A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 345: Mommy, go get rid of it

Li Xiaoman's clear and watery eyes narrowed slightly, and gave him a soft smile, "Don't worry, the game has just begun."

When the words fell, she crouched down, picked up his mobile phone on the ground, and turned on the camera function.

Upon seeing this, Long Sihao with his naked upper body looked down, and his narrow, narrow eyes narrowed dangerously. "Xiao Xiao, don't play too much, otherwise, you will regret it."

"That's the next second." Putting his phone away, Li Xiaoman glanced at him, then turned to Long Sihao Rolls Royce, and sat in.

Seeing her sit in, Long Sihao thought she was pulling something out of the rope from his car to bind him, but she couldn't find her to close the door, but even started the engine and turned his Rolls-Royce Skye left, leaving him cluttered in the wind.

Damn, when did she learn to drive?

Her enthusiasm was fake, just to let him be fooled.

Although it was April and May, it was still sultry during the day, but at night, the weather turned cooler, especially with the breeze.

The upper body was bare, and Long Sihao, who was tied to the pole, was erected by cold sweat.

He narrowed his long narrow eyes, his eyes were deep and sharp, his handsome face was horrible and gloomy.

He didn't expect his Xiaoxiao to become so black, so dare to design him.

Great, he will make her regret what she did tonight.

Li Xiaoman, who drove away Long Sihao's Rolls Royce, was now 100 meters away from the Jinlai Community.

After getting out of the car, she opened the trunk of the car and took out iron tools, open-end wrenches, screwdrivers, etc. from the toolbox, and scratched Long Sihao's Rolls-Royce body.

In short, she can dismantle it, she can smash it, she will do her best to put Long Sihao's Rolls Royce into scrap.

When Long Sihao's atmospheric, fashionable, high-end, and cool Rolls-Royce became "miserable" under her "destruction," she stopped.

Reaching to wipe the sweat on her forehead, she took Long Sihao's mobile phone, took a photo, posted the photo on her own mobile phone, and threw Long Sihao's mobile phone into his nearly scrapped car, Only with a satisfied smile, he turned and walked towards the Jinlai Community.

Because she disappeared for an hour or two for no reason, Li Wenbo had drove out to find her, and Li Zhenhua took Xiao Yanyan to find her in the community.

As soon as she entered the door of the community, she met Li Zhenhua and Xiao Yanyan who were looking for her.

"Mommy..." Xiao Yanyan narrowed her pure small eyes, raised her small eyebrows, pointed at her with her delicate little fingers, looked at her up and down, and saw that she had some irregular clothes and a mess of hair, and she opened her cherry 'S mouth, "Mommy, have you been robbed?"

Li Zhenhua also looked at her worriedly, "Manman, did something happen? You...you are..."

Li Xiaoman stretched out his hair and took care of his hair. He smiled softly at Li Zhenhua and said with a hint of embarrassment, "Uncle, you can rest assured, I'm okay, I'm sorry, let Uncle worry, let's go back first."

When the words fell, she stepped forward and pulled Xiao Yanyan back.

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and asked her questioningly, "Mommy, why did you go?"

Li Xiaoman gazed at her with soft eyes, "Mummy didn't do anything, just went out and ran for a while, because she ran too fast, so her hair was messed up."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan blinked her pure star-like eyes, thoughtfully: "No wonder Mommy looks so tired and sweaty, it turned out to be a fierce exercise."

He does not mean that.

The four words "exciting exercise" made Li Xiaoman twitch his lips and couldn't help thinking of a certain layer or aspect, and even thought of Long Sihao who was tied to the light pole with her shirt and belt.

He must be mad now, must have hated her tickle, right?

However, who let him disappear for five years, suddenly came to force her to be taken away, not to let her see her daughter.

Xiao Yanyan saw that her dear mommy didn’t know what she was thinking and didn’t speak. She asked curiously, “Mommy, what are you thinking? Uncle went to find you, but he hasn’t returned yet.”

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman recovered, and looked down at Xiao Yanyan, then he looked at Li Zhenhua and saw that he was calling Li Wenbo.

After he hung up the phone, she frowned at him and asked, "Uncle, how is it? Where is Brother Wenbo now? Or should I go find him."

Li Zhenhua looked at her with a smile, "Manman, no need, I have informed Wenbo that you are back, he is going back now, we will go back first."

"Huh!" Li Xiaoman nodded, feeling awkward in his heart.

If she brought her mobile phone when she came down, she would not have to go out to find her at night.

After going back, Li Xiaoman waited for Li Wenbo to return before going to the bathroom to take a new bath.

She wiped her wet hair with a towel. As soon as she came out, Xiao Yanyan walked with her mobile phone.

"Mommy, Daddy's phone, Daddy said there is something very important for you."

Hearing the call from Han Jinxi, Li Xiaoman lowered his eyebrows and looked down at Xiao Yanyan and asked, "What is important about him?"

Xiao Yanyan shrugged and said in a childish voice: "How can I know that Daddy didn't tell me, Daddy only said it was very important, and Daddy also said, if you don't listen to her phone, if you use Whatever loss, regardless of his business."

Squinting slightly, Li Xiaoman took the phone from Xiao Yanyan's hand, and then went to the garden balcony to pick it up.

"What's the important thing about you calling?"

Under normal circumstances, Han Jinxi rarely calls her, unless it is really important, and many times, he calls to find Xiao Yanyan.

On the phone, Han Jinxi's deep and mellow voice came, "I have already booked an exhibition booth for you at the New York Jewelry Show seven days later, whether or not to make your own decision."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman was a little surprised, "You booked a jewelry booth for me? How did you do it?"

As far as she knows, the New York Jewellery Show seven days later is international. At least there are more than 2,000 exhibitors and many elites in the jewelry industry. Is it difficult to book a booth? Can he actually book?

According to the past situation of more than 20,000 buyers in the New York Jewelry Show, if her jewelry products can be displayed at the New York Jewelry Show, then her work will have a chance to enter the high-end jewelry market in the United States, and it can also improve The popularity of her work.

At the moment, she is very grateful to Han Jinxi. In the past five years, he has helped her a lot. Designer aany can have today's fame. She knows that he secretly exerted a lot of power.

Holding the mobile phone, she said a sincere thank you to Han Jinxi over the phone.

After pondering for a moment, Han Jinxi on the other side of the phone heard that he was deep and mellow, unable to hear the voice of joy, "Thank me for what? I'm not helping you, I'm helping myself, don't forget, you I invested in my jewelry studio."

It is expected that according to Han Jinxi's character, he would say this, Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow, "ok! You are helping yourself, I understand, Mr. Han, if nothing happens, I will hang up."

When the words fell, she was about to hang up, and Han Jinxi's deep voice came again.

"Amber said you got ADHD and you are still missing tonight. Where did you go?"

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman lightly lowered the corner of his lower lip, and his voice was fine, "I did have ADHD, so I went out for a run..."

Speaking of which, she remembered something and continued: "Oh, yes, I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

Han Jinxi on the other side of the phone did not ask what he was doing, but asked: "Why should I help you? What good is it for you?"

Li Xiaoman didn't directly answer Han Jinxi's words and continued as if he didn't hear it: "I will send you two photos in a moment, I will let you do what you want, just do it, just like, bye!"

When the words fell, she hung up the phone directly, and then took the phone back to the room.

Xiao Yanyan is lying on the bed playing the Plants vs. Zombies game. She raised her eyebrows and said that she went to bed early, and then sent two photos from her phone to Han Jinxi.

She had just sent it, and Xiao Yanyan, who was playing the game, stopped, raised her eyebrows, narrowed her eyes and looked at her. She asked, "Mommy, the undressed handsome uncle on your phone looks It looks very familiar, much like the handsome uncle I met in the cemetery during the day! It turns out that Mommy is not going to run, but to be robbed."


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