A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 338: Beautiful, genetically good

And their president has been spent in the hospital for the past five years, and he has been in a coma for a long time, and almost won't wake up. Fortunately, his president's illness has finally been cured.

Xiao Yanyan heard Luo Rui heard the words "Miss Li" and was about to ask who they said was Miss Li, and the phone in her little hand rang.

Seeing that her mummy Li Xiaoman called, she immediately answered the phone with a sweet and soft voice, "Mommy!"

While answering the phone, Xiao Yanyan walked forward.

Long Sihao kept silent, narrow eyes kept looking at Xiao Yanyan's little figure, his eyes did not move away a bit, as if to see from her little clue.

The more he looked at her, the more she felt that she was like her Xiaoxiao.

His heart was sorrowful because he thought of Li Xiaoman, and the whole person fell into grief that he could not extricate himself.

For five years, he has no news of her, and for the past five years, he has been tormented by the endless grief of illness and the loss of Li Xiaoman.

He couldn't remember how many times he had been to the ghost gate in the past five years, how many times he had been comatose, and he never thought he could live to this day.

"It's a lovely little girl." Luo Rui looked at Xiao Yanyan's back, then raised his eyes and asked Long Sihao, "President, are you going back to Shuilu Lake first? Or go directly to Antai Tomb?" Garden worship your mother?"

Long Sihao's eyes were deep and gloomy, and he didn't return to Lowry. He walked straight forward.

Upon seeing this, Lowry sighed deeply and immediately chased him, Yu Guang happened to catch a glimpse of Xiao Yanyan and her dear mother Li Xiaoman not far away.

Because Li Xiaoman turned his back to Lowry, he didn’t see Li Xiaoman’s face, but he only saw her Miaoman’s posture and the elegance and femininity of her body, and she knew her. It must be a great beauty.

He raised his eyebrows to Long Sihao who was walking in front of him. "President, have you seen that? The little girl's mom was there. No wonder that little girl looks so beautiful and cute. It turns out that it's genetically good. Her mom’s back knew she must be a big beauty, what do you think, CEO?"

It was heard that Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction that Lori said. When his deep eyes fell on Li Xiaoman with long burgundy micro-curly hair and wearing a conspicuous red slim suit, he looked. Shivering, staring tightly for a few seconds.

Li Xiaoman, who was talking to Xiao Yanyan, seemed to notice that someone was looking at her. She turned back subconsciously and looked in the direction of Long Sihao.

Unfortunately, when she looked in the past, Long Sihao just took back her eyes, and she only saw the back of Jun Ting who left Long Sihao in stride.

Staring at his back, Li Xiaoman frowned slightly, and the back gave her a sense of familiarity.

Xiao Yanyan saw Li Xiaoman staring in the direction of Long Sihao's departure. She asked curiously: "Mommy, what are you looking at? I just saw an uncle who is so handsome and handsome, more handsome than Daddy, but The uncle didn't seem to like talking very much, so he was cold."

Li Xiaoman drew back his gaze and looked at Xiao Yanyan, "Aren't you going to the bathroom? I'll take you there. Uncle Grandpa and Uncle Watch come to pick us up and we'll be there soon."

As soon as I heard that my uncle and grandpa arrived, Xiaoyanyan's eyes lit up, and a sweet smile appeared on her pink and tender face. "Really! Mommy, let's go to the bathroom soon."

As the words fell, her delicate little girl took her mother's hand and ran towards the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, Li Xiaoman received a call from Li Zhenhua, saying that it had arrived and asked them where they were.

Before she finished the call, Xiao Yanyan had already seen Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo who came to the airport to pick them up.

In five years, Li Wenbo has become more mature and handsome. The profile of that handsome face is more sturdy and confusing than he was five years ago. A black slim suit brings out his steady and condensed temperament.

Today, after his own efforts, he already has his own business, is the acting CEO of a financial company branch.

With a successful career, he naturally has a lot of girls who favor him, but he has not been with any girl in the past five years.

He didn't get married or socialize, and Li Zhenhua was naturally anxious, but no matter how Li Zhenhua urged him to get married, he never moved to get married.

For this, Li Zhenhua has a headache.

And Li Zhenhua is no longer in Yu Yan Lou. He moved out of Yu Yan Lou five years ago and rented a noodle shop by himself.

Because the "Lijia noodles" had already gained some fame in K city before, the business was booming.

After making money, he expanded the store, and now he is already the owner of a large-scale pasta shop.

"Grandpa... Uncle Uncle..."

First I saw Li Zhenhua and Li Yanbo's Xiao Yanyan waved their hands, and the voice shouted sweetly: "Grandpa, uncle, we are here."

Li Zhenhua, who was looking east and west, heard Xiao Yanyan's sweet voice, turned around and looked forward. When she saw the little figure wearing a pink princess dress, she stepped forward with a smile on her face.



Xiao Yanyan shouted sweetly, trotting.

"Yan Yan, slow down, don't fall." Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan trotting with small steps, she smiled at her, and quickly walked to Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo.

Like Xiao Yanyan, she was naturally very happy and excited when she saw her loved ones.

"Grandpa... hug..."

As soon as Xiao Yanyan ran up to Li Zhenhua, she raised her small face, and opened her small arms.

Li Zhenhua squatted down with a smile on her face and hugged Xiao Yanyan. "Look, oh, my Xiao Yanyan is taller and more beautiful. When I grow up, I must be a beautiful woman." ."

Xiao Yanyan was praised with a pair of star-like small eyes and turned into a crescent moon with a sweet and soft voice: "Uncle Grandpa is getting more and more handsome."

When Li Zhenhua heard this, the smile on his face grew deeper. "Yan Yan's little mouth is more and more able to talk, and more and more flattering, but the uncle's grandfather is old and a bad old man."

In the past five years, Li Zhenhua has more heart-fighting than he has for most of his life. Compared with five years ago, he is much older and his hair is whiter.

Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhenhua, who was older year by year, and felt very distressed in her heart. She felt that she was very filial. After giving birth to Xiao Yanyan, she rarely stayed in the k city. She has been in the UK, and Li Zhenhua is also on the phone. Contact, come back once or twice a year, and every time I come and go in a hurry.

Her eyes were a little bit red and she smiled at Li Zhenhua, "Uncle, where are you old? Yeon Yeon is right, you are getting more and more handsome."

Li Zhenhua was embarrassed by Li Xiaoman's praise.

Seeing that, Xiao Yanyan in his arms covered her small mouth with a small hand and giggled: "Uncle Grandpa blushed, Uncle Grandma was shy, giggled..."

When the words fell, she blinked star-like eyes to Li Wenbo again, seeing him more and more handsome and charming, she brightened her eyes, opened her small arms, "Wow! Uncle Uncle is more and more handsome. Oh! I also want to show my uncle's embrace and uncle's embrace."

Li Wenbo saw Xiao Yanyan shouting and asking him to hug him. A warm smile appeared on his mature, steady and handsome face. He took Xiao Yanyan from Li Zhenhua's arms and looked at her gently." Yanyan, did you want to show your uncle?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, "Yes! Of course there are. I think about my uncle and uncle cousin every day. Mommy said that I will stay for a few more days when I come back. I can eat a lot of delicious uncle. Yes, you can go to many places with Uncle Watch."

Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo heard Xiao Yanyan said that they would stay for a few more days this time, and they both looked at Li Xiaoman.

Li Wenbo's eyes looked closely at Li Xiaoman, with a hint of rejoicing and jumping birds flashing at the bottom of his eyes, but his steady and handsome face did not show too obvious, and his voice was clear and calm, "Manman, Yanyan said Really? How many more days will I stay here?"

Li Zhenhua also looked at Li Xiaoman with anticipation, "Manman, don't you lie to Yanyan? Will you really stay a few more days this time?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo, who were full of expectation, nodded with a smile, "Uh."

Seeing her nod, Li Zhenhua said with a smile: "Well, Manman and Yanyan must live longer this time, don't stand here, go back, go back and say, I have already cleaned up the room."

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Zhenhua’s naive voice: "Uncle Grandma, Mommy said she would go to see her grandmother first."

Listening to her mentioning Li Sufang, Li Zhenhua frowned, and there was a sorrow in her heart. Although Li Sufang had been dead for five years, he had never really walked out of sorrow.

Xiao Yanyan saw that Li Zhenhua frowned when she mentioned that her grandmother also frowned. "Grandma, don't be sad. Grandma just went to heaven earlier than us to enjoy the blessings. We will all go when the time comes. Reunited with grandma."

After listening to Xiaoyanyan's comfort, Li Zhenhua felt less sad. He smiled and looked at Xiaoyanyan, "Yes, Yanyan's grandmother went to enjoy the blessing. Uncle's grandpa is not sad, Yanyan's little mouth really comforts people. , Let's go to see grandma first."

Li Wenbo held Xiao Yanyan, Li Xiaoman, Li Zhenhua, four people left the airport, Li Wenbo drove straight to Antai Cemetery.

After coming to Antai Cemetery and getting off the car, Xiao Yanyan took a small step and trot straight to Li Sufang's tomb.


Seeing this, Li Xiaoman shouted worriedly and hurried to her.

Holding Xiao Yanyan's small hand, Li Xiaoman looked at her with a serious expression, "Yan Yan, must Mum worry you?"

Xiao Yanyan watched her mommy playfully tongue out, "sorry, mommy, I did not intentionally, I just want to see grandma quickly, I will not run, mommy don't be angry."

The look on Li Xiaoman's Qingli face softened, and the clear eyes were also filled with gentle smiles, "Mommy is not angry. Mommy is just worried that you will fall. You may not run so fast in the future. Do you know?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her small face, blinked her small eyes, and asked shamelessly, "Mommy, if the bad guys come, or if there is a fire or flood, shall I not run?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

The babies were not in a hurry, and Long Shao appeared soon, because he also came to Antai Cemetery, so Xiao Xiao and he ran into it.


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