A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 485: Get drunk and take turns toasting

Lowry looked up at him, his eyes full of doubts, "He didn’t know how to contact me today, let me tell you, let you go back to France in a short time, and he said that Sophie is missing He hasn’t been able to find him for five years. I hope you can help him find it. He also said that if he finds Sophie, he will let you get married early. Then he can pass on the position of the heir of the Knox family to you and make you a Knock. The new leader of the Sri Lankan family."

After a pause, Lowry continued: "He gave you a one-month deadline so that you must find Sophie and marry her back to Marseille."

Long Sihao's eyes were slightly cold, and the lines on Junmei's face became cold. "Tell him, I am not interested in the heir of the Knox family, and I will never marry Sophie. Xiaoxiao and I are already legal couples. How about the things I asked you to investigate?"

"The two women who applied Ms. Li yesterday were injected with an anesthetic, and this anesthetic is like an anesthetic made exclusively by the Knox family. It can instantly make people unconscious and comatose, and the Knox family The self-made drug can instantly make you unconscious. As for the black man who said that the president wanted to hurt the wife of the president, there is no clue at the moment. I called the video of the wedding photo studio, but nothing was found."

Hearing Lowry say that the anesthetic is related to the Knox family, Long Sihao's deep eyes flashed a bit of violence, his eyes chilled a little, his thin lips curled into a firm arc, "Continue to check."

"Yes!" Lorry looked at Long Sihao's response, and then said, "The President, and that Miss Aisha's business has gone a bit."

As soon as he mentioned Long Yi, Long Sihaoying's handsome eyebrow frowned a little, and Shen Sheng asked, "What progress?"

Lowry bowed her head slightly, "I didn't find out who the eighteen-generation ancestor of Miss Aisha was, but it was found that Aisha was not her real name. She came to China a month ago, and she used them all these years. The pseudonym of Aisha, as for her real name, has not been found for the time being. The gynecologist who delivered the wife of the president’s wife five years ago immigrated to Malaysia as early as five years ago. Even the gynecologist The nurses who gave births to the President’s wife together don’t even know where to go now. President, I think this matter is not simple. Some people know that we will investigate these things, so they have long disappeared. I I feel that investigating this road will not work."

After listening to Lowry, Long Sihao's narrow eyes narrowed a bit. Who is it that wouldn't let him investigate this matter? Is it the mysterious person again?

His sharp gaze aimed at Lowry, as if to see him through, his gaze was extremely sharp, "Only this point has progressed."

Lori saw Long Sihao look displeased, he kept looking at him, he squinted for unknown reasons, "President, why are you looking at me like this? There is only this for the time being, President, it's late, I'll go back first Bye bye, President, don’t give me away."

When the words fell, he walked long legs and ran out of the hall quickly.

Long Sihao squinted in the direction he left after he left the hall.

Lowry has been with him for more than ten years. He believes in him, so the mysterious person is not him.

His shape is not like a mysterious person.


Yu Yan Building the next day

There are three men sitting in the luxurious private room, one of them is older, about 40 years old, and the other two are younger, about 26 or 7 years old.

These three people were the people whom Li Xiaoman asked Lowry to help her to make an appointment with.

After two days of rest, Li Xiaoman's state returned to before. The appearance and threat of the mysterious person when taking wedding photos did not scare her, but inspired her.

After receiving a call from Lowry in the villa this morning, she hurried to the Royal Banquet Hall.

Lori, who had long waited at the Royal Banquet Hall, arrived in Li Xiaoman, and then entered the private room with him.

The three men sitting in the luxurious private rooms saw Lowry come in with a gentle, charming and elegant woman, and all three stood up.

Although these three men switched to Huo Shi, they were polite to Lowry. Today, they will come to the Royal Banquet House and sell Lowry's face.

The older man looked at Li Xiaoman, then looked at Lori and asked, "Lot, this is..."

Lorry stepped forward with a smile, watching the three men in the private room introducing: "This is Miss Li. Today she is the one who invites you to dinner."

When the words fell, Lowry looked at Li Xiaoman and introduced one by one: "Miss Li, this is Director Yu, this is Xiao Xu, Xiao Feng."

After listening to Lowry's introduction, Li Xiaoman smiled gracefully, and extended his hand politely, "Director Yu, how are you."

Upon seeing this, Director Yu also reached out and shook hands with Li Xiaoman, "Miss Li, hello."

At this time, the three directors of Yu were very puzzled about the fact that Li Xiaoman invited them to dinner. Although the three people did not know Li Xiaoman, Li Xiaoman was interviewed by the reporter last time when he organized a reception in K City. , So she was naturally the designer of many was exposed by reporters.

The three directors of the same industry as the jewelry design industry naturally pay attention to the new talents in this industry, so although the three of them have not seen Li Xiaoman himself, they have seen it in newspapers and magazines and heard her name. .

When Lori saw Director Yu all looked at Li Xiaoman with curiosity and doubt, he said with a smile: "Director Yu, Xiao Xu, Xiao Feng, don't stand, sit first."

Three people heard this and sat down at the round table in the private room.

Lowry and Li Xiaoman then sat down.

The older Director Yu looked at the beautiful and moving Li Xiaoman and asked in doubt: "Miss Li, you asked us three to come..."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows lightly and looked at the three people sitting opposite with a gentle smile on the corner of his lips. "Director Yu, I have important things to tell you when I come to you. Good."

"Benefits for us?" Director Yu heard Li Xiaoman say this, and became more and more puzzled.

Li Xiaoman looked at him with a puzzled face and smiled softly, "Don't talk about this first, let's eat first, and then talk about it when we're full."

When the words were down, she asked the chef at Lowry's Yu Yan Lou to call and inform them that they were ready to serve.

During the serving, Li Xiaoman Qingli always maintained an elegant smile on her face, but she didn't say anything. It was Lori who was talking with Director Yu.

After the dishes were ready, Li Xiaoman toasted Director Yu first, then Xiao Xu and Xiao Feng.

After she finished the lap, Lowry picked up the wine and toasted them.

Lowry's tribute is three laps.

After Luo Ruijing finished sitting down, Li Xiaoman began to respect them after a few minutes, and the three people had some kindness but couldn't quit, so they drank down.

The two portraits of Li Xiaoman and Lowry deliberately wanted to intoxicate the three people on the opposite side, toasting in turn.


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