A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 498: Dabby, I'm busy recently

When Ling Hanye saw him and didn't want to say who his mummy was, he stopped asking more questions and led him directly upstairs.

"Allen, you stay in this room for the time being."

Ling Hanye went to the room where Xiao Yanyan lived some time ago.

There are various toys in the room.

Xiao Longyi glanced at the room and then looked up at Ling Hanye's polite thanks, "Thank you Uncle Ling."

Ling Hanye looked very polite, and at a young age, she was elegant and graceful, with a gentle smile on her lips and lips, "Allen, don't be polite, treat this place as your own home. Tell Uncle Ling if you need anything, You can also tell Aunt Ling."

"Well!" Xiao Longyi looked at Ling Hanye and nodded, and looked at the room again. When she saw the girls' toys in the room, the pattern of the whole room was pink. He slightly frowned at Jianjian.

When Ling Hanye saw him frowning in the room, he immediately realized that the room he had brought with him had lived in Xiaoyanyan. The room was filled with toys that girls liked, and it was pink. He should not like him as a boy .

Then he smiled and looked at him, "A little sister has lived here a while ago, and I will let people rearrange it."

Speaking of the little sister, Ling Hanye raised her eyebrows. Since he is the illegitimate child of Long Shao, then he is not Yanyan's brother.

Without much thought, he then asked the housemaid to rearrange the room.

For the next two days, Xiaolong Yi lived in Lingjia Villa, which was taken care of by Ling Hanye and Ling Dina.


Since Xiaolong Yi was away for two days, Aisha who wanted to use him to grab Long Sihao was naturally anxious.

"Did you find allen? Where did Si Hao take him? It's been two days." Aisha sat on the sofa, anxious.

Today, she doesn't use a high-simulation human skin mask to change her face, or wear a wig, or sunglasses, light brown eyes, and a Western face, it is Sophie.

Aisha is a pseudonym she used to hide her identity and changed her name to Aisha. She has another purpose in case she is found by her Daddy Knox.

So, Aisha is Sophie, Sophie is Aisha.

The mysterious man glanced at Sophie, who was not carefully dressed up as someone else today, and his voice was cold, "I have told you not to act rashly, you even find someone to frame him, you will only cause him to doubt, he will not be without reason When he brought allen to the Ling family, he must be wondering what he guessed, or what he guessed."

"Ling Family?" Sophie's light brown eyes narrowed slightly and looked at him in surprise. "You said Si Hao brought allen to Ling Family? Will Ling Hanye find anything? No, I have to find a way to get allen bring back."

When the words fell, she stood up, looking anxious.

Compared to her anxious, the mysterious person is a lot calmer than her, he looked at her gloomy, "I know why today, if you are not so impulsive to let Si Hao know of the existence of allen, you will not There are these things."

Sophie was furious when she saw that the mysterious man counted her every time, but because she had to use him to grab Long Sihao, she temporarily suppressed her anger.

She looked at him with regret, "I know it's my impulse, there won't be another time, you will soon find a way to take allen away from the Ling family."

The mysterious man glanced at her coldly, her voice cold, "Don't worry."

Sophie was in a hurry now, and the trump card in her hand was gone, and she was naturally anxious.

She looked up at the mysterious man and frowned, "How can I not worry? Without allen, how can I **** Si Hao from Li Xiaoman? How do I break him and Li Xiaoman?"

When the mysterious man saw Sophie raised Xiaolong Yi for five years, he was anxiously worried that Xiaolong Yi could not take Long Sihao away, and no mother showed any affection to a son. He stared at her and asked: "You don't have a mother-son feeling for him?"

"Love between mother and son" Sophie looked up at the mysterious person in surprise, and pointed at herself with a sarcasm, "You ask me if I have mother and son affection for that bitch's son? I hate Li Xiaoman hates to die, may I have a mother-son relationship with her son? I raised him so big, just to one day be able to use him to break up Si Hao and Li Xiaoman. So great."

Seeing that she had no affection for Xiaolong Yi, the mysterious man looked at her for a while, and then said in a cold voice: "I will find a way to take allen away from the Ling family. As for you, I have something else to do."

Sophie's light brown eyes looked at him suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

The mysterious person's lips and corners were overcast, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. "You have been missing for so long, it is also time for your dad and mom to know your whereabouts."

Sophie looked at him slightly surprised, "You mean to tell me to tell my daddy mommy, I'm in the domestic k-city?"

The mysterious man looked at her and nodded, with a cold tone, "If you want to dismantle Li Xiaoman and Long Sihao, you must have your father's mommy come forward, as long as you bite allen is you and Long Sihao's biological son, your father The mommy will surely dominate for you, and you know how powerful your dad is behind. If Long Sihao meets with your dad, he will be the loser, and your dad is kind to him, I think he doesn’t Will go all out to fight against your daddy."

Sophie thought it was a good idea, so she looked at the mysterious person and smiled very coldly, "Let my dad and mommy come forward, this is really a good idea, I will contact them now, then allen will ask you to put him Brought out from the Ling family."

"I will find a way for allen's affairs. This is the last chance I gave you. If you act rashly next time, I will not help you again."

The mysterious man stared at her somberly, and then got up to leave.

When Sophie saw it, he shouted at him again and asked doubtfully: "You have never told me why you should help me break up Li Xiaoman and Si Hao? Don't tell me, you like Li Xiaoman."

The mysterious man heard the words, coldly raised the corner of his lips, and a trace of vulgarity flashed at the bottom of his eyes.

"If that's the case, why would you help me?" Sophie continued to ask, but the mysterious man left without replying to her.

Sophie called her dad and mom immediately after he left and tried every means to persuade them to come to the city.

Cabo Cafe

Because Ling Hanye asked Long Sihao to let Li Xiaoman go to Lin Momo, Li Xiaoman today specially invited Lin Momo to the Canocabu cafe they once loved. of

Today happened to be Sunday, and Xiao Yanyan and Wei Yubin did not go to school.

By the window, Lin Momo and Wei Yubin sat on the side, and Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan sat opposite them.

Today, Li Xiaoman is wearing a light blue waist dress, with a short white slim suit outside, elegant temperament and dry, burgundy long curly hair shawl, no makeup on the beautiful face, and the skin is soft and smooth. The red light is all over the face, and at first glance it is moisturized.

The first sentence Lin Momo saw when she saw her was to ask the male **** if he had worked hard recently to see how it moisturized you.

Of course, because there are small pot friends, Lin Momo said this sentence close to Li Xiaoman's ear.

When Li Xiaoman heard this, he was naturally embarrassed and immediately blushed.

Lin Momo's dress style has changed a bit now, and she won't be as bold and wild as she was five years ago. This change of hers is undoubtedly related to Wei Yubin, a small potmate. She wants to be a good mother in front of him Wei Yubin thinks she is a very unscrupulous woman.

Today she is wearing a bohemian floral dress in white and pink stitching.

The skirt of the long skirt is very large, covering her feet naked, the upper body is white, the lower body is pink, her big brown wavy hair is half-tied and half-covered, and she still has no makeup, and the whole person looks elegant. Very attractive.

She first said a few words to Xiao Yanyan and then looked at Li Xiaoman sitting opposite her and asked, "Manman, how do you think of asking me to come out today? Today is Sunday, so don't take this opportunity to accompany me Your male **** husband?"

Lin Momo's words fell, and Xiao Yanyan's childish and sweet voice sounded: "Aunt Lin, my dad is more busy than these two days! They all came back very late. Today, on Sunday, dad went out early, I don’t know what Dad is more busy than.”


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