A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 449: Forgive me, I don't blame you

She raised her eyes and looked at Long Sihao gently, then shook her head, and then looked at Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo, "Uncle, Wen Bo, Si Hao came to pick me up, and I should go back."

Li Zhenhua looked at Li Xiaoman with a surprised expression, "Manman, you just said that someone will come to pick you up, what is Mr. Long?

Li Xiaoman glanced at Li Zhenhua and nodded, "Uncle, then I will go back first with Si Hao. I will come to see you next time and take care."

When the words fell, she took the initiative to take Long Sihao's big hand, preparing to leave with him.

Li Zhenhua's eyes fell on their hands, and then they looked at Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao doubtfully, "Manman, when did you...when were you together again?"

Although he didn't know what happened between Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao five years ago, he also knew they were separated.

And after they separated, Li Xiaoman did not eat or drink for a period of time, washed his face with tears all day long, haggard, very depressed mood, these are all distressed in his eyes.

Li Xiaoman's sadness is related to Long Sihao. He still knows more or less. Now he is still worried when he sees them separated for five years.

After all, Long Sihao in his eyes is high above them, and these civilians can't climb high. He is worried about what harm Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao will suffer together.

When Long Sihao saw Li Zhenhua, he glanced affectionately at Li Xiaoman, then he looked at Li Zhenhua again, and his lips smiled elegantly, "Uncle, Xiao Xiao and I have already got married."

"What? You have gotten married?"

Hearing Long Sihao's words, Li Zhenhua looked at them in surprise.

Li Wenbo heard Long Sihao's words, but his face was slightly pale. The obsidian-like pupils had a thick pain, and the expression on Jun's face was a little sad.

Li Xiaoman didn't want to hide the fact that she and Long Sihao had already obtained the certificate. She interlocked with Long Sihao's big fingers and raised her eyes to nod, Li Zhenhua, "Well, uncle, Si Hao and I have already obtained the marriage certificate. Also, Yanyan is the daughter of Si Hao and me."

Listening to her saying that Xiao Yanyan is the daughter of Long Sihao, Li Zhenhua was not surprised, he had thought of this before, but Li Xiaoman had never admitted that Xiao Yanyan was the daughter of Long Sihao, so he would not ask much what.

Li Wenbo had also guessed that Xiao Yanyan was the daughter of Long Sihao, so now listening to her, he was not too surprised, but the pain in his eyes was deeper, and the expression on Jun's face was more sad than just now. a bit.

Li Zhenhua looked at Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao with a smile and nodded, "Okay, now you can be reunited with your family."

After a pause, he looked at Long Sihao again with respect, "Long President, since I have already obtained the certificate, I as an uncle, I wish you old age and love for a long time. I hope that you can treat Long Man well and don't let her down. ."

Long Sihao hugged Li Xiaoman tightly, narrowed his eyes and smiled at Li Zhenhua, "Uncle, don't worry, I finally let Xiao Xiao and I get the certificate, I will love her more."

Li Zhenhua looked at him and nodded, "That's good, that's good."

Then he looked at Li Wenbo with a sad look, frowned, and then looked at Long Sihao and Li Xiaoman, with a kind smile on his face, "Manman, President Long, I will send you out. "

"Uncle, don't use it." Li Xiaoman said with a smile to Li Zhenhua, and then looked at Li Wenbo, seeing his sad look, she narrowed her eyebrow tightly and smiled gently, "Brother Wen Bo, take care of your uncle, I will come back to see you often when I have time."

When the words fell, she and Long Sihao walked to the door of the room.

Li Wenbo, who had not spoken for a long time, looked at their intimate back, and his heart hurt like a twist, and a word squeezed out of his pale lips, "Manman, President Long, I wish you happiness."

After saying this, his eyes were wet, and the tears of sorrow came out.

He immediately turned around, afraid that Li Xiaoman would turn around to see him in tears.

After hearing his words, Li Xiaoman stunned slightly, then turned to look back at her, Li Wenbo, and smiled, "Thank you Wenbo brother."

Until Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao left, Li Wenbo did not turn around.

His handsome face was already soaked in tears.

Seeing this, Li Zhenhua was both distressed and helpless. He reached out and patted his shoulder, "Wen Bo, let it go! Manman, she and Marriage Long have already been married, you will never be able to."

Li Wenbo squeezed his hands tightly, and without returning to Zhenhua Li, his eyes closed even more, with tears in the rain.

Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao, who had left Li Zhenhua's house, were already in the car.

Long Sihao, who was about to start the engine, saw that Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were deep, and Qingli's small face was very worried. He stopped and leaned close to her, holding her Qingli's small face with his big hands, narrowing his eyes. Thin Duanxiang, "Look at it, the daughter-in-law's face seems to say, husband, I'm not happy, I have ten words of concern."

Li Xiaoman took the advantage of holding Long Sihao's big hand holding her small face, and some red and swollen eyes looked at him with tears, "Sihao, I..."

Long Sihao lowered his head and kissed her wet eyes, gazing at her more worriedly and distressed, "Xiao Xiao, what happened?"

After a pause, he suddenly thought of something, narrowly narrowed her eyes, and asked her tentatively, "Xiaoxiao, do you know what?"

When he asked this, he was undoubtedly telling Li Xiaoman what he knew.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him deeply, his eyes with a trace of doubt, "Si Hao, do you know what?"

Long Sihao's light lips smirked and no longer concealed, "Xiao Xiao, are you sad because you know that Li Sufang is not your biological mother?"

Seeing that he was right, Li Xiaoman's clear eyes overflowed with surprise. She looked at him for a while before asking, "How do you know?"

Long Sihao stared at her closely, "Xiao Xiao, I guessed that right. You really knew that Li Sufang was not your biological mother,"

"Have you known this for a long time?" Li Xiaoman looked at him deeply, and listening to him, he should have known that Li Sufang was not her mother.

If he didn't know, he wouldn't ask that, he must have known it for a long time.

Long Sihao looked at Li Xiaoman with a smile and nodded, "Xiao Xiao, you should be very happy to go back to your uncle's house. If you are not happy and cry, then there is only one reason. That is, you know that Li Sufang is not your biological mother. I did know this, but Xiao Xiao, please forgive me for not telling you, because I know that you will be very sad after you know the truth. I don’t want you to be sad. "

Li Xiaoman didn't blame Long Sihao for concealing her meaning. She threw herself into his arms and squeezed her arms tightly around him. "Si Hao, I didn't blame you. After so many experiences, I won't be like before. I will blame you for being so ignorant, and I will not be capricious anymore. I can fully understand your intentions. I will not blame you. Instead, I would like to thank you for your concealment. If you tell me, I will start to feel sad. Thank you for thinking so much about me."


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