A Manga That Starts From The Wrong Place

Chapter 15: God Of Blacksmithing, Gubonius, "Ask For Collection"

Although Hestia is a god, she has sealed divine power and any power related to gods in the lower world, and she has become no different from ordinary people.

Of course, there is no such thing as human beings who must eat to maintain life activities, but every day in the lower world is full of unknowns and has an endless desire to explore.

Even a job like selling potato balls, which is very bland for adventurers, is very interesting in Hestia's eyes.

Perhaps all gods are like this. After all, they are eternal, and their definition of life is completely different from that of life with a long life.

Hestia happily jumped to take care of the potato balls after leaving the words, "You must never enter the dungeon at this time. You must wait for the guild's investigation to be clear." stall.

Even if he still wanted a Hestia to stay for a while, maybe in the eyes of God, she would accompany him for the rest of his life and would not be in a hurry to get along for a while.

"Next, I have to go to the guild to apologize to Miss Aegina, and then use the money from the magic stone to buy two decent swords."

Ye Zai came to West Street. There were a lot more adventurers around than yesterday. Because the guild was investigating yesterday's special events, the lv.1 lower-level adventurers were banned from entering. Some adventurers were talking about yesterday's thrilling, but the basic complaints were All of them are lv1 adventurers.

Basically, they will never be able to level up adventurers who are only for money, and this type of adventurer occupies more than half of the entire city of Orari.

The minimum condition for promotion to lv.2 is to achieve a certain ability value of d500 or more, and then complete the great cause that even the gods admire.

The so-called great cause is to take risks, defeating enemies much stronger than oneself, and drenching blood in countless monsters, these things can be praised by the gods.

And those adventurers who are only for money can't have the courage to risk their lives.

Even if they are lv.2 adventurers, most of them can't wait to upgrade when they reach d500, because they can no longer continue to improve. Those whose ability value can reach a800 are all gifted and the darlings of the times.

"The impact of my unintentional actions is really big." Ye Zai suddenly had a sense of evil that no one knew about the culprit.

However, since you have to go through the upper floors to go to the deeper layers, there are always high-level adventurers passing by the upper floors, and even emergencies are easily suppressed.

If these adventurers knew that it was my abnormal situation that caused them to make no money, they would probably hack me to death.

Adventurer's Guild reception area.

"Thank you very much, Miss Aegina, otherwise I might not be able to come back, but the equipment you sent..." Ye Zai bowed gratefully to Aegina across from the coffee table.

If it wasn't for the set of light armor that Miss Aegina sent, he might have been ripped out of his heart by the wolf-headed man at that time. This is a life-saving grace.

"It's great that you can come back safely, but yesterday I was stunned, someone broke out of the dungeon in such a dangerous situation, and also brought so many magic stones, not only me, who was there at the time Everyone was dumbfounded."

Aegina said as she looked at the boy in front of her with eyes full of brilliance.

Yesterday, she was stunned. She walked out of the dungeon covered in blood, holding a broken sword in one hand, and holding a backpack of magic stones in the other. Her resolute and upright figure was like a heroic holy Tan. The heroes in ? come out of the same story.

And the touching words he said before he lost consciousness, how touching.

He was shining brightly.

It was an honor to wear the equipment I gave him to help him.

"However, you took an adventure yesterday. There are monsters from the seventh floor and above in the magic stone. This time the abnormal situation regenerated the monster two floors ahead of schedule, which means you went to the fifth and sixth floors, right?" Aina His expression became serious, his arms were crossed, and he was angry that the other party did not listen to his instructions.

"Really, it's so risky to become an adventurer on the first day. Newcomers must not go to the fourth floor or more. It's really dangerous."

"What you've taught me is that it won't happen next time." Ye Zai said warmly, the feeling of being cared about by others is really great, but he will dare next time.

"Seriously, Azai-kun, you are really lucky. You were able to survive the unusual situation that happened on the first day in a thousand years. Now you are alive and kicking. You may be the first in history." Said, his eyes looked at him softly, he now has more perseverance and loneliness that he did not have yesterday, and the change is really big.

"By the way, I exchanged the Farley of your magic stone for you yesterday, as long as you don't suspect that I am secretly greedy for ink." Aegina pointed to the window to exchange magic stones and said jokingly.

"Why, I thank you very much." Ye Zai said quickly, he trusted Aegina's character very much, and besides Hestia, in this world, he trusted her the most.

"There are a total of 32,689 Farleys, which is unbelievable. Generally, the five-person adventurer team of Level 1 receives less than 30,000 Farleys in one day. You are really working hard in the dungeon, in such a dangerous situation. Don't forget to take the magic stone." Aegina was surprised and at the same time made fun of him for his greed for money.

"Hey, my pockets are empty, and my family's gods are relatively unhappy. I don't want her to be unhappy all the time."

Ye Zai smiled, holding a heavy bag of coins in his hand, and his heart was filled with a sense of solidity. Those magic stones were actually just picked up slowly after the monsters stopped regenerating. In that case, picking up magic stones while fighting? Just want to die.

It's a pity that if the magic stone is not picked up quickly, it will be recovered by the maze, or it will definitely pick up more, after all, he doesn't know how many monsters he cut at that time.

However, this is only the upper level of the dungeon, and the money earned in the middle and deep levels is exaggerated. A monster drop from a deep level may sell for 10 million Farleys.

"Miss Aegina, I have something to ask you." Ye Zai said pitifully as he watched his hands clasped together.

"My equipment is all broken. I want to know that there are cheap and very practical weapon shops out there. It's best if I won't go bankrupt now, please."

All he knew was the shops of the Hefaith family, but the cheapest ones there were hundreds of thousands of pali, and he couldn't even buy a single slag.

And once he was fooled, he didn't believe that he could pick out good things in ordinary weapon shops.

"It's what I should do to provide necessary recommendations to new adventurers, and I also want to go shopping with Azai-kun." Aina stroked her hair on the sideburns and said sweetly, then stood up and stretched lazily. Stretch.

It seems to be having fun because you can be lazy.

"Just to be lazy."


Shopping with a half-elf advisor is of course not a date, it's just a routine, and many newcomers like Ye Zai are in charge of Aegina.

After a while, I came to Oulali Northeast Street. In addition to the main street, various wide and narrow alleys intersected each other. The shops on both sides of the alley heard the sound of hammering iron, and the walls outside the shops were covered with incomplete weapons.

This can be said to be the industrial area of ​​Orari, where the family members of the forging department are concentrated and settled here, and the magic stones that the guild receives from adventurers will also be digested here.

Adventurers are repairing and buying equipment here, some are discussing the price with the clerk, some are quarreling with the grumpy orcs, and the atmosphere is extraordinarily rich in iron and fire.

Finally, I came to a rough-looking weapon shop with a family badge with three hammers hanging on the shop sign.

Looking from the door, a thin, shirtless old man was knocking on the stove and banging red-hot weapons, and the clerk at the door was welcoming customers warmly.

"Gubenyu!" Ye Zai said in a low voice with the corners of his mouth twitching when he saw that the whole shop was numb, his eyes lost their brilliance, and he looked at Aina beside him.

"Cough cough, Miss Aegina, I am poor, I can't even buy slag for the weapon of the god of forging."

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