A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 382: Us, rolling the carpet

The little hand was tickled by the kiss, and he kissed her like this, her body was like an over-charge, trembling waves, and let him continue, she will be tempted by him again.

Pumping|The slender hand that Long Sihao was holding and kissing, she flicked her eyebrows and looked at him deeply, "You can't even find out, it means that the person is not an ordinary person, I believe there will be a difference later. Something happened, so..."

"So you want to leave?" Seeing Li Xiaoman's thoughts, Long Sihao's narrow, narrow eyes looked at her deeply.

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes and said mildly: "Long Sihao, you have brought me here for many days. I am not an unemployed wanderer. I also have my business to do, and Yanyan also miss her. Uncle Master and Uncle Uncle, I took Yanyan back to see them and you can take us back."

Long Sihao gazed at her with a smile, her muscular fingers lightly tapped her jaw, and her eyes glared at her, "Are you willing to come back?"

Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes and said softly, "Well."


Her answer made Long Sihao very moved, he held her tightly in his arms, closed his eyes, buried his head in her hair, greedily smelled the fragrance of hers, and her beautiful face was gentle Smile, "Xiao Xiao, do you know how much I want to be with you all the time? But this time, I want to be with you, and stay with me for another day today, and I will send you and Yanyan away tomorrow. ?"

Listening to his promise, Li Xiaoman was a little surprised and couldn't help raising his eyes to him, "Are you really going to send us away?"

Long Sihao looked at her with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, even if you just didn't say, I'm going to send you away."

His words made Li Xiaoman frown, her eyes flashed a bit of loss, at first she was thinking about leaving, but now, she doesn't want to leave so much.

There are two reasons why she agreed to Yanyan to discuss with him. The first is that she also wants to go back to see her uncle. The second is that she hasn’t been to the studio for a while. .

Her assistant, Jiang Yiyi, helped her manage the studio by herself. She was afraid that she would not be too busy. After all, she was just a girl in her early twenties.

But hearing Long Sihao said that she was about to send them away, she felt so lost and sad in her heart.

The nose was sore for a while, and she inexplicably wanted to cry. She knew this feeling was called "disappointment", and she refused to let him down.

When she thought of leaving, she was reluctant, heartbroken, uncomfortable, and wanted to hold him and cry.

Long Sihao saw her eyes were red, and the corners of her eyes were a little wet. He narrowed his eyes and stared at her. His long fingers gently wiped the tears in the corners of her eyes, and the thin curved lips spit out a low and soft words. "Xiaoxiao, can you be so unhappy so obvious? Look at you and cry when you hear you can leave, are you afraid of me being sad?"

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman's eyes were even more moist. He knew he was kidding. He was an asshole, and he liked to twist the truth.

Is she not crying happily?

Is he deliberately teasing her?

Although he was wiping the corners of her eyes, her tears fell uncontrollably.

"Si Hao..." She bit her lower lip tightly and whispered suddenly, her slender hands wrapped around his neck, and took the initiative to approach his arms, a thousand words gathered in her throat.

She wanted to ask him, why did you suddenly promise to send me and Yanyan away?

She wanted to say, I will not leave, I want to be with you all the time.

Long Sihao's heart shivered because of her "Si Hao", narrow eyes narrowly gazed at her, and there was a wave of dynamic movement at the bottom of her eyes.

This is the first time she has called him Si Hao since they reunited five years apart.

He certainly prefers to hear her call him Sihao than she named him with a surname, so that they seem to be more intimate, he doesn’t like her being too indifferent to him.

"Xiaoxiao, you haven't called me Sihao for a long time. Call it again."

Facing his deep and narrow eyes, he looked forward to let Li Xiaoman move a little, lowering his eyes slightly, she whispered again, "Si Hao..."

Long Sihao's narrow and long eyes seemed to absorb the light of the stars, shining brightly, and the eyes were full of smiles, and her eyes looked at her with affection and emotion, "Xiaoxiao, call again..."

Seeing that Long Sihao was very happy like a child who wanted to eat sugar, Li Xiaoman was also infected, and she raised her eyebrows gently, "Si Hao... Si Hao... Si... Um..."

She called Si Hao one by one, and Long Sihao, who was listening to it, was so excited that she rolled over and pressed on her body, and kissed her lips deeply.

After Li Xiaoman was stunned, his slender hands clasped him, closing his eyes and responding to his kiss.

Now she wanted to let go of herself completely, not to think about anything else. At this moment in her eyes, only him.


All day today, Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao did not leave this bedroom.

During this period, their three meals were sent directly by the servants.

It was not until the early morning of the next day that Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao came out of the bedroom.

And one day and one night, Xiao Yanyan, who didn't see her dear mommy, stood outside their bedroom.

When they came out, they saw Xiao Yanyan's young face, with a stinky face, just like who owed her tens of millions.

Her delicate little hands akimbo, her small eyebrows twisted unpleasantly, glaring at her mum and Long Sihao angrily, "Are you willing to give it up? Let me be a child waiting for you outside, are you embarrassed? Not tell Don’t you roll the sheets? You can’t roll anymore.”

Long Sihao looked down at Xiao Yanyan with a stinky complexion, a gentle and indulgent smile appeared on her beautiful face, and her thin lips bent, "Yanyan, who said that my mum and your mom are rolling sheets?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her head and looked at him questioningly asked, "You and Mommy didn't roll sheets, what are you doing in the room?"

Long Sihao raised his eyebrows slightly, gazing at Xiao Yanyan softly, bending his lips and smiling, "We are rolling the carpet."

After hearing that, Li Xiaoman reached for her forehead and she was really defeated by their father and daughter.

She raised her eyebrows to Long Sihao, "The upper beam is not the right one..."

Suddenly realizing something, Li Xiaoman immediately muttered and his heart beat faster.

She raised her eyes to Long Sihao and saw that the expression on his handsome face was calm, and she didn't make any waves because she almost spoke the leak. When she let go of her heart, she felt a bit lost.

Fearing that he knows and hopes he can react a little, people are always so contradictory.

After adjusting her mind, she looked at Xiao Yanyan again, stepped forward and took her little hand, "Yan Yan, let's go."

Xiao Yanyan blinked and asked doubtfully, "Where are you going?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and smiled softly, Xiao Yanyan's voice was soft, "Don't you say you want to uncle, uncle uncle? Of course, go to uncle uncle's house."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Babies: Wenwen is now at a turning point again. After this twist, the long-awaited Long Shao and Xiao Yanyan's father and daughter recognized each other, many truths were revealed, and Long Shao and Xiao Xiao went to receive the certificate


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