A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 309: Shouting crazy, Xia Lin is crazy

The misunderstanding has been resolved, and Long Sihao has been investigating the murder of Li Sufang for nearly half a month.

But after half a month, there was no clue.

Whenever he was about to find some clues, the clue was suddenly broken, which made him suspect that the murderer who killed Li Sufang was likely to lurk away from him.

Since Huo Yunene's body has almost recovered, he no longer manages Huo's, and he has been sitting in te for half a month.

He was in the company during the day, but he must return to the villa on time to accompany Li Xiaoman for dinner and walk before dinner.

Before going to bed every night, he will listen to the fetal heart with a stethoscope and confirm that Li Xiaoman's fetus is normal before holding her to sleep.

He is a good father who is very responsible and attentive. He is very attentive to his baby and even more attentive to Li Xiaoman.

Although the murderer who killed her mother has not yet been found, she has maintained a healthy mentality during the past half month to give birth to her and Long Sihao's baby.

Because of his love, she was very happy. Without her mother, she wanted him.

In the president's office, Long Sihao sat on a leather seat, his head tilted back slightly, and his narrow eyes were slightly closed, his eyes deep and impenetrable.


As the door of the president's office was pushed open, Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Su Yi came in.

Long Sihao opened his eyes, and gloomy glances at the three people who came in. Shen Sheng asked, "How is the investigation?"

Lowry shrugged, and Ling Hanye and Su Yi frowned.

Upon looking at their expressions, Long Sihao knew that Li Sufang's death had not progressed.

He tightened his eyes, his eyes changed sharply and sternly.

Lorry stepped forward, Jun smiled into a line, and raised an eyebrow, "President, Li Sufang put aside in advance, Xia Lin came and said that I want to see you, don't you know if the president is seeing or not?"

It was heard that Long Sihao's eyes were cold, his thin lips lingered coldly, and his voice was cold, "Let her come in and make a phone call to the mental hospital."

Lowry raised an eyebrow. "The president is going to send her to a mental hospital? But I think she is a bit of a neuropathy."

When the words fell, he personally went out of the president's office and brought in Xia Lin who was waiting outside.

Since the wedding was cancelled last time, Xia Lin has been kicked out of Xia's family by Xia Qingrong.

Because Liu Ruhua lost her face, she couldn't raise her head in front of other rich ladies. When she was driven out of the house by Xia Qingrong, she didn't say anything good for her.

However, although Liu Ruhua was angry that Xia Lin had lost her face, she secretly gave her a card after Xia Lin was just out and let her stay in the hotel.

But now the card that Liu Ruhua gave her was frozen by Xia Qingrong. She couldn't withdraw the money and spent almost all the money on her body. She spent money every day in the hotel. Huo Yunene couldn't ask him to borrow it. So he came to Long Sihao.

It turned out that she was a famous brand with rich makeup, but when she was driven out of the Xia family, she could not bring anything out.

Therefore, today she is wearing a long-sleeved light yellow knitted dress that can cover her bare feet, and also wearing a blue scarf, tightly wrapping her own bag, even covering her head.

She has no makeup and no hair care as before, but she is **** with a rubber band and loose. The bangs on the forehead cover the corners of her eyes. The hair of the temples also covers half of her face, and there is a scarf on her head. , Revealing a half of the haggard pale face, the whole person looks a lot thinner, completely lost the temperament of the former famous, like a villager from a mountain.

Lowry looked at her, her eyebrows smiled, and she picked up her handsome eyebrows, "Miss Xia, are you a role-player? Don't say, your village aunt is really like it, if she had known You, know that you are the master of Xia's group Xia, I think you are a villager from the country, um, good-looking, so special, Miss Xia, you are a lever-like temperament, really It's too suitable for this suit on your body. If you don't dress like this, don't wear it like that, you're too sorry for this suit. You really don't have the ability to wear this dress out of the country, you are very Great, really."

His voice fell, and Ling Hanye beside him couldn't hold back, and he burst out laughing.

"Haha..." He gave thumbs up to Lori, "Lori, you really are right, you are right, haha..."

Lowry's sarcasm and Ling Hanye's wanton laughter made Xia Lin's heart angry, but she concealed it and didn't break out.

She looked at Long Sihao, lowered her head, her pair of dull eyes instantly became wet, her tears fell off, her face was wronged, she groaned: "Long, I have something to think about Tell you privately, can you let them go out first?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, his deep, dark eyes glanced at Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Su Yi, and they motioned to go out first.

The three of them realized that they didn't say anything and turned around and left the president's office first.

Xia Lin saw that she and Long Sihao were only left in the office. She walked to Long Sihao's two-meter-long sandalwood desk and knelt down suddenly, crying in tears: "Long President, I was My dad got out, can you help me..."

Before she finished talking, Long Sihao's eyes were stern, and Sen Han's cold voice sounded, "Why should I help you?"

Seeing his indifferent look, his eyes were unpredictable, Xia Lin stunned slightly, looked up at him, and looked at him dimly, "Long President, we are standing in a line, don't you help me who help me?" "

Long Sihao's narrow eyes narrowly stared at her coldly, her lips coldly, "When did I stand on a line with you, why can't I remember?"

Xia Lin was startled again, her eyes looked incredulously at the cold and enchanting Long Sihao, "Long President, you said you want to help me get Huo Yunene, you taught me how to change, Huo Yunene he will Like, I was shot, jumped on the rooftop of the hospital, you taught me how to do it. Isn’t it still on the same line? Since you can help me get Huoyunene unconditionally, why can’t you continue Help me get back to Xia's house? As long as you are willing to help me, I can do anything for you, as long as I can do it, really, Mr. Long, you believe me, as long as you help me, I will do anything for you, I can do anything, I can wipe your desk..."

Xia Lin said more and more excited, stood up and took out a handkerchief from the bag to wipe **** the two-meter-long sandalwood table in front of Long Sihao.

Her expression was a little unusual, and she wiped the desk hard while looking at Long Sihao and smiled, "Long President, look at me, I wiped very cleanly, I can help you organize files, I did Huo Yun I’m the secretary of Ene."

Then she scrambled to organize the neatly arranged documents on Long Sihao's desk.

She sorted it out, but it was messy.

During this time, the scarf around her head and neck fell away. She stopped in panic and immediately wrapped her own face in a scarf.

She had an unusual look, and she wore it strictly, as if she was afraid of being seen by her.

If such a move is related to the indecent video exposed by Long Sihao at her wedding with Huo Yunene not long ago, it makes sense.

In the indecent video, she and Lei Yang are both naked, and they are seen by all the guests. Now, she has an abnormal look, she feels faceless, and wraps herself from head to toe. She is afraid to be seen again. To which part of her.

Long Sihao sat on the leather seat, narrow eyes narrowed his eyes indifferently, Xia Lin seemed to have some abnormality, the beautiful thin lips hooked coldly, and the voice was cold, "Do you really think I am helping you?"

Xia Lin, who was trimming her scarf, heard his words, looked up at him staring blankly, and said nothing.

Long Sihao's cold and charming eyes narrowed her eyes, her eyes gloomed over her coldly, her lips curled into the **** cold arc, "I've been counting you from the beginning, knowing why I want to help you marry Huo Yun Enene? ​​Because I want to send you into the abyss when you are the happiest, let you taste the taste of falling to **** from heaven."

Xia Lin heard her words, widened her pupils, and froze for a while before asking madly like: "Why? Why are you doing this to me? Why?"

Long Sihao glanced at her with a gloomy eyebrow, and did not conceal her. He raised her lips coldly, "What do you think? I just want you to lose everything, do not want to live, lose your reputation, this is the price you pay to hurt Xiaoxiao ..."

Speaking of which, he stood up coldly, his majestic body looming close to her, her big white hands suddenly hugged her neck, and her horrified eyes fixed on her, "Your nightmare has just begun , I will make you restless in your life until you die."

When the words fell, his white hands loosened, and Xia Lin fell to the ground like a broken doll with her soul drawn away, her face pale, her eyes full of fright.

Long Sihao's merciless and cold words made her feel the fear she had never felt before, and the bone-chilling chill hit her head.

She was trembling, looking at Long Sihao in horror, shaking her pale lips, "You...you...I...I know, it's you...It's you who framed me and Huo Yunene The video at the wedding is a ghost you made, you ruined me, you... it's you..."

Xia Lin's emotions began to get out of control, her eyes screamed red, and she looked forward to swallowing Long Sihaosheng alive.

Suddenly, she got up from the ground and rushed towards Long Sihao like crazy, "It's you... it's you who ruined me, all this was designed by you, you framed me, you ruined me, I am going to kill you... I am going to kill you... Ah... I am going to kill you..."

When Long Sihao saw her rushing, her figure flickered slightly, and she escaped.

Seeing this, Xia Lin rushed to Long Sihao again, and she yelled "I'm going to kill you" in her mouth, but she couldn't get close to Long Sihao at all, not to mention Long Sihao.

Seeing that she couldn't touch Long Sihao at all, she started to smash things like crazy.


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