Long Sihao hugged Li Xiaoman, who was crying sadly, and tears also appeared in his long and narrow eyes. At this moment, he really felt how much Xiaoxiao loved him, otherwise she would not know him. Crying so sad after the illness.

Five years ago, he was worried that she would be worried after she knew his condition, and even more afraid that she would be sad after he died, so he heartbroken her heart.

He did not want her to be sad in this world after his death, nor did she want her to do anything stupid because of his death.

His narrow, long, tearful eyes gazed at her affectionately, with a hint of hoarse voice, "Xiaoxiao, rest assured, I'm ready, I won't leave you anymore."

Li Xiaoman lifted her tearful eyes and bit her trembling lips tightly, crying, "Asshole, you almost left me. If you die, what will you do if you leave me alone?"

Long Sihao's eyes smiled and reached out to wipe the tears that were constantly falling in her eyes. She bent her lips and smiled easily. "Silly girl, what else can I do, of course it is done, I didn't leave it for you A lot of property? You can worry about food and clothing, and you can also use my hard-earned money to raise a small white face. How good are you?"

Li Xiaoman saw that he was still in a mood to make her laugh, she stared at him with tears in her eyes, because of his relaxed tone, it was a little more comfortable, "If I really take your hard-earned money to raise a small white face, you must not jump from the coffin Come out and strangle me."

"Hehe..." Long Sihao grinned, lowered his head and kissed her seductive lips, and his voice was low and gentle. "If I really jumped out of the coffin, I would pinch that little white face, but I'm willing to pinch you, but this It's a good way to let me "resurrect", if one day I take a step first, you can try this method to make me live... Um..."

Li Xiaoman didn't wait for him to finish his speech, took the initiative to put his lips to kiss him, squinted fiercely at him before leaving his lips.

"Long Sihao, I don't allow you to say death, you listen well. If you dare to die in front of me, I won't let you go if I chase the land."

Long Sihao looked at her with a smile, "Silly girl, there will always be a death!"

Li Xiaoman hugged him tightly, leaning his head on his muscular chest, "I don't care, I don't allow you to die in front of me."

"Xiaoxiao, according to statistics, men generally die earlier than women, so..."

Not waiting for Long Sihao to finish his speech, Li Xiaoman pushed him away and stood up, his squinted eyes glared angrily at him, "Long Sihao, if you go on, I will be angry."

Seeing that Li Xiaoman was really angry, Long Sihao stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms again, gazing at her affectionately, with a tone of playful abuse, "Xiao Xiao, I'm kidding, don't take it seriously, I will never die before you. If I can’t live anymore, I will pull you back and let you die with me."

Seeing him restore the "bad" look again, Li Xiaoman gave him a glance, her eyes full of smiles. She liked his vaguely "abnormal" oath and liked him to talk to her in this way.

With him, she is really happy every moment.

"Xiaoxiao, you haven't told me you moved back to Shuilu Lake to find out the truth."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked down at him, Xiumei frowned, "Si Hao, I suspect that I would have been prematurely delivered five years ago because I was given an abortion. Also, I suspect that my mother's death and so on were all by one person. Because, so I'm going back to Shuilu Lake."

Long Sihao gazed at her deeply, and the look on her beautiful face was a little dignified. "Why do you have to go back to Shuilu Lake to check?"

Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow at him and smiled, "Because I intuitively have clues there."

Long Sihao doesn't agree with her back to Shulu Lake for the time being, because he hasn't drawn the mysterious person behind the scenes yet, it would be dangerous for her to go back to Shulu Lake now.

He always felt that the mysterious man was beside him, but he couldn't find out who it was, which made him puzzled.

His long narrow narrow eyes narrowed, and her eyes looked at her deeply, "Xiao Xiao, I will investigate these things, so you don't have to worry."

Li Xiaoman knew that Long Sihao wouldn't let her worry, but was worried about her.

She doesn't need to ask him now to know why he easily agreed to let her leave the Water Heron Lake villa some time ago, because he was worried about her, fearing that someone in the villa would hurt her.

She looked at him seriously, "Si Hao, the matter is related to the death of my mother, and the death of our first child. I can't sit back and die, I think that the mysterious person came to me, If I go back to Shuiluhu Villa, I believe that the mysterious person will move again. Only when the mysterious person moves, we can pull him out of the way."

Afraid that Long Sihao is still worried about her and will not let her go. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Si Hao, don’t worry about me. Believe me. I’m not the same as Li Xiaoman five years ago. I won’t let her People hurt me so easily."

Long Sihao gazed at her tenderly, bending her lips and smiling, "It seems my stupid girl has really grown up."

Li Xiaoman hugged him tightly, "Si Hao, I used to be very sensible, right?"

"Huh." Long Sihao nodded slightly, agreeing, and thin lips bent, "It's very ignorant."

"Si Hao..." Li Xiaoman whispered scornfully, and looked at him with sad eyes. "Can't you answer the euphemism a little bit? Do you know that people will feel very lost after listening to it? You are so annoying. "

"Hehe..." Long Sihao grinned, his eyes softly gazing at Li Xiaoman, who was more and more charming, and his voice was low and clear, "Silly girl, I'm kidding."

Li Xiaoman glared at him with a smile, then frowned again, "Si Hao, I am really stupid, you have said so many times, unless you die, you will never give up my words, but I didn’t even think of the real reason why you would be separated from me."

Long Sihao looked at her distressedly, "Xiao Xiao, don't let me say anything stupid again, I never think you are stupid, you have your ability, your wisdom, if you are stupid, your design works will not Someone likes it, and you won’t become a famous many designer. No one will know anything, and no one will always be thoughtful in all aspects. There are always omissions. I am the same. If I can take care of everything, Five years ago, I wouldn’t be taken advantage of, and I killed your mother. Also, our Yanyan is so smart. It’s not my credit. My mom is smart, and my daughter will be smart."

Long Sihao's words of praise and praise made Li Xiaoman's heart moved. She hugged him tightly, "Si Hao..."


The next day, after Long Sihao went to the company, Li Xiaoman personally drove Xiao Yanyan to her new school, and asked Xiao Yanyan to do something before she went to her studio again.

Because Ouyang Chen’s case is her responsibility, she has to deal with it first.

She first checked some information about Ouyang Chen, and after she got some understanding of him, she began to draw design drawings.

Xiao Yanyan’s school was closed at about 4 pm, and she drove over to pick her up at 3:30 pm.

Although Xiao Yanyan went to the new school on the first day, she was very pretty and cute, and her small mouth was sweet and very talkative. In only one day, she was in the same class as her. The children's shoes in here are mixed.

Therefore, after school, she was surrounded by her children's shoes and walked out of the classroom, both boys and girls.

Xiaopen's friends are just too many, chasing her and asking them one by one.

"Yanyan, what does your dad do?"

"Yanyan, your hairpin is so pretty!"

"Yanyan, your skirt is so beautiful!"


Because it was time for school, all the parents who picked up the children came, and Xiao Yanyan's classmates around her were also taken one by one.

"Yanyan, Yanyan, has your mum yet to come? My mum is here, I'll go first, bye, see you tomorrow." The voice of a little girl walking beside her asked childishly.

The little girl watched Xiao Yanyan finish, trotting towards her own mummy.

"Yanyan, my dad and mommy are here too. Bye, see you tomorrow."

A little boy watched her finish and trot towards his father and mother who came to him.

"See you tomorrow, see you tomorrow..."

Xiao Yanyan smiled and waved goodbye to the little classmate she only met today, and her pair of pure, star-like eyes blinked at the school gate, frowning, and what about her dear mommy Still not here?

Until the schoolmates next to her were all gone, she was still standing alone, her small head hanging down, pursed her small mouth, and a little displeasure appeared on the small face of the powdered jade, her mommy was too Not on time.

When she goes back, it is necessary for her to take a political lesson with her dear mother.

At this moment, a mellow and gentle voice passed into her ears.

"Have your mum yet to come?"

Upon hearing the sound, Xiao Yanyan fell slightly, raised her head, but saw a stranger she had never seen standing in front of her.

"You... who are you? Do you know my mummy?" Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes to ask the stranger standing in front of her.

The strange man in black shirt and black trousers stood in front of her, and looked at Xiao Yanyan with a gentle smile on her face, "I don't know if I know."

Because of his words, Xiao Yanyan frowned, "Do you know or not?"

The strange man is Long Junche. His slender peach blossoms squint slightly, and his eyes gently look at the little girl who looks very similar to Li Xiaoman in front of him. The more she looks at her, the more she likes it.

"I met your mom twice? Little girl, what's your name?"

Xiao Yanyan raised her small face in pink and jade, and watched Long Junche blinking her small eyes, her voice was immature, "sorry, I am not familiar with you, I will not tell you my name."

Long Junche heard the words, still gazing at her gently, "Little girl, you know I don't tell me, your name is Li Anyan, right?"

Xiao Yanyan's small eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Long Junche with a watchful eye, "Since you know my name? Why did you ask me just now? Who the **** are you?"

At this time, a clear familiar voice came.


"Mommy." Xiao Yanyan raised her head when she heard the familiar voice and saw her dear mommy was running.


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