Professor Wang fainted on the spot.

   fell to the ground unconscious.

   The people on the research team went crazy.

   This is not a city.

  It takes more than half an hour for the fastest ambulance to get here.

   "Hurry up! Put the professor on your back in the police car and take him to the hospital!"

   Professor Wang Lin is an important wild animal research expert in China, so there should be no accidents here.

   Associate Professor hurriedly made people carry Professor Wang on his back.

   As for the new species or something.

   It's too late to study.

   Not to mention that the new species has been fried into a dish by Su Yu.

   After thinking about it, the associate professor took away the spicy chicken on the table.

   Su Yu watched the messy scene, frowning.

   What's the matter with these people?

   Why did you take my spicy chicken?

   Put Professor Wang in the car.

   Several policemen took Professor Wang to the hospital.

   A few people from the research team and the police remained.

  Professor has gone to the hospital, and the research team is now the associate professor who has the final say.

   The associate professor's name is Jiang Tao.

   "Professor Jiang, what do you think we do now?"

  The new species are all cooked.

   There is no research value in taking it home.

   The key point is this spicy chicken seems very fragrant, or we...

Associate Professor Jiang looked at Su Yu at this time, angrily: "Su Yu, do you know that you have made a big mistake! The chicken you ate is a new species that may not have been discovered on Earth, and should have been brought back for research. Yes, I was actually killed by you now, you are committing a crime!"

   Su Yu: "Criminal? What crime did I commit? Is it guilty to eat chicken?"

Associate Professor    Jiang: "It's not a question of whether or not to eat chickens, it's a question of killing wild animals!"

   Su Yu: "But that chicken is raised by my family."

Associate Professor    Jiang: "That is also protecting animals, you have no right to kill them!"

   Su Yu: "Protect animals? What's the name of that chicken? Come and listen?"

   Su Yu patted his chest and said: Fortunately, I have been studying for two years, otherwise you will almost fool me.

  Associate Professor Jiang was taken aback when asked by Su Yu.


   Although this is a new species, it has not been brought back to study and confirm it.

   does not seem to be a protected animal.

   He really has no choice but to take Su Yu.

Associate Professor Jiang: "I won't talk about this with you, and the chicken matter is forgotten, but we have to take away your three tigers. These are the property of the country. According to our investigation, you do not have the conditions for private breeding of South China tigers. And qualifications."

Associate Professor Jiang said directly.

   There are too many things encountered today, and he doesn't want to say those polite remarks anymore.

   Just take it away.

   After all, this is a national regulation.

   Private individuals have no right to breed tigers.

Associate Professor    Jiang directly let the police do it.

   Su Yu looked at the movements of these people with his rice bowl.

   Don't get me wrong, he didn't plan to interfere.

   Because Su Yu also knows that tigers are nationally protected animals.

   and it's the South China Tiger.

   If he stands up against the police at this time, it would be obstructing law enforcement. If it is serious, he will be arrested and sent to jail!

   Su Yu is not a reckless man.

   This is not the time to confront the police.

   Let them catch.

   It's still two different things whether you can catch it or not.

   These policemen are now looking at the three South China tigers that are free-range in the yard.

   They also have a headache.

   They haven't done this work before!

   Lishui County is at best a county seat.

   The police usually patrol the streets at most, catching a few thieves.

   It's lucky if you can run into a robbery in one or two years.

   Catch the tiger.

   is indeed the first time the big girl got on the sedan chair.

   Besides, can the tiger's combat effectiveness be the same as the thief and robber?

  A few policemen, look at me and I look at you, but don’t know how to start.

   I brought a police gun on this mission, but the one on the other side was not an ordinary tiger.

   is the South China Tiger, which has fewer than 100 in the world.

Protection of animals at the national level.

   Who would dare to shoot?

Isn't    looking for death?

   good fellow!

   The gun can't be fired, and it can't be hit.

   What can I do?

   I don’t know what to do when I look at the police.

   Associate Professor Jiang from the research team shook his head.

   "We brought the anesthesia gun, Xiaohou, bring the anesthesia gun from the car!"

   They are from the National Wildlife Research Institute of Imperial Capital, and they are naturally equipped with various tools.

   Anesthesia gun is one of them.

   The young man named Xiao Hou immediately ran back to the car to get the anesthesia gun.

   The anesthesia gun was brought over.

Associate Professor    Jiang went to battle in person.

   held the anesthesia gun and pointed the muzzle at the South China Tiger.

Associate Professor    Jiang: "Little things, follow us obediently."

  Associate Professor Jiang said, with a squeeze of the trigger, an anesthesia needle was shot out.

   This anesthesia gun is specially provided by the Institute.

   The penetrating power is enough to penetrate into the tiger's skin.

   Zoo trainer the same style.

   Generally speaking, hitting the South China Tiger is a best practice.

Associate Professor    Jiang is also very confident.

   He shot this South China tiger on the neck with this shot. I believe he will be able to take the tiger away soon.

   However, it was the second after the anesthesia needle was shot out.

  Associate Professor Jiang and everyone in the institute were stunned.

   Because they are not far away, they can see clearly.

The anesthesia needle shot by Associate Professor Jiang hit this South China tiger's neck, not only did not penetrate it, but made a "ding" sound.

   Then he was directly bounced off.

  Associate Professor Jiang: "???"

   Other people in the research institute: "???"

  Police on the scene: "???"

   Su Yu: "Hahaha!"

   Forgive Su Yu for the unkind smile beside him.

   If this anesthesia needle is matched with Peppa before, it is indeed effective.

   But the current Peppa is no longer the same Peppa.

   is a gold upgrade version.

   Awakened the golden jade spirit body.

   Now Peppa's body has completed a full range of evolution.

   Not to mention the anesthesia needle, it is a question of whether the sniper rifle bullet can penetrate. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

   The South China Tiger who was sleeping on the ground also touched his neck at this time.


  What the **** stings Tiger Lord?

   This summer, there are many mosquitoes.

   The South China Tiger didn't even notice the presence of the anesthesia needle, and turned over, protecting the two tiger cubs and continued to sleep.

   Associate Professor Jiang was dumbfounded.

   What kind of tiger is this!

   What kind of tiger is this?

   This skin is too thick too!

   is almost invulnerable!

   How can I catch this?

  Associate Professor Jiang has never encountered such a situation.

   Suddenly he had a headache.

   The few remaining members of the research team were also helpless.

   It seems that they can't do anything with this South China tiger.

   Do you want this big one?

   It’s also nice to take those two small ones.

   However, this idea was extinguished as soon as it was born.

   also does not work.

   There is an adult South China tiger guarding it, and wanting to grab two small ones under the eyelids of an adult South China tiger is no different from a fantasy.

   "Professor, this..."

  Associate Professor Jiang has no choice.

   "Hey, forget it, let's drop it, let's wait until Professor Wang wakes up."

   Associate Professor Jiang Qianlu is very poor.

   can only go home temporarily.

   won't go?

   Is it possible to spend the night with the tiger here?

   The people from the research team left again.

   I came gently just as I walked gently, and I waved my sleeves without taking away a cloud.

   Su Yu brought his rice bowl to the door: "How many people are leaving now? Sit down and eat? Go slow! Don't give it away!"

  Associate Professor Jiang looked at Su Yu who was gloating: "..."

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