A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 76: He didn’t have the strength to beat people, and said he had practiced karate

   Uncle Zhang finished a set of Xuanwu divine fist, and when he was entering the Ding Shu Gong, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in his ear.

   Uncle Zhang opened his eyes and found a black man walking towards him.

  Uncle Zhang: "Ah! Foreigners!"

   Rare thing!

  Uncle Zhang grew up so old. Although he has seen foreigners on TV, it is the first time in real life.

   is not only a foreigner, but also a black man.

  Uncle Zhang: "What's the matter?"

  Quaid began to introduce himself: "Hello, I am from the United States, my name is Anthony Quaid! It's like this, I just saw you punching! What kind of kung fu do you practice?"

   Uncle Zhang was taken aback.

   I didn't expect this black Chinese to speak so well.

   Just now he was worried that he would not speak foreign language.


   "Kung Fu?" Uncle Zhang shook his head and smiled: "I don't know what Kung Fu, I'm just Wu Qin Xi, do you know Wu Qin Xi? It's similar to your American gymnastics."

   Listening to Uncle Zhang's words.

  Quide took a deep breath.



   is too humble!

   Are Huaxia people so humble now?

   It's all so good, and he just said that he didn't know how to use kung fu.

   It's such a powerful boxing technique, I have to say that I practice gymnastics!

   is too low-key.

Quaid thought for a while: "Let's do it, uncle, I am actually a kung fu lover, and I have practiced karate for many years. I want to challenge you, that is, to learn from you! What do you think? "

  Quide learned smarter this time and didn't speak too much.

   He didn't say that he wanted to differentiate with Uncle Zhang, but that he talked about each other.

   Let's learn from each other!

   is to stop.

  Quide's heart: Since it is a discussion, he shouldn't kill me anymore!

  Men, that's it, you have to leave a way for yourself no matter what.

  Uncle Zhang: "You want to learn from me? This is not appropriate, right."

   Uncle Zhang thinks he is just an old man, what can you learn from young people?

   But Quaid on the opposite side insisted on having to learn from each other.

  Uncle Zhang can't help him either.

no way.

   People are foreigners after all.

   It's hard to come here, so let's save face.

  Uncle Zhang: "That's it, let's stop at it, not the head!"

  Quide: "okok! Don't worry!"

  Uncle Zhang: "You are a guest, so let me let you do it first!"

  Uncle Zhang finished speaking, and stood still.

  Quide ecstatic.

   Let yourself go first?

   Isn't this a good opportunity to be delivered to your door?

   This old Chinese man is so powerful, Quaid was really a bit unsure before, fearing that he would not be able to beat him.

   But now, this old man is so underestimating, and he wants to make a move first. Isn't this a gift?

   Although the old man Hua Xia is great, his karate is not a vegetarian.

   Master duel, usually win or lose in an instant.

   As long as Quaid seizes the opportunity, he is confident that he will be able to subdue Uncle Zhang within three seconds.

  Quide gave a low cry, and rushed forward with his right foot. At the moment of the flint and lightning, he shot.

   The arm span of blacks is already long, and because of their physique, they are explosive.

  Quide received professional training and almost rushed to Uncle Zhang in less than two seconds.

  As soon as the expert makes a move, he knows if there is any.

  Quide pressed his right hand to Uncle Zhang's chest, and at the same time, his left hand instantly copied to Uncle Zhang's waist.

   stumbled on Uncle Zhang’s ankle with his right foot.

   This is a karate wrestling technique.

   The tricks are simple, but very practical.

   Even an enemy who weighs twice as much as oneself can use this trick to knock him down.

   And it’s still a concrete floor.

   I was hit **** the concrete floor, even young adults couldn’t stand it several times.

  Quide is very cunning.

   As soon as he shoots, he throws someone.

   In the eyes of some viewers who do not know how to fight in the live broadcast, this is a great advantage.

   The visual impact is full!

   However, Quaid counts, he still missed a little.

   I saw Quaid almost tripped Uncle Zhang with the strength of suckling.

   However, after a few seconds, the unexpected Uncle Zhang fell down, and the scene of Quaid's tactical victory was not seen at all.

  Uncle Zhang’s lay-off skills are so good, at this moment his feet are basically rooted, and when they are on the ground, Quaid can't move or trip Uncle Zhang at all.

  Quide's face flushed.

   Uncle Zhang has no idea what this black man is doing.

   Isn’t it a good discussion?

   rushed over and didn't hit me. What are you doing here by pressing my chest and waist?

  Uncle Zhang: "Young man? What's the matter? Didn't it mean to compete? Stop fighting?"

  Quide embarrassed: "This...good! One more trick."

  Quide said, decided to give up the idea of ​​falling Uncle Zhang and use his leg power instead.

  Quide took a few steps back, then shouted loudly.

   The right foot was raised instantly, a forward kick, full of strength.

   "So strong! This is the front kick of karate! Quaid is worthy of being a master of karate six dan. Even if this kick is a young man, the opponent will not be able to bear it!"

   "It's too powerful, but can the opponent catch such a powerful forward kick? I heard that the old man in China likes to ruin people!"

   "What are you afraid of? Quaid is not short of money! Attack on the United States! Defeat these Chinese guys!"

   The audience in the live broadcast room was excited, and some even chanted in front of the computer screen.

   However, after a few breaths, they all calmed down.

   is like being poured into a basin of cold water.

   Because in the live room screen, Quaid’s forward kick is indeed full of power.

   But this kick hit Uncle Zhang's stomach, and Uncle Zhang didn't let go.

   And the kick was solid, Uncle Zhang didn't even take a step back.

  Quide: "What?"

  Quide looked incredible.

   This fucking.

   This is outrageous!

   how did you do it?

   Just eat so hard?

  Quide knows too much how powerful his kick is.

   Normally, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will have no problem kicking seven or eight wooden boards.

   But this old Chinese man just caught it?

   And the face doesn't flush or pant.

  Quide's chin is about to hang on the ground.

   How is this done?

   Uncle Zhang looked down at his stomach.

   "It doesn't hurt! Young man, are you a bit weak? You don't have the strength to beat people, and you say you have practiced karate?"

  Uncle Zhang: "Let me show you what Kung Fu is! Come on! Take my punch!"

   Uncle Zhang yelled angrily.

   mobilize all the energy.

  Quide could even see that the veins on his forehead burst almost instantly.

   The fist made a crunching sound.

   Uncle Zhang's body even heard the sound of tiger and leopard thunder.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   After that, Uncle Zhang bulged up, raised his right hand and pulled out a punch.

   This punch is like an arrow full of bows.

   The fist hasn't been hit yet.

  Quide's eyes fell off as soon as he looked.

   "Ah this! It's horrible! No! Run! I have to run! I must die!"

  Quide was terrified.

   turned around and ran away.

  Uncle Zhang: "What are you running? Didn't you say you want to learn from each other? Watch boxing!"

   Uncle Zhang threw a punch to Quide's back.

   Fortunately, Quaid is a parkour master.

   ran under a tree, kicked twice on the tree, and then turned over and jumped.

   flew from the top of Uncle Zhang's head to the back.

   Uncle Zhang did not react.

   This punch hit the tree and threw a large piece of bark away.

  Quide looked silly on the spot.

   "Fuck Nima!"

   Is this a discussion?

   Are you sure it was not a murder?

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