"Yes!" Lowry responded, staring at Long Sihao, "The president gave me five minutes. I will now investigate where Miss Li is going."

When the words fell, he turned around and walked out, but when he reached the door of the room, he stopped again, frowned at Long Sihao and said, "President, I mean, the little boy I just saw was really very Like you, really like your miniature version, I was thinking, that little boy might be your president..."

Not waiting for Lowry to finish his speech, Long Sihao's eyes sank, coldly said: "Impossible."

The only woman he has touched in his life is Li Xiaoman, so it is impossible for another woman to bear his child.

But he and Li Xiaoman's first child didn't breathe when he was born. In this world, where would he be?

The blood that he and Li Xiaoman shared was gone. This was the pain that he could not heal in his life.

When he thought of this, his heart hurt.

Five years ago, when he knew that Li Xiaoman was pregnant with his child, the joy in his heart was beyond words.

He is happy, not only because he is going to be a father, but also because of the child, he and Li Xiaoman will be closely connected in his life.

Because, this is their common blood, the blood of him and Li Xiaoman flowed on the child.

Only children in this world can tightly link him with Li Xiaoman. Even a marriage certificate protected by law cannot really link them together.

When you get married, you can divorce and dissolve the relationship, but if they have a common child, this relationship can never be released.

He has great expectations for this child, so after losing it, he will feel so sad and so sad.

Lowry, Ling Hanye, Su Yi, the three saw Long Sihao fall into the pain of losing the girl again, all three frowned without speaking.

Lowry made a contemplative look to Ji Yuqing, who had been silent for a long time, motioned for her to take good care of Long Sihao, and left.

After Ji Yuqing left Lorry, he looked at Long Sihao. His worried eyes fell on his right hand. He saw that the hand he had simply dealt with was still bleeding, and the wound was not shallow. She stepped forward, low He lowered his eyes and said, "Mr. Long, your wound is bleeding again. Let me help you deal with it."

"No need!" Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, his voice murmured and quietly finished with Ji Yuqing, and then he sat down on the sofa in the living room of this suite and waited for Lorry to come back. What he cares most about now is about Li Xiao. Everything about Mann.

As for the injury on his hand, he didn't care about it at all. This injury was nothing to him at all, even if the hand was broken, it was not in his concern.

The wound on his hand was treated after Lori brought back the news of where Li Xiaoman was staying.


Plaza Hotel

Li Xiaoman's place of stay is at the well-known Plaza Hotel in New York, USA, where there are rare spas in the world, and you can also enjoy a wine bath.

At this time, Li Xiaoman, Xiao Yanyan, and Han Jinxi have returned to the hotel's booked suites.

Li Xiaoman went to the bathroom to take a shower first. When she finished washing, Han Jinxi was still in the living room with Xiao Yanyan watching TV without leaving.

When they returned to the hotel, it was already dark. She took a shower for another hour, and it was past twelve.

Wearing a snow-white bathrobe, she turned off the TV directly.

Seeing that, Xiao Yanyan frowned, "Mommy, let me see for a while!"

Li Xiaoman's beautiful face lifted a gentle smile, and walked to Xiao Yanyan, her gaze softly gazing at her, "Yanyan is good! Go to bed."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan lowered her head and stood up as soon as she said, "Good night Daddy, good night Mummy!"

After watching Li Xiaoman and Han Jinxi finish, she went back to the bedroom.

Every time her mommy smiled and told her to go to bed, she would go to bed obediently.

If you ask why, one is to reach out and not smile, the other is to fear that her mum is angry and angry, and the third is that she wants to be a filial daughter who listens to her mother.

Li Xiaoman saw Xiao Yanyan obediently returned to the bedroom, she was very relieved, and a smile appeared on her eyebrows.

After seeing Xiao Yanyan close the bedroom door, she raised her eyebrows and smiled elegantly at Han Jinxi, who was sitting on the sofa. "Mr. Han, it's not too late. You should go back to your own room and sleep."

Han Jinxi, who was sitting on the sofa, slightly raised his eyes, and his lazy gaze glanced at Li Xiaoman with a bit sharp, "I helped you a lot tonight, so you have nothing to say to me?" "

After hearing that, Li Xiaoman gave Han Jinxi a deep glance, sat down on the sofa, and asked his lips: "The set of jewelry that Yanyan showed tonight was made by you for Yanyan according to my design style and style. ?"

The five-piece wedding jewelry set designed by her in the "Red Romance" series is customized to the size of an adult. Xiao Yanyan is just over four years old. Even if she can wear necklaces and bracelets, she can't wear rings.

Therefore, the five-piece wedding jewelry set displayed by Xiao Yanyan tonight should be specially tailored to the size of Xiao Yanyan.

But apart from the smaller size, the design style and style of necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc. are exactly the same as the wedding jewelry she designed in the "Red Romance" series.

Han Jinxi stared at her, her lazy and sharp eyes circulated on her beautiful and moving face, and her colorful lips made a beautiful smile, "I made it for Amber in advance according to the wedding jewelry style you designed. The purpose is to show it at the jewelry opening dinner tonight."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman looked at Han Jinxi with a trace of gratitude.

Although he and Xiao Yanyan both concealed her, she was still very grateful. On the road to fame as the chief jeweler, Han Jinxi really helped her a lot.

Without him, she was a rookie in the jewelry industry alone, and did not have the opportunity to receive the invitation letter from the New York Jewelry Show, let alone the jewelry she designed had the opportunity to be displayed on the jewelry show stage of the jewelry opening dinner. .

Every designer, no matter what he is designing, he hopes that the works he designs can get the opportunity to be displayed.

And she is also the same, it is very happy that the work can be displayed and recognized.

Her beautiful and beautiful face was stained with a smile, her eyes looked at Han Jinxi with gratitude, "I know you are not going to return to the room, I want to hear a nonsense, Mr. Han, thank you, thank you for you Everything you do."

There was an obvious language disorder in her last sentence. Han Jinxi naturally heard it, and Li Xiaoman said it deliberately.

Because she knew Han Jinxi's character, if she said thank you for everything he did for her, Han Jinxi would definitely say that he was just helping himself, so she simply said that.

Having known Han Jinxi for so long, she found out that he was actually a very bt man, and she still liked to talk about things with a bad heart. In short, when dealing with him, she could not use too normal thinking.

After listening to her, Han Jinxi narrowed her enchanted blue eyes and stared at her for a while before she returned her gaze and her voice was deep and mellow. "It seems that you are starting to understand me and knowing how to stop my mouth. "

Li Xiaoman smiled and said, "Okay, I thanked you too, you should go back to sleep, and I'm sleepy."

When the words fell, she stood up, looking like she was going to see you off.

Han Jinxi's eyes closed slightly, and her eyes fell upon her again. The blue and unpredictable eyes of the sea were flashing if there was any cold light, and the voice was deep and mellow. You went missing for a while for no reason, did you go to see Long Sihao?"

When he mentioned Long Sihao, Li Xiaoman frowned deeply, his expression lost.

Han Jinxi looked sad and lost when she saw Long Sihao. He narrowed his charming blue eyes, stood up from the sofa, and gazed at her with a chill, "Li Xiaoman, in your heart Thinking about who has nothing to do with me, but don’t think in front of me, I don’t like to become a third party, in front of me, you don’t want me, but you can never have a second man in your eyes, next time you If you make the same mistake again, I will definitely make you regret it."

When the words fell, he turned and walked out.

When he walked to the door of the room, he paused a little, his voice was deep and mellow, and he still could not hear the joy and anger. You don’t forget to deliberately, you just keep thinking about it, thinking of being tired, thinking of being annoying, wanting to get sick, thinking of forgetting."

Hearing the words, Li Xiaoman twitched his lips and squinted at him. "Mr. Han, I'm not you. I can't reach your level. Go back to sleep! Good night!"

Thinking of a person thinking of forgetting what kind of state this is, she could not fully understand it, nor could she reach it.

"Good night!" Rarely, Han Jinxi spoke softly before leaving these two words.

Li Xiaoman closed the door after he left before returning to the bedroom.

Xiao Yanyan was asleep, but she couldn't sleep in bed.

She stayed up all night and didn't feel sleepy until dawn.

Last night was the opening dinner of jewelry, the real jewelry exhibition will be in three days.

The exhibition site is at the New York International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Rarely came to New York, Xiao Yanyan naturally let Han Jinxi take him to play.

During these three days, Li Xiaoman didn't want to go anywhere. After Han Jinxi took Xiao Yanyan to play, he stayed alone in the hotel.

To be precise, she slept in bed for three days.

On the evening of the third day, when she woke up, she saw a handsome man sitting beside her bed that was unexpected to him.

When she saw who the handsome man was, she woke up immediately, and Sure sat up, her clear eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

Did she see hallucinations?

How did he see Long Sihao?

How did he come in?

Or is she dreaming?

Sitting up, she stared blankly at the handsome man sitting beside her, slowly stretched out her slender hand and stroked the handsome man's face, then pinched his face hard, narrowing her eyes and asking. : "Does it hurt?"

The man who was pinched was Long Sihao. He pulled the corner of his lower lip almost unchecked. His narrow, narrow eyes narrowed his eyes, and he seemed to be sleeping. It seemed that the three souls had disappeared, the confused woman.

Suoer, his big hand clasped her head, and her distinct five fingers were inserted into her long, curly hair, lowering her head and biting her lips fiercely. Quickly burrowing into her lip cavity, sweeping every inch of her field, Yun sucked her soft, smooth tongue and bite heavily, narrowed her eyes and asked, "Does it hurt?"


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