As soon as he got here, Gu Huanong saw bald Liu at a glance.

   Although Gu Huanong doesn't know Liu Xiong, he is the most temperamental among all the people here.

   "Sir, are you leading people to make trouble?"

   Gu Huanong didn’t smile.

   Bald Liu shook his face: "Boss Gu, this...this is a misunderstanding."

   Gu Huanong smiled: "Misunderstanding? Sir, you have brought so many people, I don't think this is a misunderstanding."

   Gu Huanong just wanted to say something, a female voice suddenly sounded behind him.

   "Su Yu? Why are you here?"

   Su Yu was called out and looked over.

   In the next second, Su Yu's face turned weird.

   Because this person called him, isn’t it the female owner of the previous 4S shop?

Why is she here?

   The reason why Su Yu remembered this female boss was because she had been with herself before, and then she had rewarded her in the live broadcast room.

   Su Yu didn't expect to be so coincidental that he could see it all here.

   "Gu Boss, hello, hello!"

   Su Yu greeted the female boss.

   Gu Si walked over: "What is the boss? How many points? You can just call me Gu Si."

   Su Yu: "Okay, but, are you eating here too?"

   Gu Si: "This is my restaurant? I will entertain my brother here today."

   Gu Si talked about introducing Su Yu.

   "This is my brother, Gu Huanong, brother, he is Su Yu, I told you."

   At first, Su Yu thought that Gu Si was eating here, but just wanted to say it was a coincidence.

   As a result, in the next second, people directly said that this restaurant was opened by someone else.

   good fellow!

   directly stunned Su Yu.

  The rich woman is the rich woman!

   Su Yu shook hands with Gu Huanong.

   Gu Huanong looked at Su Yu and became enthusiastic in a second.

   "Future brother-in-law, oh no, that's not right, Su Yu, hello, hello."

   Gu Huanong just wanted to call her brother-in-law directly, but Gu Si glared at him, and Gu Huanong hurriedly changed his words.

   was rolled over by his sister, Gu Huanong felt wronged.

   Didn’t you say that you must get Su Yu in the future?

   My elder sister spoke up. With the strength of her own family, isn't Su Yu becoming a brother-in-law?

   After all, three villas, two Porsches, an Audi, a Mercedes-Benz S-Class plus a dowry of one million cash, no one in this world would refuse, right?

   But my elder sister wouldn't let herself call that, Gu Huanong simply stopped calling.

   Su Yu greeted Gu Huanong and chatted.

   There was a layer of secret sweat on the bald Liu behind.


   That is Gu Huanong!

   That kid actually knew a big man of this level just now, and he seemed to have a very close relationship.

   Otherwise, with a role of Gu Huanong's level, most people who want to shake hands with him do not take a straight look.

   Bald Liu was sweating all over.


   You said it earlier!

   You said you are so awesome, but I dare to do it with you?

   Are there so many people who like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers these years?

too frightening!

   This world is too dark!

  Bald Liu is almost crying.

   Of course, he is not the only one who is about to cry.

   Within the corner of the aisle.

  Wang Kai and Long Ge both took a breath.

   Especially Long Brother.

   Brother Long: "Mother! I can't see it! Not only is this kid so good at fighting, but he also knows Gu Huanong! Fortunately, I didn't make a move just now, otherwise, we would be the one who was unlucky."

   Wang Kai: "Brother Long, what shall we do now?"

Brother Long touched his chin and pondered for a while: "Don't worry, although Gu Huanong is powerful, his main power is not in Lishui County, and he can't stay here all the time. He won't be able to keep this kid for long. Let's find Brother Cat and let Brother Cat take action against this kid!"

   Wang Kai took a deep breath: "Brother Cat! Is that brother Cat who is second only to Bald Liu in Lishui County?"

   Long brother: "Yes, it's him, when we choose the kid surnamed Su when he is alone, as long as we don't let Gu Huanong know, there will be no trouble."

   Wang Kai excited: "Okay! I listen to Brother Long, let's go to Brother Cat!"

   The two talked, and quietly left the hotel with the little brother.

   On the other side, Gu Huanong chatted with Su Yu for a while, after understanding the situation just now.

   Gu Huanong turned to look at Bald Liu.

   Gu Huanong is not angry now.

  You kid, it's fine to make trouble in my hotel, but you wanted to beat my future brother-in-law just now?

   This fucking!

   Fortunately, my brother-in-law is so skilled, I didn’t let you ask for a favor, otherwise, wouldn’t I slap Laozi’s face?

   Gu Huanong didn't plan to let Bald Liu go. He just wanted to ask someone to drag Bald Liu down for a complete meal.

   The sirens sounded downstairs.

   Gu Huanong and bald Liu both froze for a while.

  I wipe it!

Who called the police?

   Bald Liu heard the alarm and almost didn't cry on the spot.

   This is probably the only time in his life when he felt that the sound of a police siren was so nice.

   The police are here!

   Which guy called the police?

   I thank you eight generations of ancestors!

   is wonderful!

   After all, bald Liu would rather go to the police station to drink tea for a few years than do anything with Gu Huanong here.

   Nice come!

   It's wonderful!

   come croak!

   Soon, the police came up from downstairs. After understanding the situation, they took away the bald Liu and his gang.

   Bald Liu was taken away by the police.

   Gu Huanong still looked unhappy.

   Before he could teach this grandson, he let him run away, which made him cheaper.

   But since I took it all away.

   Su Yu was not affected either, this matter came to an end for the time being.

   The diners who watched the excitement all went back to their private rooms to eat.

   Gu Huanong and Gu Si sent an invitation to Su Yu.

   "Su Yu, don't you want us to eat something?"

   Su Yu declined: "No, no, I'm here to attend the class reunion today to recount old schoolmates. UU reading and I'm not over yet."

   Gu Si: "Well, then next time, I will invite you to dinner next time."

   Su Yu: "Okay!"

   After Gu Si finished speaking, he took Gu Huanong and left.

   Su Yu returned to the private room with Chu Yuntao and a group of old classmates.

   This time, the atmosphere in the entire private room is completely different.

   All these classmates put their eyes on Su Yu.

   How could they have thought that Su Yu, this guy is actually so good now!

   knew the owner of Huanong Hotel.

   That is Gu Huanong!

  Gu's family is the richest man in Lishui County!

   I went to the city for development thirty years ago.

   In the past ten years or so, it has even been mixed into the province, and it is also very popular in the province.

   The Gu family are all real big shots.

   Even Chu Yuntao and Zhao Zhemin looked at Su Yu with mixed eyes.

   Thinking of the awesome things I had blown before, now I will compare myself with Su Yu, it is not worth mentioning.

   How many years do they want to stand beside a figure like Gu Huanong and talk and laugh like Su Yu now?

   20 years?

   Thirty years?

   may not be able to do it in a lifetime.

   Think again about the low-key look of Su Yu before.

   The faces of Chu Yuntao and Zhao Zhemin were about to twitch.

   This is no longer pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

   This **** girl should pretend to be an ant and eat a dragon, right?


   All of them said that I can guess what is written after this story without watching it!

   is so **** annoying!


   Guess it for me!

   I can’t guess what I’m going to write in the next chapter, drag me out and chop it!

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