A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 394: Surprised, father and daughter recognized each other?

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman frowned slightly and looked at Lori and asked, "Where did he take Yanyan?"

Standing next to Li Xiaoman, Li Wenbo heard Lowry say that Xiao Yanyan was taken away by Long Sihao. His handsome eyebrows scowled and his eyes flashed a complex emotion.

"Miss Li will know when she's gone. Miss Li please." Lorry smiled and said to Li Xiaoman, making a gesture of please.

Jiang Yiyi looked at Lowry and then looked at Li Xiaoman, lowering his voice, and asked in doubt: "Sister Xiaoman, who is he?"

Although she asked quietly, Lori at the tip of the ear still heard. He strode to Jiang Yiyi, stretched out his hand, introduced himself with a smile, "Beauty, hello, my name is Lori, and yours Sister Xiaoman is very familiar."

Jiang Yiyi stared at Lori, who smiled and squinted into a line, politely reached out and shook his hand, "My name is Jiang Yiyi."

"Oh! It turned out to be Yiyi's beautiful girl, did she have a boyfriend?" Lori asked Jiang Yiyi with an eyebrow raised, holding his hand tightly.

Jiang Yiyi pumped her hand hard, and because Lori was too tight, she failed to pull it out.

She squinted deliberately or unintentionally, standing next to Li Xiaoman, Li Wenbo, who had been silent for a while, raised her lips slightly, and then squinted at Lori, smiling sweetly, "Mr. Luo, I have no boyfriend. , But a sweetheart."

As soon as Lori heard Jiang Yiyi said that she had a sweetheart, she let go of her hand and cried, "It seems that I can't marry in my life."

As soon as Jiang Yiyi heard this, he laughed out loudly and raised his eyebrows to smile at him, "Mr. Luo is so handsome and so cute, how could he not get married?"

Lowry echoed with a smile, "Yeah! I'm so handsome, I can definitely get married."

When the words fell, he looked at Li Xiaoman, "Miss Li, let's go."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman frowned slightly, raised his eyebrows to Li Wenbo, who was frowning beside her, and said with some embarrassment: "Wen Bo, I won't go back for the time being. Uncle said."

Li Wenbo heard that Jun Mei's eyebrows were tighter, and after a moment of contemplation, she gazed at her and nodded, "Well, I will tell Dad."

"There is also the trouble that Wen Bo brother helped me send Jiang Yiyi back."

Jiang Yiyi on the side listened to Li Xiaoman let Li Wenbo send her. She blushed a little and looked up at the elegant Li Wenbo, then she looked at Li Xiaoman again, "Sister Xiaoman, I can go back by myself No, Mr. Li sent it."

Li Xiaoman's clear water eyes looked at Jiang Yiyi with a smile, "I don't worry if you go back alone, let Wenbo brother send you, anyway."

With a smile on his lips, Jiang Yiyi raised his eyes to Li Wenbo, "Mr. Li, I'm so sorry, but I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Wenbo's expression was lukewarm. He looked at Jiang Yiyi and gently nodded, but didn't speak, but he did agree with Li Xiaoman to send her.

His lukewarm attitude made Jiang Yiyi frown and lowered her head a bit.

Because Li Xiaoman wanted to see Yanyan as soon as possible, he first left the hotel with Lowry and drove straight to Honghuayuan in his car.

Jiang Yiyi, who then left, got into Li Wenbo's car.

While sitting in the co-pilot seat, she had been in his car for a while, and Li Wenbo did not start the car.

She turned her head and looked at his handsome face. When she saw his hands on the steering wheel, she frowned and looked at the front without starting the car. She frowned and said a little embarrassedly: "Mr. Li, if you are not convenient to send In my case, I can take a taxi back home."

Only after hearing her words, Li Wenbo recovered. He glanced at Jiang Yiyi with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, I just lost my mind, I have nothing inconvenient."

When the words fell, he started the car.

Along the way, his handsome eyebrows were always tightly curled, and the expression of Junyi's firm face was a little lost, his lips tightly pressed, giving a feeling of heavy heart and melancholy.

Looking at Li Wenbo like this, Jiang Yiyi's eyes flashed with a bit of distress, and her brows were tightly raised, and he asked tentatively, "Mr. Li, do you have any concerns?"

Li Wenbo concealed his lost emotions and raised Jiang Yiyi's polite smile, "No, Miss Jiang, you are Manman's friend or Manman's assistant. You still call me by name."

"Oh!" Jiang Yiyi looked at him with a smile and nodded. "Can I call you Wenbo like Sister Xiaoman?"

Li Wenbo glanced at her, and nodded, "Of course."

Seeing him saying yes, Jiang Yiyi's beautiful face was covered with a smile, "Thank you Wenbo."

Li Wenbo looked at Jiang Yiyi just smiled, and then concentrated on driving, and did not talk to her again.

Li Wenbo looked at Jiang Yiyi just smiled, and then concentrated on driving, and did not talk to her again.

Jiang Yiyi saw that he no longer spoke, as if she didn't want to talk, and she was not a good girl to chat with others.

The atmosphere in the car became a bit stiff, Jiang Yiyi lowered her head, and it seemed that there were ants crawling all over her body, which made her uncomfortable.

She secretly turned her head to see Li Wenbo many times. He clearly was not the kind of man who liked to wear a cold mask to resist outsiders, but she just thought he was difficult to get close to.

Until Jiang Yiyi got off the train, Li Wenbo didn't say a word to her, and Jiang Yiyi said a thank you, and stood on the side of the road. After watching Li Wenbo leave, she broke her shoulders and returned to her residence.


After Lowry sent Li Xiaoman to Honghuayuan, he went back.

Five years apart, stepping here again, she also has mixed tastes.

Knowing that Long Sihao and Xiao Yanyan were in the apartment where she once lived with Long Sihao, her mood was actually very tense. She arrived at the apartment door for a long time before reaching out to ring the doorbell.

As soon as the doorbell rang, the door opened, and the person standing at the door was Xiao Yanyan.

Xiao Yanyan is wearing a pink home clothes, holding a plush toy in her hand, blinking the pure starry eyes, and smiling at Li Xiaoman sweetly, "Mom, you are back, welcome mom to return At home, Dad is cooking, and he will be able to eat soon."

"Dad compares?" Li Xiaoman was slightly stunned, and the clear water eyes looked at Xiao Yanyan in surprise and doubt, "Who is the dad compare?"

Her voice fell, and a low, clear voice rang.

"Daughter-in-law, have you lost your memory? Yanyan is my daughter, and her father is more than me."

young married woman?

Hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to the vocal point, his pupils widened, and in a blink of an eye he wore a white home suit, an apron, and a dish in one hand, turning him into a super warm man. Super good husband, super home boy, super family cook Long Sihao.

At the moment, his handsome and charming face had a warm and pampering smile like sunshine, and the narrow and long eyes were full of affection. The cool, handsome, and fashionable hairstyles that he had handled in the past were not blown out. He didn't use any styling cream, but his casual hairstyle didn't affect his beauty at all.

In short, at this moment, he is completely like a family cook, a super warm man, and a handsome and angry man, noble temperament, the aura is still strong, beautiful family cook.

Long Sihao saw Li Xiaoman's eyes widened and stared at him for a long time. He carried the food and strode forward, leaned down and kissed her on the lips of her temptation, narrowing his eyes. Gentle and spoiled her, "What's wrong, daughter-in-law? Am I particularly handsome and charming today? Hmm?"

Li Xiaoman still stared at him silently for a while.

Long Sihao looked at Xiao Yanyan and said softly, "Yanyan, go get the slippers for Mommy."

"Ok!" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and watched Long Sihao make an ok gesture, smiled sweetly, and then raised a small face with pink carvings and jade to look at the stunned Li Xiaoman, "Mummy waited , I'll get you slippers."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan took the bag in Li Xiaoman's hand and turned into the bedroom.

"Wife-in-law is going to work hard, and my husband will definitely be waiting for you tonight."

Long Sihao's eyes were squinted. I looked at her ambiguously, and when she had something to say, she entered the restaurant with the two dishes in her hand.

As soon as he entered, Xiao Yanyan took out a pair of ladies slippers.

She walked up to Li Xiaoman, crouched down, put her slippers at her feet, then stood up and looked at her, "Mommy, what's wrong with you today? How does it seem that you don't know our family anymore? Change shoes, it’s time to eat!"

At this time, Long Sihao's voice was low and clear, "Yan Yan, almost wash your hands and eat."

"Dad, I'm here." Xiao Yanyan's voice shouted immaturely to wash her hands first, and then entered the restaurant again.

Looking at all this, Li Xiaoman couldn't understand the situation at all, and felt like he was dreaming.

Why did Yanyan suddenly compare Long Sihao's father?

How did she know that Long Sihao was her father?

Is she amnesia? How did she feel like she missed a lot of things, the scene that is happening now doesn't connect with her memory, she seems to have missed something.

For example, when did Yanyan and Long Sihao recognize each other?

Just when she was stunned, Long Sihao came out of the restaurant and saw that she was still standing stunned. He strode forward and closed the door behind her.

"Mrs. Long, I haven't changed shoes since I came back. Are you waiting for my husband to change it for you?"

When the words fell, he squatted down and picked up her feet with her fair-skinned hands, took off the seven-inch stilettos for her first, and then put on her slippers gently.

Li Xiaoman gazed at the handsome man wearing slippers for her, and complex emotions flashed in the clear water.

He was 1.8 meters tall, but at the moment he squatted down to wear slippers for her, with a gentle movement. If there was any touch in her heart, it was not fake.

After putting on her slippers, Long Sihao stood up straight, narrowly gazing at her tenderly and affectionately, "What's wrong? Why have you been stunned? You have eaten."

When the words fell, he took her small slender hands and took her to wash her hands before pulling her into the restaurant.

Xiao Yanyan was already sitting at the dining table and started to see Long Sihao leading her dear mummy in. She said vaguely while eating: "Mom, if you come later, I'll finish eating, dad. It’s better than cooking."

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Yanyan, who was transformed into a "foodie". He pulled out the small hand held by Long Sihao and asked his lips, "What the **** are you doing?"

Xiao Yanyan sucked her mouth and asked vaguely, "Mommy, what the **** are you doing? Are you hungry?"

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Baby: Did you understand this chapter? Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it. I will know why in the next chapter. Xuan Xuan has a reminder in front of me that Long Shao and Yanyan are acting. Haha, this is a "traveling drama".

Xuan Xuan would like to especially thank a baby nicknamed [Monique], thank you for throwing seven cards for Xuan Xuan**, and also rewarded so much, Xuan Xuan moved to death, thank you very much [Monique]’s baby, Xuan Xuan moved to cry, and thank you for all the treasures for Xuan Xuan.


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