Today, she wears a white tight shirt with a lace collar on her upper body, with a bit of sexiness and charm, and her xiong department after giving birth is two yards larger than before, very full.

The woman is **** and seductive in a shirt. At this time, her xiong type in a tight shirt is full and tempting. Long Sihao looked tightly and narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered, and his dark eyes jumped. With a cluster of emotions that have been suppressed for a long time|

Lori, sitting on the other side, and the man with glasses beside him looked straight, and drooled.

Even if she had a baby, except for the fuller xiong, her figure recovered very well, her waist was slender, her skin was delicate, and her skin was as white as jade.

Her lower body was wearing a rose short ultra-high waist skirt that was only thighs, two snowy **slender and slender, tempting | full of confusion.

Lowry stared at her straight, almost nosebleed.

He raised an eyebrow at Li Xiaoman and smiled at her, "Miss Li, Shibe don't treat each other for three days, but they haven't seen for five months. Miss Li's change is so great!"

What did the word "big" in his mouth mean? Long Sihao naturally heard it. His eyes dropped, and a ghastly glare shot at Lowry, and Lowry received his shocking look. , Then immediately shut up.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows to Long Sihao, his eyes were gentle, and his lips smiled lightly, "Is there anything wrong with President Long asking me to come here?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, and the glare of her eyes circulated on her beautiful body, with a complex emotion in her eyes.

After a while, he took his gaze back and looked at Lowry and the man with glasses beside him.

Lowry and the man next to him realized that he handed her a check and a document.

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced indifferently, and then took the document that Lowry handed her first, opened it, and his heart tightened, and he felt a severe pain, and took the document. The slender hand shivered slightly.

She controlled her own emotions as much as possible. Although her heart was sorely hurt when she saw the agreement in the file, but her ruddy and beautiful face was still calm, and she could not see any waves. .

The agreement in the document was that Long Sihao had "lied" her to sign a wordless contract. Later, Long Sihao added two contents.

One of the contents of the agreement is that she and he began to live together in the name of the husband and wife from the date of signing the contract.

If one party breaches the contract, the punishment measure is that the man pays the woman’s liquidated damages, and if the woman breaches the contract, the punishment measure is not written.

At first, when she saw this contract, although she was a little angry about his self-assertion and domineering, she was actually happy.

Seeing this contract at this moment, her heart was sore.

If it weren't for her to endure, the tears of sorrow and grief would have filled his eyes.

She put down the contract and immediately picked up the check. Instead of looking at the number filled in, she raised her eyebrows to Long Sihao, her pink lips pursed. "What do you mean?"

Sitting on the side, Lorry looked at Long Sihao, who looked deep, and looked at Li Xiaoman again. Jun Mei frowned deeply, "Miss Li, the president defaulted, so..."

Before Lori finished speaking, Li Xiaoman lifted the check in her hand. Long Sihao, who looked at her indifferently, looked at her lips with a bright smile, "So this is the liquidated damages paid by Long. "

When the words fell, her indifferent eyes fell on the check in her hand, directly ignoring the capitalization on the check, and carefully counted the zeros on the check.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

Every time a number is spoken, her heart hurts so badly that he even used money to...

Her voice is not small, clear and clear, and it seems clearer in this quiet box.

Lowry saw her seriously count the zeros on the cheque. He couldn't help but twitch his lips.

And Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes, and every time she reported a number, his heart was in pain.

His heartache is not because of money, but because he used money to insult their previous relationship.

He hurt her.

After counting the number of zeros, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows to Long Sihao again, smiled, but his heart was bleeding, "50 billion, hehe... 50 billion... hehe ,so……"

Speaking of which, her eyes were cold, and the gentle smile on Qingli's small face instantly retreated, covered with a layer of anger, and continued to say: "Is there so little?"

As the words fell, she tore the cheque in her hand in front of Long Sihao and shredded it into pieces of paper. She leaned forward and grabbed Long Sihao's tie with her slender little hand. Holding him, "Mr. Long, 50 billion, do you send me a meal?"

Lori on the side and the man next to him twitched their lips. Fifty billion yuan also said that they were asking for food, thanks to what she said.

Fifty billion yuan is a lot. With these five billion yuan, there is no need to worry about eating, drinking or wearing. She can do nothing, enough for her to spend a lifetime.

Long Sihao, who was caught by his tie, narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes falling on Li Xiaoman's chest.

Because at this time, she leaned forward and her white shirt was full. The full xiong type slammed into his eyes, and he hit the whole body for a while, and a heat flow rushed to his abdomen. Put up a small tent.


With a low curse in his heart, the narrowed narrowed eyes turned to Li Xiaoman, who was angry, and saw her ruddy complexion, and his mental state was not bad. He tickled his lower lip slightly, and his voice was low, "It seems that you are doing very well ."

Li Xiaoman suppressed the grief in his heart, and smiled at him indifferently, "Otherwise, I'm better, don't I want to jump off the building, commit suicide, cut my wrist? Anyway, am I being abandoned by a man for the first time? I’m used to it."

After saying this, her eyes were still red, and she wanted to ask why he left her? Why don't you love her if you don't love her?

Why have you been so cruel to her for five months?

She tried hard not to let her cry in front of Long Sihao, but the tears still wet her eyes.

Even after five months, what he said to her in the hospital five months ago was still in his ears.

He said he had never loved her, he said he just used her as a tool to give birth to a child, he said that the child ended without their relationship.

She didn't expect that it was him who turned and left first.

Seeing her red eyes, Long Sihao tried to suppress the urge to hold her in her arms.

He gazed at her indifferently with thin lips, "How much do you want?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman concealed his grief, looked at him with a smile, got up from the sofa, walked to his side and sat down, his slender hands with a slightly enchanting ring around Long Sihao's neck, Pink and tantalizing lips came close to his ear and slowly spit out three words, "I want you..."

Hearing her words, Long Sihao shook all over, narrow and narrow eyes narrowed tightly, and looked at her like Furong, with complex emotions in his eyes.

As she approached, the fragrance of her own fragrance lingered between his noses, making his heart swell, and her deep eyes gradually scorched a little.

It was indeed Shibei's eyebrows on the third day. She had a graceful temperament five months ago, like a lily, pure, elegant and charming.

Now she still has a graceful temperament, but a little more enchanting and feminine, like a tough, noble, cold snow lotus, fused with the red Manzhushahua, blooming enchanting personality.

It is undeniable that she is getting more and more charming, making him unable to keep his eyes open, but he has to...

Li Xiaoman saw that Long Sihao had been looking at her all the time, and her eyes never looked away for half a minute. She slightly tickled her lower lip, smiled, and continued, "Two-thirds of all property."

Her words are connected, and the complete sentence is "I want two-thirds of all your property."

Her meaning is very clear, she does not want 50 billion, she wants two-thirds of Long Sihao's entire property.

"Hehe..." After listening to her words, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the corner of his lips, and smiled without rage. The narrow and long eyes were filled with a softness that had not been seen for a long time, and the thin lips bent, "Look You really grew up and know how to fight for your best interests."

I was relieved.

The latter sentence "I will be relieved" he did not say it, but put it in his heart.

As long as she knows how to protect herself and how to fight for her own interests, he will be relieved.

His Xiaoxiao finally grew up. He believed that even if he was not with her in the future, even without his protection, she could protect herself.

So he was at ease.

Immediately, his narrow, long eyes turned to Lori, who was sitting on the side, and the lawyer with glasses beside him. Shen said, "All my real estate was changed to her name, and all the stocks and funds under my name were given to her. , My account was changed to a joint account with her..."

Hearing Long Sihao's words, Li Xiaoman's heart trembled, did he actually agree?

She just said that it was deliberately embarrassing him. He actually wanted to give his property to her. Listen to him, he didn’t want to give her two-thirds of his property, but to give him all his property. give her.

Is he crazy?

Didn't he blame her for killing his daughter?

What is the reason for giving her so much money?

He gave it all to her, doesn't he have to live?

She suddenly felt that he was not paying her liquidated damages, but seemed to give her the feeling of inheritance.

She stared at him stunnedly, and saw him staring at Lowry and the lawyer beside him, as if to explain her will to give her such assets to her, and then to her.

She gradually loosened her slender hands around his neck, her eyebrows curled tightly, and her heart hurt.

She doesn't like this feeling, and doesn't like Long Sihao's account of things like the last words.

She suddenly felt very depressed, and she was almost breathless. The more she listened to him, the more inexplicably she felt uncomfortable and heartache.

He is not going to die, why should he be like confessing his last words?

Pitts bit her pink lower lip tightly, and she almost burst into tears in her heartache.

No matter how much Long Sihao had said to her, but she didn't want him to die.

She wants him to live well, even if they are strangers from now on, she hopes that there will still be him somewhere in this world.

They can't be in the same bed, they can be in the same world, as long as they look up at the same sky and step on the same land.

Suddenly, she stood up, her eyes narrowed and clear, with a thin angry look at Long Sihao, shouting with anger: "I don’t want real estate, I don’t want stocks, I don’t want those, I want cash, I want money!"

Hearing the words, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, and looked at her with an angry face, his deep eyes flashed complex emotions.

Lowry and the lawyer looked at her in surprise and opened their mouths.

Lorry looked at Long Sihao, then looked at Li Xiaoman, and Jun squinted, "Miss Li, there are too many money, your room can't fit, then, you have to find a place to put it, you have to guard Thief, you have to be insect-proof, mouse-proof, and cockroach-proof. If it's wet in the cold room, you have to take out the sun. It's very troublesome!"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman twitched his lips and was about to make a noise. Lowry stood up and walked to her, reaching for her and gently pressing her back on the sofa, raising her eyebrows and smiling at her. , "Miss Li, don't worry, sit down for a while, Miss Li is thirsty, I'll go and give Miss Li a cup of coffee."

When the words fell, Lowry left the box. When she came back, she was carrying a tray with four cups of coffee.

Putting down the tray, he first served a cup of coffee to Li Xiaoman, and then another cup to Long Sihao. For the remaining two cups, he and the lawyer each took a cup.

When Lori saw that Li Xiaoman was not drinking coffee, he raised an eyebrow at her and smiled, "Miss Li, drink a cup of coffee first, and then talk slowly, the president will make you satisfied."


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