A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 322: Ask him for blood debt

Originally based on what Ling Dina said, he would not care, but when he saw Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Su Yi, they just seemed to stop Ling Dina from talking, and they felt something must have happened.

When Luo Rui asked Long Sihao, Jun Mei frowned and looked dignified, "President, do you have to know? I think you still don't know well, I think this matter is too..."

After a pause, Lowry continued to say: "It's beyond my expectations."

Listening to Lorry's words, Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and looked at him deeply, "What the **** happened?"

Lowry frowned tightly, his eyes flashing, "President, don't ask, it's not a good thing, you know it's not good for you?"

Long Sihao stared at him with a cold eye, "I will give you one last chance and say, what the **** happened?"

Intuition told him that his Xiao Xiao suddenly had a premature birth, something must have happened.

Lowry knew Long Sihao's temperament. Since he said he was giving him a chance, if he didn't talk about it, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

He frowned deeply and looked at Long Sihao dignifiedly, "President, Miss Li was born prematurely because of a private meeting in a hotel...her ex husband Huo Yunene..."

Hearing Lowry’s words, Long Sihao’s narrow narrow eyes reflected the cold and terrifying killing light, “You say again, who will Xiaoxiao private be?”

Seeing Long Sihao's face was terrifying, Lowry lowered his head, "President, I..."

Ling Hanye on the side looked at Lori, and then looked at Long Sihao with a dignified look. Junmei also frowned deeply. "Si Hao, your Xiao Xiao and her ex-husband were photographed by the reporter at the hotel, in the newspaper today. The headlines are them."

Hearing the words, Long Sihao's eyes were cold, his big white hands clenched tightly, and his throat was dry for a long time, he could not bear to cough out.

He was about to leave the ward to see Li Xiaoman. Ling Dina, who had left previously, returned, holding a newspaper she had just bought.

"Brother Si Hao, see for yourself what Xiao Xiao is doing with your back."

When the words fell, she tucked the newspaper in her hand into Long Sihao's arms.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, passing a complicated look between the picturesque eyebrows, and hesitated for a while before opening the newspaper. The headline in his eyes was "Huo Yunene, President of Huo Group and his ex-wife and emperor" The Hua Hotel Private Club was too passionate for the ex-wife to give birth prematurely."

The news said that Li Xiaoman was pregnant with his husband Huo Yunene in the hotel private meeting for nearly nine months. The two men regained their old feelings, regardless of their pregnant bodies, and entangled with their ex-husband's passion, leading to premature birth.

The news was also accompanied by several photos.

These photos were taken by Li Xiaoman and Huo Yunene in the Dihua hotel suite when the reporter broke in.

When the reporter broke in, Huo Yunene covered Li Xiaoman's head with a quilt in time. Therefore, Huo Yunene's face was very clear, and Li Xiaoman was blinded by Huo Yunene with a quilt. , Can't see her face.

There are two photos of blood on the quilt and bed.

Among them is a photo with a conspicuous 12-carat pink diamond ring on the ground, which is enough to prove that the woman in the photo is hugged tightly by Huo Yunene, and the woman covering her head is Li Xiaoman.

Long Shihao's narrow and long eyes stared closely at the 12-carat pink diamond necklace in the photo. His eyes were as cold as ice, as sharp as an unsealed sword, and he seemed to be able to see the thin paper into a hole.

He knew the 12-carat pink diamond necklace naturally, and it was the one he gave to Li Xiaoman.

His handsome face was covered with thousands of years of frost, and his face looked so horrible, and the newspaper was crumpled into his white palm.

Ling Dina saw Long Sihao's appalling look, his brown eyes looked at him worriedly, "Brother Si Hao, don't be too angry. It's not worth it for a woman who betrayed you. Without Li Xiaoman, you still have me."

"Don't mess up." Lorry narrowed her eyes and glared at Ling Dina. Then her eyebrows deepened, and she looked at Long Sihao. "President, I think you should ask Miss Li first about this matter. It's better to see how Miss Li explained?"

The crumpled newspaper dropped in Long Sihao's big palm. His eyes were astonished, and his expression was ashamed as Shura from hell.

Immediately, he strode out of the ward.

"Brother Si Hao..."


"Long Shao..."

Ling Dina, Lowry, Ling Hanye, Su Yi and the four saw it and immediately followed.

Li Xiaoman, who has just woke up, knows that he has lost his child and is still in a coma.

Li Zhenhua, Li Wenbo and Huo Yunene all stayed beside her bed.

The expressions of the three people were very dignified, and Li Xiaoman fainted at him with eyes full of distress.

Suddenly, a ring of cell phone ringing broke the silence in the ward.

Li Zhenhua saw Huo Yunene's cell phone ringing, but he didn't answer. Ru Mo's eyes kept staring at Li Xiaoman tightly. He looked at him and said, "Yunene, Manman has us watching. You answer the phone first. Right!"

After hearing this, Huo Yunene glanced at Li Xiaoman before getting out of the ward.

He took the phone out and saw it was Long Junche's call. A pair of doubts flashed in his ink eyes. His eyes looked around with a bit of vigilance. When he saw no one else, he took it.

Then he asked straightforwardly: "Your thing was designed by you yesterday? Why didn't you tell me in advance? Those reporters were called by you? What is your purpose?"

Long Junche's deep and mellow voice came from the phone, "How can you think that I designed the thing yesterday? If it is really me, do you think I will not tell you in advance?"

Huo Yunene heard the words, and his ink eyes narrowed tightly. "You mean that yesterday's things have nothing to do with you? Not who you are?"

After a pause, he suddenly thought of something and asked, "Is that the mysterious man again? Are those reporters arranged by him?"

"Hehe..." Long Junche on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "It just works. You're smarter than I thought. It seems that I'm looking for you to collaborate. I've found the right person."

Huo Yunene heard some clues from Long Junche's words, "Have you known this for a long time? Why didn't you tell me? How did you know?"

Long Junche could not hear any tone on the phone, "Like the last time Li Sufang died, the mysterious person deliberately let me know, and I also learned afterwards, even to tell you that it is too late, you Don’t you always want to get Li Xiaoman? Don’t you want me to tell you that a reporter will come and let you leave early?”

After hearing this, Huo Yunene frowned deeply and narrowed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter with you calling?"

"I specially reminded you that Long Sihao already knew that you and Li Xiaoman were broke into photos by a reporter at the Dihua International Hotel yesterday. If he tried to do something to you, remember that even if he was beaten to death, you You must not fight back. Not only that, but you should make him think that Li Xiaoman has betrayed him. If you want to get Li Xiaoman, just do what I said."

Long Junche's words made Huo Yunene's eyebrows tighter, his white hands clenched his phone tightly, and Rumo's eyes flashed a bit of hesitation and complex emotions.

Then he asked his lips, "Why did Manman suddenly give birth prematurely?"

"This is about asking the mysterious man. It seems that you must have not read today's newspaper."

Long Jun Che paused for a while and said "Remember what I just said" and then hung up the phone.

Huo Yunene opened the entertainment news station with his mobile phone immediately after he hung up the phone. Sure enough, he and Li Xiaoman made headlines.

When he saw the headline "Huo Yunen, President of Huo Group and his ex-wife held a private meeting at the Dihua Hotel, he was so passionate that his ex-wife was born prematurely", his eyes narrowed tightly, and his eyes flashed a bit. Shocked.

Just as he went back to think about what happened yesterday, Long Sihao, with a sullen look and a terrifying look, exuded a hostile spirit from all over him.

"Long Sihao..." Seeing this, Huo Yunene put away his mobile phone and looked coldly and fiercely at Long Sihao who had approached.

Guess he was going into the ward to see Li Xiaoman. He first blocked the door of the ward. When Long Sihao approached, his cold eyes looked at him coldly, "Long Sihao, what are you doing? "

Long Sihao saw Huo Yunene blocked at the door of the ward, his narrow narrow eyes glared at him, slightly pale and handsome on his face, and the big white hand grabbed Huo Yunene's collar. "Yesterday The thing... Did you design it?"

Seeing Long Sihao asking about yesterday, Huo Yunene narrowed his eyes coldly, and looked at him fiercely, "Long Sihao, Manman originally loved me, and you forcibly left Manman in By your side, don't you know that Manman has always been in my heart? Yesterday's thing was not designed by me, and Manman and I are in love with each other."

"The two love each other?" Long Sihao's eyes were cold and his voice was as cold as ice, "You said Xiao Xiao loves..."

His throat was extremely uncomfortable, but he tried to hold it back.

Huo Yunene stared at him pale with cold eyes and sneered, "If not, how could Manman meet me in the hotel yesterday? How could I touch me..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Si was suddenly punched by Long Sihao.

"You touched her?" Long Sihao's narrow eyes were red, and the dark eyes exuded violent anger.

Huo Yunene, who was hit hard with a punch, had a blue face, only to feel a warm liquid flowing out of his nose.

He stretched his hand and wiped it, seeing the bright red blood stained on the back of his white hand. His eyes were cold and he clasped his hands tightly.

Thinking of what Long Jun Che said, he tried his best to control the urge to fight back.

Looking at Long Sihao with a look of shame and horror, his voice was cold, "Long Sihao, this punch should be given to your daughter, if not because I can't wait for Manman to give birth, not because of us If you can’t help yourself, Manman will not give birth prematurely. If you want to avenge your daughter, you can do it, I will not fight back, but you remember, after today, as long as I am not dead, I will never let you move me again. Fingers, will not let you tangle Manman again, she is my woman, I will not let you have the opportunity to tear us apart."

"Your woman?" Long Sihao's eyes were intimidating, his thin lips raised coldly, with a bloodthirsty taste, "Huo Yunene, since you admit that you killed Yanyan, I will let you blood debt Blood compensation."

Although he was seriously ill, he was more than enough to deal with Huo Yunene.

Suoer, his eyes flashed, his big white hands pinched Huo Yunene's neck, and threw him out.

Huo Yunene's body hit the wall of the hospital corridor fiercely, and then fell heavily to the ground.

His big white hands squeezed, and the pain in his body made him frown, but there was no painful expression on Jun's face.

He raised his head, his enigmatic eyes glanced fiercely at Long Sihao, and his lips smiled provocatively, "Hehe... Long Sihao, are you just so capable? It seems I used to look at you too high, you It’s just that."

He reached out and wiped the blood spilled from the corners of his lips. His large white hands were propping up on the ground and he was about to get up, suddenly, with a kick in his back.

He hadn't reacted yet, and his neck was pinched by Long Sihao, who was sullen and horrible.

The strong suffocation made him frown, his face flushed, his lips full of blood, and his white teeth were stained red.

"Hehe..." He sneered at the eyes of Long Sihao with cold eyes and a sneer, because he was hurt and his tone was a little intermittent. "Long Sihao, even if you... kill me, your daughter ...... Also back... not coming, but you want to... bear the guilty of murder..., I... my Huo Yunene... Even if you are dead, with you buried, it is... worth it.

Long Sihao's lips and lips sneered with bloodthirsty, "Just because you don't have the qualification to let me bury you."

His big hand pinching Huo Yunene's neck was about to push hard, and suddenly there was a sound of stopping behind him and a rush of footsteps.

"Brother Si Hao, what are you doing? Don't be impulsive."

Ling Daina, who followed, looked at Huo Yunene with **** eyes, and immediately walked to Long Sihao's side. His slender hands hugged his slender and strong arm. His brown eyes looked at him worriedly, "Si Hao, Don’t be impulsive. You kill him with such prestigious reputation. It’s not good for you. To deal with this kind of person, you can just arrange a few people to assassinate. Why don’t you do it yourself?”

Later, Ling Hanye and Su Yi also came forward with dignified expressions.

Su Yi's eyebrows were deep, her black and white eyes were tight, and Long Sihao persuaded: "Si Hao, Dina is right, killing him doesn't require you to do it yourself."

Ling Hanye glanced at Huo Yunene, and then looked to Long Sihao, who was about to persuade him, and a somewhat old but majestic angry voice came.

"Si Hao, you stop me."

Upon hearing the sound, Ling Hanye turned around and saw that Huo Yehong came under the help of the butler Huo Yan with a cane.

He looked gloomy, his eyes stared at Long Sihao angrily, and said sharply: "Si Hao, Yunene is no longer right, it is also your brother, you just learn from him, but if you want to kill him, then You kill Grandpa first."

Seeing Huo Yehong coming, Long Sihao's pale and handsome face was unfathomable. His big white hands grabbed Huo Yunene's neck and did not let go. His thin lips lingered coldly, "He killed my daughter, I Ask him for blood and blood."

"Blood debt and blood repayment?" Huo Yehong snorted sullenly, "Huh... then are you going to kill Manman too?"

Hearing Huo Yehong mentioned Li Xiaoman, Long Sihao's eyes were a little dark, his eyes flashed a complex emotion, and he gradually let go.

When he stood up, his figure wobbled a little, and he almost didn't stand. Fortunately, Lowry and Ling Dina who were close to him supported him.

Huo Yehong saw something wrong with Long Sihao, looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Si Hao, what's wrong with you?"

Long Sihao didn't return to Huo Yehong's words, but looked at Li Xiaoman's ward with a deep gaze.

Ling Dina saw her, frowned, and brown eyes squinted at him worriedly, "Brother Si Hao, how are you? Should we help you to rest for a while?" Long Sihao pushed away Ling Dina and turned away He stopped in front of Li Xiaoman's ward before reaching out and pushing the door.

Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo guarded Li Xiaoman in the ward. When he saw him coming in, he was about to speak out, and Long Sihao asked them to go out first.

After the two went out to close the door of the ward, Long Sihao sat down in front of Li Xiaoman's bed, and a pair of deep narrow eyes stared tightly at her pale and haggard face.

He just spent a lot of energy on dealing with Huo Yunene. He was already seriously ill, and his face would become paler, and his physical strength was somewhat unsupportable. It seemed that he might fall at any time.

He reached out and was about to touch Li Xiaoman's face, but suddenly coughed.


He immediately withdrew his hand and pressed his fists against his lips to prevent him from coughing too loudly.

And Li Xiaoman seemed to hear his cough, and Guerre opened his eyes.


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