Upon hearing her question, the maid looked up at her, and then lowered her head again, her eyes flashing a little, "Young... Young Lady, my... my name is Zhang Hong."

Seeing her eyes flicker a bit, Li Xiaoman's clear water eyes narrowed, and her eyes glanced at her with deep meaning, then she looked at Xiao Yanyan indifferently and smiled, "Yanyan, go to the bathroom with Mommy ."

"Oh!" Although Xiao Yanyan didn't understand why her mother asked her to accompany her to the bathroom, she responded obediently and followed Li Xiaoman into the bathroom.

Zhang Hong, the maid who knelt on the floor and wiped the floor, was relieved after seeing Xiao Yanyan and Li Xiaoman entering the bathroom.

Then she looked at the bathroom door vigilantly and crawled on the floor towards the luxurious round bed.

Li Xiaoman, who entered the bathroom, was not grooming, but pulled the bathroom door apart, watching Zhang Hong's every move.

And the maid had climbed into the bed at this time, as if looking for something.

Xiao Yanyan, who stood in Li Xiaoman, saw her dear mommy peeking at Zhang Hong outside when she entered the bathroom. She blinked her small, star-like eyes, lowering her voice and asked curiously: "Mom Mi, what are you looking at?"

"Hush!" Li Xiaoman made a hush gesture towards Xiao Yanyan, beckoning her not to speak, and her clear water eyes kept staring at the Zhang Hong who crawled under the round bed.

After almost two minutes, Zhang Hong crawled out from under the bed which was not very high. She seemed to hide something on her body, and then continued to clean the floor.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman glanced at the red one, and after a trace of doubt in the clear eye, he went out and sat on the luxurious round bed|.

Her squinted water eyes kept staring at Zhang Hong, her eyes did not leave for more than half.

On the side, Xiao Yanyan saw that she had been staring at Zhang Hong, who was always on the floor. Although she felt strange in her heart, she didn't ask much.

After Zhang Hong wiped the floor, he watched Li Xiaoman say he was about to leave, and was called by Li Xiaoman.

"and many more……"

There was a trace of panic in Zhang Hong's shouted eyes, and he turned to look at Li Xiaoman, and asked respectfully, "What else does Mrs. Young have?"

Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows lightly, gazing at her calmly, and slender fingers pointed at the luxurious sofa in the bedroom, slightly hooked her lips, "It's okay, I want to chat with you, you can sit down."

Zhang Hong heard that she became more and more flustered. She hurriedly looked up at Li Xiaoman, "Young... Young Lady, I still have something to do, I..."

Li Xiaoman did not wait for her to finish, squinting her eyes, her red lips outlined with a deep smile, "You can take a day off today, take your salary, rest assured, I will say hello to the housekeeper, sit down!"

Li Xiaoman looked at Zhang Hong very friendly, and Zhang Hong looked outside the bedroom and then looked at Li Xiaoman, looking a little embarrassed.

Finally, I sat on a luxurious sofa.

She sat on the edge of the luxury sofa, lowered her head, frowned tightly, and rubbed her hands restlessly on her thighs, which was psychologically uneasy and tense.

Most people make such a move when they are nervous, some people squeeze their fists with their hands, and some people stir their fingers.

Li Xiaoman saw Zhang Hong's slightly subtle reactions in her eyes. She said that she was asked to stay and chat, but she didn't say a word to her.

When she was awakened just now, she was a little confused, and her head was dizzy, but it is much better now.

Xiao Yanyan looked at the cramped Zhang Hong, and then looked at her dear mommy, blinking her pure, star-like eyes, with a little puzzlement, and summoned her mommy.

Li Xiaoman reached out and pulled Xiao Yanyan into her arms, lowered her head to her ear and said in a voice she could hear: "Yanyan, Mommy gives you a task."

Xiao Yanyan raised her head and watched her mum lower her voice and asked curiously, "What task?"

After Li Xiaoman looked at Zhang Hong, he looked down at Xiao Yanyan and asked in a low voice, "Do you know where Uncle Dragon is?"

"Uncle Long?" Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes, and a small face on the face of the jade carved powder, with a trace of doubt, lowered her voice and asked, "Mom, who is Uncle Long?"

Li Xiaoman gently pumped the corner of her lower lip and gazed at her gently, "It's the handsome uncle in your mouth."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and looked at her mummy in a low voice. "It turns out that the handsome uncle's surname is Long, but the handsome uncle has something to go out.

After hearing that, Li Xiaoman frowned at Xiu Mei, then lowered her head and whispered in Xiao Yanyan's ear: "Go to the housekeeper grandpa, let him help you call your uncle Long, and let him come back immediately , Ok? Remember, this matter can only be told to the housekeeper grandpa, no one else can tell, no?

"Ok!" Xiao Yanyan blinked at her mother, made an ok gesture, and turned to take a small step and left the bedroom.

Seeing Zhang Hong sitting on the luxurious sofa, he stood up and looked at Li Xiaoman, "Young lady, I... I still go out and do things."

Li Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and smiled at her, Wen Wan smiled, "Don't worry, sit down for a while."

When the words fell, she ignored Zhang Hong and raised her nails.

The more she ignored Zhang Hong, the more Zhang Hong was sitting on a needle felt and her **** twisted on the sofa, as if she was uncomfortable.

When Xiao Yanyan asked Li Xiaoman to ask the housekeeper to call Long Sihao back, Long Sihao was already on the way back.

When he received a call from the housekeeper and heard that the housekeeper said that Li Xiaoman was anxious to see him, he was overjoyed and almost ran all the way back to the villa.

He drove the car directly out of the luxurious lobby in the front yard. After getting off the car, he strode into the lobby. In order to meet Li Xiaoman soon, he did not walk down the floor, but took the third floor on the elevator in the hall. .


The door of the bedroom hadn't been pushed open yet, and Long Sihao's voice was low and clear and mixed with joy.

Immediately after the bedroom door was pushed open, he walked in with great strides.

Zhang Hong, who was sitting on the luxurious sofa, saw Long Sihao returning and immediately stood up, bowing his head in a respectful call: "Mr. Long."

Long Sihao ignored Zhang Hong and walked straight to Li Xiaoman's body. With her long arms stretched out, she would sit on the round bed | She pulled it up and hugged her in her arms, and she bowed her head and couldn't help but kiss Her lips.

Seeing this, Zhang Hong immediately lowered his head.

After the housekeeper called Long Sihao to call him back, Xiao Yanyan went back to the bedroom and played a game with her mobile phone. At this time, when Long Sihao came back, she kissed her mum, she blinked her small eyes, The voice is tender and sweet, "Uncle handsome, and there are children! Can you and your mom pay attention to the image? Your sauce purple will teach children."

Li Xiaoman, who was stunned by the sudden kiss, heard Xiao Yanyan's words, and slightly embarrassedly pushed Long Sihao away.


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