A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 340: This is your daughter?

Lorry heard the words, his lips twitched slightly, and narrowed his eyes to Li Xiaoman, who had not yet turned around, and shouted with a smile: "Hey! That beautiful woman in red, with sharp teeth Isn’t it your daughter? Meng Dada is so cute!"

Even after five years, Li Xiaoman's voice could still be heard.

If Lorry is here, is Long Sihao also there?

She didn't expect that she was so unlucky today that she even encountered Long Sihao and Lowry.

She didn't turn around, nor made a noise. She pulled Xiao Yanyan and was about to move on. She saw Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo just coming.

She seemed to be standing on the spot like a thunderbolt in an instant, with her uncle in front, Lorry in the back, and maybe Long Sihao, neither advancing nor retreating, her face was pale and white, moist and moving The emotions in the clear eyes are complex.

The heart thumped more violently, as if the love had just begun.

Seeing that her dear mommy stopped suddenly, Xiaoyanyan raised her small face and watched her blink her small eyes, asking questioningly: "Mommy, what's wrong with you? Your complexion looks pretty ugly."

When the words fell, she looked at Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo who came, shouting sweetly: "Grandpa, uncle, why are you here? My mom and I are waiting for you... Um..."

When Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan and Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua greeted her, she unconsciously reached out to cover her small mouth and looked down at her with a low voice: "Pretend not to know..."

Her voice did not fall, Li Zhenhua's voice rang again, "Manman, why are you and Yanyan still here?"

Li Xiaoman stretched out his hand, and some appointed discouraged let go of the slender hand that covered Xiao Yanyan, and the supposed block could not be stopped, Li Zhenhua shouted, and Lori thought she didn’t know who she was. Somewhat difficult.

As Li Xiaoman thought, Lowry was surprised when he heard Li Zhenhua shouting Manman, and then his eyes narrowed into a line, and his eyes were unbelievable. , The voice was a bit stuttered with shock, "Li...Miss Li..."

Then he turned his head and looked at Long Sihao.

And when Long Sihao heard Li Zhenhua shouting "Manman", he was stiff, he stood still, he stood staring blankly, a pair of narrow and narrow eyes narrowed tightly, with a deep gaze Unbelievable, he looked at the slim figure in front of him.

Burgundy long hair shawl, slightly curled hair tail, conspicuous rose-red suit wrapped her slender body, elegant and charming temperament coexist, even if you do not look at the face is enchanting and charming.

Today, Li Xiaoman is very different from Li Xiaoman in his impression. After five years, she has changed so much. She walked in front of him, so close to him, he failed to recognize her.

Not only Long Sihao was surprised, but Ling Hanye walking behind Long Sihao was also surprised. His brown eyes looked incredulously in a rose-red precious suit and a hot figure Li Xiaoman.

Su Yi next to him looked closely at Li Xiaoman, frowning slightly, no expression on his face.

"Manman, why are you and Yanyan standing here?" Li Zhenhua walked to Li Xiaoman and asked her questioningly before looking at Li Xiaoman's behind, and then noticed Long Sihao , Lowry, Ling Hanye, and Su Yi.

Although he didn't know what happened between Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao five years ago, he also knew that the two of them broke up. Now, it is inevitable that they will not be embarrassed.

Li Wenbo next to him looked at Long Sihao and saw that there were other girls beside him. He frowned deeply, and then looked at Li Xiaoman, who was a little ugly, and lowered his voice and said intently: "Man Man, I'm afraid to see it because I haven't let go, but have you ever thought about it, you haven't let go, and others have let go and have a new relationship."

Li Wenbo's words struck Li Xiaoman's heart like a hammer.

Another new joy?

Is he talking about Long Sihao?

Fear of seeing it because she hasn’t put it down yet, hasn’t she? What is she expecting?

Looking forward to a man who says that he who doesn't love you treats you as a tool for giving birth will change his mind?

Li Wenbo's words awoke her, she was no longer as nervous as she had just been.

Holding Xiao Yanyan's hand, she raised her eyebrows at Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo, and smiled, "Uncle, Wen Bo, I am here of course waiting for you, let's go."

When the words fell, she pulled Xiao Yanyan and turned around.

She didn't deliberately look at Long Sihao, but she accidentally opposed him.

After only staring at him indifferently for half a second, she looked away, and Yu Guang caught a glimpse of Ji Yuqing beside him.

The very pure but elegant girl, although not a big beauty in the country, but very attractive, has a quiet and muddy breath on her body.

Thinking of him saying that he betrayed her five years ago, her heart tightened, as if stabbed by a sharp blade, the pain spread in her heart.

It turned out that he wasn't lying to her. It turned out that there were really people outside him.

It turned out that the reason he didn't come back for five years was because there were already other women around him.

It turned out that he really didn't love her.

Her heart was getting more and more painful, but she deliberately ignored the feelings in her heart and took Xiao Yanyan forward without expression, as if she did not know Long Sihao.

Long Sihao's narrow, narrow eyes gazed tightly at the cold woman who looked at him indifferently and then looked away.

In the past five years, she has changed a lot, and faded the original greenness and purity. Now her small face is more beautiful and refined, cold and charming, charming, elegant, upside down all beings, all over the body exudes attraction Human temperament makes people more and more unable to keep their eyes open.

Ji Yuqing's eyes also fell on Li Xiaoman.

Seeing her temperament is elegant and cool, beautiful and refined, charming and touching, her eyes also crossed a stunning color.

When Li Xiaoman took Xiao Yanyan to pass by with Long Sihao pretending not to know, Xiao Yanyan stopped suddenly.

She glanced at Long Sihao, and then looked up at Li Xiaoman again, her voice was immature, "Mommy, this handsome uncle is the uncle I met at the airport, he is handsome."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman's clear eyes flashed a complex look, "Is he what you saw?"

She didn't expect that the super handsome guy Xiao Yanyan just saw at the airport would be Long Sihao?

Their father and daughter had even met.

Xiao Yanyan looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded, then raised her small face in pink and jade, and blinked her eyes at Long Sihao, smiling at him sweetly, and his voice was tender and sweet, "Uncle Shuai" Although the Mummy is beautiful, gentle, kind, charming, extraordinary, and alluring, but it’s wrong for you to look at the Mummy without blinking in your eyes. The sister of the female ticket will also be jealous. The sauce is really bad."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Long Sihao's lips were almost unchecked, and he narrowed his narrow eyes, his deep and sharp eyes circulated on Xiao Yanyan and Li Xiaoman's faces.

Li Xiaoman tried not to visit Long Sihao. She pulled Xiao Yanyan to say nothing and went on.

Since Long Sihao has a new relationship, what else can she say, she can't always tell him in front of the woman beside him, Long Sihao, look, Yanyan is your daughter, I gave you one daughter.

Before she took Xiao Yanyan a few steps, Long Sihao stepped forward suddenly, holding her wrists tightly, narrow eyes narrowly staring at her, "This is your daughter ?"

Li Xiaoman tried to maintain a calm look, whitened him, and Qingli's face kept a smile, "Sir, is there a problem with your eye sockets? Do you need to ask more about the facts that people with clear eyes can see?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

The characters who appeared in the show all appeared. The next big thing is Xiao Xiao and Long Shao. There is also Ji Yuqing. The baby misunderstood her. She was just a soy sauce. She was a nurse. She’s a nurse, and she is a good person. She doesn’t have any thoughts about Long Shao. She is not Xiaoxiao’s rival. Baby, don’t worry, she will retire after a few chapters. Haha


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