After several professors from the institute got out.

Su Yu's house.

Two of these guys have already arrived.

I can't just go on, I hope these guys are more interesting, don't come.

After lunch, in the afternoon, Su Yu just picked up his mobile phone and found that someone in the backstage of his Lion Tooth broadcast had a private message to him.

Su Yu gave a moment. It was the staff from Shiya.

"Su Shenghao, after review, you have reached the signing criteria, would you like to become the contract anchor of our Lion Tooth Broadcasting?"

Sign the anchor!

It means that Su Yu can really gain entry from the broadcast.

In the past, Su Yu's money source was based on broadcasting and rewards.

Once the contract is signed, the platform will pay the daily popularity and broadcast time.

Of course, if there is a big fame, you can also sign other high-level contracts with the platform.

Do you want to sign a contract with Shiya?

Of course Su Yu is about to sign a contract.

I've broadcast it all by myself. Is it possible to generate electricity for love all day long?

Relying on gifts every day is not a long-term solution. After signing the contract, the monthly salary will be stable.

Su Yu: "What kind of contract can our platform give me?"

In just a few days after the launch of Su Yu, the popularity has exceeded 20,000, and the attention has been nearly 30,000.

This much popularity can't be fooled by just a contract.

The current Su Yu is fully qualified to talk about high treatment with the platform.

Shiya headquarters, inside an office building.

Lin Mo is sitting in front of the computer. He is the head of the signing of Shiyabo.

Lin Mo has been observing Su Yu for a few days.

The leaders above are also very full of Su Yu's broadcast.

After all, it's a talent who can go from zero to more than 20,000 in less than one star.

The explosion of Su Yu made Shiyabo willing to spend money.

This is a high-level contract with Lin Mo's authority.

With the permission of the leader, Lin Mo issued an A-level contract to Su Yu.

"Su Sheng, what about your contract?"

Su Yu sat up in the yard.

A-level contract signed by Shiya Platform.

There are a lot of various regulations inside.

After Su Yu went through it, he summarized a few more important ones.

The annual broadcast time shall not be less than 1400 hours.

The rewards earned by the platform and the anchor are divided into two to eight.

If necessary, the contracted anchor must be a platform advertisement.

The annual salary is 3 million.

The contract time is three years.

Several other Su domains can.

The last Su domain is a bit impossible.

The contract time is three years.

This means that if you sign this contract, you have to be bound by the platform for three years.

Within three years, one has to stay at Shiyabo and cannot jump on the platform.

If you have to leave, you will pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Su Yu: "I didn't ask anything else, just the signing time. I will be a year."

Lin Mo: "One year? This..."

The contract was made from above.

If Su Yu had an opinion, Lin Mo couldn't decide personally.

So Lin Mo called the department leader and reported Su Yu's situation.

After a while, Shiya's department leaders joined.

One year is one year.

Su Yu has only started broadcasting for a few days, and his popularity is already so high.

To be honest, no one will see how Su Yu's popularity will be in a month or a few months.

A fall is still a god.

The three-year signing period is indeed a bit long.

If Su Yu's popularity has skyrocketed, Su Yu's annual salary of 30,000 yuan within three years is indeed wronged.

For example, if Su Yu's popularity has gone mad, Shiyabo paid him 30,000 RM every year for three years. It is indeed a blood loss.

One year is one year.

Good for everyone.

With the same from the superiors.

Lin Mo helped Su Yu to get the contract.

"Su Sheng, the contract is over, so I haven't asked about it now."

Su Yu's new contract nodded.

"Okay, no question, let me print it and express it to you."

Lin Mo: "Okay, I will send you the address and wish us a happy cooperation!"

After confirming the contract with Shiya.

The audience in the broadcast room looked down at Su Yu holding his mobile phone for a long time.

"Here Su Ye?"

"Curious! It's the big wicked girl?"

"Good Dong, let us see it too!"

Su Yu looked up and said, "No, I just signed a contract with Shiya. It's a contract."

"Signed? So Ye Su is now a contract anchor?"

"A-level contract? How old my anchor is to sign an S-level contract!"

"S-level is affirmed. How long has it been for Su Ye? People with S-level contracts are all major anchors who have been popular for a few years. Shiya won't be so easy to give S-level contracts."

"I guess it's multi-level, isn't it A-level? No, no, no!"

Su Yu smiled mysteriously.

"Everyone guessed it was A grade, but I have been with Lion Toothpick for a year."

"Fuck! Su Yeniu! It's really A-level! I heard that Shiya's A-level contract can only be signed for at least three years and a stable popularity of 10,000."

"With the increase in Su Ye's popularity, he is also A grade. After all, this is an awesome man who has reached more than 20,000 people in a few days!"

"I remember that the signing time of Shiya's A-level contract is not three years? How can it be a year? Su Ye can let Shiya alone repair the contract time? Great!"

"I Ye Niubi!"

Su Yu: "Okay, each, I'm going to the town to print the contract now, and I will issue the contract today."

Su Yu changed his clothes and was about to go out.

Before leaving, Su Yu was about to go out.

Little White Peppa's gang also gathered around.

Su Yu: "We have to go out too? This is not okay, I am going to town, this can't bring us."

It is clear that they have been locked up at home by Su Yu during this period.

Because they are too special.

So Su Yu generally does not allow them to go out.

It's not good if people are scared.

This is going to the town, so you can't take them there.

Have you ever seen someone walking a python or a tiger?

Doesn't anyone die if you take it out?

Rhubarb can be taken with you, it's just a big yellow dog. It's so common in the countryside.

Su Yu came out from home with a dog leash and buckled it around Rhubarb's neck.

Rhubarb suddenly became proud.

"Wow! Everyone of these sapiens are so big that they can't even get out the door! You can get out! Let's stay at home!"

Rhubarb followed Su Yu.

At this time, the two little tigers in the yard also ran over and hugged Su Yu's thigh.


Su Yu: "We also go out?"

The two little tigers are also bored.

It's annoying to be in the yard every day.

Finally, when they had the opportunity to go out, they also went out.

With the pitiful appearance of these two Huahu cubs hooking their necks.

The audience in the broadcast booth is not going down.

"Master Su, or take them with you, pitifully!".

"Yeah! These two little guys are not too big, they are not as big as rhubarb, and they are fine with them!"

"The big deal is to tie them a dog leash, no one can get it."

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