A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 60: We can't judge people by their appearance

  Wang Kai and they have already stopped here after lunch.

   has been squatting for more than three hours now, and there is not even a ghost shadow.

   Can Wang Kai not be upset?

   But who let his cousin get caught?

   This matter can't be left alone.

   Wang Kai flicked the soot, just about to say a few more words.

   At this moment, the little brother Huang Mao suddenly pointed his eyes, as if seeing something, his neck was long.

   "Brother Kai, look, it seems that the kid is back!"

   Wang Kai stood up as soon as he heard it.

   "Really? Did you see clearly?"

   Huang Mao: "It's him! I can see clearly! The nephew of my aunt's brother-in-law is the second nephew of the eldest son of the third grandfather of his family. I have seen him!"

   After listening, Wang Kai threw his cigarette **** to the ground.

   "Very good! I finally waited for this kid, let me wait for more than three hours, and if I didn't beat him for more than three hours, I would be regarded as a loss! How many brothers, give me up! Get him!"

  Wang Kai was the first to walk over there.


   is still followed by a row of colorful hair.

   I don’t know, I thought I was shooting the sequel to Young and Dangerous here.

   Su Yu ran back with the tree all the way.

   He still doesn't know what happened, and he is still chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

   Suddenly, a group of colorful people appeared in the distance.

  The audience in the live broadcast room: "???"

   "Let me go, brother Calabash?"

   "Good fellow! It's 2021, and anyone else dyes this kind of hair?"

   "Looking at the momentum, how come I feel that the person who came is unkind."

   "No, no, no one really wants to challenge the cultivator these days, right?"

   "Paige is ecstatic, is this someone coming to deliver food?"

   Because the distance is still a little far away.

  Wang Kai has played a lot of mahjong recently, and his eyesight has become a bit bad.

   just saw a small black spot running over here in the distance.

   Wang Kai was about to rush up: "Just the fuck, your name is Su Yu!"

  Wang Kai just yelled, and was first stopped by the yellow hair next to him.

   "Wait for Brother Kai, I didn't see clearly just now, how come I feel something is wrong? There seems to be something behind this kid Su Yu!"

   Wang Kai squinted, and the front was blurred.


   Huang Mao looked at it for a while, and after three seconds, his eyes widened.

   "Fuck! Brother Kai, I can see clearly, he, he, he, he seems to be dragging a tree behind him! Moreover, there are tigers, pythons, and dogs next to him! This, this..."

   Wang Kai was confused when he heard it, and he wanted to give this yellow hair a kick.

   "What are you talking about? I didn't understand a word, what is it about tiger pythons?"

   Wang Kai took out his glasses and put them on his head.

   Now he can see clearly.


   Wang Kai was shocked.

  Because he saw a tiger running over here as soon as he put on his glasses.

   There is also a big white snake.

   good fellow!

   This snake is taller!

   It’s not a problem to swallow a living person in one bite!

   Wang Kai was sweating all over.

   This, this, this, such a ruthless person, are you going to trouble him?

   This does not seem to be trouble for others, but trouble for yourself?

   Wang Kai wiped his sweat.

   Huang Mao came over and asked: "Kay, Brother Kai, are we still on it?"

   Huang Mao is also scared.

   Although he had done a lot of fights with Wang Kai before.

   But at most, he played with the gangsters in the neighboring villages.

   This is the first time he has met a ruthless person like Su Yu.

  The characters mixed with tiger pythons, can they be opponents?

   Huang Mao persuaded.

   But before Wang Kai came, he told them all.

   Today, Su Yu’s tonsils must be picked.

   Huang Mao just wanted to ask at this time.

   Brother Kai, those tonsils, are you still picking them?

  Wang Kai turned his head and glanced at him wearing glasses, and then a big mouth came up.

   "Go, go, go! Go to your mother! Are you going to fight a tiger or a python? Use a bit of wisdom! You can't see it at all! Withdraw! First retreat strategically, and then go back and plan for a long time!"

   Huang Mao nodded, feeling relieved.

  The time they spoke, Su Yu had already ran next to them.

  Wang Kai just watched Su Yu run past him.

   Su Yu also looked at them with a strange look at this time.

   When he was far away just now, Su Yu clearly saw clearly.

   These people seem to be fierce and evil.

   Why did he run to their side, but became kind.

   And the one who took the lead nodded to Su Yu and greeted him with a smile.

   "Good afternoon! Have you eaten?"

   Su Yu also nodded politely: "Good afternoon, good afternoon, I haven't eaten yet."

   said hello, these colorful fighters passed Su Yu and left with a smile.

   "Huh? Why is it different from what I imagined? When did the gangsters become so talkative?"

   "I just saw their fierce look just now, and thought they were looking for something. I didn't expect to get along so well!"

   "It seems that we judge people by their appearance, and it turns out that those who dye their hair are not necessarily bad guys."

   "Yes, did you see the fat guy who took the lead just now? Although he looks fierce with red hair, he has some kind of bookish breath with glasses!"

   Su Yu also nodded: "Yes, judging people by their appearance is indeed undesirable, and there are still more good people in this world."

   On the other side, Wang Kai wiped his sweat after passing by with Su Yu.

   It's okay!

   Fortunately, I didn't do it just now.

   When the tiger and python passed by him just now, Wang Kai almost didn't scare him to pee on the spot.

   The faces of several of his little brothers were scared green.

   Facts have proved that Wang Kai's choice to avoid the edge just now was correct.

   If they did it just now, it is estimated that their gang has become a ration for tigers and pythons.

   Huang Mao: "Brother Kai, what shall we do now? Is it just that?"

  Wang Kai: "Forget it? Impossible! Let him go first, and go to see Brother Long with me tonight. It seems we need Brother Long for help on this matter."

   After Wang Kai finished speaking, his ferocity was revealed.


   Su Yu dragged the tree into the village. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

   In order to avoid causing much commotion.

   Su Yu asked Xiaobai to sneak home from the path.

   As for the lightning strike, Su Yu could only drag it back from the front door.

   Fortunately, Su Yu’s family originally lived near the end of the village.

   In addition, it is the summer of the summer, it is very hot outside, the village is full of elderly people, so Su Yu dragged such a big tree back and few people saw it along the way.

   dragged the lightning striker into the yard.

   Su Yu greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

   "Everyone, today's live broadcast is over here, I will go out later in the evening, I have to take a shower and change clothes before I go out, so, see you tomorrow!"

   "Don't, Su Ye! Re-broadcast the meeting! It's really not good, you can also take a bath on live broadcast!"

   "Yes! Shiya gave such a big homepage recommendation, how long did it take to broadcast?"

   "Fuck it! You have to turn off the broadcast just after I came in? Take care of it!"

   The people in the live broadcast room protested loudly.

   But Su Yu couldn't help it.

   He will rush to the Huanong Hotel to attend the class reunion in a while, and it must be broadcast.

   greeted and apologized to the audience in the live broadcast room, and then Su Yu shut down the broadcast and went to take a bath.

   4:30 in the afternoon.

   After taking a shower, Su Yu changed his clothes and left with his car key.

   got in his pickup truck, Su Yu glanced at the time: "There is half an hour, Huanong Hotel, catch up! Let's go!"

   Then, Su Yu kicked the accelerator and the car drove towards Huanong Hotel.


   I recommend a book to everyone. Recently, the theme of Check-in Invincible Flow, written by a friend, "I Become a Peerless Sword Fairy After Checking In A Hundred Years", is now also on the new book list and I recommend it to everyone! Those who are lacking in books can check it out!

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