This figure is naturally Su Yu.

   Su Yu walked through this forest.

   Walking along the way, the trees are getting thicker and thicker, and the woods are getting denser.

   There is quite a feeling of entering the primeval forest.

   Su Yu had never been so deep into these mountains before.

  He didn't know exactly what was in the mountain.

   It's like he doesn't even know that he is less than fifty meters away from him. Several wolves are still watching him secretly.


   In a dwarf jungle.

   The leader of this group of wolves stared at the prey in front of him.

  A human?


   It was rare to see humans here before.

   And it seems that this human being has no weapons.

   Except for the bow on his body, there is nothing else.

That's it?

   also dare to come to the depths of the mountain?

   Jackal leader's attack speed is extremely fast.

   And now it is less than 50 meters away from Su Yu, this jackal leader is confident.

   He can take down this human in four seconds.

   Killed you within four seconds, and the bones are all chewed up for you!

   In four seconds, the person said that he had shot an arrow, and the bow might not be reachable!

   Isn't this here to deliver meat?

   The Jackal leader was excited.

  Although human meat is not very tasty, it is still sour to chew.

   But what do they say about the jackal family?

   stinky tofu with fermented bean curd, the overlord in the gourmet world! Whether it's fishy or smelly, it's meat in your mouth!

   Eat and you're done!

   It is precisely because of such a sentence and not being picky eaters.

  The glory of the wolf clan can only be passed down to the present.

   The jackal leader roared, and behind him, there were six or seven younger brothers waiting for the opportunity to move.

   Su Yu actually felt something was wrong from just now.

   When I get here, I always feel like something is peeping at myself.

   The six-story spiritual consciousness of the base-building stage was released.

   soon discovered seven wolves hiding not far away.

   Su Yu: No, right?

   You guys don’t really want to treat me as a prey, do you?

  Isn't there a wolf so stupid?

   Just your small physique, Su Yu said he would punch one by himself?

   hit you crying and went back to find your mother.

   No one really wants to rush to give someone a head.

   Even if Su Yu found these wolves, he didn't panic at all.

   It’s time to move forward as usual, it’s live broadcast.

   The Jackal leader just stared at him.

   watched Su Yu walking towards him.

   fifty meters!

   Forty meters!

   thirty meters!

   The Jackal leader couldn't help it.

   "Wow! Little ones! Kill him!"

   Su Yu is only twenty meters away from it.

   The jackal leader rushed out directly.

   20 meters away, this is almost the meat delivered to the mouth, don’t you want it?

   Seeing the leader rush out, the wolves hidden behind also rushed.


   It's done!

   However, just a second after they rushed out.

   From this angle, these wolves saw the guys dangling behind Su Yu.



   That very big body... is it his mother’s tiger?

   The jackal leader was paralyzed by fright.

   I can't wait to smoke myself a few big ears on the spot.

   Why didn't you see his mother?

   Add a python to the tiger.

   is not a wise choice.

   The jackal leader yelled: "Wow! Nothing, nothing wrong! There are tigers! Retreat! It's all **** retreat!"

The wolves behind    still don't know what happened.

   saw the leader suddenly stop.

   They didn't have time to react at all, and bumped their heads on the leader of the wolf.

   This jackal leader was directly hit by six or seven jackals and flew out.

   Jackal leader: "???"

at the same time.

   Su Yu’s live studio.

   Many viewers were still watching the beautiful scenery just now, and suddenly the style of painting changed, and a group of ferocious wolves rushed out from the forest in front.

   "Damn! Frighten me!"

   "Mom! There are wolves! Is this true?"

   "Could it be true? Su Ye! Run! There are wolves!"

   "I was so scared that my phone was about to fly out. Sometimes the picture quality is too good and it is not a good thing."

   Su Yu himself did not expect these wolves to actually rush out.

   And the wolf looked very brave, and flew directly towards him.

   Su Yu: "Is it so arrogant?"

   People are almost flying to the face, of course Su Yu will not sit still.

   Smoothly is a left jab blasted out.

   The punch hit the wolf directly in the face.


   rubbed its right eye and almost blasted its right eye on the spot.

After    fisted out, the head of the jackal was directly blown back by Su Yu.

   The chief jackal was beaten out by Su Yu for seven or eight meters, almost unable to stand up.

   Su Yu: "Sneak attack on my 24-year-old comrade? Young people don't speak martial arts!"

   "666666! This is the old Ma Baoguo!"

   "Handsome Su Ye! Fly a jackal with a punch?"

   "I'm blind! The first time I watched this live broadcast, are the current anchors so fierce?"

   "What's this? Su Yu flew past the tiger with a punch before!"

   "Actually, I laughed when these wolves rushed out just now. Just a few weak chickens wanting to attack Su Ye? The odds are basically 0!"

   "Basic exercises, no six, sit all!"


   The Jackal leader was beaten and scrapped.

  Is this human a monster?

   How can there be such a great strength?

   What's the difference between being punched by the current Su Yu and being slapped by a tiger head-on?

   The Jackal leader felt that his head was still groggy.

   just got up to take two steps, the next second, it went black in front of it, fell to the ground, unconscious.

   Before he died, the jackal leader vaguely saw that his six or seven little brothers had already slipped out of their shadows by this time.

   Jackal leader:? ? ? Play me?

   watched the jackal leader fall to the ground motionless.

   The live broadcast room is this? Why isn't that wolf moving? "

   "No way, you won't be killed with a punch, right?"

   "This is too cruel! Is Su Ye's fist so terrible? Kill the wolf with bare hands."

   "666666! Mom asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees?"

  【Lord Mo Smile】Ten super rockets awarded!

  【Night Wings】Ten super rockets awarded!

   [Night Wings]: "Cut, just this punch, give me a punch, believe it or not, within three seconds you have to kneel down and beg me not to die?"

   Su Yu didn't expect this wolf to actually die.

  Is he so good now?

   Even the rhubarb behind Su Yu was shocked.

   Especially the South China Tiger.

   Before, Su Yu flew past it with a punch.

   left a deep psychological shadow on it.

   But it seems that he has much better luck now compared to the current jackal leader.

   At least I'm still alive!

   And it seems that the master’s fist has become stronger now.

   If the punch hit its face just now, the South China Tiger shivered.

   Forget it, don’t want that kind of horrible thing.

   Really! Kill the wolf with bare hands!

   Kill the jackal leader.

   Su Yu found a place to bury it.

   Eating is definitely not eating.

  Wolf is now a second-level national protected animal.

   What's more, it's live broadcast now.

   Who dares to eat this?

   Buried the wolf leader.

Su Yu stood on the grave and stomped the soil: "Say okay first, I didn't kill you! It was you who flew over and hit my fist, so you committed suicide! What can't you think of when you are young? Click it."

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