhang, Su Yu sat down here.

   Aunt Zhang went to the kitchen to cook, while Uncle Zhang went out for a drink.

   Su Yu chatted with the people in the live broadcast room.

   "Anchor, you, Uncle Zhang, are really good! I'll leave you to eat!"

   "Yes, this is almost impossible in the city. I never thought about going to a neighbor's house for dinner."

   "I don't know what will be delicious soon, I am envious of my real name, who is still working overtime."

   Su Yu: "I remember that I used to come to Uncle Zhang's house for dinner when I was a child. Aunt Zhang's craftsmanship is still very good. It is a must-see. I will show you all in a while."

   Su Yu set up the plane.

   After a while, Aunt Zhang brought all the fried dishes.

   "Xiaoyu, you didn't say a word when you came back. There is no good food to entertain you, so I just made a few of them and just eat it!"

   Su Yu: "It's okay. Aunt Zhang, it's already very good. During the years in the Imperial Capital, I wanted to eat but couldn't eat the dishes you cooked."

   Actually Aunt Zhang is already humble.

   Su Yu looked at the dishes on the table.

   The cold food is enough for five dishes and one soup, which is quite a lot.

   "Fuck! It's called doing a few things casually. The anchor is right. Aunt Zhang's craftsmanship is really amazing. This dish is made and I am greedy!"

   "I haven't eaten dinner yet! Damn! Why should I click into this live broadcast room?"

   "Can I say that I smashed all over the place? This dish is fried, and it looks delicious!"

   [Promise]: "It's really good. I'm hungry. I will order a whole roasted lamb and eat it."

   [Jun Mo laughs]: "Look, I'm hungry +1, I'll also ask my chef to roast a cow for me."

   "You have enough promise boss and king boss, one roast lamb and one roast cow. Isn't this bullying the honest person?"

   "Ahhh, today I was shown off by two local tyrants!"

   The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became lively.

   Su Yu glanced at the popularity, and the number of viewers in his live broadcast room unknowingly exceeded 50,000.

   subscribed to more than 20,000 followers.

   has this popularity when it first aired, and if there is still no platform to attract traffic, UU reading www.uukānshu.com is definitely considered to be against the sky.

   Soon, Uncle Zhang also returned from outside drinking.

  Su Yu's hometown basically doesn't drink the finished wines sold outside. Drinking here is to go out for drinks.

   The self-brewed Sendai wine in the Sendai Village of Su Yu’s hometown is still very good.

   From Su Yu's point of view, it is no worse than that of Maotai.

   It’s just a pity that no one develops, and there is no cultural precipitation, so Sendai wine has never been able to go out.

   Uncle Zhang immediately started the meal when he came back from a drink.

   Before eating, Su Yu told Uncle Zhang and the others about his live broadcast.

  Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang are not the kind of petty person, they don't mind when they heard that Su Yu is live broadcast.

   was rather curious.

   Uncle Zhang also walked to the camera and greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

   I saw Uncle Zhang tapping on the camera of Su Yu's phone, and he also saw himself on the phone screen.

  Uncle Zhang: "Xiaoyu, this is the live broadcast you mentioned? You did this when you came back from the imperial capital?"

   Su Yu: "That's right, Uncle Zhang, the live broadcast industry is developing pretty well now. In contrast, it's too much pressure for me to stay in the Imperial Capital alone, so I might as well come back to my hometown and tinker."

   Uncle Zhang nodded: "We don't understand you young people, but you think it's fine."

  Uncle Zhang finished speaking and saw that on the screen of his mobile phone, many viewers in the live room greeted him.

   "Hello Uncle Zhang!"

   "Hello Uncle!"

   Uncle Zhang also nodded to them.

   "Hello, hello."

   Aunt Zhang watched Uncle Zhang still playing in front of his mobile phone, but also helplessly urged: "Okay, don't play, you old man playing with Xiaoyu's stuff, come over to eat, the food is cold."


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