A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 73: Longevity 5 bird fist? Probably something similar to 5 Qin Xi!

   Tan Yongxin now fully believes that Su Yu is a cultivator.

   The dogs in the house can breathe fire. Isn't this a cultivator or something?

   Maybe this dog is still a legendary demon emperor.

   The kind of people who eat a city in one bite!

   I'm scared, scared!

   Tan Yongxin doesn't want to care about these things anymore.

   This level of things is beyond her control.

   Let's go quickly.

   Tan Yongxin did not go in and then forced him to question Su Yu, and directly drove away.

   Tan Yongxin drove out of Sendai Village.

   just after Tan Yongxin left.

  Uncle Zhang walked into Su Yu's house.

   "Little domain! Are you at home?"

  Uncle Zhang came right after Su Yu's front foot came home from the police station, Su Yu hurried out.

   "Uncle Zhang, don't you have a bad waist? Why are you here? Come, sit down quickly."

   While talking, Su Yu quickly moved a small bench for Uncle Zhang.

Uncle Zhang smiled and said: "Hey! No need to sit, I feel better now, Xiaoyu, it's really a shame to say that you gave me the massage yesterday. At that time, I felt much better right after you pressed it for me. Apply your ointment, you see, I feel refreshed after a sleep, and my waist that hurt before doesn’t hurt anymore! Xiaoyu! That’s a magic medicine for you!"

   Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, you are too serious, what kind of magic medicine? It's an ancestral ointment, it can cure the disease. If you still want to come and take it with me, I still have it here!"

Uncle Zhang: "Okay! By the way, Xiaoyu, your Aunt Zhang asked me to send it to you. You helped Uncle Zhang so much. These two pieces of bacon were marinated last year. I will hold them for you. eat!"

   Su Yu looked at the bacon that Uncle Zhang brought up.

   This bacon is marinated by almost every household in the countryside every year.

   Fresh pork is bought and marinated, and then it can be eaten for a long time after being fully exposed to the sun.

   Under normal circumstances, the bacon can be left for a year without any problem.

  Bacon Suyu is also from snack to big.

   Su Yu also likes the texture and taste of bacon very much.

   But after his parents died, Su Yu basically couldn't eat it.

   Because no one at home makes it.

   I didn't expect Uncle Zhang to bring the bacon today.

Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, this... how embarrassing it is. You and Aunt Zhang usually take care of me. I can help. That's right, not to mention that the price of pork outside is so high. You should take this bacon back. "

Uncle Zhang's face became hardened: "Xiaoyu, just two pieces of bacon, you Uncle Zhang, I can't afford it? Besides, you helped me sell that bow some time ago and helped me earn a hundred thousand yuan, two pieces of bacon. Just a piece of bacon, take it!"

   Uncle Zhang put down nearly twenty catties of bacon without saying a word.

   Su Yu looked at Uncle Zhang's back, suddenly he seemed to think of something.

   "Hey, Uncle Zhang! Wait a minute! I'll keep this bacon, so let me give you something too!"

   After Su Yu finished speaking, he turned and ran towards the house.

   After a while, Su Yu took out a notebook from the house and stuffed it into Uncle Zhang's hand.

"Uncle Zhang, these are some fitness tips that I brought back from the library when I was in the Imperial Capital. You take them back and have a look, and practice them when you have time. If you practice for a long time, it should be good for your lumbar spine. Highlight what is helpful."

   said, Su Yu took out two more small bottles.

   "Also, this is a pill passed down from my family. Take one pill a day. It is also a thing for strengthening the body and replenishing vital energy. After taking the medicine and then practicing, you may be able to solve your lumbar problems."

   Uncle Zhang looked at the notebook and two small medicine bottles handed over by Su Yu.

   Uncle Zhang was also an intellectual who went to junior high school.

   Huaxia characters are still known.

   I saw a few words written on this small notebook given by Su Yu.

   "Wan Shou Wu Qin Quan"!

  Uncle Zhang does not understand what it means.

   But he knew that Su Yu would not harm him.

   And this Wanshou Wuqianquan!

   sounds a bit like the Wu Qin Xi in the past to keep fit.

   should be physical exercise, similar to Tai Chi in the park.

   Uncle Zhang happily accepted these two things, and then went home.

   Su Yu looked at Uncle Zhang's back and smiled.

   The two things he gave to Uncle Zhang were of course not some of his ancestral medicine and the library's physical books.

   It is the body refining magic and the big return pill that Su Yuzheng'er eight classics redeemed from the popular mall!

   Great for Dan!

   The kind that can increase your skill for five years by eating one.

   As for Wanshou Wuqinquan.

   is also a form of boxing from the world of immortality.

   is said to be a boxing technique created by masters to observe the five immortal birds, Xuanwu, Suzaku, White Tiger, Blue Dragon, and White Ape.

  Through cultivation to great achievement, his body is transcendent and sanctified.

   Relying on this boxing technique to break the shackles, it is not wrong to say that it can live a long life for thousands of years.

   Hope that Uncle Zhang can achieve something!

   Su Yu smiled, and returned to the house with two pieces of bacon.


   On the other side, Uncle Zhang happily took the two things given by Su Yu and went home.

  As soon as he got home, Aunt Zhang asked, "What's so happy? Did you send the bacon that Xiaoyu sent?"

   Uncle Zhang: "Sent it off, this kid was embarrassed to accept it, but I took it after a lesson."

   Aunt Zhang continued to ask: "Then what is that you are holding?"

  Uncle Zhang: "This was given to me by Xiaoyu. It said it was a bodybuilding thing and medicine. Let me contact me on time and take the medicine on time. Maybe it will cure my waist disease."

Aunt Zhang wiped her wet hands on her apron and walked over: "Really? Since Xiaoyu gave it to you, then you go and practice! Don't say it, Xiaoyu's things are really effective. , I pressed your waist yesterday, you see, you are so much better today!"

   Uncle Zhang nodded: "Yeah, yeah, then I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to take medicine and practice exercises!"

   Uncle Zhang finished speaking and walked to his yard. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Opened the medicine bottle given by Su Yu and poured a pill from it.

   The pill that Uncle Zhang poured out was the size of a soy bean, and it was blue.

   Uncle Zhang didn't have much burden, so he threw it into his mouth and chewed.

   The taste is not bad, sweet, and it tastes much better than traditional Chinese medicine!

After eating a big return pill, Uncle Zhang instantly felt warm on his body, feeling full of energy all over his body, and it seemed that there was a heat flowing towards his belly button, making Uncle Zhang's waist more comfortable. .

   "This must be the effect of Xiaoyu's back pain medicine! Hahaha! That's amazing! Okay, take advantage of the strength now, and practice the book Xiaoyu gave!"

   Uncle Zhang opened "Wan Shou Wu Qin Quan", read it and practiced it.

   Drink and drink haha!

   Just like that, the sound of practicing exercises came from the yard of Uncle Zhang's all night.

   Uncle Zhang is almost 50 this year.

   Usually the body is not very good.

   But today he felt like he was beaten with blood, and he didn't feel the slightest tired after punching in the yard all night.

   It's a bitter Aunt Zhang.

   Sitting in the room just watching him become a very agile old man.

   This old head?

   is 18 years old again?

   See a ghost!


   Let me explain to everyone that I took my son to take a hundred days of photos these days, and I will have a hundred days banquet tomorrow, so the update is not very timely, and I have to prepare to put the manuscript on the shelf, and update it stably after tomorrow! thanks for your support! !

   In addition, the author posted photos of his son Hundred Days in the group. If you are interested, you can join the group!

  Penguin: 1044527932!

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