Sendai Village.

   eleven o'clock in the evening.

   Su Yu drove home.

   Su Yu didn't even know what happened to Huanong Hotel after he left.

   After a big meal, Su Yu now just wants to go home and take a bath and sleep beautifully.

   get home!

   Xiaobai and Rhubarb had already greeted him at the door of their home.

   Su Yu touched the head of the rhubarb dog and went upstairs to rest.

   As usual, after wiping a whole body of dragon blood, Su Yu fell asleep.

   Although strictly speaking, the monks in the foundation building period no longer need to sleep, but who made Su Yu accustomed to sleeping before?

   The habits of normal people cannot be changed in a day or two.

   No words for a night.

   The next day, Su Yu got up early and washed the dragon blood off his body.

   Su Yu began to sign in today.

   "System, start signing in!"

   "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully, and get rewards [First-order Magic Refining Encyclopedia]!"

   Su Yu: "Encyclopedia of refining artifacts?"

   just right!

   What do you want?

   What the system rewards is the method of making magical artifacts!

   Su Yu just shipped the Thunder Strike Wood back yesterday, and it happened to be planning to make a magic weapon today.

   If there was no Daquan for making artifacts signed in today.

   Su Yu is going to buy this item in the popular mall.

   This thing is not cheap, the first-order magic weapon refining encyclopedia needs a full 500,000 vigor.

   But I got this after signing in now, which is a saving of half a million people.

   I gave pillows as soon as I fell asleep.

   This system is humane enough!

   Su Yu gave the system a thumbs up.

   Then, Su Yu got the reward and went downstairs.

   Downstairs, Su Yu broadcasts live daily.

   However, without waiting for Su Yu to start the live broadcast today, the management staff on the Shiya platform came back and sent a private message to Su Yu in the background, saying that he wanted to change the contract.

   may be because the popularity of the Su Yu live broadcast broke 10 million yesterday.

   Now he can directly become a sweet pastry, Shiya feels that the current contract conditions for Su Yu are too low.

   Unilateral request for additional money!

   The other side wants to add money to himself, what can Su Yu do?

   Don’t want the free money?

   Changed the contract.

   After discussion between the two parties, the final contract has not changed except for the annual live broadcast time, but the other items have changed.

   The original contract was that the platform and the anchor received a 28% share of the reward.

   If necessary, the contracted anchor must advertise for the platform.

   The annual salary is 3 million.

   The signing time is one year.

   was directly changed to Su Yu's rewards all belong to him, the platform does not accept a copy.

   And the annual salary has also risen directly to 100 million a year.

   As for advertising on the platform, it has been changed to a maximum of once a year, and it must be advertised with the consent of Su Yu.

   The signing time is still one year.

  The new contract has a dedicated person to contact Su Yu, and the paper contract has been changed to an electronic contract.

   Su Yu even saves on printing, just sign a video call directly!

   Get these all right.

   Su Yu just started today's live broadcast.

   As soon as the live broadcast opened, people began to enter the live broadcast room one after another.

   Now Su Yu has become the outdoor live broadcast of Shiya platform without knowing it.

Less than ten minutes after    started broadcasting, his popularity directly exceeded one million.

   "Hi! Su Ye, I haven't seen you for a day, I really miss it."

   "Good morning Su Ye!"

   "I saw Su Ye live broadcast early in the morning, it feels great!"

   Su Yu greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

   "Good morning everyone!"

   "Su Ye! We all know the process! Hurry up and get breakfast!"

   These guys have watched Su Yu's live broadcast room a lot of times. Every morning, Su Yu's live broadcast is the first thing he knows.

   directly let Su Yu get breakfast.

   Su Yu touched his nose and walked into the kitchen as expected.

   Old rules, drink porridge in the morning.

   However, in addition to porridge, there are more side dishes for porridge.

   is the radish kimchi pickled by Su Yu yesterday.

   These radishes are ready to eat after a day of pickling.

   Su Yu cooked the porridge and took out the radish pickled yesterday.

   As soon as the lid was opened, a golden light radiated from the jar.

   "Wow! Golden Legend!"

   "I didn't guess wrong as expected! Su Ye's family surely glows in everything they eat! Turnips are really good too!"

   "It seems to taste what the glowing radish tastes like! You will rise to immortality after eating it."

   "It's delicious at first glance. Does the anchor sell this carrot? I want to buy it!"

   Su Yu: "Sorry, this carrot is not for sale. I have nothing to eat for myself, and I don't have time to sell it in batches."

   Su Yu answered some questions in the live broadcast room, and then began to have breakfast.

   I took a bite of radish, and it still tasted that way.

   Sweet and sour, crunchy and refreshing with a bite!

  The radish of Xiuxianjie also has a fragrance, which makes it even more refreshing to eat!

   has sour radish as a side dish.

   Su Yu had a better breakfast today.

   After breakfast, Su Yu came to his wine cellar.

  Sendai wine brewed by Su Yu has almost reached the conditions after several days of fermentation.

   can be sold.

   The audience in the live broadcast room watched Su Yu come to a strange place, all of them were very curious.

   "Su Ye, what place is this?"

   "It seems that I haven't seen Master Su come here before! Curious!"

   "Why are there so many jars here?"

  Su Yu introduced to the audience in the live broadcast room: "This is my wine cellar. Do you still remember the Sendai wine I promised to brew before? It's brewed now!"

   "Wow! It's a shame that the anchor remembers this, I've been waiting for many days! It's finally ready today!"

   "Let's take a look, Su Ye, just open a tank and let us take a look!"

   Su Yu nodded and then went to the nearest wine jar and opened the seal.

   scooped half a bowl of wine into a small bowl.

   Under the unmanned camera shooting, Su Yu poured the wine into the jar again.

  Through shooting, the audience in the live broadcast room can clearly see the quality of the wine. UU reading

   is crystal clear, a verdant green.

   is very different from the liquor on the market, but it makes people want to drink it.

   "Not bad, not bad! Su Ye's wine is still of quality assurance! After all, we witnessed Su Ye's brewing process with our own eyes!"

   "Just looking at this wine, my wine bugs are going to be hooked out! I want to drink! Su Ye, stop the ink, hurry up and hang up the shopping cart!"

   "That's right! The anchor, hurry up! I have to buy three boxes alone!"

   "Fuck! The one in front, one person buys three cases, have you finished drinking so much?"

   "Do you care if I can finish drinking? One box for my dad and one box for my father-in-law are you not satisfied?"

   "But Su Ye, after talking for a long time, how much do you plan to sell this wine for? We don't know the price yet?"

   Su Yu: "It's not expensive, it's not expensive, I came here by catty, one catty is 100 yuan!"

   "Fuck! One hundred????? Grab money!"

   "The anchor is serious? One hundred pound, who can afford it? It's more expensive than beef!"

"I don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense, this is pure grain wine, okay? I suspect that you don’t understand grain wine at all. The better pure grain wine on the market now is basically seven or eighty-one catties, which is normal, even the worst. Twenty or thirty yuan a catty! Not to mention that Su Ye is brewed purely by hand, and the whole process is transparent! One hundred and one catty is a conscience!"

   "That's right! The process of making pure grain wine is very complicated and it burns money itself. One catty of wine requires three catties of grain. Although one catty of finished wine is a bit expensive, it is not too expensive!"

   "I don't care, I bought it anyway! I bought it and gave it a try before giving feedback to everyone!"

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "Oh? Just entered the live broadcast room and saw Su Ye's wine brewed? Not bad, give me ten catties first!"

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