A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 501: "Capture the bag", Xiaoxiao kills the dragon

Xiao Yanyan grumbled her mouth unpleasantly, and don’t let her face go down, "Dad, can you lie to mommy if you are swollen, can you lie to me if you are swollen, and don’t play with my bastard? If you know that Dad hasn’t gone to the company than you, but come here to play with your illegitimate children, Mommy has a better heart! Why is Dad better than you? Do you want me and Mommy?"

Xiao Yanyan's eyes turned red when she said that she was better than her dad.

Seeing her red eyes, Long Sihao felt distressed, and felt ashamed of her and Li Xiaoman.

In fact, he went to the company today. It was Ling Hanye and Ling Dina who called him to accompany Xiao Longyi at the amusement park.

He will come. One is to compensate Xiaolong Yi. Although he is not 100% sure that Xiaolong Yi is the son of him and Xiaoxiao, the longer he spends time with him, the more he feels that he is the son of him and Xiaoxiao.

He found that Xiaolong Yi had many small movements like his Xiao Xiao.

Therefore, he came to accompany him to do his duty as a dad, he felt that he owed Xiaolong Yi too much.

Because he had no definitive evidence, he didn't tell Xiaoxiao about it. He wanted to tell Xiaoxiao after he had enough evidence to give Xiaoxiao a surprise.

The second reason is to let the mysterious person know that he loves Xiaolong Yi very much, so that the mysterious person and Sophie mistakenly think that he loves Xiaolong Yi because of Sophie's relationship.

He believed that the mysterious man had been watching in the dark.

He narrowly looked at Xiao Yanyan distressedly, and said softly, "Yanyan, you and your mom are my sweethearts, how can I not want you? Dad will explain to you today, Allen is not an illegitimate child of Dad."

After listening to Long Sihao, Xiao Yanyan still pouted her mouth.

Lowry came over and looked at her with a smile, "Yanyan is small, does anyone tell you that you look so cute when you pout."

Ling Hanye frowned at Xiao Yanyan, who frowned at her small eyebrow, and looked at Xiao Longyi, who remained silent, and stepped forward.

"Yanyan little potmate, your dad never lied to you and your mummy, he went to the company today! He was called by me and your little sister, and allen is not the illegitimate child of your dad, I promise ."

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes, looked up at Ling Hanye, and asked, "Uncle Ling, that brother is not an illegitimate child of Dad, what is that?"

Ling Hanye was about to reply, and Lowry's slightly panicked voice sounded.

"Oops! It's terrible. The wife of the president came over here. The president, take the small president withdraw quickly. If the wife of the president sees the small president of allen, if you accidentally want to be crooked, it's not good. I I don’t think it’s right now for Mrs. President and the little President to meet."

Long Sihao and Lori thought the same, he also felt that now is not the best time to meet Xiaolong Yi and his Xiaoxiao.

Ling Hanye heard the words and looked up in the direction that Lowry said. Sure enough, she saw Li Xiaoman coming, not only her, but Lin Momo and Wei Yubin.

His brown eyes narrowed slightly, a flash of displeasure flashed at the bottom of his eyes, and then looked at Ling Dina, "dinah, you go back with allen first."

"Why me? I still want to spend more time with Brother Si Hao." Ling Dina frowned. Although she said that in her mouth, she walked to Xiao Longyi's body and took his little hand. He smiled and looked at him, "allen, go back with sister Xiaona first."

Xiao Longyi nodded obediently, then politely greeted Long Sihao, Ling Hanye, Lowry, and Xiao Yanyan, and then left Ling Dina first.

Xiao Yanyan saw that Xiao Longyi followed Ling Dina and left, and she walked towards her mummy.


When Long Sihao saw this, Jun Mei frowned, immediately followed her, hugged her, and looked at her tenderly, "Still angry at Dad?"

Xiao Yanyan looked at him and shook her head, "It's not angry, it's very angry, I want to come down, dad is better than let me go down."

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and looked down at his little girl pushing with her small hand, "Yanyan, don't you want a centurion card?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yanyan stopped pushing him and pouted, "Dad threatens children."

Long Sihao looked at her, bent her lips and smiled, holding her and striding towards Li Xiaoman and Lin Momo.

The two of them have long seen Long Sihao.

Just now they saw that Xiao Yanyan said that she didn't come out for a long time in the bathroom. When they were going to the bathroom, Wei Yubin first saw Xiao Yanyan and pointed her finger. Then they came here.

Coincidentally, because Xiao Longyi was blocked by Ling Hanye, neither Li Xiaoman nor Lin Momo saw him.

Long Sihao walked with Xiao Yanyan to Li Xiaoman, narrow eyes narrowly looked at her, his eyes were tender and tender, "Xiao Xiao, why are you here?"

Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao behind him, then raised his eyebrows at him, and narrowed his eyes slightly, "I should ask you this, I am here to play with Yanyan, what are you doing here?" ?"

Her words fell, and Ling Hanye, who came next, put a hand on Long Sihao's shoulder, and looked at Li Xiaoman with a squinting smile, "Mrs. Long, don't you know me and Is there a love between Long Shao? We are here to experience childhood fun together."

Later, Lorry also put his hand on Long Sihao's shoulder and smiled at Li Xiaoman, "Mrs. President, believe me, we are here to play today, like Ling Shao said, experience the fun of childhood ."

Li Xiaoman looked at the three people with their shoulders and shoulders in front of him, but they did not smile, "Three of you men came to play in the children's amusement park.

Speaking of which, she narrowed her eyes a little, and her sharp eyes turned to Long Sihao, "Gui Caixin."

Long Sihao, who was almost killed by her sharp eyes, shivered, and the smile on Junmei's face was stiff, and he couldn't laugh.

The feeling of being almost "captured" is not so good! His wife's eyes are too sharp.

"Mrs. Long, the three of us are called childlike innocence." Ling Hanye looked at Li Xiaoman with a playful tone, and then looked at Lin Momo, with a smile on her beautiful face, "Miss Lin , How come alone with children? What about you man?"

Lin Momo didn't want to ignore Ling Hanye, she just looked at him coldly, and then looked at Li Xiaoman, "Manman, I've been out for a long time, and I should go back with Binbin."

Just as she took Wei Yubin and turned to go back, Ling Hanye's playful voice sounded behind her.

He squinted at her, his eyes refracted a cold light, his lips and lips curled up evilly, "Miss Lin, in the daytime, there are some things that are not convenient to do, your man does not need you to warm the bed, so eager to go back and do it what?"

Lin Momo, who listened to Ling Hanye's explicit words, burst into flames, she really wanted to turn around and gave him a slap, but she refrained, she didn't want to have a relationship with him again, so no matter how ugly he said, she All endured.


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