A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 458: Uncle, my name is Long Anyan

In the past five years, he has tasted that there is no love and warmth from his relatives, and he longs for affection.

He has two grandchildren, and now has great-granddaughter. It was supposed to be the time to enjoy children and grandchildren, but they are more indifferent to him than one.

Even Li Xiaoman, who was once filial to him, is now cold and indifferent to him.

He looked at Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan again, smiling Cihe, "Manman, Yanyan, anyway, Si Hao is not here yet. Let's eat first. You haven't eaten with grandpa in five years."

When the words fell, he stepped forward with his cane to lead Xiao Yanyan, and Xiao Yanyan retracted her little hand, "Grandpa Huo, Mommy will lead me."

Huo Yehong saw that Xiao Yanyan didn't let him lead her at all, his expression was a bit lonely, he answered well, and walked into the restaurant first.

"Mommy, have dinner." Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and watched Li Xiaoman finish, and then took her to the restaurant.

Huo Yunene and Li Xuehe followed.

The long marble table is full of rich dishes. Huo Yehong sits on the main seat, with Li Xuehe and Huo Yunene on his right hand, while Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan sit on the left of Huo Yehong.

Li Xiaoman didn't use chopsticks, but Xiao Yanyan had a mentality of peace, and should eat and drink.

She saw that her mum was not using chopsticks, and said while eating: "Mum, if you are too busy, I don't mind if you help me peel the shrimp shells and pick the vegetables."

It is said that Li Xiaoman slightly twitched her lips, and her baby girl is as good as her father than Long Sihao.

No matter what happened, the two fathers and daughters were calm and water-like, and even if the sky fell, they wouldn't panic.

Seeing her eating so joyously, she knew that she didn't take how to leave this matter seriously.

Sitting at the opposite table, Li Xuehe saw that Xiao Yanyan was not afraid of life at all, just like treating Huo as her own family. She was not restrained at all. She scornfully raised her lips and stared at Xiao Yanyan’s chopsticks. Seeing that she held up the chopsticks to clamp the sweet and sour pork ribs, she also lifted the chopsticks with a "soo" and poked it past, deliberately clamped the small ribs that Xiao Yanyan had clamped, even her chopsticks.

Seeing that, Xiao Yanyan moved her chopsticks, but she was small and she was naturally less powerful than Li Xuehe, so she couldn't move her chopsticks.

Huo Yehong saw that Li Xuehe had clamped Xiao Yanyan's chopsticks, and his face was gloomy. He was supposed to say Li Xuehe, but when he saw that Xiao Yanyan, who was young, did not cry because of Li Xuehe's intentional action, he would There was no voice, but I wanted to see what Xiao Yanyan would do next.

For this little great-granddaughter, he actually liked it very much, because he saw the shadow of Long Sihao on her little one.

Although she looks like Li Xiaoman, her character is very similar to Long Sihao. He thinks that his little great-granddaughter will grow up very unusual.

Huo Yunene saw his mother deliberately aimed at Xiao Yanyan. He glanced at Li Xiaoman, who looked indifferent, and then looked down at Li Xuehe with a disappointed look, "What are you doing?"

Li Xuehe saw that Huo Yehong did not say about her, and misunderstood that he was tacitly approving that she deliberately aimed at Xiao Yanyan. She raised her chin with pride and looked at Xiao Yanyan with disdain. "Do you understand the etiquette? I don't know how to..."

Xiao Yanyan didn't wait for her to finish, and took over her words, "Respect for the elderly and love the young, grandma with fire, it doesn't matter if you don't understand the seedlings. I respect the old, I don't want to fight you for this sugar. Vinegar spare ribs."

When the words fell, she was about to pull out chopsticks, but Li Xuehe was still holding her hand.

She blinked her small eyes and smiled at Li Xuehe with a sweet and sweet voice, "Grandma Fiery, can I not hold my chopsticks? I have a cleansing habit, the saliva on your chopsticks sticks to my chopsticks, and I can't eat it with nausea." of."

"You..." Li Xue laid down her chopsticks in a rage, and looked at Xiao Yanyan angrily. "Uncultivated little..."

Before Li Xuehe finished his words, Huo Yehong interrupted her, and he stared at her somberly, "If you dare to say that Yanyan is not educated, I will drive you out of the Huo family. The most uncultivated here is you, for the old Disrespectful, get out of me if you don’t want to eat

Li Xuehe was so angry and frightened by Huo Yehong's words that she felt aggrieved. She stared fiercely at Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan and got out of the restaurant.

Huo Yunene saw her mother go away, he just frowned slightly, did not follow, then immediately looked at Xiao Yanyan, softly asked: "Your name is Yanyan?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at Huo Yunene and nodded, her voice immature, "Second Uncle, my full name is Long Anyan."

Upon hearing her saying that the surname is Long, Huo Yunene's heart was like the pain of being stabbed by a sharp blade.

Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan kindly, with a gentle voice, "Yanyan, your surname is Huo, you should call Huo Anyan."

Xiao Yanyan looked at Huo Yehong and frowned slightly. "Grandpa Huo, but Huo Anyan is not as good as Long Anyan."

Huo Yehong smiled and looked at Xiao Yanyan, looking kindly, "Yanyan just listens to her habits."

Xiao Yanyan's brow was tighter, watching Huo Yehong's face falling down and carved with powder and jade. "Grandpa Huo, I'm not stupid. Why should I force myself to get used to what I'm not used to? I'm full Grandpa Huo eats slowly."

When the words fell, she put down her chopsticks.

Huo Yehong said she was full after seeing only a few bites. He looked at her kindly and asked, "Yanyan is really full."

Xiao Yanyan looked at Huo Yehong and nodded, "Grandpa Huo, although I'm not fat, but it's healthier to cut down, I won't eat a lot. My mom and I are going back, Grandpa Huo eats slowly."

"Go back?" Huo Yehong glanced at Li Xiaoman when she said she went back, and then looked at her again, "Yan Yan, you rarely come here, stay here with your mom for a few days and then go back, wait for your father to come Pick you up."

Xiao Yanyan watched Huo Yehong shake his head and frowned, "Grandpa Huo, I recognize the bed."

Huo Yehong still looked at Xiao Yanyan with a friendly look, "Yanyan, Grandpa believes that you will get used to it in a few days. Are you not used to staying at Uncle Ling's house?"

Sitting next to Xiao Yanyan, Li Xiaoman, who had always looked calm, heard Huo Yehong's words, and the bright water squinted. Huo Yehong could know that Yan Yan lived in Ling's family these days, and used the incident of making porcelain to disperse. Ling Dina's attention took away Yan Yan, it seems that he has been secretly investigating Yan Yan.

Xiao Yanyan looked at Huo Yehong and squinted, "Yeah! Grandpa Huo was right, because it was hard to get used to it, so he had to go to Uncle Ling's house."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan stood up.

"Yanyan, your dad won't come to pick you up. Grandpa won't let you and your mom go back."

"Oh!" Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and looked at Huo Yehong and asked, "Can I go around with Mommy?"

Huo Yehong looked at her kindly and smiled, "Of course."

Seeing him saying yes, Xiao Yanyan smiled and looked at Li Xiaoman, "Mommy, let's go around."

Li Xiaoman looked at Xiao Yanyan and nodded, and led her out of the restaurant.

Huo Yunene's gaze kept chasing the slender back she left, until she and Xiao Yanyan left his sight, and he did not withdraw his gaze.

Huo Yehong saw that he had been looking at the direction in which Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan left, and his face sank a bit, "Don't look at it, she and Si Hao have Yan Yan, you won't be yours if you look at her again ."

After hearing this, Huo Yunene glanced back, and his eyes lightly glanced at Huo Yehong, "I'm done."

When the words fell, he put down his chopsticks and left the restaurant.

After he left, Huo Yehong looked at the dishes on the long dining table that had not been touched at all. A pair of white eyebrows wrinkled tightly and sighed for a long time.

For the past five years, he has been sitting alone in a restaurant facing a table every day.

Every time, he couldn't help thinking of the fact that his son Huo Chenfeng was still there more than 20 years ago.

At that time, Huo Chenfeng and Long Yaxin were not divorced, and Long Sihao was only a few years old. The family sat together for dinner and were very warm and happy.

He has a filial son, filial daughter-in-law, and filial grandson, but now, besides money and fame, what else does he have...

He sat lonely at the long dining table. Is he really wrong?

Li Xiaoman took Xiao Yanyan away from the restaurant and was strolling in the garden of Huo's backyard.

The reason why they did not leave directly is because they knew that the black bodyguards guarding outside the gate had not been ordered by Huo Yehong and would not let her and Xiao Yanyan leave.

Xiao Yanyan kicked the pebbles on the cobblestone road in the garden, narrowed her eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman and asked, "Mommy, won't Dad come?"

Li Xiaoman looked down at Xiao Yanyan and nodded, "I told him not to come for a while, Yan Yan rest assured that Mommy will take you out."

Xiao Yanyan blinked her small eyes and smiled sweetly at Li Xiaoman, "I can go out without my mommy, I just don't want to go out now."

Li Xiaoman saw that Xiao Yanyan’s pink face was full of confidence, and she smiled with her lips, "Mommy knows you have a lot of ideas, but it needs to be useful."

Xiao Yanyan's pure star-like eyes shone with cunning light, "Mommy, for you, Grandpa Huo is not easy to deal with, because Mommy is an adult, Grandpa Huo will guard against Mommy, but I’m a kid, Grandpa Huo won’t guard against me, so I’m sure that Grandpa Huo is the best."

When the words fell, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Mommy, let me calm Grandpa Huo this time. Mommy is not allowed to help me or help me find a way. I will do it myself. I want to prove to Mommy that I am smart. "

Li Xiaoman smiled at her, reached out and gently touched her little head, "Baby, you are already very smart, you don't need to prove."

"That mommy agreed to let me go to that grandpa Huo?" Xiao Yanyan looked up at her dear mommy and asked.

Seeing Xiao Yanyan being so confident, Li Xiaoman looked at her with a smile and nodded, "Yanyan is so confident, Mommy certainly agrees."

——Xuan Xuan has something to say——

Babies, don’t worry, as the plot is promoted, the ones that will be exposed will be revealed, and the acquaintances will be recognized. Each plot is the key to revealing a truth. This plot of Huo Zhai will also reveal a truth, baby The long-awaited Lin Momo will also debut soon!


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