"Allen... um..."

Ling Dina was about to make a noise, and the fake maid put the gun head into her mouth.

He stared at her fiercely. "It's better not to say anything. If you startle other people, I will kill you immediately. How young are you, don't want to die like this."

Immediately after he got out of Xiaolong, he took Ling Dina and walked out of the room.

When he came out, he took another way to hold Ling Dina.

The gun in his hand touched her waist, and the other hand held her in one hand, as if it was strong enough to pinch her wrist.

When going downstairs, Ling Dina had been thinking of taking his gun to save herself while he was not paying attention.

But never found an opportunity.

The fake maid held Ling Dina, let Xiaolong Yi go outside the villa, and let him sit in the car parked not far from the villa.

He was holding Ling Dina and went to the car. Before Ling Dina reacted, she suddenly hit her stamina from the back with a gun handle. After she passed out, he let her go and immediately entered the car. Then start the car to leave.

After driving a distance, he suddenly stopped and pulled Xiaolong into the car forcibly, then pulled him into an alley and got into another car.

As soon as he sat in, he took off the maid's suit on his body and put on a long black trench coat. As for his face, he wore a high-simulation human skin mask, so just when Ling Dina faced him, she saw It is also a woman's face, not his original face.

"It's you." Xiaolong sitting in the back seat saw that the man who had just dressed as a maid turned out to be a mysterious person who was closely connected with his mum. His narrow eyes narrowed a trace of surprise.

The fake maid was a mysterious man. He glanced at Xiao Longyi with a cold eyes, and then started the car to leave.

And he went to Honghuayuan.

When Xiao Longyi saw him heading towards Honghuayuan, he knew he was going to take her back to Sophie.

His little sword eyebrow curled tightly, and did not want to go back to Honghuayuan with him, but he was unable to escape because of his small strength.

The mysterious man drove the car quickly along the way, and it didn't take long to reach Honghuayuan.

After stopping the car, he pulled Xiaolong Yi into the elevator and went directly to the 19th floor.

Sophie already knew that the mysterious person would help her go to Ling's home today to bring Xiaolong Yi back, so she stood at the door of the room and waited.

Seeing the mysterious man pull Xiaolong Yi out of the elevator, she immediately stepped forward.

"Allen, you are finally back, mommy misses you so much."

She walked straight to Xiao Longyi's body, crouched down and hugged him into her arms.

"Allen, where have you been these days? Mommy can't find you, don't you want mommy? You said you will never leave mommy, but you left mommy this time, mom Mimi cannot live without you, do you know?"

Sophie hugged Xiaolong Yi, and she missed him very much.

Xiaolong Yi, who was held by her, frowned lightly, her cherry-colored lips clenched tightly, and said nothing, but at his young age, the look on his small face was unclear, I didn’t know him. Thinking

If you don’t see Mummy in two days if you change to other children, you must be holding your own Mummy and thinking about Mummy, but he said nothing.

Sophie also noticed Xiao Longyi's indifference to her, she let go of her, light brown eyes looked at him tightly, and said with distressed words: "Look at you, it's only a few days before you are thin without Mommy's side Well, have you had breakfast today? Mommy will make it for you."

Xiao Longyi looked at Sophie, who had a much better attitude towards him than before, and said lightly, "I have eaten."

Seeing that he was still cold, Sophie suppressed the anger he wanted to teach him, and looked at him with a gentle smile, "just eat it."

Then she straightened up, looked up at the mysterious man, and smiled, "Thank you for bringing me allen back."

The mysterious person narrowed his eyes and looked at her coldly. "Less nonsense, don't want allen to be taken away by Long Sihao again, just leave here quickly."

"I'll clean it up right away." Sophie looked at the mysterious man, and then pulled Xiaolong Yi back into the room.

She simply tidied up and took Xiaolong Yi into the mysterious man's car again.

This time they went to the Yuehu villa area.

Five years ago, Sophie bought a villa in the Moon Lake villa area, and it was there that time.

The mysterious man sent them to the Moon Lake villa area and left, and Sophie took Xiaolong Yi into the villa she bought.

"Allen, we have stayed here temporarily for a few days, and I will take you upstairs to see."

Sophie's light brown eyes concealed the cold color in her heart when she looked at Xiaolong Yi. She gently pulled up his little hand and said softly, "Mommy takes you out again."

When the words fell, she took Xiaolong Yi just out of the hall and saw a helicopter just landed.

"Daddy, Mummy..."

Upon seeing this, Sophie was so happy that she let go of Xiao Longyi's hand.

The helicopter landed on the tarmac specially repaired in the villa. The maid Sara first came down from the top, followed by the famous lady Shen Shiwei who was wrapped in a brand name.

She received a phone call from Sophie a few days ago and came to K City again after Sophie's begging.


Sophie had not seen Shen Shiwei in five years. When she saw her at the moment, she was in tears and ran forward.

Xiao Longyi was standing on the spot, a pair of narrow eyes narrowly looked at the expensive lady who seemed expensive and high above.

Shen Shiwei naturally didn't see Sophie in five years. In the past five years, she couldn't find her, so she was worried and sad.

Seeing her at this moment, it is inevitable that I will not be excited.


Sophie walked to Shen Shiwei and cried and hugged her. Her light brown eyes were instantly wet, her voice crying, "Mommy, I miss you so much."

Shen Shiwei's watery eyes were also wet. She reached out and patted Sophie's back. She narrowed her eyes and looked at her coldly. She asked, "Sophie, where have you been in all these five years? Why?" He left without saying a word? Didn’t you know Mommy would worry about you?”

A few days ago, Sophie took the initiative to call her and asked her to come to K City, but she didn't make it clear where she had been in the past five years.

Shen Shiwei has been looking for her after she "missed" for no reason. She suddenly took the initiative to contact her and knew that she was in K City, and she came.

Sophie's eyes were filled with tears, and the light brown eyes crossed the color of guilt, choking: "Mommy, sorry, sorry, I will never leave you again, forgive me, don't be mad at me Okay? I won't worry you anymore."

Shen Shiwei loves Sophie very much. Even if she was angry that she disappeared for no reason for five years to the last few days, she did not take the initiative to contact her, but she did not have the heart to scold her too much. Kang's is more important than anything before her eyes.

Seeing her crying sad, she felt distressed for a while and reached out to wipe her tears for her, "Okay, how old are you to cry, Mommy forgive you, but you have to explain to Mommy clearly, you Where did these five years go? Why did you leave? Why not contact me and your father?"

Sophie listened to her mention of Daddy, and looked behind her. When she saw that there was no one other than the maid Sarah and the pilot, she got down from the helicopter. She lowered her head, her tears drowned, and her words were sad. Sobbing, "Mommy, Dad...Daddy... didn't come? He... didn't he come because he was angry with me?"

Seeing her crying again sadly, Shen Shiwei quickly comforted: "Your father didn't get angry because you didn't come. He couldn't come because of something. You can rest assured that he will come after a while. By the way, you are not He said on the phone that you have a son, what about people?"

Sophie heard this, smiled at Xiaolong Yi, and extended a hand to him, shouting softly, "allen, come here, come to mommy and grandma."

Shen Shiwei looked at her in the direction of her hand.

When her sharp eyes fell on Xiao Longyi's small face, which was very similar to Long Sihao, her watery eyes were filled with surprise, and the well-maintained face showed a shocked and unbelievable expression. , The whole person was stunned.

Sophie only told her on the phone that she was afraid to contact them because she had an unmarried child, and did not tell them that her son was Long Sihao, so at this moment she saw Xiao Longyi and Long Sihao very much The similar small face froze.

It took a long time for her to come back to look at Sophie, pointing at Xiao Longyi and asking, "Sophie, is he your son with Si Hao?"

Sophie stepped forward and took Xiaolongyi's little hand, then walked back to Shen Shiwei and watched her nod, "Well, mommy, allen is the son of Si Hao and me."

Wen Yan, Shen Shiwei looked at Xiao Longyi, who was silent, and looked at Sophie seriously, "How can you have Sihao's son? Sophie, you and Sihao, when are you..."

She originally wanted to ask when Sophie had been with Long Sihao, but in front of Xiao Longyi, she was also embarrassed to ask.

She temporarily suppressed the doubt in her heart, and her eyes fell on Xiao Longyi's young face again.

Not to mention whether he was born Sophie, but she only knew that he must be the son of Long Sihao by looking at his face.

She approached Xiao Longyi and bent down, with a gentle smile on her face, "Are you called allen?"

Xiao Longyi looked at her, although his appearance looked unattainable, but the smiling kind lady nodded politely and replied: "Well, my English name is allen and Chinese name is Long Yi."

Shen Shiwei saw that Xiao Longyi's temperament at a young age was good, and she was elegant and polite. She liked it at first glance, and even thought to her heart, whether he was born Sophie or not, she was happy to be his Grandma.

She looked at him with a smile and a gentle voice, and there was no lady's shelf at all, "allen can call me grandma if he doesn't mind."

Xiao Longyi looked up at Shen Shiwei. A smile appeared on the beautiful and handsome little face, blinking her narrow and narrow eyes, her lips lifted lightly, and called out, "Grandma."


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